Thursday, May 14, 2009
"Stress - Why It's Making You Sick"
Like many of Americans,we are anxious , troubled by uncertainties of the faltering economy.and that stress is making us have trouble sleeping...high blood pressure and bouts of depression.While certain amount of stress can increase productivity,too much can be mentally and physically damaging.Not only does stress provoke negative behaviors such as bingeing on junk food,smoking or excessive drinking,it can also lead to ailments ranging from colds and flu to depression,high blood pressure and memory loss.Stress rarely causes disease,but it creates conditions that makes the body more vulnerable to disease."Sheldon Cohen",a psychologist at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh say,if you are already sick or have a chronic illness,stress can make it worse.....Try these...they are proven stategies for beating stress....socialize...see friends..stay connected...this is angry...hell,let it all hang a healthy,balanced diet...remember past hardships and problems you've in the moment through activities you movies at home with someone you care for..try yoga or may not be the answer for everything...but it will sure help...look on the best side..we have been here before and beat this ...and we will beat it again...we just have to believe in ourselves and keep on pushing....folks the proof is in the pudding..but hey,that's just me. See you on the upside.
Very good advice.Stress creeps up on you.Sometimes you don't realize you're stressed until you snap someone's head off.
It's hard to relax if you're worried or scared.Talking it out,sharing,is a help.
You know if you had not started this blog,why then, when Vix was arrested we would have lost touch with each other right away,with no way to find each other. as is kinda stress.but in a good way I hope.. As for Vix ...I knew her time was limited..I was in a big hurry .I get thats one reason I kept throwing every thing in space..I didn't want to lose you,I wanted to learn from you,I could feel you had a pure heart.
How is everyone? I hope you feel well enough to go to the lake this weekend,it will do you a world of good....they started laying the pipes for the water and sewer today...hahaha it's suppose to rain this weekend,they will have them down if not covered.
They are giving eveyone one ,dad is giving me his for my bears..Our gov't is foolish,dad is on social security...if you file taxes or on #ss you get one...
Oh Jeannie I am not doing half as much as I was doing...I am just taking care of my family and trying to get a handle on my house,you say the same as Gil,he said I need to put my enegry into my family/bears/bloging and everything else will fall into place...famiy/bears/bloging I can do them all from home mostly.
The people at Nature Canada are good folk and the people at 'polar bears international'.There are a few other agencies that do good work for global have some good ones where you are. I still intend to ask Ian to write an article about polar bears for us.He has to have more surgery now you know.
Sis said being pulled in to many directions ,nothing gets done ,I have a lot of people helping me get the word out about my bears..Gil told me if I could get Al Gore to open a pilot office here ,he would let me have the office next door in his building's enough of us to staff if...we have meeting each mont and pay our dues.
We have a long weekend this week.We hope to work on the garden and take the boat up to the lake.Jaye and Peter are up there.The twins are with their biological jerk(I mean father).
I will light a candle for Ian..Will he have to have more?I guess ever so ofteh they have to lenghten his throat/tube...he is such a handsome young man..I believe he will... We are finding out about others..They are nice folk at Nature Canada.that was the only one at the time I had to get them started with...we are learning.
What a great idea.I'm sure Al Gore's oganization would be happy to open a pilot office there if sufficient people are interested.He really tries to get the word out about global warming.He is all about the environment now. I don't think he has any more political aspirations.Unless the day comes when an environmentally based presidency is popular.
That bastard is just like DC..he better enjiy thise twins while he can...they are growing him giving Jaye a donation do not make that ass hole a daddy..Peter is their dad.. he's there for them at all times..
He is sixteen now and has grown, so the tube has been stretched so thin it has almost closed off.The food can't get into his stomach now. I think he will have several more surgeries before they are done with him.HE is very brave about it I talked with him about it a couple of weeks ago. He cooked ham and eggs, pancakes and coffee for his mom on mother's day.He didn't let her lift a finger all day.Nice kid,and he bought her a nice piece of jewellry.I told him he can't go wrong when he buys jewellry for women.
Global Warrming/ greenhouse,and my Polar bears ..all are under the same heading...I told you about the man I met..he gave me a call last week.. Don't know about my garden yet.They laid the pipes there...
Oh shit I must be very intelligent,I have a lot of orgasms..when he hit the right spot I tell him right there baby..he pokes it good..(GIGGLES) see I was being so good,you are going to make me write a naughty post..HA!!
Steve and family live about an hour away.WE're kind of spread out.
We are going to a very small local lake,about thirty minutes from here I don't like going to the big lakes.Ever since Brian had a heart attack on the boat,I'm too scared history will repeat itself.
I better check the weather for Monday.Brian and I have sort of made up. If you make up too soon they don't learn anything and they'll do it again.Just like kids.
I want you to get everything in order so you won't have to worry..I can leave you long notes when you get back you can see what I have been up to...maybe I will learn something...
Oh I'll enjoy myself.If you don't make it up here this year due to your house consruction. Let's make a date for next year.I'd like to see you sitting on the boat sipping a mint julep while we pull Gil behind the boat on the innertube.I'd like to take Jill to Lion Safari and you to Niagara.
I don't think guys have a large brain capacity for learning about women.They repeat the same macho, arrogant,bossy shit over and over. Although,now that Brian is older and has some health problems he is not so sure of himself
Gil has been the boss in his family since his mom died,I think she boss dad...he makes me so mad sometime...but he's learning I have a mind of my own..he respects that...yep,we will put in on the inner you stay close to niagaga falls?
I was just checking out the articles about intelligent women getting morre orgasms.It's quite interesting.I'll do a post on it.
It says that about one third of women have trouble having an orgasm.Who knew?
Yeah Gilly would be two and have a better understanding.He wouldn't remember anything though.Although I have met someone who says they remmber a lot of their second year.
Gil is a guy who likes to take charge.I guess before you came along he never had to respect that a woman has a mind of her own.Perhaps his former girlfriends let him be the boss all the time.But I know that My friend Jean'ne certainly has a strong mind of her own.It may always cause a few sparks between you two.
Yeah,I'd like to see Gil on that big inner tube.It has a comfortable seat and straps to hang on to.We tow it pretty fast though.He might pee his knickers.
I am glad I am not in that one-third...maybe they haven't found the right dangle...or maybe the man wants them to do all the work..hahaha do one...maybe kids do remember...I don't think they remember thet much unless it's something to eat or playwith...
Yeah,I guess the age difference is one of the reasons for his attitude.Sis is right.You're his little girl.You'll have to smack that dumb attitude out of him.
My daddy told Gil he didn't know what he was getting into...he says he knew...Chris said yeah right he don't know Nee...he's learning,I will have to write a post about the two I met while you are gone to the lake..
Jeez, I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was so late again. Get you to bed woman.Give that smart brain of yours some rest so you can have more orgasms....HA!
The French refer to the orgasm as the 'little death'.Strange ,huh?
I think Gil thought he knew what he was getting into,but he soon realized there was a lot more to you than he anticipated.He will continue to learn, but never let him learn everything about you .A girl has to keep a little piece of herself private.
Jeannie the fool makes me so angry...he won't fuss..just say what he has to say and ignore you say it is nice making up...I have a cousin,her hubby beats her...I would hurt that bastard good.I am lucky Ron hit me once and his ass was sorry.
Get right in his face and tell him not to ignore you.You have opinions too.It is the height of disrespect to ignore you as if your thoughts don't matter.
how time flys when you are having fun...the wearher man says we are in for some more storms this weekend...we will just stay here with Sis ror now,she has a plenty room...she don't want us to leave..haha I wonder why..
Very good advice.Stress creeps up on you.Sometimes you don't realize you're stressed until you snap someone's head off.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to relax if you're worried or scared.Talking it out,sharing,is a help.
You know if you had not started this blog,why then, when Vix was arrested we would have lost touch with each other right away,with no way to find each other. as is kinda stress.but in a good way I hope..
ReplyDeleteAs for Vix ...I knew her time was limited..I was in a big hurry .I get thats one reason I kept throwing every thing in space..I didn't want to lose you,I wanted to learn from you,I could feel you had a pure heart.
How is everyone? I hope you feel well enough to go to the lake this weekend,it will do you a world of good....they started laying the pipes for the water and sewer today...hahaha it's suppose to rain this weekend,they will have them down if not covered.
ReplyDeleteWell that sounds like progress at last.Will you be connected to city sewer?
ReplyDeleteYes,we are annex to the city about 10 years
ReplyDeleteI'm writing a post about the ugly kid I did a portrait of.I'm almost finished.
ReplyDeleteA lot less problems if you don't have to deal with septic systems.
ReplyDeleteDad got his stimulus check today and brought a new pair socks to put it in.
ReplyDeleteI guess dad doesn't trust banks anymore.Why does he need a stimulous cheque?
ReplyDeleteI bet it's a good one about the ugly next job is to learn how to put my work in drafts ..put them in when I take them out .they disappear...
ReplyDeleteI was surprise I got the followers on the side bar...I guess I am getting my nerve slowly..
ReplyDeleteat least my pecans trees are great.
I'm glad the pecan trees took.I guess your climate is good for them.
ReplyDeleteWith all the rain you get, I bet things grow really well.Watch out for snakes in your veggie patch.
ReplyDeleteWhat else are you going to grow in you garden??
They are giving eveyone one ,dad is giving me his for my bears..Our gov't is foolish,dad is on social security...if you file taxes or on #ss you get one...
ReplyDeleteYou could get really good at blogging.You just don't have enough time to give to it. too many things going on in your life right now.
ReplyDeleteI am a member in Nature Canada,but I have it in Jill and Gilly's name.
ReplyDeleteOh Jeannie I am not doing half as much as I was doing...I am just taking care of my family and trying to get a handle on my house,you say the same as Gil,he said I need to put my enegry into my family/bears/bloging and everything else will fall into place...famiy/bears/bloging I can do them all from home mostly.
ReplyDeleteThe people at Nature Canada are good folk and the people at 'polar bears international'.There are a few other agencies that do good work for global have some good ones where you are.
ReplyDeleteI still intend to ask Ian to write an article about polar bears for us.He has to have more surgery now you know.
Sis said being pulled in to many directions ,nothing gets done ,I have a lot of people helping me get the word out about my bears..Gil told me if I could get Al Gore to open a pilot office here ,he would let me have the office next door in his building's enough of us to staff if...we have meeting each mont and pay our dues.
ReplyDeleteWe have a long weekend this week.We hope to work on the garden and take the boat up to the lake.Jaye and Peter are up there.The twins are with their biological jerk(I mean father).
ReplyDeleteI will light a candle for Ian..Will he have to have more?I guess ever so ofteh they have to lenghten his throat/tube...he is such a handsome young man..I believe he will...
ReplyDeleteWe are finding out about others..They are nice folk at Nature Canada.that was the only one at the time I had to get them started with...we are learning.
What a great idea.I'm sure Al Gore's oganization would be happy to open a pilot office there if sufficient people are interested.He really tries to get the word out about global warming.He is all about the environment now. I don't think he has any more political aspirations.Unless the day comes when an environmentally based presidency is popular.
ReplyDeleteThat bastard is just like DC..he better enjiy thise twins while he can...they are growing him giving Jaye a donation do not make that ass hole a daddy..Peter is their dad.. he's there for them at all times..
ReplyDeleteI would feel sorry for my Jakey if he was with that fool when he got sick...Jaye is a great mom...she is letting them learn about him for themselves.
ReplyDeleteHe is sixteen now and has grown, so the tube has been stretched so thin it has almost closed off.The food can't get into his stomach now.
ReplyDeleteI think he will have several more surgeries before they are done with him.HE is very brave about it I talked with him about it a couple of weeks ago.
He cooked ham and eggs, pancakes and coffee for his mom on mother's day.He didn't let her lift a finger all day.Nice kid,and he bought her a nice piece of jewellry.I told him he can't go wrong when he buys jewellry for women.
Jay Leno just said that it is a scientific fact that intelligent women have more orgasms.What do you think??
ReplyDeleteGlobal Warrming/ greenhouse,and my Polar bears ..all are under the same heading...I told you about the man I met..he gave me a call last week..
ReplyDeleteDon't know about my garden yet.They laid the pipes there...
Oh shit I must be very intelligent,I have a lot of orgasms..when he hit the right spot I tell him right there baby..he pokes it good..(GIGGLES) see I was being so good,you are going to make me write a naughty post..HA!!
ReplyDeleteJeanniI want you to enjoy this weekend,you deserve have been coped a couple of weeks..I will be happy to know you are having a nice time...
ReplyDeleteYes it's all under one heading of global warming or climate change.
ReplyDeleteIt's all connected.Life is a chain.Each link affects the next one.
What a swyoung man...some girl will be lucky to get him...maybe when he finish growning it will be the last surgery,what a brave young man.
ReplyDeleteYes,I think when he stops growing the surgery should stop.
ReplyDeleteHe is a great kid.He called me on mother's day to tell me he loved me very much. That guy always makes me tear up.
ReplyDeleteDo they live a great distance from you...Jeannie all your kids love you dearly...honey you are so blessed...
ReplyDeleteWhen are you leaving for the lake and which lake are you going to?
ReplyDeleteSteve and family live about an hour away.WE're kind of spread out.
ReplyDeleteWe are going to a very small local lake,about thirty minutes from here I don't like going to the big lakes.Ever since Brian had a heart attack on the boat,I'm too scared history will repeat itself.
We hope to go Monday.
ReplyDeleteNana wants to buy flowers for her garden on Saturday.That means Sunday I'll be planting and working in the garden all day.
I better check the weather for Monday.Brian and I have sort of made up.
ReplyDeleteIf you make up too soon they don't learn anything and they'll do it again.Just like kids.
I think I'll write something about intelligent women having more orgasms.It's news to me .I want to get in on that action.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right about the making up part...we don't history repeating itself...I do want you to enjoy yourself..
ReplyDeleteYou have been there all the time..the things we find out about ourselves..hell I am one smart cookie...I like to make my man sweat when he act crazy.
ReplyDeleteDo you think they will ever learn after all these years..they just keep doing the same old silly shit over and over...
ReplyDeleteI want you to get everything in order so you won't have to worry..I can leave you long notes when you get back you can see what I have been up to...maybe I will learn something...
ReplyDeleteOh I'll enjoy myself.If you don't make it up here this year due to your house consruction. Let's make a date for next year.I'd like to see you sitting on the boat sipping a mint julep while we pull Gil behind the boat on the innertube.I'd like to take Jill to Lion Safari and you to Niagara.
ReplyDeleteI don't think guys have a large brain capacity for learning about women.They repeat the same macho, arrogant,bossy shit over and over.
ReplyDeleteAlthough,now that Brian is older and has some health problems he is not so sure of himself
I would love that very much,Jill will love it and Gilly will large enough to know what he sees.
ReplyDeleteGil has been the boss in his family since his mom died,I think she boss dad...he makes me so mad sometime...but he's learning I have a mind of my own..he respects that...yep,we will put in on the inner you stay close to niagaga falls?
ReplyDeleteI was just checking out the articles about intelligent women getting morre orgasms.It's quite interesting.I'll do a post on it.
ReplyDeleteIt says that about one third of women have trouble having an orgasm.Who knew?
Yeah Gilly would be two and have a better understanding.He wouldn't remember anything though.Although I have met someone who says they remmber a lot of their second year.
Nan said Gil thinks I am a big child that is old enough to f^^k. All his lady friends was around his age...
ReplyDeleteGil is a guy who likes to take charge.I guess before you came along he never had to respect that a woman has a mind of her own.Perhaps his former girlfriends let him be the boss all the time.But I know that My friend Jean'ne certainly has a strong mind of her own.It may always cause a few sparks between you two.
ReplyDeleteYeah,I'd like to see Gil on that big inner tube.It has a comfortable seat and straps to hang on to.We tow it pretty fast though.He might pee his knickers.
ReplyDeleteI am glad I am not in that one-third...maybe they haven't found the right dangle...or maybe the man wants them to do all the work..hahaha do one...maybe kids do remember...I don't think they remember thet much unless it's something to eat or playwith...
ReplyDeleteYeah,I guess the age difference is one of the reasons for his attitude.Sis is right.You're his little girl.You'll have to smack that dumb attitude out of him.
ReplyDeleteMy daddy told Gil he didn't know what he was getting into...he says he knew...Chris said yeah right he don't know Nee...he's learning,I will have to write a post about the two I met while you are gone to the lake..
ReplyDeleteJeez, I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was so late again.
ReplyDeleteGet you to bed woman.Give that smart brain of yours some rest so you can have more orgasms....HA!
The French refer to the orgasm as the 'little death'.Strange ,huh?
I think Gil thought he knew what he was getting into,but he soon realized there was a lot more to you than he anticipated.He will continue to learn, but never let him learn everything about you .A girl has to keep a little piece of herself private.
ReplyDeleteJeannie the fool makes me so angry...he won't fuss..just say what he has to say and ignore you say it is nice making up...I have a cousin,her hubby beats her...I would hurt that bastard good.I am lucky Ron hit me once and his ass was sorry.
ReplyDeleteThe French has a point..when it blow's death until the next time ...hahaha
ReplyDeleteGet right in his face and tell him not to ignore you.You have opinions too.It is the height of disrespect to ignore you as if your thoughts don't matter.
ReplyDeletehow time flys when you are having fun...the wearher man says we are in for some more storms this weekend...we will just stay here with Sis ror now,she has a plenty room...she don't want us to leave..haha I wonder why..
ReplyDeleteSweetie I willsay goodnite and see you tomorrow...get some rest .
ReplyDeleteSweet dreams dear friends...I have sent you some butterfly kisses...Luv..Luv...NEE
Sis is having a ball with you and the babies there,not to mention her lover.(You haven't proved it yet)
ReplyDeleteLuv you lots ,always your friend Jeannie.
I do ..He say sI be winning and there is no use fighting a losing battle.
ReplyDeleteI will soon...his bed was not slept in..Ha