While Mackynzie sleeps and Anna rests, Michelle, Jim Bob and the older kids wash dishes, fold laundry and get lunch prepared, and the younger ones play with toys on the floor. Until I saw everyone here at once, I hadn't really realized how many aunts and uncles Mackynzie has, says Anna, 21. "There's a huge team of people caring for us." Yet when Anna went into labor October 8th, that team was MIA, participating in a family church camp in Texas. With their doctor also out of town, the couple opted to labor at home for as long as possible with the support of doula ( birthing assistant). When they got wordof Anna's labor, Michelle and Jim Bob hopped a plane home, arriving just minutes before Mackynzie was caught by Josh, who helped clamp and cut the cord. Josh says it was "an incredible moment." And one he hopes to relive as often as possible.Following in the footsteps of his parents.We accept the children we have as blessing from "God", says Jim Bob---Josh says he and Anna will welcome as many children as "God" will give us, Anna agrees: Anna says she can't wait to see what happens with the next one!" But for now it's all about Mackynzie, after a busy day of meeting all her aunts and uncles, she snuggles up with Anna, snoozing while her youngest uncle, Jackson, quietly looks on. Meanwhile,Anna is brushing up on parenting tips from her seasoned mother-in-law. She's like a living birth encylopedia , says Anna. Counterd Michelle: "Anna's doing so well. She's a wonderful mother. Josh aurveys his new family and nods. Time is really flying by, and kids grow so quickly, he says. Josh says he wants to live in the moment and cherish it. Even if it happens at 3:am.
My take on this: What a wonderful and loving family. Wouldn't it be nice if the rest of these so call reality shows would take lessons from the Duggars. All their kids are talented and at the top of their class in school. Ma nad Pop duggar is still going strong in the baby making business...expecting the next one this spring...wonder will she fine another "J" to name this one. Stay tuned: the saga continues.
Kicking it wit Cupcake:
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