Just had cataract surgery on my right eye this past Monday morning, as an in-out patient, in by 5:am out by 9:am. I was a little scared and I'm sure I worried the hell out of everyone that had the procedure done. It took more time getting me prep than the actual surgery.
The nurses told me they was going to put me to sleep for about 10 mintues...only 10 minutes I asked and she replied yes, I inform her to be sure to wake me up, she smiled and said okay, she also inform me there would be five[5] people there beside the doctor, and I had a special nurse to hold my hand, if I became uncomfortable or hurt in any way, just squeeze her hand
Dr. Hall came in and asked how I was, I just looked at him and smile, I remember him saying ......okay team, she's ready. The next thing I remember , a nurse asked me if I was ready to go have breakfast and go home, I asked are you finished, she said yes. The nurse wheel me out to the small breakfast area where my man was waiting, he had a great big grin on his face and said there's my green-one-eyed susan. The nurse told him everything went find. My man says it sounds good and didn't take as long as he expected. I will be getting the left one done Monday October 5th.
Steen-Hall is the # one eye care institute in this part of the country, people come far and near for their major eye surgery. The eye institute is just across the street from the hospital, and has a walk-way over the street to the hospital, you don't have to go our side . It's quite neat.
Willis Knighton is North Louisiana's oldest hospice. When the hospitals was ranked about 3/4 weeks ago in the United States from 1 to 100...Willis Knighton was ranked in the top 10..... for 15 straight. We have 4 major WK hospitals in each part of the city and quite a few clinics. We also have one in Bossier City,La. and clinics there also.
We also have 3 major hospitals in the Shreveport/Bossier City area. We are a city on the grow.
Very impressive hospital.It's nice to have one of that quality close by.You never know when you'll need one.
ReplyDeleteYeah..I needed it a lot in the past year..there are three more WK that size here in Shreveport and one in Bossier City. Thw large one is where my eye was fixed.
ReplyDeleteMaybe with the health care changes more people will be able to afford to use those wonderful facilities.
ReplyDeleteIt seems a crime that so many people can't afford to even get in the door.
Hospitals should have an open door policy for all, especially all children.
ReplyDeleteI know it wasn't going to last, we have a thunderstorm warning and watch until around 3:am.. This weather has been hell this year.
ReplyDeleteI got the full results of Michael Jackson's autopsy.There were some surprises.I am doing a post on it. I just got home and haven't had time to develop it.
ReplyDeleteAlso some new items about Jaycee but I think people might be a little sick of hearing about her.
WK is the only one that don't turn you away.
ReplyDeleteWe have a Medical school also."LSU"
Shoot we have 3/4 colleges.
Guess what..we even have a Pro Hockey team named the "Mudbugs.Haha
I'll find something naughty to write about because we are losing our reputation as naughty girls.The blog has reflected some changes but I would like to develop it more now that we are getting experienced at it.Maybe try something new.I haven't got a fucking clue what I'm talking about at the moment but I will find something.
ReplyDeleteI don't think people are tired of hearing about Jaycee...We had a comment on the last post you did about her. A lot of people want to know about Jaycee and this is the only place they can find a lot of it.
ReplyDeleteThe Mud Bugs never get to skate outside unfortunately.The ice keeps melting and they fall in the water and get eaten by gators.
ReplyDeleteI gather little bits and pieces about Jaycee from all over the internet and compile it all here on our blog.It's the only site where people can read it all in one place.
ReplyDeleteI don't have a clue about what to do.
ReplyDeleteI know I haven't held up my end.
It seems like nothing I do is right. They like Jaycee...Mj and a lot of the dorky stuff. You can never tell what will come next.
What ever way you want to go, it's fine with me.
I think I will go buy some hot...short sexy stories.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteThe Mentalist is on.Sometimes it's good,sometimes not so good.The guy is a little too 'know it all'.I don't know if I like it or not. Do you ever watch it? If so what do you think? I like your critiques on entertainment.
ReplyDeleteI have an article about Jaycee Bio dad saying he will kill Garrido if he gets out, and he to go on record so the cops will know.
ReplyDeleteOur viewers know you research all your materials,The viewers name was "Tina" I told her to stay tune.
The MJ autopsy has just been released in complete form. They found a few weird things.For example two surgical scars about two inches long on either side at the base of his neck.WTF?
ReplyDeleteHe was bald on the front half of his head and had it tattooed black.
I liked it at first, but he reminds me of a big kid playing with his dangle, don't like his smirky know it all. But they do have good story lines sometimes, he just seem to try to get one up on everyone.
ReplyDeleteSexy stories are always popular.Stories about celebs are popular.Scandals about politicians,personal stories and rants about injustice; all those things are popular.Disasters are also of interest I've found.
ReplyDeletePeople like to read about bad things happening to other people.Then they feel good that it didn't happen to them.
Wonder did that happen in that Pepsi commerical when he got burn, I always wondered what happen,they rushed him to the hosiptal.
ReplyDeleteThat's it exactly! He tries to get one up and that smirk is absolutely annoying.
ReplyDeleteThe story would be much better if he did play with his dangle.
ReplyDeleteAt least you know how that ends.
ReplyDeleteI just wrote the different sotries idea down, you are going to make me a writer yet and to stand on my own two feet.
ReplyDeleteMJ got burn in the Pepsi commerical
ReplyDeleteThat guy is more annoying than DC, al least DC makes me laugh.
They just had an earthquake in Indonesia.The article is in drafts under 'earthquake'if you want to develop it.
ReplyDeleteYes, that is DC's saving grace,he is ridiculous so we can laugh at him and mock him which is even more fun.
ReplyDeleteYes I remember he got burned in the pepsi commercial. There is a video of it.His head is completely aflame.It could have been third degree burns.That would definitely stop hair from growing.
ReplyDeleteI won't be on to much longer, I hear the thunder rolling. I have never seen weather like this.
ReplyDeleteWith all the ice caps melting,the water go into the atmosphere, it have to come down somewhere.
There is an update on the quake in Idonesia.They had another.They think the death toll could rise to thousands.I better get more info before we write it.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to sign of CC do it.I know your storms are really bad.
ReplyDeleteYou know I don't know how to develop a story.
ReplyDeleteI am going to be a force to be reckon with, I can see real well out of this one eye, just think what I'm going to be like with two.
David Letterman just admitted that he has had several affairs with his staff members and one of them tried to blackmail him for two million dollars.
ReplyDeleteYou've put other articles in your own words so I know you can do it.That's all it means.You'll start to enjoy it as you do it more.I'll always watch over you.You'll be great.
I will sign off, so you have a good night.
ReplyDeleteSee you tomorrow...nite...CC
I forgot to ask if there was a big difference and a big improvement in your vision.There was in mine.
ReplyDeleteOkay CC. Be safe...Night
ReplyDeleteThank you , you are just to kind.
ReplyDeleteNITE again....CC