Coral reefs are a key source of food, income and coastal protection .The prospects of saving the world's coral reefs now appear so bleak that plans are being made to freeze samples to preserve them for the future.
A meeting in Denmark took evidence from researchers that most coral reefs will not survive even if tough regulations on greenhouse gases are put in place. Scientists proposed storing samples of coral species in liquid nitrogen. That will allow them to be reintroduced to the seas in the future if global temperatures can be stabilised.
Legislators from 16 major economies have been meeting in the Danish capital, Copenhagen, to try to agree on the way to go forward on climate change. The meeting has been organised by the Global Legislators Organisation for a Balanced Environment (Globe). One of the issues they have been considering is what to do with coral reefs, which make up less than a quarter of 1% of the ocean's floor. Yet the reefs are a key source of food, income and coastal protection for around 500 million people worldwide.They are also habitats for many species of aquatic life and things of great beauty.
At this meeting, politicians and scientists acknowledged that global emissions of carbon dioxide are rising so fast that we are losing the fight to save coral and the world must develop an alternative plan. Freezing samples for the future may be a necessary option.
''Well it's the last ditch effort to save biodiversity from the reefs which are extremely diverse systems," said Simon Harding from the Zoological Society of London (ZSL).
"It may be a next to impossible effort to reconstruct the reef so that you can start the process of building up the coral again again," he said.
"That is something that needs to be looked at in detail, but we can definitely store the species and save them in that way."
According to recent research, one of the world's most important concentrations of coral - the so-called Coral Triangle in South East Asia - could be destroyed by climate change before the end of this century with significant impacts on food security and livelihoods.
''Well it's the last ditch effort to save biodiversity from the reefs which are extremely diverse systems," said Simon Harding from the Zoological Society of London (ZSL).
"It may be a next to impossible effort to reconstruct the reef so that you can start the process of building up the coral again again," he said.
"That is something that needs to be looked at in detail, but we can definitely store the species and save them in that way."
According to recent research, one of the world's most important concentrations of coral - the so-called Coral Triangle in South East Asia - could be destroyed by climate change before the end of this century with significant impacts on food security and livelihoods.
Why did we let this happen? We were ever a foolish species. If we're not killing each other we are destroying the planet we live on. Will the self destruction continue until there is no trace of humankind left but some crumbling concrete, a few styrofoam cups and of course...duct tape??
They have known about the Coral Reefs for years.
ReplyDeleteIt's like everything else, put off today the things you can do tomorrow,as the old saying goes, a dollar short and a day late.
It is a known fact that Global Warming/Climate Change is the reason why all the different weather patterns around the world.
Rude awaking folks, go to bed one night and wake up in the middle of a lake, we can rename the Earth Water World. Remember, everyone can't swim.
ReplyDeleteDid you see the note I left you under Windows 7, maybe there is hope for me yet.
It's a good program.I read all your comments.
ReplyDeleteYou think there is hope for me[giggles]
ReplyDeleteIf your husband hired the geek don't offer him food or sex.They hang around your house and you can't get rid of them.
ReplyDeleteThere's no hope for you.you're a sassy mouthed bitch wuo hates drop in visitors.
ReplyDeleteAnd you have keylime pie breath.
ReplyDeleteThe whole world is falling apart,now they want to fix it when it's almost to late for most things.
ReplyDeleteI have a story in drafts about the Duggars, they had their 1st grandkid.The Duggar's baby is 9 months old and she is expecting another one in the spring.
Will you edit and post for me.
And I'm an old bitch who hates drop-in visitors.At five in the morning flames would have shot out of my mouth and nose and burned them to cinders.
ReplyDeleteI'll edit it.
ReplyDeleteOh yes, you know me so well. The keylime pie was right on time, they wanted us to come to the casino tonight,I asked them was they crazy, I'm not getting out in this weather.
ReplyDeleteThey told dad on me, he told them they caught me on my good behavior.
ReplyDeleteI don't care for them, all glitter and no substance.
You're getting too comfortable at home and set in your ways.What happened to the impulsive girl who was up for anything??
ReplyDeleteHow is your weather?
ReplyDeleteBrian and I were discussing this the other day.We used to love to party and do impulsive things like jump in the car and see where the road took us.Now that doesn't seem so inviting.It seems we didn't notice that we grew up.We'd rather spend an evening at home together than almost anything.
ReplyDeleteI am still up for anything, but I have to stay true to myself. They get up and dress like they are going to a party,stupid huh. I get up shower brush my teeth/hair and throw on a pair old jeans and ready for the day.
ReplyDeleteThe weather is warm and dry and more like the Octobers we love so much.The kids are jumping in piles of leaves and everyone is putting pumpkins on their porches. We really enjoy Halloween.I might put some more scary things on our blog.The people in my daughter's neighborhood put on a fabulous Halloween show for the kids.
ReplyDeleteI am trying to stay out of crowds as much as I can, don't want to bring nothing home, can't be to careful.
ReplyDeleteI'm sitting here sewing a giant hole one of the twins made in their costume from playing in it too rough.
ReplyDeleteIt was fun to just get up and go,when we lived in the apartment, we was on the go all times,living out of a suitcase. It is so much more fun now, I guess I am growing up.
ReplyDeleteThe halloweed stuff is great, maybe I will learn something now. HA !
I like the name "Sassy" , and I am a sassy bitch that don't wear panties.
ReplyDeleteThe only time I'm in a crowd lately is when I have to go shopping or the bank or take Nana to the doctor's. Or take the twins to school or karate.And I am a germophobe for the last couple of months.I carry handwash and antiseptic wet wipes.
ReplyDeleteI have to take Brian to the hospital tomorrow and that's the worst place you can be to catch H1N1.
Do you have a sewing machine?
ReplyDeleteHope the hole wasn't to bad, they will have a lot of fun,it don't take much to make kids happy, a lot of love and hugs.
I have a machine.I don't use it as much as I used to.
ReplyDeleteJust for a check-up I hope. Take a case of soap/hand wipes.
ReplyDeleteI'm hungy
ReplyDeleteHe might have cancer.We're just taking it one day at a time.
ReplyDeleteBrian's foot healed o.k. huh..know the bullet is still there.
ReplyDeleteWhy do they wait until it's almost to late do do anything, they have known about the world crisis for years.
Not to worry, Brian has beaten everything that have been thrown at him, he'll beat this too.
ReplyDeleteYou live by the golden rule and another stone is being thrown your way, and people that don't give a shit, nothing ever happens to them.
It's very scary the way global warming is speeding up. They didn't foresee that.It's going twice as fast as they predicted.It's gathering speed asit goes.
ReplyDeleteI was upset about the coral.They can't save it.I went diving in the Carribean and saw beautiful coral.It was like fantastic sculptures.
Well go look at the gadget to give you a salad recipe or sandwich idea.
ReplyDeleteMy poor polar bears are so skinny and sickly.They are dying in droves.
ReplyDeleteI feel helpless sometimes CC.I think all my protesting gets blown away on the wind and no one hears it.What will it take to make people take this situation seriously??
That means a lot of things in the sea will die for not having food, we depend on the sea for food and a lot of other stuff.
ReplyDeleteI have learn a great deal from you, things I never dreamed of, you have brought it to light for me.
People who have had family and homes washed away by tsunamis and hurricanes are taking it seriously.But if people's lives are not directly affected by these things they ignore them and hope they'll go away.
ReplyDeleteThe bears are coming inland, they are trying to survive, when they eat a couple of people,maybe then they will listen.
ReplyDeleteWe are still collecting donations here not as much, but if we get 2/3 people to listen out of 10/20, it will be worth the effort.
We had a meeting last week, asked
ReplyDeletethem couldn't they see nature was working her way up the food chain and we was only a couple of rungs above the endangered species.
Couldn't find a quick snack on the gadget.
ReplyDeleteI'll do my one minute stomach filler. I break an egg into a bowl of water.Put a plate on top and microwave for 45 seconds or fifty depending on whose microwave I'm using.Presto,poached egg.Put it on toast with a bit of salt... yum.
Just like the old saying....glad it's you and not me. Well this crap affects us all in one way or another.
ReplyDeleteThe ice caps are melting and the water has to go somewhere. The Red River between Shreveport/Bossier City is above flood level.The gulf will be over N.O. heading for Baton Rouge soon.
Just look your weaher has gone hay-wire.
That's a great snack, I'll try it some time, love eggs.
ReplyDeleteOh well,when we find that new earthlike planet,I'm leaving on the first spaceship out of here.
ReplyDeleteThis will surprise you.I visited Dodo's planet to see what she talked about.Aside from the usual boring stuff, she really has it in for the blogger who claims to be a friend of DC's.That was the main topic in the comments of every post.
I am having trouble staying on our web page.There is something wrong with our blog.It may be that we are supporting too many gadgets. One will have to go.How about This Day in History??
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure that's what it is.
It you think that will help ,get rid of it.
ReplyDeleteThat's Sharon Harvey on my space,
ReplyDeletedodo says Sharon/Heidi is just alike...dodo is such a dupe. I know for a factnow that dodo copies off you, Frank on CSI:M dad died and she put a rest in peace post for him.
ReplyDeleteYeah,I forgot her name.Dodo really has a hate on for her.
ReplyDeleteDodo lies a lot,she says people e-mail her stuff about Sharon/us, she has her e-mail address up , she go to these sites herself, thats how she knew we had DC here no one e-mailed her.
ReplyDeleteShe just can't stand anyone talking about Dave but her.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what happened to Anonymous and what was the offer he had for us that we couldn't refuse.
ReplyDeleteI just had my egg snack.It was good.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Sharon is friends with DC, who cares, she's not hurting anyone,hell DC needs all the PR he can get, Sharon lives in England.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand what's with dodo.She has never met the guy.
Do you think we should go to Sharon's blog and support her??Didn't you say you went there once and commented.
ReplyDeleteI know your snack was good.
ReplyDeleteI asked Mac if he was anonymous if it wasn't someone that knew you, he just smile and said what are you talking about, I asked Chris since Nan showed him how to get us after I did the post on him.
Maybe it was the guy that said he was keeping an eye on us.
Yes I did, but she went private. I am going to see if I can find her, I think you have to be invited, Hell I would to support her,she says he talk to her and sends e-mails.
ReplyDeleteI remember that guy.He was Canadian.His cyber name was Canuck.That's an informal name for Canadians.
ReplyDeleteIf I find her, I would comment for awhile and try to get her to come to blogger it would be better for her and we would give her support much better. She could have her DC mag here better.
ReplyDeleteIf we can get to her I would comment too.Get her to come here and talk.
ReplyDeleteYes,that would be interesting.It's always fun to mess with Dodo.Unfortunately,for us it's fun but Dodo has no sense of humor.She would be livid and furious.
ReplyDeleteWe could say the same about dodo being a stalker.
ReplyDeleteI can say one thing for Heidi, she never attacked anyone about DC unless they attacked her first, they didn't get her until she was ready, Heidi fought a good fight , she was hiding in plain sight.
I bet DC hate they got her.
I'd like to chat more about this fascinating subject but we have to leave very early in the morning.We can discuss it more next time we meet.So,adieu...take care...J
ReplyDeleteI like pissing douche bag women off. I would tell her to put one finger in her mouth and the other in her pussy and see which tongue is longer.
ReplyDeleteThat's right..get some rest and I will see you later.