"How do you say no to being in Queen? I mean that is unbelievable, but at the same time, I have my own thing to do. If I could, I would do both. I would love to perform with them any time they wanted me to but I also have my record to do. So, we'll see."
Lambert a former theater actor, has ambitious plans for his post "Idol" debut album."My album will be a kind of rock-pop-electronic-dance thing.,"he said." I don't know how to describe it. I think it's gonna take on a life of it's own, as far as genre goes." The album is in it's very early stages and Lambert plans to write much of the material himself.
On "Idol", Lambert was the resident glam rocker, staging elaborate over-the-top performances and daring to don goth inspired outfits (with guyliner) on a basically family-style show.
"There's a way to take the glam rock of the '70s and the classic rock of the '70s and kind of modernize it....I want it to be produced in a very current, almost futuristic way.We're going to come up with something really fresh."
"I want to communicate that liberation is being comfortable in your own skin and is being your own person. And, the spirit of being different, and how strong it can make you feel."Lambert doesn't speak of his personal life, yet on his website he makes it obvious that he is gay, with pictures of himself in an open mouthed kiss with another man and in full drag among others.
"Madonna would be amazing,"he gushes. "I'd love to work with her - I think she's a genius.She has such great ideas. Lady GaGa is brilliant. She's got her finger on the pulse. She's the hot thing right now. Katy perry is amazing, absolutely amazing."
His dreams may come true. Who knows? But, will he, will he rock you?
Adam has the right idea,if he can't do both,go with his heart,do his album,that's what will make him happy,Queen is a great band and a great honor to ask to join,my advice is to go with the album,that's where the heart is,He's young and maybe start his own band.Adam has worked hard to get where he is today,once in a lifetime dream.
ReplyDeleteWho knows ,he may not like being in the band,if Queen's really want him they will keep a place for him,they might want him for the PR and hype right now.But hey,that's just me.
I never thought of that,you've got to be right.The hype and the publicity following Adam would be very valuable to Queen.They don't get much recognition any more.Although I think they recognize his wonderful talent too .He would be an asset.It's quite an honor though.I agree with you that he should follow his dream first and foremost.
ReplyDeleteHi,just checking in,I thought abot what you said last night about the house,I like you Ha Ha's.
ReplyDeleteYou did the right thing about the house.
ReplyDeleteYou had a choice:Be miserable for years in a house you hate,or build your dream home and be happy there for the rest of your life.And,you WILL BE.
On my way to the Civic Center to hear this guy speak on climate change,it will last about an hour,starts at 5:pm my time.Be back soon.
ReplyDeletePeople that care always give you good advice.
ReplyDeleteI meant I love your HA HA's,left you a note on it.
Taking the boys to Karate.back later.Have to ask you something.
ReplyDeleteO.K. hope it's good.
ReplyDeleteWent to the meeting ,it was pretty good,the guy was nervous,I didn't know he was the same man I had talked to,he was glad to see us,he hit it off with the ladies,they invited him to come to our meeting next week.A lot of people was rude and walked out,I told him not to worry,he was going to come in contact with stupid people.He just needed some people up there on stage supporting him.hahaha
ReplyDeleteAround the end of April,a friend who reads our blog and now and then drops in on Dodo, told me Dodo had written a post about me.It was extremely insulting,name calling,mud slinging and she had used that picture of a smiling pig for, apparently, my picture.It was hilarious.I never check to see what those muck-worms are doing,but I made an exception and went to read it.
ReplyDeleteIt was very amusing.Dodo was very upset that I had used the article from the Enquirer about Liza's allegations of David's abuse.And of course I scolded him. I figured if only a quarter of it was true,someone should scold him.You just don't treat people like that.(Personally, I think she was mad about the cartoon I did of her.)
Anyway, I noticed something while I was over there and with your permission.I would like to email you about it.
E-mail it..
ReplyDeleteThe damn bitch don't know she is making people want to know about us..whatever we put on our blog is true and we gets our information some where,And she says she don't read our blog...The bitch don't know that "CARLA D" is nan..shit we are upon her shit,if you read the comments you will see Nan ask her what smoke what mirrors..Nan said she didn't want to get you mad at the bitch,hell Dave ain't no God and people talk about him...
ReplyDeleteHell if she can't stand the heat,get out of the kitchen...What you want to do? dodo can't get a rise out of Sharon,hell everyone in the public is open season..I should have went over there when Nan told me...I may not write as well as her,but I can handle her sorry ass...to get the pig's picture you know she comes over here,hell we talk about all of them,I can't help it if she wants to fuck DC and she is to old and her husband don't want her old funky pussy..
ReplyDeleteI have only been to Dodo's site a couple of times but in all honesty the way she wrote of DC gave me the creeps...
ReplyDeleteHA!...That's my Cupcake talking.Don't get mad honey.I thought it was funny.But you're right she would like to bed DC's old hiney.
ReplyDeleteIf she got the pig picture she saw the cartoon and you know it wasn't very complimentary.
ReplyDeleteThey are a bit creepy Katherine.You can picture the drool running down their chins as they speak of DC.
ReplyDeleteI just e-mail you...Hell you would think miss know it all have time for us,shit she is desperate,that post you put up I seen it on the web under DC saying his girlfriend was suing him.I am going to be on the look out for stuff about him and post,I thought you did her justice with the cartoon,I bet it looks a hellva lot better.She read about the twins taking karate ,now she has her ass in a karate suit,what would she write about if not for us...
ReplyDeleteHi Katherine..It's fun to have fun,I talk about everyone,my family included,if you don't people to know ,keep the shit to yourself,I liked Vix,you knew exactly where she was..hate for the old fool..I will never get mad if you don't agree with me.No the cartoon was not nice ,but a sight better than dodo .
ReplyDeleteWell they know it's Nan now.I thought I recognized that good old Louisiana country drawl.
ReplyDeleteShe was trying to reason with them.I could have told her it wouldn't work.
P.S...got you email thankyou.
ReplyDeleteI could have written a nasty post and started another war but that is what they are all about.They would love it.They need new prey to hunt.Dodo sharpens her claws every day and has no one to dig them into.Let them find another victim.
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't preclude the fact that I may draw another cartoon.But, as she once said,caricatures are the highest form of flattery.
Jeannie that was me I had fun Dojo is a cunt,she is jealous she can't get a rise out of you and Nee,now I guess I will have to find another name,woe is me my cover is blown.But as my aunt would say who gives a shit.
There's room for everyone's opinions. let her have her's. As long as she will allow me to have mine,but I don't think Dodo likes anyone to disagree with her.
ReplyDeleteSo Nan is Carla and in a nice way,she tries to use a little reason and logic.she's wasting her time.
I tried not to blow our cover honey.Sorry to spoil your fun, Nan.Thanks for trying to defend us.
ReplyDeleteKatherine, have you ever visit Vixen's blog,you would love it,she could kick old DC's ass,it was a lot of fun,we knew she hated him,it was up to her to write about what she wanted,if we didn't like we moved on,DC is is the worse I have come upon,and yes I think he asked Liza to abort the boy,he was trying to get Marg Back.
ReplyDeleteNan don't care about a cover,she said if she commented any other way dodo wouldn't have posted it.No one has anything nice to say about DC..remember what his dad said..
ReplyDeleteRefresh my memory.What did his dad say?
ReplyDeleteYes he is the pits in his personal life.I wouldn't have disliked him for his terrible acting by itself, but if you add the rotten way he manipulates,abuses and dumps women,there's just nothing left to like.At least three of the women have made similar allegations.
ReplyDeleteThey can't all be liars.
ReplyDeleteI don't remember his exact words ,he said Dc was an ass hole growing up and he will always be one..Vix had it post with a link.he was in some bar talking with the bartender..I will do my posts and dig in Vix.s files,
ReplyDeleteWhy would they lie, a lot of money is riding on the out come. I know for a fact that Lisa is saying the same thing Marg. said in the AA meeting..I readParis court papers,Same thing.
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice thing for your dad to say about you,huh?I don't get the impression that they ever got along.
ReplyDeleteYou know,Vix was over the top with her adamant hatred,but she wasn't wrong about him.
I believe what you said about DC.
ReplyDeleteHe hates woman or he wishes he had a choochie...hahahaha
No she wasn't wrong,when I found her ,I knew some of the stuff about him from Marg.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about the choochie but he definitely hates women. He uses them and punishes them.Maybe he doesn't have much self esteem either.I don't know. What do you think?
ReplyDeleteIf you think about what she said ,it really wasn't nasty,it was the truth she had a way of putting her spin on it..
ReplyDeleteI would pay to see a man with a huge dandle f^^k him in his arse.DC has 2 daughters I don't think he like himself,he is a sad person and a poor excuse for a human being.
ReplyDeleteThankyou for getting mad on my behalf. It's nice to know you are in my corner.It's too bad Dodo is like what Nan says. She wouldn't face the truth if it hit her in the eye.
ReplyDeleteMoving on to something more important,could you post some of the material the guy at the Civic Center talked about?
ReplyDeleteI don't know Nee, he might like that dangle in the arse thing.
ReplyDeleteRemeber the extra wrote he likes anal beads.
I don't think I could do that anal bead thing for a man ,even if I loved him.You would have to forego your own pleasure to concentrate on his.
ReplyDeleteDC don't have any self esteem.A real man don't have to prove his manhood by mistreating women,I have 5 brothers ,they all respect their wives,I am sure they disagree ,everyone do. I really think it comes down how you was raised..I read somewhere DC was a lack-key kid..go to school when ever,maybe thats why he wrote his home work on toliet paper.hahaha
ReplyDeleteWTF....He wote his homework on toilet paper?Why on earth?
ReplyDeleteYes I will ,One of the ladies was taking notes,he had no printed material,really he wasn't prepared,it was nice to see he had the courage to try and find help.
ReplyDeleteYou didn't read that post Vix put up, to be a smart ass I guess.
ReplyDeleteAngela jumped all over Vix saying the man was lying..she has a link to it somewhere over there..
Global Warming-wise.It still amazes me that people are not interested in the planet they live on.They will feel the effects of our stupidity in their lifetimes.
ReplyDelete"To be a smart ass"...HA!..That's funny.No one said he didn't have a sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteIf I liked anything about the guy it would be his sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteWe invited him to joined us,we could put our ideas together,we are working toward the same goal.He wanted to know who runs it,I told him we all are equals,we have meeting to get prepared and we pay dues to support the things we need to work with.
ReplyDeleteWould it be possible to send one of your buttons to Ian before he goes in hospital? I would email you my address.
ReplyDeleteThese fools here should see something different,just look at our weather,I don't ever remember it being like this,the Ice caps is melting,the water has to go somewhere,what affects you and the rest of the world effects us to,one of the ladies told him he should have had me speaking for him..Nan laugh and told him when they started to walk out ,I would have told them to sit their asses down..I told him I would have said pretty please..Hahaha
ReplyDeleteI know you would have told them to sit their asses down.He wasn't strong enough to handle them.He'll have to toughen up to get their attention.
ReplyDeleteLet me check with the "BL" haha her name is Lois to see if she has any more..
ReplyDeleteThey has everything , all the materials since I don't have any where to keep them.
ReplyDeleteWhen will Ian be going into the hosiptal.
ReplyDeleteI cried when I was talking to someone online and they said that polar bears were in Canada so we must be doing something to make them die.They said they weren't doing anything to kill polar bears and I should stop bothering people and try to fix it.
ReplyDeleteI thought I could never get those people to understand when they had such a mental block.I cried because I felt so helpless and wanted to give the whole thing up.
I think he'll be going in, in two or three weeks.
ReplyDeleteYou are not a quiter,What a stupid thing to say,but I know how you feel..I wonder what we are doing to get the gators/snakes in our houses down here,the gators are not afraid...When the bears come this way and they will looking for food and eat some people,I wonder whose problem it is,
ReplyDeleteI've talked to people in England, Scotland, Australia and Germany about global warming.It gets to be a drag sometimes but It's the only way I can get information out there.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know anything about the bears until you made a post,it's all connected Global Warming/Greenhouse Gases,take your pick,it all go together.
ReplyDeleteWho knows in a couple of thousand years the polar bears could travel that far south, if there are any left(which I doubt)
ReplyDeletePolar bears do attack humans,make no mistake.Meat is meat.
My baby is not a year old, I want him to see a real live Polar Bear,not just the pictures,thats why the economy is in this shape,nobody wants to do anything until it's to late,it's always someone else problem.
ReplyDeleteI'm just watching Michael Cain on the Late Late show. I still love that old guy. He is so funny.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right about the economy.It didn't have to happen .If Mr bush had been on the ball and put some checks and balances in place, we would still be affluent.
ReplyDeleteThey might be closer than we think,they are great swimmers,they are hungry and looking for food,they are going to try to save themselves...Obama was in Canada with your Prime Minister,they both know we have to work together,boy did they give Obama some slack about that.
ReplyDeleteI think Obama passed something about automobile emissions,which is great.They need strict controls.I'll have to look that up.I can't remember the details.
ReplyDeleteHe sure is an environmental president.Mr Bush vetoed all that kind of stuff,dummy.
Hell when Bush stole the office,we had money,clinton may have played with the ladies but we had money in the bank.Now take a look at us,shit Gilly's great-grands will be paying China.
ReplyDeleteI think we should all learn Chinese.They are going to take over the world eventually without firing a shot.
ReplyDeleteBush never cared about the little man,hell I could have done a better job,everyone would have known I didn't know shit.I would not have been to proud to ask. Oor problem is we need to stop looking at Obama color and just look at his brains,he's no dummy.
ReplyDeleteYep,I think you are right,they are a smart bunch.
ReplyDeleteObama is a bright man. Not everyone believes in the big bailouts he's handing out though.
ReplyDeleteI hear my little man,he was asleepwhen I got back,I guess he wasts some loving.
ReplyDeleteHe is handing money out everywhere.Now GW wants another hand out//WTF..we have a large plant here.
ReplyDeleteIt's really late Sweetie.I don't know where you get the energy.
ReplyDeleteFinally we get the boat in on Sunday.I may put a picture on the blog.I'm not sure if we have any long range shots.It was supposed to be just Brian and me but a lot of people invited themselves along.Bloody nerve.
Now we have Justin, Steve and his whole family,Jaye(Peter is on a trip with his mom) and Jeremy.I'll be handing out drinks and food the whole day.
Say goodnight Tootsie.I love talking to you.You are such a firecracker.I'm sorry we blew Nan's cover.She's fun.Maybe the loons won't read our comments.But I think they are our biggest fans...HA!
ReplyDeleteSweetie ...I will say goodnite ,I will check on the buttons..my prayers are with him,I know he is going to be fine..
ReplyDeleteWhen you talk to people,you are planting seeds,if they don't take root ,move on to the next one ..Partner it is there lost..Kiss Brian and pat Maxy..throw a kiss at Nana and run like hell..hahaha.....nite...NEE
Night Sweetie. It's been a treat as always..luv Jeannie