Sunday, February 28, 2010
Marie Osmond's Son Dies in Los Angeles

Marie Osmond's 18-year-old son Michael Blosil has died. The entertainer made a public statement on Saturday through her publicist. She said her family is devastated by the "tragic loss." She did not provide details on the death. Entertainment Tonight reported on its Web site that Blosil jumped to his death Friday night from a downtown Los Angeles apartment building.
Officers responded to an apparent suicide jump in the area, but the victim was not identified Saturday, Los Angeles Police Officer Gregory Baek said.
Officers responded to an apparent suicide jump in the area, but the victim was not identified Saturday, Los Angeles Police Officer Gregory Baek said.
"My family and I are devastated and in deep shock by the tragic loss of our dear Michael and ask that everyone respect our privacy during this difficult time," Osmond said in the statement.
Blosil reportedly left a note which referred to a lifelong battle with depression. In 2007, Osmond said Michael was treated at a rehabilitation facility, but she didn't disclose the nature of his problem. Donny Osmond, Blosil's uncle, told Entertainment Tonight: "Please pray for my sister and her family."
Michael is one of Osmond's five adopted children. She also has three other children from two marriages. She divorced Brian Blosil in 2007 after two decades of marriage. She and her first husband Stephen Craig divorced in 1985.
There is nothing worse in this world and I do mean nothing, than losing a child, no matter what age they are. It is so senseless and a suicide causes a lot of guilt and carries with it a sense of responsibility; along with feelings of failure to make your child secure and happy. I feel for this lady and her family.
Susan Boyle: Needs 24 Hour Care "Family Claims"

Boyle's older brother John claims the singer "needs 24-hour care."
Boyle's close friend, Lorraine Campbell, admits the "Britian's Got Talent" star sometime visirts her late at night. She knows she can come up to me anytime, Campbell said. If she's upset,she'll stay the night. Security would bring her to my house. I take her home in the morning. Susan stayed with me a week ago, night-time is a lonely thime for her.
Boyle shoot to fame during an audition on "Britian's Got Talent." She shocked audiences with a beautiful rendition of "I Dreamed A Dream." Once the video clip hit YouTube, she saiiled through to the finals.
Last month, Boyle returned home to an unexpected houseguest, the BBC reported. The intruder made for it when Boyle arrived at her Blackburn home, and still haven't been identified by police.
Boyle was very distressed to find someone had been within her home and we are keen to speak to anyone who can assist with our investigations, police said.
But Boyle claimed she was doing well. I'm fine, she said. It's in the hands of the police now.
According to reports, Boyle,48 - who lived with her mother until she died in 2007 - has installed 24-hour security outside her home.
My take on Susan: Hope her family and friends keep a lookout for her and PIC and I wish her well...........indeed she has a golden voice.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Medical Myths Busted

Apparently some health-related myths are so prevalent that even many doctors believe them to be true. Here are 7 popular medical myths that are either unsupported by evidence or simply untrue.
The myth: You should drink at least 8 glasses of water each per day.
The fact: While references from 1945 suggest staying hydrated in this way, the authors say this recommendation is completely unsupported by evidence. Studies suggest that adequate fluid intake is usually met through typical daily consumption of juice, milk, and even caffeinated drinks. (In fact, drinking excess amounts of water can be dangerous, researchers say, resulting in water intoxication, hyponatraemia, and even death.)
The myth: We use only about 10 per cent of our brains.
The fact: This myth has persisted for over a century, despite dramatic advances in neuroscience. MRI scans and other imaging studies show no dormant areas of the brain, and even viewing individual neurons or cells reveals no completely inactive or silent areas, the report says. It is thought this myth started as early as 1907, by people advocating 'the power of self improvement' and tapping into a person's unrealized potential. (Some sources attribute this claim to Albert Einstein, but no such reference or statement by Einstein has ever been recorded, the authors say.)
The myth: Reading in dim light ruins your eyesight.
The fact:While dim light can certainly cause eye strain - as well as uncomfortable side effects such as dryness and difficulty focusing -- there is no evidence it causes permanent eye damage. Instead, symptoms of eye strain generally subside after resting.
The myth: Hair and fingernails continue to grow after death.
The fact: This myth does have a basis in a biological phenomenon that can occur after death: dehydration of a deceased body can cause the skin around the hair or nails to retract. This contrast can create an appearance of increased length, but the actual growth of hair and nails requires a complex hormonal regulation not sustained after death, the authors say.
The myth: Eating turkey makes you sleepy.
The fact: While turkey does contain tryptophan - which scientific evidence shows can cause drowsiness - it doesn't contain any more of it than beef or chicken. And, in fact, other sources of protein, such as pork or cheese, contain more tryptophan per gram than turkey. So why does turkey get such a bad rap? Because it is often the star of a huge holiday feast, researchers say, and is accompanied by stuffing, vegetables, desserts and wine, all of which can make you feel sleepy.
The myth: Shaving causes your hair to grow back faster, darker or thicker.
The fact: As far back as 1928, a clinical trial showed that shaving had no effect on the thickness or rate of hair growth. (And more recent studies have confirmed these findings.) But because shaved hair is blunt, and doesn't have the finer taper at the ends, it can look to be coarser. New hair can also appear darker, but this can be because it hasn't yet been bleached by the sun.
The myth: Mobile phones are dangerous in hospitals.
The fact: Following reports of suspected electromagnetic interference with medical devices, hospitals widely banned cell phone use. The study authors, however, found no evidence of death caused by use of cell phones in hospitals. While less serious incidents, including false alarms or incorrect reading on monitors, have occasionally been reported, subsequent studies (at both the Mayo Clinic and in Europe) indicate little or no interference. And a large survey of doctors suggests that use of mobile phones reduces risk of medical error or injury resulting from delays in communication.
Bonus myth: There is only one Christmas cake. It has been re-gifted one hundred million times.
The fact: This is the absolute truth. The cake is presently residing in a Christmas tin on my pantry shelf. I couldn't think of anyone else to give it to. What happens to it now?? Do I have to keep it?? Please, Nooooo !! Is this myth health related?? Sure. Have you ever eaten Christmas cake??
Sketch by Raphael Found in Drawer

The unsigned drawing, Head Of A Child, was recognized by a Sotheby's expert as she looked through the folder of sketches. The sketch is expected to fetch up to £70,000 when it is auctioned. The drawing, which dates back to about 1505, is Raphael's first sketch to be auctioned in seven years.
A Sotheby's spokeswoman said the family who own the house may have bought it as collectors as far back as the 19th Century. It was spotted by Cristiana Romalli, an expert in Old Masters who said she immediately recognized it as a Raphael.
She said: "It was beautifully executed, and the combination of stylus and red chalk spoke to me immediately of Raphael. "I was astonished. I could hardly believe that a work by so major an artist could really be here, so unexpected, and with no indication whatsoever of any previous attribution." She said the sketch was drawn between the Early and High Renaissance periods.
It is still possible to find treasures in this jaded old world. Imagine the thrill of finding a five hundred year old drawing by a brilliant master painter. Why can't I find a Rembrandt in my attic? Is that asking too much??
Friday, February 26, 2010
'Giant George:' Newly Crowned World's Tallest Dog

At 43 inches tall, Giant George , as Nasser likes to call him, is the tallest dog recorded by Guiness World Records. He's already appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show and has over 21,000 fans from all over the world on his Facebook page. It's been amazing, says Nasser. Fans have written in from the United Kingdom, Germany, Korea and South America. The sable-colored Great Dane weighs a whopping 245 pounds and measures seven feet and three inches from tip of his nose to the end of his tail. - though he doesn't raise up on his hind les, he's too big for that. When George is standing on all fours and lifts his head, the tip of his snout measures 55 inches , or more off the ground, Nasser tells Paw Nation. You have to be careful, nothing is off limits to him.
As a puppy, George had huge paws and already weighed 17 pounds at seven weeks of age. He looked like a thick ball of fire, he was so pudgy and cute, says Nasser. George quickly outgrew his crate.He used to see in a king-size bed with Nasser and his wife, until the arrival of the couple's infant daughter. The massive dog now sleeps on a queen-sized mattress at the foot of the couples bed. We had no idea he would get this big, says nasser. He weighs 100 pounds more than a regular Great Dane. Not surprisingly, George has a fondness for food. The first thing he does when he wakes u is eat; it's the first thing on his mind, then he goes outside to use the bathroom.George goes through 110 pounds of dry dog food each month, but "that's actually not that much, says nasser. Like many of us, George is forced to watch his weight. He used to eat a lot more, but he's on a diet right now because he's getting a little heavy. At 245 pounds, it would be better if we could take about 10 pounds off him. For more of the day, George naps and keeps an eye on the house, he's a good watchdog, says Nasser. But come evening, George gets a burst of energy and need to be walked or taken to the dog park.
What's it like going out in public with such a colossal canine? "It's a hoot," says Nasser. "You hear comments" such as "get a saddle' for that thing, or that's a horse, not a dog, and "wow" that's the biggest dog I've ever seen; You literally hear it ever time you go out.
George is an especially big hit with the kids. At the dog park, there are kids that come just to meet his, says Nasser. George is great with kids. They'll hang on him and pull his ear or his tail and he doesn't mind at all.
My take on Giant George: I think his size says it all and the Nassers don't have to worry about someone breaking in...long live King Giant George.He's the cat's meow don't you think?
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Where Are They Now?: "Stars Of Color Purple"

Featuring an array of new talent, including Whoopi Goldberg, Oprah Winfrey and Akosua Busia, as well as veterans Danny Glover, Laurence Fishborne and Margaret Avery, The film was nominated for eleven(11) Academy Awards, including bestpicture, best actress, including best actress for Whoopi Goldberg and best supporting actress for both Avery and Winfrey. It did not win any.
The film follows the life of Celie Johnson (played by Whoopi Goldberg), a young black girl growing up in the early 1900s. The first time we see Celie, she is 14 and pregnant by her father. We stay with her for the next 30 years of her tough life.
Twenty-five years after the film debuted in theaters, Black Voices wanted to take a look at some of the actors who stared in this film and whats happened in their lifes since making the cinematic masterpiece.
My spin on this movie:I read the book and when the movie was produced , it was a must see, I enjoyed it tremendous .They all have went on to make a name for themselves: Danny Glover is still active in film and is a director and still acting in movies: Whoopi Goldberg is co-host on the "View" and has made many a movie and TV shows: Oprah winfrey what can we say went on to have the most watch show in the world, the "Oprah Winfrey Show." Laurence Fishburne starred in many movies and TV shows, he is co-starring in CSI:Miami Las Vegas . Isn't it great to see some people with high profiles with a sense of high moral standards and don't air all their dirty linen for the world to see: We're not saying they are perfect, but most is not making negative news all the time. Stay tuned: the saga continues.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Whitney Houston's Train Wrecks In Australia "WTF"

"She couldn't entertain a dead rat," one concert-goer told the press outside the show. Yikes.
Monday's performance at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre was the first of several Australian stops on Houston's comeback "Nothing But Love" tour. It was an ominious Down Under rebirth for an R&B queen frequently dogged by rumors of health and drug problems.
Today, concert promoter, Andrew McManus took to defending the star against the many ticket purchasers calling for a refund.
It was not a train wreck, McManus told Agence France-Presse of Houston's performance . Houston was hitting most of the notes; yes, her throat was a little croaky. Her health is fine, but she's also not 22 years of age anymore.
The promoter's comments are of little consolation to those who paid up to $200 for seats. One fan tells Brisbane's Courier-Mail, I have e-mailed the fellow down in Melbourne to get our money back but I don't think we will get it.
"We saw Liza Minnelli and she was marvelous ," the fan continued. "but this one just walked all over the stage going: Um, I got to go and have a drink."
According to oncert reviews cited by the AFP, Houston appeared to concert reviews cited by the AFP, houston appeared disoriented during the show, relied heavily on upon backup singers, and struggled to remember the names of her bandmates.
This show was like watching a slow and painfully death of a living legend, a Courier-mail reader wrote in.
McManus saw it differently. If you[fans] expected to hear Whitney of 20 years ago, go buy a CD. Maybe the guy got a point.
My take on this crap: The fans should get a refund, $200 a seat, They expected to get more. Wouldn't you? McManus is full of himself, he's hoping to get paid before it go up in smoke or's tough being an addict of any
kind if you don't change your habits and do things different from what got you there in the first place. Stay tuned: The Whitney saga continues.
Plastic Debris Fouls Atlantic Ocean

She announced the findings of a two-decade-long study at the Ocean Sciences Meeting in Portland, US. The work is the conclusion of the longest and most extensive record of plastic marine debris in any ocean basin. Scientists and students from the SEA collected plastic and marine debris in fine mesh nets that were towed behind a research vessel.
"We know that many marine organisms are consuming these plastics and we know this has a bad effect on seabirds in particular."
The nets dragged along were half-in and half-out of the water, picking up debris and small marine organisms from the sea surface. The researchers carried out 6,100 tows in areas of the Caribbean and the North Atlantic - off the coast of the US. More than half of these expeditions revealed floating pieces of plastic on the water surface. These were pieces of low-density plastic that are used to make many consumer products, including plastic bags. Dr Lavender Law said that the pieces of plastic she and her team picked up in the nets were generally very small - up to 1cm across.
"We found a region fairly far north in the Atlantic Ocean where this debris appears to be concentrated and remains over long periods of time," she explained. "More than 80% of the plastic pieces we collected in the tows were found between 22 and 38 degrees north. So we have a latitude for [where this] rubbish seems to accumulate," she said.
Forget the shells kids. Now you can collect used condoms and peices of syringes when you go for a day at the beach. As for you deep sea fishermen, why you can catch as many old garbage bags and disposable diapers as you can eat. Life is good.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Shocking: Is Kultida Woods Upset, Angry ?

She was extraordinarily tense. I'd say it was anger, said Patti Wood, an Atlanta based body language specialist. Her mouth was downward and pursed very tight , like, she was holding back very negative emotions. Kultida Woods was furious. I think she was mad at everything, added Beverly Hills based communications expert Lillian Glass. Kultida not only closed herself off with arms, but she was digging her fingers into her body. Even when Tiger finished and approached her, she didn't look at him at first.You didn't have to be Cal Lightman to piece together that Tiger's mon wasn't thrilled to be spending her Friday morning listening to her son recount to the world every mistake he's made in his life. Following Tiger's remarks, Kultida told the media that she's "so proud to be his mother " and " people don't understand that Tiger has a very good heart and soul.
But here's the thing: If the National Enquirer hadn't decided to run the original report of Woods infidelities when they did, Elin wouldn't have confronted her husband on thanksgiving night, and he wouldn't have crashed his escalade into a tree leading to all this crap.
We held an editorial conference about about the story,[ Enquirer executive editor Barry Levine] told ESPN. Our senior editors and our lawyers said. You know what? This story is going nowhere. Let's give it another week. Let's continue to report it for another week. The irony is that had we published the story the week before, the infamous car accident might neve have happen because Tiger would have been in Dubai and his wife might have challenged him on the story but it might have been done by phone.
So there might not have been this explosive argument that occurred late on the night of Thanksgiving. That's fascinating in the sense that if the car accident never happened the mainstream media might not have jumped on the story the way they did and the real details of the scandal and all these women may not have surfaced. And Tiger would be playing golf now instead of holding contrived press conferences to talk about his personal life. In the short term, that would be better for the PGA tour, the other players, the fans, and, well, everybody but Woods and his family.
My spin on the Tiger saga: Elin if you take the sex addict back you need to get him checked from top to bottom. How many women? About 19/20 last count, listen up girl, you will be f**king everyone they went with. It's a shame some women don't really care about who they are hurting , just the money and their 15 minutes of fame. But hey, that's just me..
Monday, February 22, 2010
"Family Of Four Mysteriously Vanished"

Homicide investagators with the San Diego County Sheriff's Department are searching for clues about the missing : Joseph Mcstay,40, his wife, Summer , 43, and their 2 children Gianni and Joseph. The sheriff's department said in a statement that the McStays have not been seen or heard from family members or business contacts in their Fallbrook community sice Feb.4. Four days later, their car was towed as an abandoned vehicle from a parking lot in San Ysidro, two blocks from the maxican border, according to published reports,
Michael McStay told the Times that three days earlier, one of his brother's co-workers said it had been days since he heard from Joseph, who owns a fountain and garden business called Earth Inspired Products.When Michael McStay found his brother's home empty on Feb.13 and again on the 15th, he contacted authorities.
Evidence at the family home suggested that the family had not left on a planned vacation and that the totality of the circumstances surrounding their disappearance was guite out of character for this family, sheriff Lt. Dennis told Ktla-TV. perhaps most notably, the family's two dogs, Bear and Baby Bear, a puppy, were left uncared for in the backyard. The dogs were left outside without food or water, they would never have left the dogs outside without telling their friends, Diane Cirignani, a family friend said.
the Family's sudden disappearance has prompted much speculation, including Joseph may have had business ties in Mexico, or the couple , who marriage in 2007 was experiencing marital problems problems. Cirgnani denies those charges, saying she does not believe the McStays skipped town voluntarily. We just want everyone to know how good a family this is, she told AOLNews, there was no domestic issues or anything else.A search of the McStays home and cars on Friday revealed no evidence of struggle or foul play, no ransom or other notes were discovered, according to the North County Times, which said the sheriff's department planned to search the couple's bank and cell phone records, as well as work with federal offcials to review video surveillance of border crossings, authorities also planned to check Mexican hospitals, jails amd morgues.
The mStays were not a family who planned to abandon their Southern California roots, according to Cirgnani's interview with the Orange County Register. She said the McStays , who grew up in Orange County and had worked in San Clemente for several years, had plans. Summer, a licensed real estate agent , was preparing to get back into the business. Joseph was excited about a large order of commerocal fountains. They also had a housewarming party in the works. I don't understand what happened, a McStay family friend told KTLA at a local prayer vigil, I just want them to be back home.
**Michael McStay, who has acted as a family spokesperson, said he would be establishing a "Web Site and reward fund for his missing family members.
My spin on the family: It's alway a horrible situation when something awful happens and you have no control over lets hope this family returns to their family and friends . Be on the lookout for them and we will post their Web site as soon as it become available.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
A&E Renews " Lawman " For Second Season

The network has renewed the docudrama Steven Seagal: Lawman foe a 16-episode second season, three more episodes than the initial outing. According to the Hollywood reporter.
The program will again feature the real-life deputy and his Sheriffs Office colleagues protecting the people of Jefferson Parish in New Orleans , Louisiana. This time the production filmed during Mardi Gras.No word yet on weather his martial-arts skills helped keep the peace during the revelry.
Season 1, which ended February 1o, drew an average 2.1 million viewers (1.3 million adults 18-49) - the best freshman rating in total viewers for an A&E original series; and its series premiere December 2 was the network's best original-program opener ever.
Seagal, a Reserve Deputy Chief in the department, lives in Louisiana several months a year. He likes to mix his law enforcement duties with zen-master musing, advising fellow officers last season to Be one with the bullet.
My spin on my guy Steven: You keep pumping it out and I will keep watching as with every one else I know. Sweetie if you ever up this way stop by, I make a mean gumbo and gator stew.....and I will fix your favorite...pork chop sandwich without the pickles....
Kicking back and keeping it real.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Tiger Speaks; Time To Move On

Woods statement included apologies to the right people: wife, children, mom, other parents who had pointed out Tiger as a role midel to their children, his charitable foundation that depends on his sucess to help out disadvantaged kids. There was even a bow to Buddhism, that he forgot the teaching not to follow every impulse or to indulge cravings"outside ourselves."
Because the public statement was mostly about the rehabilition of "Tiger Inc.," Woods apologized to his business partners for jeopardizing their livelihoods, and to pro golf, which rises and falls on the proximity of Woods to PGA touraments. Otherwise, this marital train wreck that was created by infidelity of mind-boggling proportions should have been between Tiger and his family and not ncluded a television audience. For his wife and children, sympathy is warranted. For Woods , we hope he succeeds in his avowed pursuit of a change life. Of course actions, not prepared remarks , will be the only proof for those around him. For ourselves we're OK without knowing.
Instead, whenever Woods next steps onto a tournament tee box, we will again appreciate the skill and, ironically, the discipline he brings to his sport. He hasn't before, nor will he ever "sell" us a Buick or Gillette razor because of his celebrity; but people will be interested in what brand of irons this golfing icon uses,
My spin on the Tiger crap: Tiger gone public. That was an interesting Friday break between the Olympic skating and what the Fed will do with interest rates. now back to the weekend and and what's really important: The Olympics and the real World...........Just an after thought, wondering what they will name it next when a man far we have mid-life crisis now sex addiction. What next, enquirering minds wants to know, it keeps getting better.
Kicking back having fun and keeping it real.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Betty White''s Two Passions: Comedy and Animals

White who has been an actress for more than 60 years, has as much passion for animals as she has for show business and divides her tim equally between the two worlds. For decades, she has worked with Morris Animal Foundation to promote animal health and welfare, sponsoring more than 30 animal health studies that have led to groundbreaking research that have improvrd the lives of dogs, cats and horses.On february 15 in Las Vegas, Nev. the Morris Animal Foundation honored White for her commitment to helping animals enjoy longer and healthier lives. P&G Pet care, who sponsored the luncheon, made a $10,000 donation in White's name to the American Veterinary Medical Foundation. Afterwards, White spoke with " Paw Nation about her career, her much beloved dog Pontiac, and how deeply honored she felt to be recognized for her work with aminals.....lets see what Ms. White said.
Q: Should I call you Betty or Ms. White?
A: Oh,Betty. That's so much easier.
Q: How long have you worked with the Morris Animal Foundation?
A: I've worked with them for 43 years and they made me a wonderful luncheon today and honoring me and, well, I lost it. Ijust lost it. I was so touched.
Q:You recently won a Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Lifetime Achievement Award and gave a very funny speech. Is it possible to compare that award to the honor you've received today for your animal work?
A: Well, I am so lucky. My life is divided in absolutely equal halves. half show business and half animal work, which are two things I love the most,so that's pretty good stuff, you can't get better than that,I could handle the SAG Award and I was thrilled to pieces , but I lost it today [ at the Morris Animal Foundation Award] because there's so much emotion envolved. We've come so far, the whole animal world has changed so much. People are beginning to appreciate now what a major part of our lives animals are.
Q: Have you always love animals?
A: It started in the womb.My father and mother was as nutty about animals as I. I was a lucky kid, my folks would go for a walk and they'd come home with a cat or dog and they'd say, he followed us home, Betty, can we keep him?
Q: Where do you live and how many pets do you currently have?
A: I live in Los Angeles and I have one golden retriever name Pontiac. He's a career change guide dog and he is just my heart. I'm working so much and I', aching for a little dog .I lost my 16-and a half year-old shih-tzu and my 11-year-old Himalayan kitty and my 10-year-old golden retriever - all within two months of each other last year. Right now I have my Ponty and we're together all the time.I can't integate somebody new into the family until I can stay home long enough to do it.
Q: What do you mean Pontiac is a "career change" dog?
A: He had a bum knee and couldn't go into regular guide dog training. They couldn't give him to a blind person, but they knew I could take care of him. He hasn't needed any surery, but he still have a bun knee.
Q: what's your favorite thing to do with Pontiac?
A: He's up on the couch next to me. He sleeps next to me. We do everything together; we're inseparable. You would love him. He's a dear.
My spin On Ms. Betty White: What a grand lady, many kudos and our hats is off to you . I watch the reruns of the Golden Girls and still get a kick out of you Ms .White.............I enjoyed the movie "The Proposal" it was a hoot with Betty and Andy Griffin was in bed together...if you haven't seen it, you have missed a treat.....Way to go Ms. White.
Kicking back and keeping it real and as always having fun.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Haiti Frees 8 of 10 Americans

Judge Bernard Sainvil said that most of the Americans were free to leave Haiti without posting bail, on the condition that they return to the country to answer questions in the ongoing investigation.
The missionaries , who are affiliated with two(2) Idaho baptist churches , said they were trying to help the children by taking them to an orphanage in the Dominican Republic.
Later, however , it was learned that some of the parents of the children were still alive, and that one of the Bapist group's legal advisers is wanted on people smuggling charges in the United States and El Salvader, The Associated Press reported.
The leader of the American group, Laura Silsby, and Charles Coulter will not be released from the Port-au-Prnce jail, authorities said, pending further investigation.
Caleb Stegall, an attorney representing four of the freed Americans, released a statement to CNN...........
Their families are relieved and anxious to have them safely home, and we are turning all our energies towards bringing them back as safely and quickly as possible, Stegall wrote.
My spin on the missionaries: Here's hoping they were trying to do the write thing and just got caught in a bad situation and be found innocent....there are always some evil person/persons trying to take advantage of people that want to do the right thing. I 'm keeping an eye on this one.
Kicking back and keeping it real:
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Kevin Eubanks Splitting From Jay Leno !! "WTF"

When Conan O'Brian took over the Tonight Show in 2009, Jay Leno moved to primetime with the "The Jay Leno Show." But bad rating from both O'Brian and Leno lead NBC to cancel Jay's show and announce they were moving Leno back to 11:35 pm, pushing Conan's "Tonight" to 12:05 am. Unhappy with the turn of events , O'Brian negotiated a deal to exit the network , lambasting Leno along the way. Conan said during one of his last monologues: I just want to say to kids out there watching - you can do anything you want in life, unless Jay Leno wants to do it too. Everyone turned on Leno - from critics to his peers alike, blaming the funnyman for ousting O'Brian , even though NBC pulled the strings. Perhaps Eubanks doesn't want to be associated with Jay now that he's a teveision pariah.
Kevin may want to stay away from Leno, since he looks like the bad guy who left poor, defenseless Coco out of a job.Perhaps the bandleader fears waning audience and ultimate cancellation, leaving him looking for work. This way , he goes out on his own terms.Max Weinberg, O'Brian's bandleader, often tours with Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band and has arranged to work both jobs. Even when Weinberg uprooted to the West Coast, his schedule was organized so that he could make as many dates as possible - With his son taking over on drums for Springsteen when he couldn't.If Eubank's only goal was to tour and record, couldn't a similar arrangerment be made if he wanted to stick with Jay? In a word ? Yes.
Futhermore the musician has put out 12 albms since 1992, all while presunmably being employed with Jeno. Eubanks has also appeared on other TV shows and gone on tour during his "Tonight Show" tenure. Therefore, we must assume he wants out because he no longer wants to be the side-kick to the "evil" Leno - not simply to puesue other opportunities. Eubanks probably no longer wants to be known as "the guy with the guitar who laughs at everything ," as he was dubbed by David Letterman during the recent late night struggle. Maybe he's just sick of being lumped in with Leno.
What will Jay do next? It seems that no one would want to be associated with Leno's bad Karma, which would leave him without a bandleader. Stay tuned: The saga continues.
My spin on this late night crap: If Kevin Eubanks leave that would leave Leno without anyone to laugh at his stale monologues - as Kevin could always be counted on to do. Of course Leno could always steal "The Roots from Jimmy Fallon. Problem solved.
Kicking back and keeping it real....having fun of course.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Are You Hooked On Meds ??

The untimely dealths of Micaeal Jackson, Anna Nicole smith and Dark Knight star Heath Ledger have only served to highlight a problem that health officials fear is spiraling out of control.
In the past 10 years, there has been a shocking 80 percent increase in the number of people who take prescription drugs for kicks - and not for medical reasons. They included talk show host Rush Limbaugh and Friends star Matthew Perry, who both sought treatment for their addiction to painkillers.
The problem is that there's a low perception of risk with over the counter and prescription drugs, explains Stephen Pasierb, president of the Partnership for Drug Free America .Some parents are almost relieved that their kid is using Vicodin and not smoking marijuana. But experts warn that prescription drug abuse can be addictive and deadly. And they warn folks to watch loved ones for the warning signs of addiction.
"How to spot an addict before it's to late"
1) Change in personality or behavior, including not wanting to socialize with other people.
2) Forgetfulness, neglecting responsibilities and lost of interest in personal hygiene.
3)Increased sensitivity to normal sights, sounds and emotions - even hallucinations and blackouts.
4) Defensiveness when questioned about health matters.
5) Increasing reliance on medication to deal with pain or injuries.
6) Using several physicians and pharmacies to cover up the amount and frequency of prescription medication use.
7) Askng others for leftover medication.
Dr. Aldo Morales , an addiction specialist from Fort Lauderdale, Fl., says that it is extremely difficult to motivate an addict to seek help. Certainly , an intervention is tyhe first step, he says. In Michael Jackson's case, I believe the family did try but he completely shut them out. That's typical, so unless you can reach that person on an emotional or finanical level, it may be hard to make them to want yo get help. And even if they do go to rehab, they may just sit out their stint waiting to return to their habit. But then again, you have to take the chance that something or someone in rehab will get through to them. The last resort, and this may vary from state to state, is to get a court order and have the addict forcibly put into treatment.
My spin on the drug issuse: Drugs ...prescription or drugs off the streets has hit a new high. Drugs of any kind has been a problem for a very long time, attention is on them because a lot of celebrities and high profile people are dying all over the place. I will say hey World we have a problem. [Drugs of any kind.] We must try in order to potentially save a life.
Kicking back and keeping it real.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Israeli Cult :" Leader Faces Sex Charges "

Ratzon, 60, was indited Sunday on multiple charges including rape, sodomy, enslavement and sexual abuse within the family. Ratzon, who lived with 21"wives" and had 49 children was the leader of a cult for many years.
According to the prosecutor, the indictment describes a life "that will rattle the mind, the imagination and question human morality," the prosecutor said. The women lived in several squalid apartments in Tel Aviv and most of them had pictures of Ratzon's face and his name tattooed on their bodies
Goel Ratzon sits in a in a Tel Aviv courtroom , he's charged with enslavement , rape, incest and other sex offenses. The case has ascinated Israelis who have grown tired of newspaper headlines trumpeting Iran's quest for a nuclear bomb, Hezbollah's threats to attack Israel and the frozen Mideast peace process.According to the charges laid out in the indictment and published in the Israeli press, Ratzon kept his "wives" and children on a tight leash. There was a long list of rules and stiff penalties for breaking are a few examples.(Note: 3.7 Israeli shekels = $1 US)
*No woman shall marry nor shall any woman attack another, either verbally or physically. Fine: 2,000 shekels, to be paid into the family kitty. No woman shall question another about her whereabouts. Fine: 100 shekels.No conversation is permitted in rooms other than the living room. It is forbidden to talk nonsense.Fine: 200 shekels.
*It's hard to understand how Ratzon's harem was able to last so long in Israel, a small country where everyone seems to know almost everyone else. Police said they knew about Ratzon but was unable to indict him until several women came forward.
* In a documentary shown on Israel TV last year , several of the women said they believed Ratzon was tge Messiah. His first name Goel means "redeemer." They say they felt privileged to live with him.
* "I'm perfect... I have everything a woman wants," Ratzon declared in the documentary.
*Neighbors told the Jerusalem Post they never heard any nioise or fightimg coming from the apartments. The women had jobs cleaning houses but were not allowed towork for men. They dressed conservatively, with the long skirts favored by the ultra-Orthodox.
* Ratzon, who has long white hair and piercing brown eyes, continues to insist he is innocent of all wrong doings and that the women consented to lived with him. He also said he is being threatened but would not say by whom.
* Police say he Preyed on young vulnerable women, often ones from broken families. In the documentary, Ratzon is shown asking one women if she wants to sleep with him that evening.
*"Yes," she says and hugs him.
* Media reports say Ratzon has hired a female lawyer.
My spin on Goel Ratzon and his brain-washing bull-shit: A twist on a lazy man getting women to care for him and gettin all the free sex he wants, or should I say, the women pay him to have sex with them in the name of religion. Isn't it odd in this day and time, a cult can always be started in the name of religion and people will follow....Remember Jim Jones , Phillip and Nancy Garrido just to name three(3) but the list goes on, it's sad that people will reach at anything to believe in....but hey, that's just me.
Kicking back and keeping it real.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Someone For Everyone: True Love Valentine

Gunness World Records:
Douglas Maistre Breger da Silva is 35 inches tall, and his wife . Claudia Pereira Rocha, is one inch taller than him. They are the world's shortest married couple.
You can transcend time: My love for you is more than it was yesterday, less than it will be tomorrow, and it shall only intensify when in death we do part. We will try to measure love in sunlight or moonlight.
But quantifying love is perhaps best done by candlelight on Valentine's Day, if you're looking in the eyes of the person across from you and like what you see, and being able to absolutely define the capacity of the human heart and know that what you have is true love.
85 years: In 1924,Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher married, Calvin Coolidge was president, experimental "talkie films" were beinf screened in New york, and Clarence Birdseye had just invened the process by which we'd all be eating frozen pizza.
63 years: The Civil war had been over for nearly 62 years when Gertrude Grubb of Tennesse married John W. Janeway, a Union Army veteran of the Civil War. But overcoming the North-South schism isn't what made their marriage so remarkable. In 1927, when they tied the knot, she was 18 years-old, and he was the inverse of three digits - 81. The Janeways marriage lasted 10 years until his death in 1937, she remained in their cabin until her death in 2003, when she passed away she was the last widow of a Union soldier
1,180 pounds: john bower Minnoch had suffered from obesity since childhood. At 1,290 pounds , he is more than 11 times heavier than his 110 pounds wife, Jeanette. They married in 1978, she gave birth to two sons . He died in 1983 at 42, after 5 years of marriage.
161 years total:Will you and your beloved go the distance? Shigtsugu and Miyoko Anan of Japan don't have to ask. He was 83, she was 78, and they finished the 2008 Ibusuki Nanohana Marathon, jogging side by side, in seven(7) hours , 36 minutes, 22 seconds. Not a bad time for a couple with the combined age of 161 years.
My take on the love angle: This day and time when there is so much bed-hopping and no one seem to take their vows seriously, It's good to see there are still some that has weathered the storm . Our hats off to all the true loves and hope you will always hold each other close.
Kicking back and really having fun and keeping it real :
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Longest Married Couple Will Now Take Your Tweets

If you ever wonder what was the secert is to a long and happy marriage, now is the your chance to find out. Married in May of 1924, herbert and Zelmyra Fisher have been enjoying wedded bliss for nearly 86 years and are eager to share their insights.
The Fishers were joined in holy matrimony during the age of the Model T's and flappers, but the North Carolina lovebirds are using a decidedly modern method to share their thoughts on marriage. Twitter and Facebook users can post questions for the couple and on February 14,, Valentine's Day, they will tweet their answers to fourteen of the best inquiries.
The couple's granddaughter, Iris Godett, says her grandparents just want to share what they've learned with the younger generation. And in this day of drive through marriages and soaring divorce rates, it is heartebing to see that the questions are already pouring in from those who want to know how to make their own relationships work.
At least one twitter wants to know how the fishers feel about online dating sites while another wonders if monogamy is absolutely necessary for a good marriage.Another one asks if they ever seriously considered breaking up and if so, what made them stay together.
Herbert and Zelmyra, 104 and 102 respectively, are already in the Guiness World Records for being the living couple with the longest marriage, and if they can keep it together for more than 128 days after their May anniversary, the pair will officially break the previous record for longest marriage in recoeded history, set by the late Philipose and Sosamma Thomas of India. Something tells me these two are going to make it.
If you want to find out whats makes a marriage work from two people who clearly know what they are talking about, tweet your own questions to @longestmarried or post a message on the America's Tweet-hearts Facebook page. And don't forget to bring your own sweetheart back on Valentine's day to learn the secerts of everlasting love.
My spin on this love story: It's heart warming to know there's hope for the rest of the world....many kudos to the Fishers, our hat's off to you.
Kicking back...keeping it real and really having fun...but hey, that's just me.
Friday, February 12, 2010
World's Second Pregnant Man' Expects Baby Boy Soon "WTF"

Scott moore, 20, the expectant father was a woman . So was his legal husband Thomas, 30. In fact, Scott still has his female birth certificate. But the couple both had sex change sugery to become men.
Miles has two brothers waiting for him, 10-year-old Logan and 12 year old Greg. Both boys are Thomas's children from a previous relationship with a woman who has since passed away. Thomas was born with the name Laura, the Daily News reports, but underwent sex change surgery last year. Scott was born Jessica, says an interview with the London Daily Autograph he knew he wanted to be a man when he was 11. When I told my family , they thought I was crazy, but they gradually realized I was serious and allowed me to start taking male hormones when I was16 years 0ld, he tells the paper.
The daily News reports his family paid to have his sized 36DDD breasts removed, but he could not afford the high cost of a full sex-reassignment surgery. Scott still has female reproductive organs, according to the paper, and got pregnant using the sperm of a friend in June 2009. I opted not to have a penis because I couldn't afford it, and I didn't think the results were very good, Scott tells the Daily Telegraph. It had nothing to do with having children because back then I didn't think I'd ever have them.
A man who underwent sex-reassignment sugery, Thomas Beatie of Oregon, gained notoriety as the world's first legally pregnant man on record. As reported by People magazine, he chose to become pregant because his wife was infertile. He gave birth to a girl on June 29,2008, and a boy on June 2,2009.
Scott and Thomas tell the Daily Telegraph they are planning a natural birth at their local hosiptal. They add they're confident Miles will be able to cope with any teasing.
We know some people will criticize us, but we are blissfully happy and not ashamed, Scott tells the Daily Telegraph. We want to show the world that trans-familes can be healthy, loving and nurturing, add Thomas. Stay tuned: the saga continutes as updates becomes available.
My spin on ...hell I'm at a lot of words of what to call this, but you all know I'm going to tell you what I think. I think it's stupid and crazy to think that a kid can cope with all the teasing and name wonder a lot of our young people is going to hell in a hand basket. But hey, that's just me.
Kicking back and having fun:
Thursday, February 11, 2010
"MEL GIBSON" The Big Interview

Q: what did you learn from your humiliating Dui experience and all the bad publicity?
A: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and tougher. Life's experiences, whether pleasant, unpleasant,torturous or excruciatingly wonderful, season you somehow and hopefully you will learn from them.
Q: How many people believe alcohol brings out the truth. Do you agree?
A:I've told some whoppers when I'm loaded.
Q: You look pretty haggard in the Edge of Darkness.
A:I look like I was going to die, all drawn out and leathered, but I have aged,it's just a natural part of the holy human condition.What am I going to do? Get surgery or something? That just looks weird and you can't undo it.
Q:It's been eight years since you last made a film. How do you feel returning to the screen?
A:It's like riding a bike - and it was time to come back. It's my first love.
Q: Have you changed?
A: I felt I was stale and now I feel some kind of maturation happened. The choices I make now are quite different from the choices I would have made eight years ago, so some change is good.
Q:You were already a father of seven from your marriage to Robyn Moore when your new daughter was born. Any thoughts on fatherhood at your age?
A:It's different because I'm different, but what's not different is that little life in front of me staring up with complete innocence and total angelic blamelessness. It's phenomenal.
Q:Despite all your sucess - and infamy - you don't surround yourself with body guards?
A:I did for a little while but it's a drag. If your number's up, it's up. If I'm lying in bed and somebody come into my room, I either wake up or I won;t.I'll either hit them with my big stick or my gun, or they'll hit me.
Q: You sleep with a gun next to your bed?
A: In this day and age, you have to be tooled up."Absolutely." If they walk in, I'm not going to let them whip me.
Q: Isn't that an awful way to live?
A: It is a bad way to live. But that's what you've gotta do.
Q: What about fears?
A: The # 1 fear of every human being is public humiliation. And fear of death....but public humiliation is even worse.
Q: So you don't really fear death?
A: There's nothing surer than we're all going to get it one day, one way or another. I just hope that you make it mean something.
Q: How do you stay in shape?
A:I don't work out much, I try and eat right and exerice a little. I quit smoking. I just don't do anything fun anymore.
Q: How did you quit smoking?
A: It was torture. The first three days I was like an ax murderer, day four I'd come at you with a bat, day five I was dangerous with a lawn mower. It's a hellish habit to break, for 45 years, every decision I ever made was done with a cigarette.
Q: Is there anything you miss now that you're older?
A: I just wish I had that youthful spring again. But it's a trade-off right? In some ways , I'm a lot better because maturity brings changes in the choices you make.
My spin on old crazy Mel: Sounds good, but will it last? Now that is the question. Yep, it'll last until his next mid-life crisis or Oksana turns forty; whichever comes first. Oh well, he's rich enough to buy a bunch of Oksanas .
Kicking back and having fun.
Kicking back and having fun.
Ellen's Debut as Judge - a Big Success

Ellen DeGeneres hit the right notes with "American Idol" viewers. Fans took to the Internet to express their pleasant surprise over the 52-year-old funnylady's debut as the singing competition's fourth judge. DeGeneres assumed her judging panel post for Tuesday's episode chronicling the first round of "Hollywood Week," the cutthroat post-audition phase in which 181 contestants will be narrowed down to 24 semifinalists.
The majority of folks posting about DeGeneres on Twitter praised her performance. Some said they were only tuning in for DeGeneres, but not everyone was a devotee. A denim ensemble worn by Degeneres, also host of "The Ellen Degeneres Show," was mocked by a few tweeters.
When Fox announced that DeGeneres, an Emmy winner with no formal music experience, would be the new judge last September, fans were divided over the unlikely replacement for Paula Abdul, the sugary sweet pop singer who judged "Idol" since it debuted in 2002 then left amid contract negotiations after the eighth season ended last year.
"Ellen completely met my expectations," said Dave Della Terza, founder of, which encourages viewers to champion bad - but entertaining - singers. "She was trying way too hard. Her critiques weren't funny because no one wants to see a standup act at the judges' table."
But Andy Dehnart, editor of the popular reality TV blog and a lecturer at Stetson University, said DeGeneres seemed "more polished and on-point than the people who've been sitting at that table for eight years." DeGeneres is on the judging panel alongside Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson and Kara DioGuardi.
"Ellen DeGeneres keeps surprising us," he said. "She excels as a talk show host, and if she keeps up what she did tonight, she'll easily establish herself as the best judge."
As expected, DeGeneres' critiques were punctuated with humour, but she didn't hold back the cruelties either. She joked something seemed wrong with a beatboxer's microphone - just before sending him home. An admittedly drowsy DeGeneres later informed one dull singer that the performance "almost put me right out."
DeGeneres and the other judges were wowed by several guitar-playing singers during Tuesday's episode. DioGuardi dubbed quirky 24-year-old musician Andrew Garcia's rendition of "Straight Up" from former judge Abdul "genius" while DeGeneres called 24-year-old sales representative Jannell Wheeler's version of "American Boy" by Estelle "amazing, amazing."
Other guitar players who advanced in the competition included 20-year-old sandwich maker Lilly Scott, who crooned Ella Fitzgerald's "Lullaby Of Birdland," and brawny 26-year-old personal trainer Michael Lynche, who announced his wife was going into labour with their first child before launching into John Mayer's "Waiting on the World to Change."
DeGeneres' addition comes at a time of change for the aging Fox franchise, which is produced by 19 Entertainment and FremantleMedia North America. Cowell is leaving at the end of the current season to judge and executive produce an American version of "The X Factor," a talent show he created in Britain. DeGeneres didn't let Cowell off for the move.
"So this is it, huh?" she whispered to him after joining the panel. "I come on, you leave."
Several names have been bandied about as potential Cowell replacements - Oscar-winning actor-singer Jamie Foxx, shock jock Howard Stern, as well as music executives Tommy Mottola, Guy Oseary and Jimmy Iovine. But Fox and the show's producers have not announced a replacement for the acerbic British judge.
Just Released Photos of 9/11
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Canadian Career Colonel Charged With Double Homicide

BELLEVILLE, Ont. - The Canadian military was rocked to its core Monday following the bombshell allegation that the colonel in command of the country's largest air force base had killed two women and sexually assaulted two others. Col. Russell Williams, a 46-year-old career member of the Canadian Forces, was charged Monday with first-degree murder in the deaths of Jessica Lloyd, 27, of Belleville, and Marie France Comeau, a 38-year-old corporal with CFB Trenton's 437 squadron who was killed last November.
"We're all shocked," said Lt. Annie Morin, a public affairs officer at CFB Trenton.
"The wing commander was a man who was much respected and very much liked, so this news came as a enormous shock for pretty much everybody on the base."
"We're all shocked," said Lt. Annie Morin, a public affairs officer at CFB Trenton.
"The wing commander was a man who was much respected and very much liked, so this news came as a enormous shock for pretty much everybody on the base."
Williams was an elite pilot, a "shining bright star" of the military who rose through the ranks during his 23-year career to fly the prime minister and Governor General across Canada and overseas in one of four Canadian Forces Challenger jets. He is now also charged with sexual assault and forcible confinement in attacks on two other women in the region during home invasions last September.
Williams was appointed as the base commander of CFB Trenton last July. The high-profile military base is where troops depart from for Afghanistan and where repatriation ceremonies are held honouring slain soldiers. It is also a major search-and-rescue base and the main staging site for aid to Haiti.
On Monday, military brass expressed their condolences to the family's of the victims and shock at who police had named as the suspect.
"I never worked with him closely and didn't know him personally," said Maj.-Gen. Yvan Blondin, Commander of I Canadian Air Division and Williams's superior officer.
"As far as I know from what I've seen of his file, he was just a shining bright star. If you talk to people on the wing they would probably tell you that they admired the wing commander...Everybody is so amazed and horrified, we just do not know how to process this."
"I never worked with him closely and didn't know him personally," said Maj.-Gen. Yvan Blondin, Commander of I Canadian Air Division and Williams's superior officer.
"As far as I know from what I've seen of his file, he was just a shining bright star. If you talk to people on the wing they would probably tell you that they admired the wing commander...Everybody is so amazed and horrified, we just do not know how to process this."
The charges raised questions about whether members of the military are required to undergo regular psychiatric testing as they assume higher command. Blondin said such testing would only be ordered if there were signs of a problem.
"All I do know is that when we pick people for jobs in command, they have been with us for the last 20-25 years. We observe them through their performance. They are usually extraordinary people. They rise above other members in the community at doing what we do and this is what Col. Williams has done. This is why he was picked to be wing commander," Blondin said.
The Chief of the Air Staff, Lt-Gen. Andre Deschamps, said in a statement that "the Air Force is fully supporting civilian authorities" in the case. It was only recently that police thought there could be a connection between the two murders . Police first looked at Williams as a suspect after he was pulled over on an area highway during roadside checks Feb. 4. The body of Lloyd, an administrator at a school bus company, was found early Monday in Tweed, about 30 minutes north of Trenton, 11 days after she was last heard from by her friends. Comeau, a corporal with CFB Trenton's 437 squadron, was found dead in her Brighton home on Nov. 25. She had been in the military for 12 years and had been at 437 squadron for six months before she was killed. Police have not released her cause of death. An autopsy is to be performed on Lloyd in Toronto.
"All I do know is that when we pick people for jobs in command, they have been with us for the last 20-25 years. We observe them through their performance. They are usually extraordinary people. They rise above other members in the community at doing what we do and this is what Col. Williams has done. This is why he was picked to be wing commander," Blondin said.
The Chief of the Air Staff, Lt-Gen. Andre Deschamps, said in a statement that "the Air Force is fully supporting civilian authorities" in the case. It was only recently that police thought there could be a connection between the two murders . Police first looked at Williams as a suspect after he was pulled over on an area highway during roadside checks Feb. 4. The body of Lloyd, an administrator at a school bus company, was found early Monday in Tweed, about 30 minutes north of Trenton, 11 days after she was last heard from by her friends. Comeau, a corporal with CFB Trenton's 437 squadron, was found dead in her Brighton home on Nov. 25. She had been in the military for 12 years and had been at 437 squadron for six months before she was killed. Police have not released her cause of death. An autopsy is to be performed on Lloyd in Toronto.
Williams, who has been relieved of his duties, appeared in Belleville court bound by hand and leg shackles Monday afternoon, and wearing a blue prison-issue jumpsuit and booties. Emotions boiled over in the courtroom as a crowd of distraught-looking people, possibly, friends or family of the victims, caught sight of Williams. Obsenities were hurled his way as Williams was led from the court.
The Department of National Defence issued a statement noting Williams is considered innocent until proven guilty, but that in light of the "seriousness of the charges" an interim Wing Commander for 8 Wing Trenton will soon be appointed. A review will also be conducted by 1 Canadian Air Division in Winnipeg to determine the most appropriate action pending the outcome of his trial.
Police spent Monday searching Williams' property. Investigators said the only link to the two dead women they were prepared to identify was "geography." They wouldn't say whether the victims knew the suspect, and they said the investigation isn't over.
"We are certainly tracking the movements of where this man has been over the past several years, and we're continuing on with our investigation,"said a spokesman for the investigators."He may be responsible for other assaults or even homicides."
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
"Dr. Conrad Murray Indicted For Murder " WTF

After Murray entered a not-guilty plea in court, the family members in attendance fumed.
"He's trying to save his own behind," Katherine Jackson told reporters, according to E! News. "He killed Him."
"He's lying. He's guilty.There was someone else in it with him."
Father, Joe Jackson was predictably blistering as well.
"I just want justice done and that was not justice," he told E! "I didn't like todays hearing at all."
Many of the jackson family members were in attendence for the afternoon hearing including the parents, brother Randy and sister La Toya.
"Michael was murdered and although he died at the hands of Dr. Conrad Murray, I believe Dr. Murray was a part of a much larger plot," La Toya said in a statement . "There are other individuals involved, and I will not rest and I will continue to fight until all of the proper individuals are brought forth and justice is served."
Stay tuned: updates as soon as they become available: the saga continues.
My spin on this horror: There is a stink in Denmark....that's a good sister La Toya, keep pushing for the truth....there is a lot of people that think it's more people involved, when we learned the truth,we all will be surprised .
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