Wednesday, May 27, 2009
"The Three Sisters"
Now we know what the sisters do doing the day.....they tell me that is a good way to meet likes yard sales too...the sisters say the men are older gentlemen....but some are take on matter how old you are,age is just a number....I wonder if they go prowling at night...(GIGGLES)but hey that's just me.
I called around to some computer places...they say they can show me the will help,but I will still be in the same rut,I check on some writing classes at oour local community college..I won't have the time to attend,with my house and babies and trying to keep everyone focus on getting the pilot office open when we here something..Visit Vix blogs today,you was right she couldn't write or spell..she became a good writer ...she should have she didn't have anything else to do... I should have stayed in that damn old house,then I would be able to take some courses .
Don't worry about your writing.It comes naturally, just like it did to Vix. Here's a good tip.The more you read,the better you write.All the time we're writing comments to each other you are learning stuff.You write with energy ,humor and personality.The rest is just knowing where to put the periods.
I think you are just fed up with the rain,the slow process of building the house and bored with life in general.The mood will pass. You are too positive to stay down for long.
They can't help him anymore.He had a spurt of growth and stretched his oesophagus so much that it got too narrow at the bottom and closed off.they can't do any more surgery to him.
They will insert a balloon into the tube and inflate it to try and stretch it open but they are not too positive that it will do anything.He may have to have a stomach tube.HE's a great kid .He's playing in golf tournaments for charity and has lately decided to be a rock star.He's studying guitar.
I know Steve/Family is going out of their minds now...I will be praying and will light a candle for Ian. If not for Ian I would not know about the Polar Bears.Just think how many people hearts you touched with his story.
Why don't you start from the beginning like you are going to do your dad for father's can delete the comments off..there just might be someone out there that know something helpful..Start with the first one you did.
Yes...all three so they will know and understand..we have to start at the begining so they will know the whole story..someone out there may be able to help.
Hi Jeannie, I think that would be a good idea to do as Nee say. When you wrote about your dad Dojo and her people commented on what a great story it was. Nee tell mom I will be home soon. Nan
I thought I should do something other than angels and fairies in the sidebar.What should we put sexy guys???I could put different Maxy pictures every few days.
Now I am good at having ideas about stuff...hahaha As you said you can start off with an "EXPLANATION" that will bring everyone up to date,just in case some missed it the first time.
Shit,fucking the boss ended my career,the fucker popped two babies in me.Hell if I had married him when I married Ron,I would have had as many babies as my mama.hahaha
You're right.Fucking the boss ended your career..HA!! Yes,Just imagine if he had all those years when you were younger to fuck your brains out.You would have a busload of children.It's a lucky thing you met him later.
The truth I knew he liked me ,after he caught me along and kissed me I wanted to know what was to him,when they invited him to a party,I just walk up to him and asked him did he want to poke me..hahaha
Mine is asleep,I think he likes for me to come to bed late,he's rested .says he like to catch me eary in the morning before I pee,that man is so country and crazy.
What is it with guys ? They like to get you as you're waking up.You need to pee and brush your teeth but that's when they like it.A dirty,sleepy woman.Brian loves that.
I think Nick is about 53/54. I forgot Nan say dodo did a post About CSI:MIAMI and Inspector Wallender. Kenneth Branagh was the star in the inspector.He's British..he is going to give DC a run for his money.Do you know him?
The way her post read she is about to throw old DC to the dogs,Nan told me I just had to read it,she don't have all the good shit to say about him,Kenneth is a decent redhead,Dc should die his hair green.
I think she always way was,she got caught up in the hype and wanted play the role of Miss.know it all. Some of the words she used,they wasn't in the dictionary.HA!!
I bet Brian would like to choke him.Can he get it fixed?Hope so. GM is in pretty bad shape here,they told their people they might lose their is Brian's dealership doing,If we can just hold on a little longer.
Your Ex. didn't have to,he was smart ,as my man says it shows if you are smart or just a dumb fool,you can tell nerdy people,and you can tell fools,just by listening to them,there is a difference.Even I know that.
Brian sells Hyundais.They are doing a booming business because they are cheap on gas.No problems in the Hyundai company.Little Korean guys come and visit him a lot to see if everything is okay. No Josh's carc annot be fixed.He was told not to let it run dry of water until Brian got a leak fixed on it.The kid drove the car dry as a bone and cracked the block.
The Hyunddais is doing good here also,our car companies was told the stop making the big cars,now everyone knows how dumb we are.. I know Josh is sorry,now he have to catch rides.
Josh has to struggle more than the others.Everything comes easy to the others.Education,jobs,money.They are smarter than him,better looking,more likeable.He is the odd one out.And when you help him he always screws up.
You know,brian and I have something in common,the slightest thing will set us off,but we are quick to forgive.(Sometime) not over and over,it wears the nerves thin.
I'm going to do a post on Adam Lambert tonight.He's so gay.Check out his web site sometime,it's dripping in gayness,including him using tongue on a guy.
They are,some of them wear my nerve,Susan for one.Just to damn bossy,she said she knew I was going to married an older man ,because my brothers was a lot older that me..I told that bitch at least I married a man,anything can put on a pair of pants,and get a hard on.
You and Gil are just alike,he's a slow burne,you two would have been cute together,he would have to pick you up to kiss you.(GIGGLES)Jill is just like her daddy,both is mean as hell,they can stay mad forever,she is a very sweet child.
I Susan spanked Jill once when she was about 2/3 I beat the shit out of her,I never spank her bad ass kids,they should have,maybe they wouldn't be in jail,her hubby mad ,saying I won't let Gil defend,I told that fat bastard I don't have nothing to do with Gil's business,I just fuck him,I was so mad.Gil said he wasn't doing it free,he had a family to take care off.
Is that you and two of your sisters? Or,you,Sis and Nan? I think you're the one with the dog.(Snort)
ReplyDeleteYes that's me with the dog,Sis and Susan,we don't get along.
ReplyDeleteHow you doing?
I left you messages all over the place..Cupcake is a cutie....Maxy was cuter...HA!!
ReplyDeleteI called around to some computer places...they say they can show me the will help,but I will still be in the same rut,I check on some writing classes at oour local community college..I won't have the time to attend,with my house and babies and trying to keep everyone focus on getting the pilot office open when we here something..Visit Vix blogs today,you was right she couldn't write or spell..she became a good writer ...she should have she didn't have anything else to do...
ReplyDeleteI should have stayed in that damn old house,then I would be able to take some courses .
No you shouldn't have stayed in that house. You did the right thing leaving. You were miserable there.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about your writing.It comes naturally, just like it did to Vix.
ReplyDeleteHere's a good tip.The more you read,the better you write.All the time we're writing comments to each other you are learning stuff.You write with energy ,humor and personality.The rest is just knowing where to put the periods.
Thanks,I have wrote about the preacher's wife so much and deleted it I just gave up.
ReplyDeleteThats the only thing Vix did..Yes I should have stayed..sometime you have to give up one thing for another...well that's spill milk now..
ReplyDeleteWhy would you stay in a place you hated?
ReplyDeleteI think you are just fed up with the rain,the slow process of building the house and bored with life in general.The mood will pass. You are too positive to stay down for long.
ReplyDeleteI could at least take some courses ,so my posts would be interesting...the ones I deleted sound so stupid.
ReplyDeleteYou have a point about Vix.She told me she was on the computer sixteen hours a day, every day.She was extreme in everything.
ReplyDeleteI am bored stiff..yet in still,if it sound foolish to me,just think how it sound to someone else...
ReplyDeleteIs the lake still on for the weekend?
Vix had nothing else to do,but I am not as full of hate as her,so I will just keep trying...
ReplyDeleteI have received some bad news about Ian.I was thinking of putting it into a post,but I'm not sure if I should .What do you think?
ReplyDeleteAWwww shit ...let me stop feeling sorry for myself..time to move on to better things.
ReplyDeleteI think you should..he will still have the operation,right..
ReplyDeleteJeannie,share Ian with the world,he is a brave young man.
ReplyDeleteThey can't help him anymore.He had a spurt of growth and stretched his oesophagus so much that it got too narrow at the bottom and closed off.they can't do any more surgery to him.
ReplyDeleteThey will insert a balloon into the tube and inflate it to try and stretch it open but they are not too positive that it will do anything.He may have to have a stomach tube.HE's a great kid .He's playing in golf tournaments for charity and has lately decided to be a rock star.He's studying guitar.
ReplyDeleteI know Steve/Family is going out of their minds now...I will be praying and will light a candle for Ian.
ReplyDeleteIf not for Ian I would not know about the Polar Bears.Just think how many people hearts you touched with his story.
I have heard I think they can use some of his intestines.they use pigs for something ..He sounds like a great kid,tell him to go for it ..
ReplyDeletePerhaps I will then.I have to think about how to write it.A lot of our readers may not have read 'Boy with no throat'
ReplyDeleteI personally don't understand why they can't do more.They can't leave him like this. He is in pain.
ReplyDeleteIt is good to know the stem cell research is back in business.
ReplyDeleteWE're going to see some incredible things in the next few years. I just wish they were here right now.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you start from the beginning like you are going to do your dad for father's can delete the comments off..there just might be someone out there that know something helpful..Start with the first one you did.
ReplyDeleteYou mean show all three parts?
ReplyDeleteThe post's will run as a series,nothing but them...we can still talk after the comments are deleted...Tell the world there is someone out there.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if they could transplant an oesophagus from a doner. Why not? There's probably a good reason that i'm not aware of.
ReplyDeleteOkay I'll do what you suggest.I could begin with a little explanation as to why we're running the whole series.
ReplyDeleteYes...all three so they will know and understand..we have to start at the begining so they will know the whole story..someone out there may be able to help.
ReplyDeleteI'll have to set aside a couple of hours to do this.I have to handle it in a sensitive way.
ReplyDeleteThankyou for your input.
Hi Jeannie,
ReplyDeleteI think that would be a good idea to do as Nee say.
When you wrote about your dad Dojo and her people commented on what a great story it was.
Nee tell mom I will be home soon.
I thought I should do something other than angels and fairies in the sidebar.What should we put sexy guys???I could put different Maxy pictures every few days.
ReplyDeleteJeannie don't worry about me...just do it,I can always leave you long notes somewhere you can find them...I can e-mail you where to find them.
ReplyDeleteThankyou Nan.I appreciate you taking the time to help.I'll do as Nee suggests.
ReplyDeleteSexy Guys and oh yes ..put Maxy up,I just love his cap/hat,Jill wanted to know where was he.haha
ReplyDeleteShit I didn't know Nan was gone,I bet she is buying beer..Nan says she is our PR person...she will have everyone reading it at the casino/hotel...
ReplyDeleteHe has a captain's hat. He's the captain of our boat.I may have a picture of him in it.
ReplyDeleteNow I am good at having ideas about stuff...hahaha
ReplyDeleteAs you said you can start off with an "EXPLANATION" that will bring everyone up to date,just in case some missed it the first time.
The hat is red..he is so adorable.
ReplyDeleteYou're a good idea person and good at organizing.Now I know why you were a superviser at the casino.
ReplyDeletewhen you wrote abot the Major Nad Nana ,our stats jumped like crazy,we are doing better than the loons...
ReplyDeleteWhich guys would you like to see on the sidebar.Does Gil look like a particular actor?
ReplyDeleteOh yes indeed,I am glad I was supervisor when Dad/Brothers took over,my co-workers would have said I got it by fucking the boss..hahaha
ReplyDeleteNo..If I had to say he looked like one..I would say Nicholas Campbell.
ReplyDeleteHis series is in re-runs now..
Da Vinici"s Inquest.the series is out of Canada.
Fucking the boss is a big help to your career and it can also be good fun.I would recommend it.
ReplyDeleteI bet the loons woulf jump out of there panties if you put DC up,bad boys good boys .whatever you fancy..we don't hate just have fun.
ReplyDeleteI can't picture Nicholas Campbell, although I'm sure I've seen him.
ReplyDeleteI know your bad boys. Who do you like?
Shit,fucking the boss ended my career,the fucker popped two babies in me.Hell if I had married him when I married Ron,I would have had as many babies as my mama.hahaha
ReplyDeleteI like Hugh Jackman and the new James Bond guy( I always forget his name)God I have a bad memory for names.
ReplyDeleteYou're right.Fucking the boss ended your career..HA!!
ReplyDeleteYes,Just imagine if he had all those years when you were younger to fuck your brains out.You would have a busload of children.It's a lucky thing you met him later.
I like Brad Pitt/Johnny Depp,old crazy ass Jack Nicholas..there are to many left..
ReplyDeleteI like Jackman too..yes the new Janes Bond..I forgot about the Bond guys..Love old Sean Connery..
ReplyDeleteI like Johny Depp too.I used to like Harrison Ford.He's pretty old now.But I'd do him for old times sake.
ReplyDeleteYou can google N.Campbell sometime.
ReplyDeleteHe is also a stage actor.
You don't know the new Bond guy's name either???We'll ask Nan.She probably knows.
ReplyDeleteWe better stop talking about sexy guys.I might get amorous and Brian is asleep.
The truth I knew he liked me ,after he caught me along and kissed me I wanted to know what was to him,when they invited him to a party,I just walk up to him and asked him did he want to poke me..hahaha
ReplyDeleteI remember what N. Campbell looks like now.Pretty good looking.
ReplyDeleteMine is asleep,I think he likes for me to come to bed late,he's rested .says he like to catch me eary in the morning before I pee,that man is so country and crazy.
ReplyDeleteDaniel Craig,that's the new bond guy.What a body.He looks great in the nude.Most guys don't.
ReplyDeleteWhat is it with guys ? They like to get you as you're waking up.You need to pee and brush your teeth but that's when they like it.A dirty,sleepy woman.Brian loves that.
ReplyDeleteI think Nick is about 53/54.
ReplyDeleteI forgot Nan say dodo did a post About CSI:MIAMI and Inspector Wallender.
Kenneth Branagh was the star in the inspector.He's British..he is going to give DC a run for his money.Do you know him?
sorry I had to let Maxy out.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what's with them,I guess they are well rested.
ReplyDeleteYeah Kenneth is a redhead also
ReplyDeleteI like looking at a naked man with a good body,I don't touch.
ReplyDeleteThe difference between him and DC is that Ken can act,and he's intelligent and nice.
ReplyDeleteI like to look and sometimes I'd like to touch but of course I don't.
ReplyDeleteI'm a good girl.Honest
ReplyDeleteThe way her post read she is about to throw old DC to the dogs,Nan told me I just had to read it,she don't have all the good shit to say about him,Kenneth is a decent redhead,Dc should die his hair green.
ReplyDeleteYou think Dodo is a little sick of DC's shenanigans.
ReplyDeleteI know you are a good girl,you know your rock is ready whenever you want it.hahaha
ReplyDeleteI think she always way was,she got caught up in the hype and wanted play the role of Miss.know it all.
ReplyDeleteSome of the words she used,they wasn't in the dictionary.HA!!
The rock is putty right now.Completely useless to me.
ReplyDeleteJosh blew his car up through negligence.Boy was Brian Mad.
ReplyDeleteWhen Vix left she had nothing to talk about,suppose to shut down.She posted about us,we ignored her,she wasn't getting any thing from us..
ReplyDeleteDodo likes being a know-it-all,you got that right.
ReplyDeleteMy ex went to a few well respected universities and he never used a bunch of fancy schmancy four syllable words.
I bet Brian would like to choke him.Can he get it fixed?Hope so.
ReplyDeleteGM is in pretty bad shape here,they told their people they might lose their is Brian's dealership doing,If we can just hold on a little longer.
Brian says he's not getting him another car.He's hopping mad.The kid only had it a couple of weeks.
ReplyDeleteYour Ex. didn't have to,he was smart ,as my man says it shows if you are smart or just a dumb fool,you can tell nerdy people,and you can tell fools,just by listening to them,there is a difference.Even I know that.
ReplyDeleteBrian sells Hyundais.They are doing a booming business because they are cheap on gas.No problems in the Hyundai company.Little Korean guys come and visit him a lot to see if everything is okay.
ReplyDeleteNo Josh's carc annot be fixed.He was told not to let it run dry of water until Brian got a leak fixed on it.The kid drove the car dry as a bone and cracked the block.
Josh will learn how to take care of his things now,he will have to come out of his pocket .
ReplyDeleteThe Hyunddais is doing good here also,our car companies was told the stop making the big cars,now everyone knows how dumb we are..
ReplyDeleteI know Josh is sorry,now he have to catch rides.
Josh has to struggle more than the others.Everything comes easy to the others.Education,jobs,money.They are smarter than him,better looking,more likeable.He is the odd one out.And when you help him he always screws up.
ReplyDeleteCan he get a used block,I do feel sorry for him.
ReplyDeleteIs Josh the one that gives Brian a headache?
ReplyDeleteJason gives him the headache.He talks so fast.
ReplyDeleteJason is so helpful,he's always under your feet.He kind of gets on your nerves even though he's a great guy and you love him.
ReplyDeleteYou have wonderful kids and a great family.Maybe Brian will not stay mad to long..Tell him I say it's not good for his health.
ReplyDeleteYou know,brian and I have something in common,the slightest thing will set us off,but we are quick to forgive.(Sometime) not over and over,it wears the nerves thin.
ReplyDeleteThankyou. I always thought your family sounded wonderful.I guess we're both lucky.
ReplyDeleteYeah,short fuse,but over it quick.There would be a lot of fireworks if you two were married.You might bring the skillet out of retirement.
ReplyDeleteI'm a slow burn,slow to anger,but when I finally do,watch out.
I'm going to do a post on Adam Lambert tonight.He's so gay.Check out his web site sometime,it's dripping in gayness,including him using tongue on a guy.
ReplyDeleteThey are,some of them wear my nerve,Susan for one.Just to damn bossy,she said she knew I was going to married an older man ,because my brothers was a lot older that me..I told that bitch at least I married a man,anything can put on a pair of pants,and get a hard on.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the name of his web site.
ReplyDeleteI can imagine what you would say to her if she tried to boss you or be a know-it--all to you.You don't take shit from anybody.
ReplyDeleteYou are a firecracker.I'd want you on my side in a fight.
ReplyDeleteI don't know,I just read about it while doing some research.Google his name and it should turn up.
ReplyDeleteYou and Gil are just alike,he's a slow burne,you two would have been cute together,he would have to pick you up to kiss you.(GIGGLES)Jill is just like her daddy,both is mean as hell,they can stay mad forever,she is a very sweet child.
ReplyDeleteJakey can stay mad a long time.He's still mad at Max for chewing the eye off his teddy.That was three months ago and I fixed it for him.
ReplyDeleteI Susan spanked Jill once when she was about 2/3 I beat the shit out of her,I never spank her bad ass kids,they should have,maybe they wouldn't be in jail,her hubby mad ,saying I won't let Gil defend,I told that fat bastard I don't have nothing to do with Gil's business,I just fuck him,I was so mad.Gil said he wasn't doing it free,he had a family to take care off.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should get some shuteye.Your cranky little man won't have any sympathy for a tired mama.
ReplyDeleteThey say Aries people is good and sweet,slow to anger,when they do,watch out,and all of you are Aries..
ReplyDeleteI quess I will ,you write your post .and think how/when you are going to do the bot with no throat.
ReplyDeleteWow there sounds like there is a good story behind Susan's kids.In jail??
ReplyDeleteI didn't know that about Aries people.What else do you know about Aries people??
ReplyDeleteSweetie I will say goodite and sweet dreams..LOTS OF LOVE...I enjoyed as always..Kiss Brian and shake Nana hand.
I always feel guilty about keeping you up.Vix and I talked until three sometimes.She was three hours earlier than me.
ReplyDeleteI'll kick nana's fat little ass.Yes I'll kiss my Rock.Have a lovely sleep and count all your blessings.You have many....LOts of love ...J
ReplyDeleteDon't feel guilty,I gets a nap when i put Gilly down,I thinks it's best this way to stay up I was always on the go,now I just enjoy. Nite NEE
ReplyDeleteI only went to her site a few times but I Dodo always kind of creeped me out...