But Kristen loopy scheme backfired on her. Her stunned boyfriend wants nothing to do with her---and she's now being charged with arson ! Kristen, 34, a dispatcher with the Burnet County Sheriff's Office in Burnet, Texas, had been dating Scott Keese, also, 34, who works as a deputy sheriff in the same department. Authorities say they broke up on August 16th. "They're had a fight and he said he didn't want to see her anymore ," said Burnet fire marshal Erkine. But, say authorities, later that night, while Scott was working, flames mysteriously erupted at his $160,000, 3 bedroom single story home. "The fire caused $114,000 in damages," said Erskine, four police officers got smoke inhalation pretty bad and had to be transported to the hosiptal. The four injured officers had gone into the burning house to rescue "Arnold" Scott's beloved English bulldog, who was found in a closet , gasping for air. Fortunately, the fire department had a canine oxygen mask, which saved "Arnold's" life, says Erkine.
Investigators quickly determined the blaze was started by an arsonist who held a lighter to the foam cushions of the couch. Because of the recent breakup, Kristen was suspect #1. Twice in the past, they'd broken up, but then something bad would supposedly happen to her where she would need a knight in shining armor to come to her rescue, said Erskine. One time, she was allegedly the victim of a home invasion. Another time , she...claimed she was hit by a hit-and-run driver. Neither incident turned out to be true. Both incidents happened after they'd had a fight and split up, but as a result of what she said, they got back together again. Kristen was figuring: ' Heck, I'm good at this stuff. I'll burn his house down, and we'll get back together again because he'll have nowhere to stay ! ' But Kristen wasn't as clever as she'd imagined. On August ,26th, cops arrested her and charged her with arson, and she's facing 20 years in jail if she's convicted. Scott was stunned when he learned who burned down his house--and he's finally washed his hands of Kristen for good. Scott gets it, said Erskine."HE's
My take on this : Kristen is a very sick and disturbed woman that was begging for help. Some people , especially women don't take rejection well when they have a fixation on a person . All the things Kristen was doing when Scott would quit her, should have sent up "RED FLAGS" . Kristen knew no bounds on gettin Scott back. Scott's home was badly burned, his dog almost died, next Scott may have lost his life. But thankful it didn't come to that and I hope Kristen get the help she needs.....But hey, that's just me. Stay tuned:
Kicking it with : CUPCAKE
If Kristen was a friend of mine I wouldn't want to piss her off.That kind of instability reminds me of someone we both know.
ReplyDeleteYes indeed...I know what you mean.
That's really what caught my eye. You can tell when a person is unstable or just plain crazy, if you see them every day, you should know somrthing is wrong.
ReplyDeleteDid you see my comments under the throng post, now that is funny, all his stuff hanging out.
ReplyDeleteHow's the costumes coming?
ReplyDeleteThe costumes are coming along slowly. You have to check the blog I put another thong Tragedy up there.
ReplyDeleteI will check and see, his balls is catching a lot of air.
ReplyDeleteThe recipe gadget was a good idea, 2 people said they was planning their Thanksgiving menu from it.
ReplyDeleteWell I'm happy that someone is enjoying it.I find I have been using it a lot this week.
ReplyDeleteSometimes you're down to a few ingredients and don't know what to make of them.It always comes up with a recipe.
She looks damn awful, She could make a fortune selling it by the pound.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteThe front of her thong disappeared too.She may never get it out of there again.
ReplyDeleteI have tried a few for some new ideas and everyone says they are good I found a new gumbo recipe on there and I will make it this weekend.
ReplyDeleteI know a lot of fat people, but I'm so glad they cover up.
ReplyDeleteNothing wrong in being nude if it's done in good taste. She should hide those jugs,they are the pits.
What are these people doing in thongs in public places??They will traumatize children.
ReplyDeleteI feel a bit traumatized too. I couldn't believe it.
I asked some people how could we bring attention to our gadget, and was told that all the people she knew that come always look to see what you have put up new.
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing wrong in being a big person.But I don't want to see them nude and I don't want my grandsons seeing it.Women are allowed to go topless in Canada,and nurse publicly.
ReplyDeleteShe don't seem to be on a nude beach. Nothing but rolls of fat. I wonder who told her she looked good. I know some men like king-size women, but if she was a hog all I would want is her head to make hog-head cheese. Hahaha
ReplyDeleteTopless and nursing is o.k. I bet they don't look like her, if you have nice tits , show them off, we can;t go topless here, but I would.
ReplyDeleteI got them back in shape. I try to keep myself in shape for me/health wise. If my man likes it , just gravy for his potatoes.
The queen is here right now to bestow an honor on one of our former primeministers.She often comes through our town.I hope she comes.I haven't seen her in several years.I'd like to see her one more time,although if she is like her mom she will live to be over one hundred.My uncle Alan worked for her.She knighted him.
ReplyDeleteI just saw on the news that all the people who have died from swine flu are under twent-five.They say it's a children's and young adults disease.
ReplyDeleteIf your grandsons see all that hanging out...they will take a vow of silence/celibacy and join the brothers/monks.
ReplyDeleteI'm more afraid they will adopt an alternate lifestyle(Gay).They are just getting curious now.Asking questions.
ReplyDeleteI hope you get to see her. You may be from the royal blood-line.
ReplyDeleteWe should have a retreat for women to go to where they can be silent or at peace.Somewhere they can be one with nature and rest and get in touch with their spirit.I would sign up right away.
ReplyDeleteJust to go to for a week now and then.
Remember your older boys, they asked a lot of question and they love girls. Just answer the best you can, I bet they had the same ideas about Nan/I.
ReplyDeleteNo royal blood just minor British aristocracy. I don't think I would want royal blood. They are not the brightest lights on the Christmas tree and they aren't very admirable if Charles is any example.
ReplyDelete[giggles] I hear there are a lot of inbreeding, or you have to marry someone with royal blood.
ReplyDeleteCharles ears stick out like a taxi-cab coming down the street with both doors open.
They know where the babies come out and they are asking how the baby seeds get in.I think their parents should tell them.
ReplyDeleteThe boys are more relaxed around me and confide in me but I'm not sure I have the right to explain the facts of life without their parents permission.I don't really want to.
We haven't got the flu vaccine here yet, the ones that have died is kids. If sickness break out, I will pull these out in a new york minute.
ReplyDeleteI was wrong.The Queen ain't here.Cretien went to Buckingham Palace to get the 'Queen's Special Medal of Merit'.Shite, I wanted to see her.We love our old queenie.She's like our granny.
ReplyDeleteAsk the parents if the boys have asked them, tell them it will be better if it comes from them and not the streets.
ReplyDeleteI know I didn't want to ask sis,I asked Jon's wife and she told sis it was time to set us straight.
I saw her when I looked through the gates of Buckingham Palace once.She was laughing her head off.Phil probably told her a dirty joke.
ReplyDeleteI had ideas how it was by living on a farm and sneaking up on everyone, but when she told me what really happens with human babies I told her that was just gross.
ReplyDeleteYes,I will speak to the parents.I already did my duty for my own brood.I don't know why parents still find it embarrassing.Kids have to know the truth or they pick up the weirdest ideas.
ReplyDeleteI heard the Queen has a great sense of humor. She must have she must have she had Charles. Where is her Daughter?
ReplyDeleteThe parente may be more comfortable with you telling them .
I spent summers on a farm and caught on pretty quick.It all seemed messy and noisy to me.I thought there must be an easier way.
ReplyDeleteNow I know,the messy, noisy part is quite fun.
Hold on there girl...remember the boys said they had a cool gunny.
ReplyDeletePrincess Anne is a wonderful lady who works very hard for charity and for children and hospitals.She loves her horses too.She keeps a lower profile than some of the royals.
ReplyDeleteYou started this and they are your brood also. Yes the mess and noise is a great, you know something is done right.I don't know how anyone can do the nasty without making noise and being messy.
ReplyDeletePrincess Anna never made the headlines and I was told she loved Princess DI .
ReplyDeleteThe chick who burned her lover's house is one step away from murdering him.Those nut jobs always kill the one they love.
ReplyDeleteI still don't know how that lady got the thong out of her choochie.A guy might be afraid to make love to her in case he got sucked in and was never seen again.
ReplyDeleteShe almost killed his dog and every time they would break up, she would do something stupid to get him back, something was wrong and they should have seen it.
ReplyDelete[giggles] I wonder what else she has up there.You think she is advertising it,I bet a man has to be drunk to jump on that choochie.
ReplyDeletePeople are always aware of the red flags with these nutbars but they never take any positive action to stop them.Why won't people be responsible,even people in their own family??
ReplyDeleteI want to know how they wash it...do they go to a drive through car wash? hahaha Or do they just get hosed down in the yard. Backyard I hope.
ReplyDeleteI bet they can't get any "WALL SEX "
ReplyDeleteShe has stuff up that choochie that has been missing for years, even the kitten she lost when she was ten.
ReplyDeleteIf those two had 'wall sex' together they would knock the house down and fall through to the basement.
ReplyDeleteKristen/Scott, both worked in the sheriff's office in the same department.
ReplyDeleteI guess they think if they ignore the problem it will go away, but it only festers and make it worse.
Kinda like a boil just keep getting bigger.
The annoying thing is that she has little or no cellulite on the backs of her thighs.How is that possible??
ReplyDeleteIf they don't notice red nutcase flags in a sheriff's office then there is no hope.They are not a crack investigative team.I wouldn't want them working on my case.
ReplyDeleteWe have a friend pretty close to 250/300 lbs and he dresses nice,and he don't look that bad,he wears short pants and look real nice.He really look nice in sport clothes and has a friend .
ReplyDeleteThose two can't get any sex together, his dangle is up his belly and you wouldn't know when you have it in the choochie, there's so many wrinkles. Hahaha
The dog is crossing his legs to go out so we may as well finish our chat now.I'll write a post.See ya when I see ya...night...J
ReplyDeletePost Script:I bet fat sex is noisy sex...Lots of slapping sounds and floor creaking...HA!
ReplyDeleteMaybe she had 'liposuction' on her legs, but she had it in the wrong place, she need a good old nip-tuck, maybe she can hire MJ's Dr. Murrary, he did James Brown wife..oops, she's dead.
ReplyDeleteO.K. Nite.......CC