Some 34 years after trying to gun down President Gerald Ford, the 60-year-old has moved in with a man who's been convicted of manslaughter. Squeaky was tracked to the upstate New York homeof 59-year old jailbird "Robert Valder." Squeaky was released from a federal facility in Fort Worth, Texas, August 14th. Robert started corresponding with Squeaky several years ago, a friend said. Robert proudly showed off letters and photos she sent him. As long as three years ago, he was telling pals she would live with him after her release.
Robert has a wild past---and a collection of books on Manson and murders. At Christmas Robert decorates his tree with lighted skulls. Robert is a weight-lifting fanatic and has a large collection of knives and swords.
Official records, show that Valdner pleaded guilty in 1988 to first-degree manslaughter in the shooting death of his brother-in-law. His plea also covered chargers of criminal use of a firearm, possession of a weapon and attempted murder. Robert was sentenced to 4 to 12 years in prison. Valdner was released on October 22, 1992--the same day Squeaky celebrated her 44th birthday.
The U.S. Parole Commission guidelines for parolees states: The releasee shall not associate with a person who has a criminal record without permission from the supervision officer. When the Enquirer contacted spokeman "Tom Hutchinson" of the U.S. Parole Commission, he stated: We have no comment on "Miss Frommee's" whereabouts, and we cannot comment on the conditions of her parole. The Enguirer brave reporter approached a bare-chested Valdner for a comment outside his home. Asked if he was romanticallly involved with "Squeaky" , He said : "That's none of your ******* business !"
My spin on this: Robert Valdner and Squeaky Fromme is very disturbed individuals and they are very violent people. If you live in the neighborhood close th these two deranged people, beware, load up on you guns , axes or anything to defend yourself, they are like wild animals, the pair have tasted blood , being incarcerated did't help them a bit. Stay tune: The saga continues.
Kicking it with : CUPCAKE
How like Squeaky to revert right back to her evil ways and evil friends.There is no hope of salvation for Squeaky.She's pure bad to the bone.
ReplyDeleteI watched episode seven,season one of Growing up Gotti and sadly,you were not on it.I wonder if you could be mistaken about the number.Episode seven was called "The Godmother"
ReplyDeleteHi CC.How's it going??
ReplyDeleteI may have been wrong about the Episode ,I know it was season 1.
ReplyDeleteIt was after the old lady ran Vicki crazy.
Maybe it was episode eight.
ReplyDeleteVictoria has breast cancer.I don't have an update on how she is doing.
Well, I'm dry for a change. Did you find the People Mag, I looked but didn't see one like this one.
ReplyDeleteThe one I seen had Elizabeth on it.
Elizabeth and Jaycee looked alike as kids.
You would think the Gotti family would help her out.
ReplyDeleteI wondered as far back as a year ago if dad had any mob connections.I bet he has some stories to tell if he could be persuaded to write a book.
I didn't know she had cancer,I will asked dad to get in touch with her for me.Dad/John was good friends.
ReplyDeleteI'm going shopping tomorrow and will pick up a copy.I just Googled to find an advance picture.I think she looks like she grew up in a happy,well to do home with all the advantages.She looks very young and healthy as a horse.
ReplyDeleteShe reminds me of a typical American, apple pie, girl-next -door.
ReplyDeleteI hope her older daughter is not too old to have the deformity removed from her face.If so,it's another crime to lay at the door of those monsters.
ReplyDeleteAll those old men has ties to each other. Dad is letting Gil penned his memoirs.
ReplyDeleteVicki's hubby just got out of jail not long ago.
That's how all the casinosgot started in Reno/Las Vegas.
Dad says those movies they make don't tell half the story.
She is a beautiful girl,so fresh looking, a lot of the movie stars would like to look like her, most of them look like crap without make-up.
ReplyDeleteDid you see the comment I left you on Jaycee's post.
The only People I seen was the 25th Anniversary.
It had Elizabeth on the cover , she's facing her's in court.
I remember that Bugsy Siegel started it all.We usually stay at the Flamingo when we go to Las Vegas because of its history.Some years back when they still had the original Bugsy part of the hotel still open,we stayed there and enjoyed the Art Deco design and the old fashioned opulence.
ReplyDeleteI notice when you google, sometime they are a week early. If we don't find it this week, I bet it will be on the stands next week.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about now, but all of them had ties to the mob.There is a lot of shady stuff that go on out there.I know when they came here they scared the shit out of us. You know Jack Binion Owned the Horseshoe here,his brother owned the one in L.V.
ReplyDeleteIt's snowing here.But it's going to warm up next week.
ReplyDeleteThere was an enormous explosion on the sun and the Hubble got it on tape.I wish I could embed the video on our blog but I haven't been able to.
I liked the camel-toe song and I was humming it all day.I'm glad no one asked me the name of the tune.
The Hotels/Casinos are not like they once were, people would put on nice clothes and act like they had some sense,now the fools are just crazy. I enjoyed working there, but I don't think I could work there now, people just don't take pride in their work anymore.
ReplyDeleteThe mob is still around.They are just very low profile and hide behind legit business.They deal in drugs mostly and are very techno.
ReplyDeleteI liked the song too. I will have to get the name and artist so I can pull it up on the music do-hickey.
ReplyDeleteYou got snow, do you always get it this early?
I used to enjoy dressing up and going to a nice hotel for dinner and dancing and who knows what else.It's not so much fun any more,not so many places have a band for dancing.Our favorite dancing place, Lulu's was bankrupted and sold to become a mall.
ReplyDeleteI was talking to dad about a year or so ago about things and how they work, He said these young wipper-snapper's don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.He says one thing the mob had was respect for each other, they were stand up guys.
ReplyDeleteNo, we don't get snow in October.It's usually a nice warm month,all the leaves turning beautiful colors and a nice month to be outside.
ReplyDeleteBut this year in Manitoba and Alberta they have had blizzards already.
We have snow forecast for tomorrow too.
ReplyDeleteSame here, where we go is to a Blues/Jazz club and look like it's fallen on hard times, we are on the grow but not for the better. All the movie people coming in and a lot of them is just plain trash as you know.
ReplyDeleteLadies, are you married?
ReplyDeleteI'm always open to offers Anonymous.
ReplyDeleteWhy can't they see the weather pattern is changing rapidly.But yet they say nothing is wrong.
ReplyDeleteMy 6 kids need shoes ,anonymous.
ReplyDeleteDid you have something in mind Anonymous??
ReplyDeleteI will have and offer you can't refuse later. Hang in there.
ReplyDeleteWe'll be here A.
ReplyDelete{giggles] Could it be him? You know he always say hang in there.
ReplyDeleteJohn McCain's daughter is posting nude pictures of herself on Twitter.What is she thinking?I don't Twitter.Do you CC??
ReplyDeleteOh yes tell me it's him,he said hang in there twice monday.
ReplyDeleteDid you hear about the little boy who they thought was adrift in a balloon today??When the balloon landed they found it empty and they thought he had fallen out.
ReplyDeleteTurns out he was never in the balloon.He was hiding in the attic.
Scared of his dad.
No I don't twitter.
ReplyDeleteI don't think A is who you think.But it might be Brad P.
ReplyDeleteOr it might be one of my relatives having some fun at our expense.
She's gay. Wonder why she's posting nude pictures trying to get a woman, there's a better way to do that.
ReplyDeleteShe sounds a wee bit warped.I don't think lesbians are attracted to such obvious porn.
ReplyDeleteI will go for one of your retalives , or Brad P. when we finish with B.P. we will send him back.
ReplyDeleteWe both should go into fortune-telling business, we called it right on the nose about Letterman, his wife kew what was up, so she married him, now she's going to take him to the cleaners.
ReplyDeleteMy first husband,among other things was a pro photographer.He used to do travel brochure photos for a lot of travel agencies.That's how he got free holidays in exotic places.Anyway.he took many pictures of me in the nude.I had a set kicking around for years.I believe my son showed them to a couple of friends when he was eight or nine.Then they mysteriously disappeared.I've always wondered who has them.
ReplyDeleteYou mean Letterman's wife is divorcing him??
ReplyDeleteI know quite a few gays they are not attracted to stuff like that.They are regular people like the rest of the world.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering about the little boy, wonder was his dad abusive to him.
Asking $200 million, saying he is addicted to sex.
ReplyDeleteI don't know if his dad was abusive.He looked like he might be very stern.He is a storm chaser and the balloon was a weather experiment he kept tethered in his back yard.
ReplyDeleteThe little boy was six and beautiful.
Dave's wife is an intelligent woman.I can't believe she didn't know anything at all.He had a lot of one night stands as well as affairs.
ReplyDeleteI would have picked up on it right away.
The most popular Halloween costume in the US right now is called Barakula .It's the pres as a vampire.
ReplyDeleteIf you were anything like Nana, I bet you was hot. Those little boys may have taken them and they may be long gone now.
ReplyDeleteI am hot.
ReplyDeleteYou know she had some ideas about him. She stayed with him all those years, why get married now? She knew what she had to do.
ReplyDeleteI don't get it why he told the whole world, I think that was the straw that broke the camel back.
Somwhere there is a nude painting of me also.I wonder if I'm hanging over a bar or a bed.
ReplyDeleteI know, it keeps the main man coming back for more[giggles]
ReplyDeleteHot with nice tits. Hahaha..Me too.
The Kennedy kids is at war with Ted's wife, Vicki.
ReplyDeleteDave's tell-all spiel was a career move. It would have leaked out anyway and this way, he controlled how it made him look.He came off not looking too bad,concerned,
ReplyDeletebrave,remorseful,self effacing and humorous.
But he really had no concern for his wife's feelings by exposing everything like that.the career meant more to him.
Did you paint it? Most likely a bed, so the man can dream about the beautiful "Genie" he has all to himself.
ReplyDeleteI heard about the Kennedy imbroglio.What a mess.As bad as the Jackson clan.
ReplyDeleteThe bimbos are just using them as a ladder to get higher up on the totem pole, and the wives have been with them through thick and thin, but DL and MG is going to end up along.
ReplyDeleteI didn't paint it.I've never done a self portrait.I've done portraits of relatives.Mostly the children and a nice one of my dad.When we were robbed, one of the things they took was the portrait of Dad.We couldn't figure that out.Did they hang it in their livingroom and say it was their father.Thieves don't usually take big bulky things.They just take what they can carry easily.
ReplyDeleteI wonder sometime if these people didn't have money would we hear so much about them?
ReplyDeleteI like to know about all the juicy stuff so I won't act a fool.
By the way, how did you know I had nice breasts??
ReplyDeleteDo you think it was someone you knew..during that time period did you miss some friends, if so they knew it was worth something and sold the painting.I bet it was someone you knew, you are right , they only take things they can carry.
ReplyDeleteUh huh...you said it when the three of us was talking a little naughty. I told you how I would jump buck-ass naked out at my man, boy those were fun times.
ReplyDeleteI don't think it was someone I knew.Anyway,we don't know where Dad's hanging and we don't know where I'm hanging.If I ever see them on Ebay, Ill buy them back.
ReplyDeleteDo you ever hear from Brit or know what happen to her?
ReplyDeleteI bragged about my breasts??Oh, the vanity.I'm ashamed and surprised.Brian has always said complimentary things about them but I never thought I'd brag.
ReplyDeleteI think I'll call it a day.I'm glad your weather has dried up a little.Chat with you tomorrow.Take it easy.Goodnight CC.
ReplyDeleteHave a good one....