The Canadian Stroke Network and the Advanced Foods & Materials Network chose Gerber Graduates Lil' Entrees because the product line's Chicken & Pasta Wheel Pickups dinner contains 550 mg of sodium - more than half a toddler's adequate daily intake of 1,000 mg. The organizations say the amount of sodium in the prepared food is equivalent to that contained in two medium orders of McDonald's french fries. McDonald's Canada website says a medium order of fries contains 270 mg of sodium.Yet labelling on the Gerber Graduates meal says it is "appropriate for children one year or older" and is "specially made for toddlers." Two other Gerber meals for toddlers also received dishonourable mentions for high salt content.
"There is a concern that eating too much sodium in childhood can lead to a preference for salty foods and, consequently, an increased risk of disease as an adult," Dr. Kevin Willis, who leads efforts by the Canadian Stroke Network to raise awareness of the dangers of excessive sodium intake, said in a release.
A high-sodium diet increases blood pressure. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for stroke, heart and kidney disease, and dementia. Too much dietary salt has also been linked to osteoporosis, asthma, stomach cancer and obesity.
A spokesman for Nestle, which owns Gerber, said reducing sodium "to an acceptable level" in the brand's six toddler meals is a key priority.
"Current packages of Gerber 'Lil Entrees overstate the sodium level as they include the sodium contained in the brine (liquid) surrounding the vegetables, which is not consumed," Dr. Andrea Papamandjaris, head of Nestle's medical and scientific unit, said Tuesday in an emailed statement. "The package includes instructions to drain the brine before serving."
The brine accounts for 19 to 33 per cent of the sodium, depending on the recipe, said Papamandjaris, noting that new packaging showing sodium levels only for the consumed vegetables will be on store shelves in July.
Health Canada's Sodium Working Group, appointed in 2007, is developing a salt-reduction strategy for Canadians, which will include voluntary reductions of sodium in processed foods. But the Stroke and Advanced Foods networks say some industry officials have responded to calls for less sodium by saying such cuts are difficult because Canadians have a taste for salty foods. The two networks suggest that craving for salt is likely programmed early in life - in part by the food industry itself.
"One-year-olds do not demand salt in their food," said Dr. Charlene Elliott of the University of Calgary, who is studying the marketing of children's food.
Food companies are "totally playing into adult conceptions of a meal," said Elliott, adding that unfortunately "there is a presumed halo effect around baby and toddler foods because people expect these foods to be held to higher standards." And they trust the food companies, perhaps a little blindly and naively,to honor these standards.
Right after we said goodnight I consulted my notes and saw I had spelled it wrong to you.I took your advice and googled habaneros in Ontario and found a couple of sources.One fortuneately was at a farmers market in a little Mennonite (Amish)village close by. At this time of year, however, they don't have fresh peppers, obviously.
ReplyDeleteThe naturopath didn't have all the facts, They grow them in Jamaica of course but also in Mexico and Texas.And you were right, some Mexican restaraunts do use them.
There's little hope of getting fresh peppers at this time of year in Canada unless I can find someone growing them in a greenhouse.I will go to the farmer's market and talk to the pepper guy there anyway.
The peppers have to be really hot, at least 100,000 Scoville heat units.That's how they measure all peppers, by heat units.
Thankyou for the website addresses.I will look them up right away.
There are a lot of photos for you in drafts.
ReplyDeleteI told Jakey that Jill would like to marry him. He said" I don't know why she would want me."
I said"because you're nice looking and lovable and a great guy."
I also told him Sharon gets Sam.He thought that was hilarious.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the photos, I will get them when I log off.
There are a lot of sites if you just google habanero peppers.you may get lucky, but spring is not to far off.
Jill say she like Jakey's curls and his cute lips.
ReplyDeleteI just asked Jill again why she wanted Jakey and she said when he write his plays she would be his lawyer .
ReplyDeleteI ask Sha and she said Sammy will let her be the boss she like his big dimple. I am so glad I don't live on a farm, but sis told us there would be days like this.
ReplyDeleteI will try to find a grower in texas. I may be able to courier them up here from there.
ReplyDeleteJakey will need a good lawyer.He will have his finger in many pies.
ReplyDeleteThey will ship them to you by UPS or Fed-ex. They will get them to you.
ReplyDeleteAll the websites I have checked so far only have dried or powdered peppers or just the hot sauce.
ReplyDeleteDidn't we say this is our year?
ReplyDeleteFrom what I read they are the hottest peppers. 100,000 units is enough to burn anything away.
can you use the dried until you can get fresh?
ReplyDeleteMaybe I should just tie the peppers to his scrotum and avoid the heartburn.
ReplyDeleteThey have to be fresh but they could be frozen.
ReplyDeleteThe grower in Texas should have some fresh ones , because we get freah peppers in the market.
ReplyDeleteI think your produce man will put you on the right tract, maybe order enough to sell you, they like to please.
Do you think you have fresh habanero peppers in your market??
ReplyDeleteI have my eyes and ears open.
ReplyDeleteDon't you dare tie those peppers to Brian, he may just poke you.
The fool haven't heard of them, but he's going to check for me , I told him I needed them badly for a new gumbo recipe.HA!!
ReplyDeleteDon't put those things in dad's gumbo. If he passes gas he'll blast off to the moon.
ReplyDeleteWe have fresh jalapeno and cayenne peppers,so someone is growing fresh hebaneros.
ReplyDeleteI won't I just told the guy that, it wasn't his business what wanted with them.
ReplyDeleteCan you picture the look on dad's face when he took a mouthful of that gumbo.
ReplyDeleteThe recipe is slices of habanero layered between slices of ginger root ( that's probably to help the stomach)and smashed garlic buds. The whole mess is put between two slices of Ezekiel bread (very special high protein bread)and eaten like a sandwich.
ReplyDeleteOh yes I can, he'll say what the hell is this NEE? I wouldn't do that to him...he is a good baby sitter, he always ask Gilly is the family jewels on the right side and Gilly just laughs and say no, but he says no to everything.
ReplyDeleteboth ginger and garlic is good for you, I use a lot of both and onions.
ReplyDeleteBetween all of us we will find some,they might have to be shipped in, but we will get them.
After I found the sites...I knew we was close,I kinda smile amd said now here comes the hard part..
ReplyDeletegetting it in him.
When I told Brian what he had to eat he said maybe chemotherapy wouldn't be so bad.
ReplyDeleteAll babies say no.It's usually the second word they learn after mama.Of course your son learned to say 'shit' after he learned mama.My son learned to say 'God-damn it' when he was about 18 months, but it sounded more like 'got'em', so people didn't really know what he was saying.
I heard Chemo makes you so sick..I asked dad and he said it do make you sick but he's still here.
ReplyDeleteWonder where he learn got damn it from? [giggles] My girls didn't pick up the words, is it just the boys, I bet he was so cute saying it.
ReplyDeleteJill asked sis for a cookie when she was abour 3 and sis told her just a minute and Jill said I want a cookie now aunt shit.
If we get the stuff in him and it works, honey, I can't tell you how happy I would be.You and I would open a bottle of champagne.
ReplyDeleteI told Jaye about the peppers and she had no confidence in the idea at all, in fact she scoffed at it. But, I've been around a long time and I've seen some fantastic things and I've seen naturopathic and homeopathic remedies work when nothing else will,including the whole arsenal of drugs out out by the pharmaceutical companies.
Did you read about the cat who predicts death.I think maybe the chemistry of the sick person changes when they are dying.The cat can maybe smell it or taste it.
ReplyDeleteWe will still find the peppers, and let him make up his own mind.
ReplyDeleteTell him with chemo he may not be able to work the day he have it and see what he says.
I think boys are more prone to picking up cuss words don't you?? It may be part of their aggressive male character.
ReplyDeleteDid Sis wash her little mouth out with soap?...HA!
ReplyDeleteYes I read it and I believe it's true in some animals.
ReplyDeleteYou told me about when you was feeling sick and in bed Maxy brought you a toy and laid down beside you and put his paw on your hand.
My neighbor Karen had double breast cancer last year.She is a teacher. The first few days after her chemo( she had the extreme kind of chemo)she was so ill she couldn't eat or hold her head up and the nausea was terrible. Aweek after chemo she would start to feel better,just in time for the next session.She went into seclusion. I didn't even see her for nine months.She lost about a hundred pounds and we didn't think her hair would grow back.
ReplyDeleteShe is in remission now and her hair grew back only thinner and finer.
I have seen and heard about a lot of strange things hapening to people good and bad,but miracle do happen...you just need to believe and have faith. If you didn't look into this and it could help and you did nothing you would never like yourself again.
ReplyDeleteI believe herbs and roots, the older people made medicinefrom roots, etc.Sweetie you will have to go with your gut feeling.
Sis ignored her, she say she was trying to say sis and not to make a big deal out of it that way she wouldn't know she said a bad word.
ReplyDeleteMaxy does the same thing for Brian.He often doesn't feel well and Maxy won't leave him.
ReplyDeleteWhen I have a kidney infection I think I think toxins come out of my skin and Maxy will lick the palms of my hands for hours.
They train dogs now to sniff out cancer in people.
Brian emailed me an interesting article today.Of course it involves cars but it is a human interest story and fascinating.He thought we might like it.
ReplyDeleteI put a picture of Brian,drunk and dancing by himself at a wedding in with your pictures...HA!
Sweetie, I know "B" has so many battle scars and you want to make it as easy for him as possible.
ReplyDeleteI admire you , you are not a quitter and won't give up.
Way to go...tell that devil be gone and get behind you satan.
Why do they like to dance when they are drunk.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you need to get him drunk and he will take up ballroom dancing when he beat the shit out this devil.
My friend thought Jill looked like me at that age so I put a picture of me with Jill.I have colored pictures of me somewhere, but I just grabbed the first one I could find.I know our coloring is identical. it's in drafts under Pictures for Nee 1.
ReplyDeletePut up Brian's article, we need a man's point of view. I like cars.
ReplyDeleteI was able to get my man to write once about what is beauty.
Nan thinks Jill looks like you to.
ReplyDeleteShe's dark and has curly hair.
Her hair was just growing back, she gave herself a hair cut right down the middle of her head, I cried for 2/3 days she was very proud of her handy work.
Jill get Jakey and she will fit right in with your family.
I can't believe they would put so much salt in baby food.It's a whopping amount. We automatically trust the manufacturers of baby food. I guess that's naive,we shouldn't trust anyone any more.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh Nee, you must have been upset about the hair.They usually cut their brother or sister's hair or shave the cat.
ReplyDeleteJill don't like dresses,just pants, I can get Sha to wear dresses, but Jill it's like pulling teeth .
ReplyDeleteMy babies never had baby food, just cereal, I have some small blenders and they ate what I cooked, I taken theirs out before seasoning the food. I started practicing on Sha.
ReplyDeleteHer hair had grown back when she made that picture.
Jill has her own style. She reminds me of Kimberly, my grand-daughter, Kim would only wear black clothes (she was about six).They were hard to find for that age group.She was so stubborn about it.She hated pink.
ReplyDeleteWe found out later that she was emulating me. I wear a lot of black.
Sha looks like a very feminine little girl, very sweet.
ReplyDeleteWe are feeding our kids the wrong kind on foods, thats why they are so out of shape, I watch the salt, sugars and starchy foods and feed them a lot of veggies and fruits.
ReplyDeleteLooks can fool you, they both is hell on wheels. Sha is not as dark but when people see all of us out together people don't know she's not ours.
ReplyDeleteHow old is Kim? I bet she's a sweetie.
ReplyDeleteI know you're feeding your kids right .They are glowing with good health.
ReplyDeleteLooks are deceiving.Sha looks as sweet as an angel...HA!
Are you going to put Brian's article up?I hope so. I hated George Clooney as Batman, it made no sense.
ReplyDeleteThankyou for your help Nee.We're going through a bit of a rough time what with Nana getting so weak and now this cancer thing but we'll get through.When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
ReplyDeleteI feel confident this pepper thing has merit.It will work, 'dammit'.
Brian's not scared.he's still cracking a joke a minute.
ReplyDeleteI have to find that picture again of Brian with the muttonchops and big stache. I'll put it on the blog and do a post about the eighties.We were so young and had so much hair.
What did you look like in the eighties?? Cute huh??
ReplyDeleteSo, Cutie,I promised Jakey I'd try and be in his dreams tonight.I'd better get busy.I wish you a peaceful night.Maybe I'll make a visit to your dreams too, telling you to get up and find me some fucking peppers....HA!
Have a good one...sweet dreams...PIC
Post Script: I'll try and put Brian's post up tonight.It will be hard because it came with eighteen pictures.
ReplyDeleteVisit me in my dreams, I love it.
ReplyDeleteBrian is going to be fine.
You have to try all sorts of things, I'm with you 100%
Nan has to help me get my pictures out of draft, I call her and she will be here early in the morning.
So have a great night and tell Brian to tell you a joke for me.
Goodnite and may all your dreams be sweet one........PIC
Post Script:
ReplyDeleteMaybe you need to put it in 2 or 3 parts but all at one time if that's easy than putting them all together......PIC