This Halloween, the Angelina Jolie wannabe celebrated by dressing up as---wait a damn minute---you ready--"a pregnant nun !" Even better she dressed her entire baby brood as devils.
This ridiculous photo captures only one third (1/3) of the crazy family in action. Was this a publicity stunt ? A cry for attention ?Or could she have thought this was a fun idea ?
Octomom loves the spotlight and knows exactly what she was doing when she chooses the costumes.
A pregnant nun , which is controversial enough, combined with eight (8) devil babies, was bound to get the paparazzi snapping.
My spin on this crap: Wonder what's next, Maybe this shit is funny to Octomom and a way to get rich quick, it's not a cute little sweet act. As we follow Octomom's shenanigans with her kids and how they were conceived, the kids may grow up to be a threat to themselves and others, Octomom's oldest son has proven to be uncontrollable by attacking his grandmother with a knife. I have noticed that children learn from watching the ones closest to them. I also wonder what kind of childhood Octomom had growing up. Most of the kids I grew up with listen to their elders, in my case my sister raised me, when she says listen, I listen. If I pulled some crazy shit like that, I would get knocked on my musty butt in a New York minute.Stay tuned: the saga continues.
Kicking it with : Cupcake
Octomom has one weird sense of humor.I don't think a lot of people will find it amusing.But it does prove she has a twisted sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteShe feels that since she is an object of ridicule anyway, she might as well go all the way.
Put your CSI post up.I read it.It's good.Don't think I can come out to play tonight.I'm running a slight fever.Going to lay down with an ice pack for a while.If I can't make it,I'll check in to morrow....J
ReplyDeleteGet some rest and we will get together soon.
ReplyDeleteYou have had a rough week.
I hope you feel better so you can have your date night tomorrow.
Thanks, I wanted you to read it first...it haven't hit the web yet...a first for us.
Rest well.....CC
ReplyDeleteRest well.....CC