Whitney slipped up later in the interview when she admitted her drug of choice was "weed" combined with rock cocaine. "Rock cocaine is another name for crack !It was reported extensively in the past about Whitney's addiction to crack cocaine , a lethal form of the drug formed into a solid form by "cooking" the cocaine power with baking soda. Whitney's, former sister-in-law and fellow drug user, Tina Brown, told the Enquirer in a series of exclusive interviews in 2006 that Whitney regulsrly purchased "eightballs" of crack and that her habit was "out of control."
Atlanta based body language expert Patti Wood, author of "Success Signals : Understanding Body Language," says Whitney's bizarre response when Oprah asked if she was now drug-free was a dead giveaway that the singer wasn't being truthful. After blunting out "Yes, ma`am," Whitney " paused significantly and her voice becamed stilted " in response to the question, Wood observed. She blinked her eyes, which means she went into a retreat mode, and she balled her hands into fists and brought them to her chest as if she was beating herself up. She knew what she was saying was not truth.
Dr. Lillian Glass --a licensed therapist and voice and body language authority based in Beverly Hills, California --agrees with Woods assessment. Dr Woods noted that Whitney "shrugged her shoulders several times when talking about her drug use, a clear sign of deception. Her foot was tapping , indicating that she was uncomfortable and wanted to get out of these questions in a hurry. Added the source: Whitney's interview with Oprah was just a "FRAUD "- I think Whitney was lying through her teeth.
My take on this crap: Even to a lay-person like myself, I could easily tell Whitney was lying, not only from her body language, she also looked high on drugs, she couldn't stay focus on the subject at hand. When Whitney recorded "I Will Always Love You," really had a voice, but gone are the days when she could hit the high notes . Whitney ,whose first album in seven(7) years [I Look To You] is currently at the top of the pop charts, is only there because of her die-hard fans. Drugs can play hell with your voice or any talent you may have been blessed to have.....So my question is: Did Oprah lie? I don't think so. But hey, that's just me. Stay tuned the saga continues.
Kicking it with : CUPCAKE
I didn't see the interview but the timing makes perfect sense for Whitney's new album and career.Perfect time for a confession from the soul.How much of it was true or not,others know better than I.I do know Oprah prides herself on sticking pretty close to the truth,so
ReplyDeleteI doubt she lied.
CSIM is on right now so I'm going to sit and criticize DC and enjoy myself.
I've had a weekend straight from hell so I need to unwind a little.
ReplyDeleteI'm not so sure I like the new guy.He doesn't seem to have mudh personality.
Enjoy yourself, old DC is in rare form tonight.
ReplyDeleteDC just mugjt suprise us and stand up straight.
Hope you had a great thankgiving and didn't eat too much.
I think Oprah did the best she could will Whitney, I just seen the program today, Mamie taped it and asked did I want to see it.
don't think her confession was from the soul, she seem kind of nervous and rehearsed. she also looks old and tired.Bobby Brown did a job on her as ha did all his baby mamas.
The new guy looks good without clothes and playing bad guys. He was better on criminal minds, with his son getting the ladies for him and he kills them.
ReplyDeleteDo you think DC/EP/frank can carry the show for 2 more years? I don't care for the new guy, he is just beek-cake for the younber crowd.
Bobby Brown is a jewel,a prince among druggies. He would wear any woman out.Also, can't keep it in his pants.I don't know what women see in him.
ReplyDeleteThe new guy is disappointing; also a new guy in the morgue.Big dumb looking guy.
I don't think the cast can carry the show very successfully for two years.
ReplyDeleteI remember that Criminal Minds.It was good.
No I don't think he is the right type for Miami.He would suit Las Vegas better.
ReplyDeleteWell, looks like you got called away so I'll catch you later...take care ...J
Old DC looks better than has in a long time. Maybe Liza was weighing him down, he dodn't seem to have as many wrinkles and walking with more spunk. Almost like the old DC.
ReplyDeleteI was here...I was waiting for you to come back, my comment was one minute behind yours.
ReplyDeleteWell, anyway hope your week is better than your weekend ...
Later ....CC
I can't seem to find a good subject for a post,I'll have to Google up something sexy to stimulate interest.
ReplyDeleteMy little nasty posts don't seem to fit.
ReplyDeleteWell they bomb the moon.
I was looking back over some of our posts when we held their interest.
ReplyDeleteI thought one of your kids woke up or something.Happens all the time.
ReplyDeleteAfter that weekend,a funeral would be a pleasant change.
I always thought we would make fifty thousand by our anniversary but I guess not.
Any ideas for a subject? The news is not so interesting.
I see on the news that the police are still using tasers(sp?)on violent suspects and criminals, even though 26 people have died from it since 2000.WTF?
ReplyDeleteHow many deaths will it take?
I had one of my inspirational moments like the ones I once had, they just don't seem to fit anymore. When the rain stips, I'm going to the book store and get some sexy short stories.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'm just getting boring or predictable.We did better when we were very naughty and pornographic but we can't keep that up all the time.
ReplyDeleteWe can always count on celebs to be bad and make headlines.
MJ's new record is out I bet it will make platinum.
One said we was like a series , what went on behind the scenes.
ReplyDeleteI am at my wits end. I will be glad when Nan gets back, she always give me ideas. I was going to write something naughty about Chris or my fairy cousin, but I guess not. It would look/sound funny.
I don't think we are boring. I think we are just having some off time, I checked round and it's off a lot of places. celebs are still up to their old tricks.
ReplyDeleteI think if I start back to posting more maybe that will help some.But it's kinda hard now.
Your fairy cousin? That sounds interesting.Would he mind?
ReplyDeleteI don't think I have any gay relatives but have a few gay friends.They are pretty open about things.
We had the Octoberfest parade today which is usually fun,but it could have froze the tit off a witch; It was so cold.Some of our American friends were complaining thye didn't bring warm enough clothing.
I, for one won't be buying MJ's record,knowing old beady eyes may get his hnds on a couple of pennies.
ReplyDeleteThe weather is crazy. We never got a summer and now it has skipped autumn and gone straight into winter.Pisses me off.
ReplyDeleteHe know we all love him/her and I will ask him to share some with me.
ReplyDeleteIt's cold their and continues to rain, just heard it was going to be thunderstroms.
Ditto on the MJ thing.I don't want to help Beady's retirement.If I knew his kids were going to get it,maybe.
ReplyDeleteMy spare money is going to help Sick Kid's Hospital; they are going under financially.A lot of kids desperately need that facility.A couple of mine included.
That's why dirtbags like Beady get me mad.
Something is going on with the weather. Letterman is on with his ugly ass. Since I know about him and his aide, I like him lest.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean, we are about to lose Shriners for children, a burn hosiptal, they almost close about a year ago, everyone came together to help.
ReplyDeleteJust saw some kids in a pumpkin patch on the news.It reminded me of the DC pictures in the pumpkin patch last year and how we tried to figure out who the blurry figure in the car was.
ReplyDeleteAll the donations and extra money people give is not put in the right places...We need an hosiptal for the kids. I guess a lot of them is putting it in their freezer like Jefferson did.
ReplyDeleteLetterman did not just have one affair but many.One affair may have been forgiven by his (now) wife but there were several.How do you forgive that?
ReplyDeleteIt was Amina, wonder if he will take both to the patch again this year, I heard The baby was in the back seat.
ReplyDeleteHe was another guy who used his position and money to get some tail.Just to get his rocks off without a care for his partner.
ReplyDeleteI don't respect the guy.Monogamy ussed to be the norm when I was a kid in the sixties.Now it seems that it is the exception.
I think you try, but it is hard,I know I can't because they are repeaters.I can say that honestly, I been there did that.
ReplyDeleteNow you know he had to use his money. How else would he get screwed with his ugly ass. And to tell it on the air, not a smart move, I would be in a lawyer office.
ReplyDeleteWho's to say that Letterman is finished with his philandering?Like you say once a repeater always a repeater.They don't usually stop.His wife will never really trust him again.Would you??
ReplyDeleteIt's sad for his wife .They have only been married for a short time.
ReplyDeleteHe's always seemed like a bit of an ass.
A lot of women has low self esteem and wants to get rich quick, don't care who they hurt. I don't think they are in love with the men, just get what they can.
ReplyDeleteNo I couldn't trust him, I may still love him, but I couldn't stay.It's no use trying to work it out, they just get slicker. With all the crap you can catch, I would be scared.
ReplyDeleteI think Liza and Amina fall into that category.
ReplyDeleteThey don't realize they are not permanent fixtures.The men know what they are up to and just use them for a time.
You're right the men don't quit playing around, they just get better at it and sneakier.You'd just get hurt over and over if you didn't get courageous and get out.
ReplyDeleteYeah, if your husband was an alley-cat, it would be dangerous to sleepwith him.
ReplyDeleteI tried for a year or more to wrok mine out, all the promises/gifts/money will not make up for true love and to know you can trust your partner, that's what it's all about is trust.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I feel very blessed to have that lovely feeling of security.That complete trust.
ReplyDeleteIf you tried for a year to fix it, you gave it your best shot and never have to feel that you faled in the marriage.You held up your end and were never unfaithful.
ReplyDeleteSome men seem to have something missing from their makeup.Loyalty ,fidelity and trustworthiness.
You know I had a lot wrong this year, the doctors fixed it.I don't need to catch something the doctors can't fix. My vows always meant something to me.
ReplyDeleteI don't see how Liza/Amina want to be kept women, I like my own money.
Before my babies, I always worked, even after the first one,, it made me feel good to have my own.
We both are very blessed to have the men we have.To love,honor and obey us.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteI might add they are blessed to have us.
It is good for a woman's self worth to be independant.They should try it.They must feel inferior to men .I never had that problem.I know I am superior...ha!
ReplyDeleteYou know I was just thinking,I always say the nut don't fall far from the tree, I know what it is,it's the way you are raised,I expecred the man I marry to be like my daddy or brothers, if they cat around they sure have kept it hidden.
ReplyDeleteYou got that one right. HA !HA!!
ReplyDeleteYour family sounds very loyal to each other.Maybe one or two slipped up but not many and not often.You would know.You are a pretty intuitive woman.
ReplyDeleteI wonder do they know how many men they screwed.
ReplyDeleteMel bimbo Oskana is running scared ,she's been passed around like a used douche-bag. 2 actors, a writer and asongwriter, she trades up, I am wondering where she's going when Mel leave, the others left her.
It sounds like Oksana won't last too long .I know Mel is a little fed up with her already.Where does she move up from there??She's got to keep the relationship hanging together until she gets a big chunk of money.
ReplyDeleteShe's a fool.If she had kept him happy she would have stayed loved and pampered and up there with the big guys in the industry.Mel would have backed her career.
Respect goes a long way.
ReplyDeleteBoth are a lot older than me, Iguess I have a thing for older men, all my brothers is old enough to be my daddy except one,he's only 10 years older than me.
They don't realize there is a better ways to get a man to do what you want. You don't have to screw/nag them all the time, but I guess they don't know that.
ReplyDeleteScrewing and nagging are both useful tools now and then but there is so much more to keeping a happy relationship.Mutual trust and respect are big and the thing I rely on so much,a sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteNo matter how bad things get,and they have been really bad lately, we can still crack each other up and that blows the stress away.
It's bitching cold here, so I'm going to turn on the heat and go stick my cold feet on Brian's back.If he really loves me,he'll let me...Ha!
ReplyDeleteSo goodnight and see you soon...J
Better log on..up early, school tomorrow..
ReplyDeleteI will try to find something interesting, hope the rain slack up for a couple of hours tomorrow.
Hope your week go better than your weekend did.
See you tomporrow.