A recent study revealed that women are getting better looking through evolution; meanwhile, men are staying the same. After following more than 2,000 people through four decades of life, the study showed that attractive women had 16 percent more children than average-looking chicks and that beautiful people are 36 percent more likely to have a daughter as their firstborn. All those gorgeous daughters mean more beautiful women than in past generations.
2. We survive car accidents more often.
This is sad but true: Men are 77 percent more likely to die in a car accident than women, according to a study done by Carnegie Mellon University. Our boyfriends should be thanking us when we nag them to "Wear your seatbelt!"
3. We're better at seeking comfort.
A Mind survey of 2,000 people revealed that women are far more likely than men to talk through their problems. Fifty-three percent of women talk to their friends about what's stressing them out, as opposed to 29 percent of men.
4. We're more recession-proof.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 80 percent of those who have lost their jobs since December 2007 have been men. Ouch. This could be because male-dominated fields have been hit the hardest, like manufacturing and finance. That really sucks...but hey, maybe it's time more men became nurses and educators.
5. We graduate college more often.
We already know that female enrollment is higher than male, but the Department of Education's statistics reveal that men are also less likely than women to graduate and get their bachelor's degrees. Men are also more likely to take longer than five years to complete their degree.
6. We eat healthier.
A survey of more than 14,000 people, conducted by the University of Minnesota, showed that women choose far healthier foods than men. While men are more likely to chow down on frozen pizza and red meat, women are piling fruits and veggies onto their plates. It all sounds pretty obvious, but we get so much grief for our chocolate addictions that we just had to point this one out!
7. We have stronger immune systems.
No wonder men act like such babies when they have a sniffle — women really do have stronger immune systems than men! If there are little battles going on in our bodies, women have a secret weapon: estrogen. A study done by McGill University indicated that estrogen gives women an edge when it comes to fighting off infections. That's because estrogen confronts a certain enzyme that often hinders the body's first line of defense against bacteria and viruses.
8. We live longer.
Among the world's population of those who are over 100 years old, 85 percent are women, according to the New England Centenarian Study. In general, women continue to live five to 10 years longer than men as well.
9. We're better managers, especially in this economy.
This one is a little controversial, but a slew of experts are confident that women make greater bosses because they are better listeners, mentors, problem solvers, and multitaskers than their male counterparts. In a recent Daily News article, management expert Jay Forte said, "It's a very service-oriented economy [right now], so you need employees to be motivated. Women are better connectors than men and more astute about knowing how to activate passion in their employees."
10. We invest better.
A study of 100,000 portfolios showed that women's investment returns outperform men's, 18 percent to 11 percent. This could be because women are typically more cautious with their investment decisions and think longer term.
A study of 100,000 portfolios showed that women's investment returns outperform men's, 18 percent to 11 percent. This could be because women are typically more cautious with their investment decisions and think longer term.
Yes, we can do a lot more things better.
ReplyDeleteNow I wonder when we we make as much money as the men.
It's very interesting to know how good we are at getting things done.
ReplyDeleteWeather still dry, but a little cooler and it's snowing in PA.
Cool here ,no snow.What happened to anonymous?
ReplyDeleteYeah,les femmes are pretty cool.
I thought he was going to proposition us.
ReplyDeleteDon't know...he said to hang in there ,I guess he/she be back.
ReplyDeleteWe've got the swine flu here now.All the foreign visitors to Oktoberfest may have had something to do with it.I'm just saying.
ReplyDeleteHe might..I hope I didn't scare him away , when I told him my 6 kids needed shoes.
ReplyDeleteYou be careful, you never know.It wasn't there before the crowd.
ReplyDeleteI heard on the news the flu shots was going to be late. Quite a few people have died.
ReplyDeleteOne of our local children died of it,a little boy.Oktoberfest is two weeks long.You can spread a lot of disease in that time.
ReplyDeleteA lot of drinking,polkas and singing dirty songs has been going on.The object is trying to drink as much beer as you can to see if you can drink the locals under the table.Americans are not used to Canadian beer.It is very potent.The aroma of vomit is in the air.
ReplyDeleteI liked the Da Vinci art, but I can't make head or tail out of Obama's art. I will never make an art critic, I guess it is in the eye of the beholder. What are they doing,Obama need to get tough and stop letting Michelle tell him what to do.He needs to man up to all the bullies, that include Michelle also.
ReplyDeleteThere are parades, dancing in the streets,all kind of competitions and events and shows and of course the ever present beer gardens.The local people try to avoid a lot of it and curse the traffic jams.They close off some streets to traffic just when we have 10 times more traffic.Go figure.
ReplyDeleteYou think Michelle is a bully??
ReplyDeleteYou can spread germs fast, if you don't keep yourself clean, using the same bathrooms and with that many people it is hard to keep them clean and they are using portable toliets.
ReplyDeleteWell she looks like one tough broad.
ReplyDeleteYes, I think she is and she is not cut out to be a public figure.
ReplyDeleteWatch her when they are together , she almost seem jealous when a woman talk or hug him, she always has that little smirk on her face.
With older people the H1N1 virus gives them the runs and nausea and vomiting so it's that much harder to keep bathrooms clean,not to mention your hands.We're using so much hand sanitizer our skin is all dry and cracked.When we go out we try not to touch ANYTHING.
ReplyDeleteWE've turned some of our younger kids into germaphobes.
ReplyDeleteHer eyes can look kind of hard and cold at times and her smile is a bit smirky.It must be hard to smile all the time,especially when you are mad or jealous.
ReplyDeleteShe's not so tough,bullies never are. Maybe he do more than flirt.
ReplyDeletewomen know she is jealous, they will throw themselves at him just for the hell of it. He is not a choir boy.
I was hoping Anonymous would say some sexy things to us but it's possible it was one of those weird ads that pop up on blogs sometimes.So much for our threesome with Anonymous...HA!
ReplyDeleteBarak Obama may be a good hubby,
ReplyDeleteBut I think other girls
Have played with his chubby.
It's all about trust,if he's not running now she will make him . Some that knew them in ILL. say she was always accusing him of women. I would love to be a fly on their wall. hahaha
ReplyDeleteWould you play with his chubby if he asked you to do it for your country??
ReplyDeleteI think he will be back,the ads pop up about the posts,I agree with you it's someone that vists.
ReplyDeleteRemember anonymous than showed up and was from Canada and said he was watching us?
If he really wanted to pay off your huge deficit he could at least hire it out to interested ladies.
ReplyDeleteNo he's not my type, he's a little bit too young. Yes they have played with his chubby. We will be hearing it soon and we will scoop it.
ReplyDeleteHe could set up a big tent on the White House lawn;you take a number and wait your turn.He could call it 'The Obamarama.'
ReplyDeletewell he has one thing going for him, he has big feet and long fingers.[giggles] remember the little feet?
ReplyDelete[giggles]he will have you moaning and groaning and you open your eyes,there's michelle standing with a shotgun,saying do me or I shoot you in the butt.
ReplyDeleteI wonder where he hide his condoms, in his body-guards pocket.
ReplyDeleteI saw a picture of him in a bathing suit...Not bad.
ReplyDeleteI have a thing for Matt Damon and the new James Bond guy( I never remember his name)If I could combine the the two and add a dash of Obama's charisma and wit,I think I could leave Brian for that.
You wouldn't leave Brian if Brad Pitt was in the bundle.
ReplyDeleteObama looks pretty good in a swim suit,Michelle can keep him, been there did that.
We both know what we have and wouldn't trade it for anything.
Daniel Craig.I just looked it up but I will forget again in a minute.
ReplyDeleteYou know any other man beside the ones we have would be a trade down.
ReplyDeleteJust think they would be lost without us.
Now Daniel craig is a hunky devil, now he's nice.I will remind you.
ReplyDeleteBrian would want me to be happy.And if that meant getting Daniel Craig for me...well then he'd go along with it.
ReplyDeleteBoard shoulders slim hips, oh yes, you are making me Hmmmmm,oh yes.
ReplyDeleteMy man wants me happy, but gettinga man for me, that jealous bastard would lock me away somewhere.
ReplyDeleteBrian gets jealous if I'm on the computer too long.
ReplyDeleteYes,Daniel Whaz'is name for me.Just for a change now and then.I'd like to keep him on call 24/7.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to write a post about when my friend died when I was a teen but it's hard not to make it depressing and maudlin.
I told you I would remember for you
ReplyDeleteThe name is Craig.hahaha
I get the same sometime about the computer.
Write about your friend, people like human interest stories. I have a lot of stories in my hrad , they just don't come out right. I went back over the ones I wrote abot Josie and my daddy's mama [Rose] they make no sense to anyone but me.[giggles] I bet people got a laugh out of them.
I do better when I just write about my feeling when something strikes me.
ReplyDeleteWe have to be in Fort Worth,Texas tomorrow for some kind of luncheon.
ReplyDeleteWe are going to stay overnight and I won't get to see you tomorrow night.
That's what we're here for..to make them laugh.I don't want to depress them.It's good if we can get a little useful information out now and then.Although I don't want to shove global warming stuff down people's throats too much...much as I'm tempted.
ReplyDeleteWorld starvation is another issue I'd like to impress on people but they would start avoiding us if I got on my soap box too much.i get too preachy. It's just that I can't stand the thought of children going without food for days at a time.
Tomorrow night is my date night.I wouldn't be online anyway.So have a good trip.Treat it like a second honeymoon..or third or fourth.
ReplyDeleteI am going to ckeck to see if they have some different rag mags, I know they have different ones in Miami and Reno.
ReplyDeleteStill looking for that People magazine?
ReplyDeleteGet on your soap box about what you feel, if you reach a few people it's worth it.
ReplyDeleteNo I didn't mean funny--funny, I meant stupid funny, they don't make sense not even to me.
I forgot to look for it today.it was a hectic day.I'll look tomorow.I have to go out and get materials to make two costumes for Halloween.
ReplyDeleteI think t will be out next week.
ReplyDeleteThe one that's out now is about Elizabeth Smart, the one that was nabbed in Utah.
I think when you google, it be a week or tow early.
I looked today and still wasn't there, thats why I think it will be out next week. The one that's on the stands now is for Oct.19th..
ReplyDeleteThe one that's coming out Tue/Wed will be dated for Oct.26th.
You may be right about the mag.At least we were one of the first to see it.Just call me 'Scoop.'
ReplyDeleteI'll see what I can Google up tonight.
Did you see the funniest joke in the world?I thought it was sort of funny but certainly not the funniest in the world, regardless of how many scientists tell me so.
What kind of costumes? Not the Obama ones, they have run him in the ground, it once was cute, but it has got so stupid, I bet next they will be telling us what kind of drawers he wears. I wish they would put as much effort behind his health plan.
ReplyDeleteNinja costumes.I haven't seen any Obama costumes up here.We like him.
ReplyDeleteI loved the joke.
ReplyDeleteYou have told some better ones, maybe I should tell the scientists to give you a call.
I forgot to put Craig on.I like the first ten minutes of his show.I've missed that.
ReplyDeleteSome of us like and believe in him.
ReplyDeleteI don't know why we are so far behind the rest of the world.
Anything they can do/find to make fun/joke about him they will.
He didn' carry Texas/La./Ark/Miss. you know why. Theywas talking about running Jindel for Pres. and he don't know shit.
It's funny when he has another Scotsman on.His accent gets thicker and it's hard to understand him.I love Scots.The town next to us is mostly Scotch descendants.They are so honest and outspoken and funny as hell.
ReplyDeleteHaven't you notice the ones that complain the most is the ones that don't do a damn thing but talk.
ReplyDeleteWe had a meeting last week and some was just complaining when the guy was talking, it really made my blood boil, I told them to shut the hellup or get the fuck our because this was my baby.
It will take another century for southern folks to change.They don't realize how ignorant their racist notions are.It's mostly folks who didn't have much schooling.
ReplyDeleteI was looking at DC and now Criminal Minds on A&E. the one about Dc was when he got shot .
ReplyDeleteThat DC show was lame.Even the way he was laying on the ground was weird.
ReplyDeleteToo bad he wasn't dead for keeps.They might have revamped the show by putting some real hunk in his place like that Daniel Who'sitz.
ReplyDeleteThats sotrue and they die hard.
ReplyDeleteA lady was alking about her folks had slaves, I asked her what else was new,I told her if her forefathers had slaves, she was also mixed.Boy did she get mad.
I am proud to be here,whoever had a hand in making me I'm glad.
I have 3/4 great black friends, one I had since junior high school and we still love hanging out together, it's not the color, it's the person.
ReplyDelete[giggle] I told you Daniel Craig.
ReplyDeleteI should have known they would be ninja,the twins take karate.
I like the young guy Reed on criminal minds, have you notice how he wears his gun?
ReplyDeleteWe don't have a whole lot of black folks up here but there are some and a huge east Indian population,an enormous chinese,Vietnamese,Korean and Pakistani population.Even a fair sized Arab group.So you see,we can't afford to be racist or we would hardly like anyone.We are a very cosmopolitan people.No one is barred from annything.
ReplyDeleteI guess I will let you work on your post, I got to find a some good ones, going to the bookstore and find some sexy ones, but they will have to be short or I can condensed them.
ReplyDeleteNo I never noticed how he wears his gun.That's because I look at their faces and you always look at their pants.
ReplyDeleteThat's the way we should be.
ReplyDeleteWe are so backward and living in the dark ages.
It's nice to around different cultures, you can learn from each other.
Okay,enjoy your trip.Maybe we'll meet Sunday.Take care..night...J
ReplyDeleteWhere else is there to look?
ReplyDeleteHe wears it almost over his dangle.hahaha.I am glad they don't use real bullets because if he run and it go off, that's goodbye danle.hahaha
I will look forward to reading about your friend .
You're hopeless...Night.