Body image expert Sarah Maria, author of " Love Your Body, Love Your Life*, believes that Angelina has lost up to 15 pounds since her boyfriend Brad Pitt's " Inglourious Bastards" premiere in July. "Her collarbones and veins protude," these photos make one wonder if Angie is at a healthy body weight. An insider believes htat recent tenison in the home may be the reason Angelina,34, looks so gaunt. Since the beginning of the year, Angelina's been fighting with Brad over everything from his drinking habits to her fears that he'll leave her for another woman. The stress of their constant arguments is taking a toll on Angelina's appetite. Whenever she is depressed about anything , she simple stops eating, says a close friend, says a close friend of the star, who adds that she's living on bites of their six children food, soup, vegetables and lots of water. Brad used to make sure she ate, but they are in such a bad place right now he's just leaving her to it.
But another friend is convinced that she has an ulterior motive when it comes to her shrinking size, "Angelina isn't stupid and she extremely manipulative,"points out the friend. She knows by cutting back on her food, Brad will notice that she's dropped weight and worry about her. If her drastic diet isn't enough to keep Brad, 45, committed, Angelina has another trick up her sleeve,according to a second insider, she's considering adopting again and has also stopped taking birth control, knowing it would be harder for Brad to leave if she give the kids another sibling. "Brad told her he didn't want any more kids, but she wants to adopt or get pregnant again anyway, says the insider. Brad has been debating walking away, but he's confided that he fears Angelina will spiral out of control. The insider says Angelina is using that to her advantage. Angelina is so scared Brad will leave that she will stoop to anything to keep him around, even if he stays with her out of pity.
My spin on this : Angelina, what go around comes back around, and in your case it will bite you in the ass. Have you forgot how you got Brad? Brad can't take anymore of the crazy mood swings and the fights anymore and he deserves to be happy, having more kids is not going to make Brad stay, He's only there because of the kids. When you met Brad he was a social drinker and smoke a little "pot", you knew that before you went into the relationship....Hon...you can't change the spots on a "Leopard" , you have to take them as they are. Angelina, you are adopting some very unhealthy habits in your bid to keep Brad Pitt. Again I ask, why would you want Brad to stay out of pity for you? Stay tune: the saga continues.
Kicking it with : CUPCAKE
Would you believe I seen a little sunshine today?
ReplyDeleteTalk about a desperate woman,that's ridiculous .I always blamed Billy Bob fpr leaving her but I think I've changed my mind.Sorry BB
ReplyDeleteI put a weather gimmick on the blog just for you.It can tell you the weather up to seven days in the future.Just enter the name of your city.I was just checking the weather here.
ReplyDeleteI think Angie is a nut bar.I pity her kids with all those mood swings and screaming arguments.
ReplyDeleteAngie says her probems started when her dad left her mom
ReplyDeleteThe relationship is doomed.Good article,so was the Gotti one.
ReplyDeleteI hope Angie doesn't collect more kids.They'll be left in the hands of indifferent staff people who could care less aabout them.
COP-OUT! Time to grow up and take responsibility for your own actions Angie.
ReplyDeletePeople are looking at what you do and they are not blaming your dad.
Billy Bob left his wife for her, because she told him she was going to kill herself.
ReplyDeleteNo one on the planet will blame Brad for leaving her.I think he gave it his best shot.
ReplyDeleteI played with the weather thing, I think it's keen.. I seen it when I ckecked to see what you was doing, I answer you on the Gotti post.She is nice but kinda like me..a kook.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteHe wasn't hers to have, he was married, serves Angie right if he leavesn she should realize to can't mold a person in the shape you want them in,you have to work with what you get. Angie always went after other women men.
ReplyDeleteAngie is doomed to a life of misery of her own making.Brad will fall away and land on his feet.He'll find a pretty little thing and marry her.He'll be just fine and Angie will be in hysterical fits alternating with deep depression and suicide threats.All her own fault.She has no coping skills.
ReplyDeleteVickie is a very talented person but had an ass-hole for a husband,he's re-married now and lives in Ohio I think, she is about to lose her home where the series was filmed .
ReplyDeleteShe has to prove that she can have any man, even happily married ones.I bet she can turn on the charm and the sex when she wants to.Once they are hooked the real Angie emerges.
ReplyDeleteThat home was a lot of upkeep for a single mom.You could tell it was quite run down when she took a real estate agent around it in an episode where she was trying to sell it.
ReplyDeleteBrad is a hunk, I think he drinks to drown his sorrows.He's always been a social drinker and smoke weed, but he said he had given up smoking weed. No heavy drugs.
ReplyDeleteThe house is even worse now.Vicki never recieve any support for her boys, it's been a while since I heard from her. I was there for season 1. 9-04 episode 7.
ReplyDeleteI looked at Michelle real good, all I seen she has a big ass, and one else they wouldn't have bothered.
ReplyDeleteHer husband could afford support from what I hear.What an ass.She is a talented writer and had a very good job.She could live well without that big white elephant of a house.She didn't sell it when she wanted to because her sons wouldn't let her.
ReplyDeleteI have to say that the first lady does not have a lot going for her except intelligence and wit and a nice smile.
ReplyDeleteThe music gadget is good.You just type in the name of the song you want and it finds it pretty quickly.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with you, she is not cut out for public life,She watches all te women like a hawk, you can make a mad run, he may feel like you don't trust him and say what the hell, I might as well I'm being blame any way.
ReplyDeleteAnd the name of the artist.
ReplyDeleteI have used the music gadget and I asked around and everyone I talked to liked it, music of their choice.
ReplyDeleteI found that out the hard way, but it was fun, Lois told me I had to type in the artist name.
ReplyDeleteI am playing Radiohead right now on our music gadget.One of my favorites is on,Creep.
ReplyDeleteDo you have a web cam??
I think you hit the nail on the head, blame old dad for your troubles. Do you think Angie /DC any kin or have the same dad. Hahahaha
ReplyDeleteNo, not yet.If the weather hold I will be able to get all I need for it. But music comes through real nicely.
ReplyDeleteI agree the first lady is not cut out for public life.They usually have a certain style,their own `elan and carry themselves well.
ReplyDeleteJaycee is on the news.She looks fabulous.She is on the cover of People as she is today,all grown up.Go out and get one CC.I'm going to.She's beautiful.Looks like she has had the best of care.She has dark hair.
I am going next week to the Geek place, we have one here in "Best Buy,and have them come out and show me stuff.
ReplyDeleteShe was smiling and looked very happy and she wanted to thank everyone for their caring and concern.She looks so young,about seventeen.
ReplyDeleteI will get one tomorrow, I like the People Mags, they are more truthful. Wonder if they dyed her air, she was blonde in all her pictures..I do wish her/kids the best.
ReplyDeleteDo she look like the picture on Garrido business card?
ReplyDeleteWhat a happy ending for Jaycee and her family,she still have a long way to go, but with a loving family behind her, she'll make it.
ReplyDeleteDid they show the girls?
She does look like the business card but not exactly.I think that girl was a look alike, not Jaycee.The nose was different and Jaycee's hair is darker.But she is movie star beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI hope they have not photographed the girls.They will be regarded as freaks,especially by other kids.
ReplyDeleteWow! a man on the news actually found another DaVinci painting.He bought it at an auction as a German painting for twenty thousand dollars but he suspected what it was.They had it examined by experts and carbon dated and they found a fingerprint which turned out to be DaVinci's.It's worth one hundred and fifty million dollars.I'll do a post on that.I love it.
ReplyDeleteDo the post on the painting.
ReplyDeleteNot only will other kids think they are freaks, but a lot of stupid grown-ups.
ReplyDeleteTina will be happy to see the post about Jaycee.
ReplyDeleteThose girls will have a difficult life.I hope they are home schooled for a few years at least.
ReplyDeleteI bet some of your painting is worth money. I know the little boy is worth a lot to his mom if no one else.
ReplyDeleteWasn't Tina the girl who thought Jaycee was on Oprah??
ReplyDeleteI hope they are home schooled too.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if it is possible to put them in something like witness protection program, somewhere where no one know them.
I get pretty good money for my paintings.I was paid pretty well for illustrating for magazines and newspapers.I also did a weekly cartoon for a newspaper.I am having visual problems now but I have started painting a little again.What the hell, I may be the only blind artist in the world some day.
ReplyDeleteYes she was the one..said she would keep checking here, you have somethings that she can't find.
ReplyDeleteI am kinda glad Oprah didn't get Jaycee on her show.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you started painting again.I love to quilt ,it's so relaxing, just quilt when I feel stressed, and with all this rain, thats almost everyday.
ReplyDeleteOprah would give her front teeth to have Jaycee on her show. Her ratings would sure go up.She's having a slump right now.
ReplyDeleteI remember when Mac asked you were you a writer, you told him you was artist/painter.
ReplyDeleteI write too but not on the same level as my daughter.She's brilliant.
ReplyDeleteOprah was an anchor on a tv station and she process her hair and some fell out and she had to get a wig, they couldn't find one large enough for her head, so they combined two. She says she may hang it up soon.
ReplyDeleteTo be an editor of a newspaper writes books I know you are proud.
ReplyDeleteI think her hair grew back.I didn't realize her head was so big.Although she is pretty full of herself.And she is such a know-it-all.
ReplyDeleteStill I'll be sorry to see Oprah go.Her show is a daily staple like milk and bread.And she is an icon.
ReplyDeleteI have an eary day tomorrow and I know you want to dig into the painting post, so I will log off now and see you tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI know you will enjoy doing the DaVinici's post.
So have a great night and I'll see you later.....Nite....CC
I liked when she lost weight and gained back more. She will be missed.
ReplyDeleteGoodnight CC.Take care...J
ReplyDeleteI don't think she will leave.