Ratzon, 60, was indited Sunday on multiple charges including rape, sodomy, enslavement and sexual abuse within the family. Ratzon, who lived with 21"wives" and had 49 children was the leader of a cult for many years.
According to the prosecutor, the indictment describes a life "that will rattle the mind, the imagination and question human morality," the prosecutor said. The women lived in several squalid apartments in Tel Aviv and most of them had pictures of Ratzon's face and his name tattooed on their bodies
Goel Ratzon sits in a in a Tel Aviv courtroom , he's charged with enslavement , rape, incest and other sex offenses. The case has ascinated Israelis who have grown tired of newspaper headlines trumpeting Iran's quest for a nuclear bomb, Hezbollah's threats to attack Israel and the frozen Mideast peace process.According to the charges laid out in the indictment and published in the Israeli press, Ratzon kept his "wives" and children on a tight leash. There was a long list of rules and stiff penalties for breaking them.here are a few examples.(Note: 3.7 Israeli shekels = $1 US)
*No woman shall marry nor shall any woman attack another, either verbally or physically. Fine: 2,000 shekels, to be paid into the family kitty. No woman shall question another about her whereabouts. Fine: 100 shekels.No conversation is permitted in rooms other than the living room. It is forbidden to talk nonsense.Fine: 200 shekels.
*It's hard to understand how Ratzon's harem was able to last so long in Israel, a small country where everyone seems to know almost everyone else. Police said they knew about Ratzon but was unable to indict him until several women came forward.
* In a documentary shown on Israel TV last year , several of the women said they believed Ratzon was tge Messiah. His first name Goel means "redeemer." They say they felt privileged to live with him.
* "I'm perfect... I have everything a woman wants," Ratzon declared in the documentary.
*Neighbors told the Jerusalem Post they never heard any nioise or fightimg coming from the apartments. The women had jobs cleaning houses but were not allowed towork for men. They dressed conservatively, with the long skirts favored by the ultra-Orthodox.
* Ratzon, who has long white hair and piercing brown eyes, continues to insist he is innocent of all wrong doings and that the women consented to lived with him. He also said he is being threatened but would not say by whom.
* Police say he Preyed on young vulnerable women, often ones from broken families. In the documentary, Ratzon is shown asking one women if she wants to sleep with him that evening.
*"Yes," she says and hugs him.
* Media reports say Ratzon has hired a female lawyer.
My spin on Goel Ratzon and his brain-washing bull-shit: A twist on a lazy man getting women to care for him and gettin all the free sex he wants, or should I say, the women pay him to have sex with them in the name of religion. Isn't it odd in this day and time, a cult can always be started in the name of religion and people will follow....Remember Jim Jones , Phillip and Nancy Garrido just to name three(3) but the list goes on, it's sad that people will reach at anything to believe in....but hey, that's just me.
Kicking back and keeping it real.
Why do these cult guys all have piercing eyes? He lived many a man's dream. Unlimited sexual variety and being waited on hand and foot.Nice article.Enjoyed the others too.
ReplyDeleteJust an update on Brian.They performed emergency surgery on him yesterday.It was very touch and go. We were warned that his heart may not survive the trauma or that he might bleed to death.
They removed his right kidney with a tumor growing on it the size of a large grapefruit. The tumor was bleeding steadily and probably had been for a long time.There is a ninety percent chance it's malignant but we won't know until the biopsy is complete.Keep your fingers crossed for us.
He's a tough guy,my Brian, He survived the surgery and today his vital signs were still stable. We have hope.
Did I say this was our year?? Well it hasn't started out too well. I hope it improves dramatically in the next while.
Here's hoping you are keeping well and happy. Thankyou for your kind wishes and prayers....PIC
Dear Nan, thankyou for your prayer.It is much appreciated, and your kind wishes. I hope your mom is feeling better.
ReplyDeleteTake care of each other and be well...Your friend Jeannie.
Hey PIC...Don't forget to watch Women's hockey and cheer for Jayna Hefford.Of course when USA plays against Canada ,I wouldn't dream of asking you to pull for our team.
ReplyDeleteThink of me now and then PIC. I am so sad. How would I live without him?I don't think I can...Your friend and PIC.
ReplyDeleteI was so please to get the update on Brian and as you say he's a tough "GUY" and sweetie he has come over many a huddle and this one he will beat also.
You have our prayers and we pray conatantly for you, prayer and faith will see you through.
I know you feel so helpless not being able to do anything... but dear friend you have the power and the faith to kick this devil behind you.
Brian is a very strong man, and he will beat this bogus rap too.
His vital signs are good, that's a good thing... keep telling him how much you love him and he need to get well and come home because Maxy don't have a bed buddy.
Keep the faith for this is your year.
I know you are sad and wondering why me, because you have been through so much and it seems to never stop, but sweetie remember you are the glue that keeps it together.
Thankyou for the update...
I will be rooting for your cousin and hope they get the gold...
ReplyDeleteBlogger is acting a fool today,I have a post on drugs ,tried all evening, maybe I can get it to post soon, keep losing it.
Don't think about anything but your man getting well and coming home...and you need to get as much rest as you can, think God you have your kids and grands also Dale and Barb .
I am thinking and also praying for you and your "ROCK," It may be awhile but he will be coming in your cubby hole buck ass naked asking you some fool question and gettig him a little feel.
Give Brian a kiss for me and tell him I am waiting for him to go home so I can give him another recipe for "GATOR" stew. hahaha
ReplyDeleteI too think you for the update on Brian.
Think positive and God will take care of you and your soul mate.
It's hard to even think of losing your love one but as I have followed you and Nee talking about your men I have come to see what a fighter your man is.
Thanks for asking about my mom she is fine. When the snow melted we sent her to Reno.
So take care and didn't they tell you his vital signs was o.k.
Dear Jeannie he's almost there.
Nee says the main thing you will have to do when you get him home is to keep him from going to work to soon and just hang out with you.
I hope your mom is doing o.k./