In a bomb shell new disclosure, an up-coming book will reveal disgraced presidential candidate "John Edwards" once tried to find a doctor to fake a "DNA" report to cover up the paternity of his love child.It was revealed the former North Carolina senator fathered a baby with his mistress "Rielle Hunter", and the new revelation comes from Edwards former campaign aide, "Andrew Young",who is writing a tell-all book about the scandel. In his book proposal, Young writes Edwards asked his national campaign finance chairman "Fred Baron" if he could find a doctor who would falsify a "DNA" report. Baron who died last year of cancer, allegedly funneled upward of $20,000 a month in "hush money" to Rielle and Young , a married father of three who previously claimed he was Rielle's baby daddy.
In his anticipated book, Young will claimed he lied and took part in the cover-up to protect Edwards presidential candidacy. The cover-up exploded on July 21,2008, when the Enquirer reporters caught Edwards secertly visiting Rielle and their daughter "Frances"--now 19 months old--at the Beverly Hilton hotel in Beverly Hills. After the incident, Edwards finally amitted the affair, but has continued to deny being the baby's father. That, however, could soon change, it was recently reported that Edwards conclusively learned he was the father after under-going a secert "DNA" test, and that he's told his cancer-stricken wife Elizabeth that he's ready to publicly admit Frances is his baby. "The New York Times" reported the fake DNA test in it's September 20th issue, and also quoted sources as saying Edwards is "considering declaring " paternity. The report says Elizabeth has resisted the idea of him admitting he's the father. The "Times" also confrimed another detail---Rielle is planning to move To North Carolina so she can raise her daughter near Edwards.
My Take on this crappy shit: Is nothing sacred anymore? The people we elect to look after us....a lot of them is just giving us a good screwing.Have you notice how they promise you they will get us back on top? We elect them to office and they forget which head to use...WTF...It's the head on your shoulders, fools, not the one in your pants. If a little power makes the old dangle want to groove, for goodness sake ...wear some protection .We put you in office to make laws to make a better standard of living...not to put your pole in every willing hole.
Love the guitar, left comment.
ReplyDeleteWhat I don't get is MJ's autopsy report, I think there is a cover-up.
Something doesn't smell right in the Mj autopsy.
ReplyDeletePeople like John Edwards take advantage of their position to impress women.They let their power and the trust of the public to go to their heads and as you say....the little head does the talking.
Hi .. I think they get elected so they can get laid.
ReplyDeleteI think that's true in some cases.That's why guys in college and highschool try out for the football team.What's the diff?
ReplyDeleteIf the drugs affected the liver, it got the kidneys to.
ReplyDeleteI am border-line diabetic,what I eat and drink affects my whole immune system.
There is more to come out.
The articles I read implied MJ was a flaming druggie, now we're told he had nothing in his system but the sedatives and was in good health.WTF?
ReplyDeleteThere is none..they all want to impress the girls to show how big a stud they are.
ReplyDeleteAnd the two scars three inches in length each side of the base of his neck are no kind of plastic surgery I ever heard of.
ReplyDeleteMJ told a few of his friends that he was sterile.Why?
We all seen the pictures and drugs,those people didn't make that up.
ReplyDeleteWhen he went to court this last time, you could see he was high as hell. do you think MJ's family is trying to hide something because A&E is picking up the Jackson reality show?
We all have seen mixed races of kids, and none look like Blanket.
ReplyDeleteShit I have a bunch in my family, some are very light-skinned, but if the mom/dad is black you care tell easy.I had a post about the Doc's gay boyfriend and he said MJ couldn't have Kids, his balls was deformed.
That family has so many dirty little secrets, I wouldn't be surprised by anything.
ReplyDeleteThe Jackson Five was popular at the same time as the Osmonds but what a difference in the way they live and behave.
ReplyDeleteI would like to know ...who was all those drugs for..the kids.Are were they using them like herbs for cooking?
ReplyDeleteI read about the deformed testicles also. It goes to show you,you can't believe everything you read.
ReplyDeleteThe Osmonds was a bunch of clean cut kids.
ReplyDeleteDid you hear about Whitney calling Oprah a liar after the typing of the show.
We could rack our brains until Christmas and we'll never know the answers.The gist of the autopsy suggests that MJ only took sleep aids because he couldn't sleep naturally.It shows no other abuses like cocaine or smack or other dirty drugs.There would be damage to his liver.
ReplyDeleteThat's true, about things you read/hear..I would like to hear why are they changing their tune now? What about the abuse boy that said there was certain things about his penis. The autopsy don't add up, LaToya said he was murdered. Something is wrong. JE tried to get a doctor to falsify his Dna test.
ReplyDeletePrescription or dirty drugs is the same if misused. Just look at all the people that could help others and drugs/booze/sex is the name of the game.
ReplyDeleteNow that people know he tried to pay a doc to lie,his career is over.He tried to squirm out of his paternity to protect himself and his public image.
ReplyDeleteI heard about the whitney Oprah fued but I haven't had time to read the article. What is the gist of it??
ReplyDeleteHow about Letterman.If he has been having sex with staff members his poor wife will have to deal with it.They have only been married for eight or nine months.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, how is your eye today?All better I hope.
ReplyDeleteDid you read that Jaycee was locked in a wooden box for weeks right after her kidnap.He didn't rape her for a month after her abduction then he raped her on the bare floor of the shed.He starved her also.She ate insects to stay alive .She froze at night and when she had kids,they huddled together to keep warm.He threatened all of them that God would strike them dead if they tried to escape.
ReplyDeleteI'm back had to re-boot.sent you an e-mail.
ReplyDeleteMy eye is fine..the other one Monday morning.
ReplyDeleteAre you going to write about Jaycee ,I think most people wants to know, I do thats for sure, some of the things you found out ,I never heard it before.
Wasn't letterman and his wife together for a few years before they married, I know they have a son.
ReplyDeleteWhats with these men in the public eye?
I haven't read about the feud yet, but it erupted after the show,Whitney says Oprah stab her in the back...what else is new with Oprah. Michelle and Oprah had a falling out.
ReplyDeleteI know we have one fan that come to see and read about Jaycee,I'm sure there's many more.
ReplyDeleteThey say the Elizabeth Smart/Jaycee cases are so much alike.
Sorry, went to make tea.Wasn't sure you'd be back.
ReplyDeleteDave has been with this woman for something like twenty years.Just married her.So, you know he has been unfaithful many times.Now the world knows.
Oprah was mad because didn't jumped when she first asked her to be on her show. Oprah wants Beyonces to be on her show also,Oprah rating has droped off since since the school thing.It's time for her to call it quits, she has sucked the public dry.
ReplyDeleteWhatever you find about Jaycee, write about it, the things you wrote about her is not in the mags and a lot of people is like me, don't understand how to google, but I'm learning.
ReplyDeleteWhen my eyes get well, I'm going to get that counter like K..and put it under the archives.
The Jaycee story is in last week's Enquirer.I get shocked every time I hear something new.Apparently after the birth of her second child Jaycee started turning him around.Started coaxing him to treat them better and provide the kids with a few things.
ReplyDeleteShe talked him into giving her more and more freedom.
ReplyDeleteIt was all in the Enquirer and they get to more people than I do.
I like to dig things up that not too many people know about.
What's with these men? I know women is going to throw themselves at them, but can't the men be just a little discreet.They forget,when they are trying to climb a mountain, there's a woman thats pulling them up...If they wawsn't in the spotlight, most wouldn't get a second glance.
ReplyDeleteLetterman is not attractive and I find his little habits annoying.If he wasn't a celeb I wouldn't care less about his sex life.
ReplyDeleteI misssed that one ,I wasn't reading much, I will be glad when my road buddy get back, I'm missing a lot of stuff.
ReplyDeleteHe is quite ugly to say the least.
ReplyDeleteHe has this big gap in his teeth.I bet he can suck his candy through the gap in his teeth.
I am so bad.
You and Nan always bring out my funky side and I'm loving it.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteJay Leno is uglier.He could beat you to death with that chin while he was fucking you.
ReplyDeleteSomehow, Jay is much more likeable than Letterman.He is a nice man.
ReplyDeleteThats what I mean, you find stuff that everyone wants to know about.A lot of people don't have time to read the paper and the mags have prices went up.They like the way you condensed the stories.
ReplyDeleteThat's why I like Readers Digest.
Oh yes Leno is a ugly dude, you can laugh just looking at him.
ReplyDeleteIf Leno poked me, I would have to have the lights off, or it wouldn't stay in for my laughing.
His chin gets bigger every year.I don't know how that works.Maybe his dangle gets smaller.
ReplyDeleteWhen there is no dick left he'll just have to fuck you with his chin.
ReplyDeleteAsked Abe about DC/Liza today,he said he talked with one off their friends in L.A. DC will have to take care of the kids and provide for Liza until they are out off school, she didn't get what she wanted,they didn't accumulate anything together,all she brought to the table was the babies,so he will take care of them.She said about the things he promised, but she didn't have anything on paper.
ReplyDeleteAnd he made sure nothing was ever put on paper.He never intended to take care of her. He knew it would end badly and he did not want to be taken to the cleaners again.He's finally got his system all worked out.The latest one will get nothing also.
ReplyDeleteNOooooooo,I won't let him fuck me, I'll just buy a toy in the size I want. I look down and see his ugly face I probably piss in his face from laughing so hard.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if I should pity Amina, she know whats up..she is such a dummy,Liza got exactly what she deserved, glad he's taking care of the kids.A homewrecker always get the worse in the end.
ReplyDeleteParis was his manager..Marg was his wife and went through bankruptcy with him, when he married marg he was almost on his ass.
There is also a time element involved.Any relationship under ten tears, I believe, precludes splitting fifty fifty.They were together only four years,not enough time for anything to accumulate.
ReplyDeleteI always wanted a man of my own, I don't like sneaking around.Their kids will one day realize the only reason they are here was to trap their daddy.Babies are suppose to made from love, none of these women is school girls and not know better.
ReplyDeleteMel Gibson's wife, however,is entitled to half of all his assets.
ReplyDeleteAnd now he is having second thoughts about marrying this chick.Look what it cost him.
Tell me please , how could Liza be so dumb, she knew about DC and the shit he pulls.
ReplyDeleteDid she think by giving him babies would keep him? Maybe the reason why Marg didn't have any,he didn't want them.
I read where Mel is missing Robyn and the quiet life, goody,goody gum drops,I hope Robyn gets her part and be happy. Mel got his little skinny preggie chick...deserves him right.Now he's the laughing stock of his church and friends.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Marg wanted babies, she was young.Obviously, now we know he didn't want them.He probably wouldn't let her.Now she's too old.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Robyn would take him back.Just to unite the family.She would be a fool if she did.
ReplyDeleteI better log off, I have an early morning.I enjoed as always, so have a great night and see you tomorrow...NITE...CC
ReplyDeleteWell I better go write something.So I'll say goodnight.Don't forget all those annoying friggin drops in both eyes.By the way,do you see more clearly??
ReplyDeleteI don't think she would take him back and Mel knows it, I think Robyn has a new man. Or so the story goes, a big businessman from S.F.
ReplyDeleteYes I see clear, just wait until i get the other done.