There's only one kind of cleavage that's hot (or two, including toe cleavage, if you're into that sort of thing), and the cooter kind is not one of them. Which is where the Cuchini comes in. It's a pad that slips into your undergarments to "smooth the ridges of a woman's mons pubis area." That's technical jargon for fix yourself, girl, you've got a cameltoe. So the next time you shimmy into your fave pair of too-tight spandex shorty-shorts and hike them up to your chin, at least have the decency to "seal your lips" with the Cuchini.
ReplyDeleteA lot of women don't know what camel-toe is...but now they do.
Careful ladies, you may think the opposite sex is admiring watching two slabs of meat bouncing against each other, nope, wrong again, they are wondering what the hell they are.[giggles]
Be careful out there, the men is watching and laughing.Hahahaha!!!
So ladies please wear a Cuchini, if not,wearing your pants too tight and not getting any air down there will make you smell, and that's not good for the people around you.