After NBC dumped Conan O'Brian from his Tonight Show job and gave it back to Jay, Leno and Letterman traded on air potshots. Insiders say their war of words are even nastier in private.
Dave will never forgive Jay for elbowing him aside to take over for Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show in 1992. Letterman says thats what happen to Conan too, says a close source.
Jay will never forgive Dave for not conceding defeat with class. The funnymen have been using their respective programs, The Jay Leno Show and Late Night with david Letterman, to launch withering attacks against each other.
Letterman, 62, cracked that NBC was promoting a new show starring 46-year-old O'Brian - "Law & Order: Leno Victim's Unit. There are two types of talk show hosts. "Jay Leno and those who have been victimized by Jay Leno."
And Leno, 59, delivered his own low blow over Letterman's recent confession that he'd cheated on wife Regina Lasko with a stable of females staffers. Letterman has been hammering at me every night, Leno said on his now cancelled prime-time chat fest. "You know the best way to make Dave ignore you? Marry him!"
But their public digs are kind and gentle compared with the seething hatred they have for each other, says a source.
Dave privately says Jay's a glad-hander who'd push his grandmother under a train if it would benefit him, says a source. "Jay meanwhile , calls Dave a lightweight who never payed his dues in the comedy clubs like he did. Their loathing for each other has only intensified. Stay Tuned: the saga continues.
My spin on the old men: Their attacks on each other are not entertaining to their viewers. Most tune in to their shows, only to be bored to sleep, They both need to grow up.....Out of the two and their favorite toys, who comes out on top. Leno restoring old cars or Letterman boinking all his young staffers? Duh..I go with the first(Leno). Take a look at the photo above, don't it look like Letterman is puckering up to kiss Leno's backside and tell him he concedes the battle?
Kicking back and keeping it real:
ReplyDeleteI just dropped in to say howdy-doo.
Hope you had a great time today, I know you enjoyed looking and shopping with Jaye while Brian and Pete looked at decks and remodeling stuff.
Old Dave seems to be saying, put your musty butt up here and I will it a big Kiss.[giggles]
I have a post in drafts about the addict Amy winehouse.
Everything here is rather hectic with Sally in the hosiptal and sis telling Dan what's what. Sis is carrying him home with her..Oh well, she's the boss of the family and what she says goes.[giggles] Sis says she wished it was that easy. See you up the road.
Amy Winehouse looks like hell.At my worst, I never looked that bad.She's on the slippery slope to oblivion.The ones that do this are the ones with the most going for them.
ReplyDeleteI had a lovely saturday at the farmer's market.Imagine finding a guy who grows every kind of pepper right here. He is a Mexican. He doesn't grow the red ones though.
But he does grow the peppers in his green house and so they are fresh every week.So we put the peppers with the ginger and garlic and wrapped it in bread and Brian ate it. His eyes turned red and smoke came out of his ears and flames shot out of his nostrils and he yelped in pain as the pepper hit his throat, but he ate it.
We will wait and see what happens.
Sunday was fun at the home show. My Auntie Bubs came too. She is fun.We went out for a nice meal.It's nice to be with people you enjoy and can laugh with.
You know sometimes someone needs to be in charge and Sis is the one who should do it. She can get everyone organized.
It was nice to hear from you. I think I'll do a post about the peppers.
I put your post about Amy Winehouse up.You just had the picture up on the blog....Later...PIC
Post Script: I bought a 'Slap Chop'.You've seen them on TV. The Sham Wow guy sells them.I've been chopping stuff all evening.It's great...PIC
ReplyDeleteI got this one early...
ReplyDeleteYou get some rest.
NEE the choochie gal. hahaha