Elizabeth's patience finally ran out when she learned about the scandalous claims in a tell-all book by her husband's former campaign aide Andrew Young, the married father of three who once claimed he fathered Rielle's child in a bid to protect his boss. Elizabeth was read portions of Young's book proposal, and she flipped out, said the source. What really pushed her over the edge is Young's allegation that John had other affairs with womwn on the campaign trail. Elizabeth basically told John that if she found out that was true, she'd have to divorce him because then he'd be a "serial cheater". John claims Youngs book is a pack of lies.As it was recently reported , a secert "DNA" test has confirmed that Edwards, 56, is the father of Rielle's child. Now the former North Carolina sentor wants to move Rielle ,45. and their 19-month-old daughter Frances to the Wilmington area near his luxury home on "Figure Eight Island." But Elizabeth,60, is determined that won't happen, sources say.
John has admitted to Elizabeth that Rielle's baby is his, and told her he wanted Rielle to live nearby because he wants to spend more time with Frances, said the insider. Elizabeth exploded ! She ordered John to stop seeing Rielle and the baby,she told him she never wanted him to mention Rielle's name in front her. But that wasn't all, Elizabeth also told John that she doesn't want Rielle or the baby anywhere near their home on "Figure Eight Island." Meanwhile, according to a published report, Elizabeth--who has three living children with Edwards--has been talking to a divorce lawyer " for months," and continues to blast Rielle as a "blackmailing gold-digger" in a blog comments posted posted under the pseudonym "Cherubim." The insider added : If John gets involved with Rielle and the baby in any way, or if Elizabeth finds out he's had more than one affair, there's no doubt she will bring the hammer down on him in divorce court.
My spin on this: Go for the gold Elizabeth, John owe you big time, you have held his hands all the way up and now he wants a gold-digging slut, make his life as miserable as possible, tell the whoring cheater you may be down but not out. I watch you on the campaign trail with John , That's when a lot of people realize you had cancer, and this dirt-bag do this to you, you have him by the balls, just squeeze them til old John cry blood. Stay tuned, the saga continues.
Kicking Back With CUPCAKE
I agree with your concluding remarks wholeheartedly.Take him to the cleaners.The faithful unsuspecting wife always gets treated dirty.Just when she needed his support for a change he goes and proves what an ass he is.GO FOR THE GOLD GIRL!
ReplyDeleteHope your eye ain't too sore.Does the world look a different color now? My cataracts made everything look yellowish.I bet you're glad that's over.
ReplyDeleteYes I see a lot better,everything looks different. The left eye is still a little sore, but better.
ReplyDeleteI was able to see the ghosts and bats yesterday they was cute.
I'll put them back on halloween.I was trying to do a theme.
ReplyDeleteI guess Rielle wanted to be there when Elizabeth cashed in her chips.
ReplyDeleteI think Elizabeth will around for a long while, old John may cash in his first from being such an ass-hole.
I'm glad your vision is better.It was worth the pain,no?
ReplyDeleteI don't like it when homewreckers come out ahead.We are strong supporters of breast cancer research so I am rooting for his wife all the way.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to get the hang of the gifs,I have a black bear fishing, I will get him yet.I put him on and he just stood there like a fool.How long do it take for them to move?
ReplyDeleteYes it was, there was not to much pain , just a little uncomfortable with the soreness and the feeling of trash/sand in the eye.
ReplyDeleteIt takes a moment or two before they work.Do you have it in drafts?
ReplyDeleteHave you notice all the homewreckers may start out ahead, but in the end they come up the losers.The wives are better off without the pain, you put your life on hold and what do you get...nothing, thats why I think a woman thats put so much in the relationship should come out ahead.
ReplyDeleteDC's wife seems to have found happiness and Mel's wife is doing okay.It's Mel who seems unhappy now.
ReplyDeleteNo, but I will put get in in there in the morning, it takes longer for them to up-load.
ReplyDeleteAll DC's women that was with him is doing O.K. Cheri/Rachel is married and Cheri has her own Real Estate Co. Don't know what Paris is doing, Marg hooked her a weathy man that has kids and his wife died about 5/6 years ago.
ReplyDeleteRobyn looks better and happy.
I think the double vision is lasting longer, or I'm just in a hurry to get back in the groove.
ReplyDeleteI wondered who Marg ended up with.I hope they are happy.She would be good to kids.I wonder if she has any contact with DC for business reasons or does she leave it to lawyers.
ReplyDeleteIf I was Letterman's wife I would be out of there so fast.If he has been unfaithful to her all these years I wouldn't believe any promises he made to me.
I read the tongue post,now that is something.
ReplyDeleteDid you see the picture of clinton with a hard-on? What was he thinking?
ReplyDeleteThe apology on the air was in very bad taste,he humiliated her by just having the affair, but to put it on the air is way to much.
ReplyDeleteI would wait til that bastard go to sleep and tie him to the bed and beat the living shit out of him.
Don't ever lick an envelope again.
ReplyDeleteOr a stamp.
I don't know if you saw the post about turkey cooked in a brown paper bag but a friend has tried it and says it was marvellous.
They had been together fo quite awhile,I know she had an idea about him.Do you think that's why she married him? To secure her future.
ReplyDeleteYou always come up with a good punishment.I like the idea of tying him to the bed and beating him.So many times I have wanted to be a fly on the wall in some celebrity's house.
ReplyDeleteDon't strain that eye too long tonight.The bright light of the computer screen may be bothering it.
ReplyDeleteYes the turkey is delicious cooked in the bag, love it. We aslo bake fish in a brown bag.
ReplyDeleteIt's a cafe here called "Brown Bag" cooks a lot of things in the bag.
Lois [BL] called and said she tried it , I told her all our recipes was good, she also like the sauce.
ReplyDelete[giggles] I laughed so hard at Clinton....I bet his mind wasn't on Hillary....maybe the woman he didn't have sex with.hahahaThe one that got the 'cum' on her dress.
ReplyDeleteI've never tried the bird in the bag yet but I will now.
ReplyDeleteAs for Dave's wife, she could not have been stupid enough to think he was faithful for twenty-six years.A woman knows these things.
He loses interest in sex,he smells like perfume, he comes home late,he's suddenly very nice to you, brings you gifts.C'mon she knew he was boffing the pages and secretaries.
Dave's wife was afraid he would eventually dump her ,so, as you say she secured her future.
ReplyDeleteI say'good for you'.
Does it seem like there are more assholes these days??
I won't stay to long...
ReplyDeleteDid you see the one about Jaycee wanting to see Garrido, because she still love him, that's the same as Patti Hearst...you bond with your kidnapper.
I think Michelle is gettig kinda anty about Obama, how long before I can take off on them.
I haven't seen the article about Jaycee.It's so hard to believe that she would love him when he locked her in a wooden box, starved her, let her and the babies freeze outside and threatened to kill them all.I guess if you don't see anyone else, you love the one you see all the time.Everyone needs somebody.
ReplyDeleteYes there are more ass-holes are maybe they are just getting bolder, or the woman are just no good and want some easy money.
ReplyDeleteThis fool here know to watch out, I will come with my skillet in one hand and my pistol in the other, shit he know I don't play that shit. Been there...did that...no more for this girl.
Is Michelle so jealous that she can't handle the job??
ReplyDeleteIt's in the NE, the new one , it should be out tomorrow, dated for October12,2009.
ReplyDeleteJaycee had to learn to survive at a very early age.
Her relationship with Gerrido is quite complex.HE is crazy.I don't think those girls will ever be quite right in the head.
ReplyDeleteI think Michelle is very jealous,she has accused him of being like Clinton, "O" is a good-looking man and if the women can get to him they will, and by her nagging is not going to help her case any.
ReplyDeleteI remember you telling me ,a man is not going to stray when he can't wait to get home to you and all his boners are for you.I found out a long time ago, that marriage was a job you have to work at for a lifetime.
Keep your skillet handy.You just never know.I keep a baseball bat under the bed in case mine misbehaves.
ReplyDeleteYou told me you learn by doing and the more you do, the more you learn..I am a grown woman and realize that is true, Jaycee was only 11 years old, and no one around to guide her, just him and this crazy wife.
ReplyDeleteYou are exactly right,marriage requires constant work and nurturing.It pays great didvidends though.
ReplyDeleteI guess all you know is what you see and Jaycee was only exposed to those two.Her ideas of life must be pretty screwed up
ReplyDeleteIf that fool stand up in public and tell people he been fucking someone or have other kids,I don't care if they are older than mine, he should have told me, I will shoot his dick off and I am a good shoot.
ReplyDeleteI guess the best punishment is to injure the organ that caused the problems.But the best revenge is living well and being very happy and spending his money.
ReplyDeleteIf I found out Brian was cheating,I think there would be a little physical violence.I would feel that I was entitled to one good shot at him.
ReplyDeleteYou know a lot of people is going to have a field day when they read that article about her. The ones with the negative saying should just put themselves in her place.
ReplyDeleteHaving no contact with others,you really don't know whats going on in the outside world.so her self esteem is gone, she had nothing to build on.
I think the same way , but really you and I have nothing to worry about, I think our men know they did quite well for themselves.
ReplyDeleteYou're right about Jaycee.She doesn't know about the outside world.Maybe she's lucky.In spite of what she has been through I feel she has retained a certain innocence.
ReplyDeleteShe spent a lot of time teaching the girls to read and add their numbers.
I have enjoyed as always..think I will go and put this eye to bed.
ReplyDeleteI will try to put the bear in draft tomorrow . It will just say Big Black Bear and you can give it a different heading and make the post like you want it.
The bear made me think of my Polar Bears.
So sweet dreams and will talk tomorrow....
Okay ,rest well...night...J
ReplyDeleteThis has got to be the most inane, irrelevant conversation I think I have ever come across on line. If you want to chat, then chat on IM or something. And work on your grammer.