He said, "Get yourself together, Sweetheart, for the big one. Choose the right song and shut the door to all distractions."
Susan is getting worldwide media attention. This makes it difficult for her to keep her focus and concentrate on her performance.
As you will see on the video, Susan is a little nervous and the first note of her song is a little pitchy and quavery. But,then she finds her range and her confidence and soars through the rest of her performance. The audience voted her performance best of the night.
Susan may have been nervous at first...she pulled it together and came out smelling like a rose..what a great ane beautiful voice.
ReplyDeleteOf course Cowell told her to get it together...Simon Cowell knows a money train when he see/smell one.
Is that one of your drawing?
I just love Susie
Hope your day is going well,it stared misting rain here nothing major.How is everyone/ I know Nana is in fine form as usual (GIGGLES) I know you are keeping the rock happy....my little man is being a little baby today,he is teething and wants no one but his mama..
ReplyDeleteDad...Sis and I had a talk...I told them I didn't care as long as they wes happy....it was just fun trying to catch them....they both need to be happy...dad said thank you and had a tear in his eyes saying that meant so much to him..I told Sis I wanted her to be happy...she deserve it and she was the only mama I have really known...I asked them was they going to get married and Sis said hell no...that would take all the fun out of it...hahahaha
Your attitude was the right one, and what you said to them was what they wanted and needed to hear.Good girl.You are a nice lady.
ReplyDeleteI still don't understand why they kept it a secret all those years.
I don't know...Sis says I am such a hot-head she didn't know how I would take it...I told her I am a grown woman now and have a good man to take care of me...I asked her do I have to call her mama.
I asked Nan what her thought about it...the crazy girl just laugh her fool head off and said her mom still got it..and we was slipping,we just wasn't paying close attention like we once did..I should have realize when we all would travel in the Limo with Dad he always asked Sis to come along to keep me company..I thought it was nice he wanted her with us...hahaha
ReplyDeleteDuuuuh-You weren't too brilliant,either one of you.Actually Nan should have been the one to notice something.It's her mom after all.
ReplyDeleteSeven years and the two of you never saw a sign....come on.
ReplyDeleteI hope your day has gone well,mine was o.k. nothing to brag about,finally got my little man asleep...I think he is better..before it started drizzing rain,which has stopped now..we worked in Sis garden...I fixed a small patch for Jill..I will buy her some gloves tomorrow,she don't want to get her hands dirty..
ReplyDeleteSis sure knows how to keep her mouth shut.I definitely want to see a picture of those two and of you while we're at it.I'm tired of talking to a blank face.You know what I look like.
ReplyDeleteI figure maybe...we knew sis had a friend..but dad no way..we figure they liked to tease each other..
ReplyDeleteMy day was so-so,could have been better,very humdrum.Lots of little things went wrong.If I wasn't such a nice person,I'd probably be pissed off.
ReplyDeleteI will get you one soon,it won't be long..
ReplyDeletePoor old gilly. I feel so sorry for them when their mouths get sore.You can't really do too much for them, although some of the products they have to rub on gums can soothe a bit. My grandmother believed in rubbing a little whiskey or brandy on their gums. I tried it a few times. It helps, but they screw their little faces up at the taste.
ReplyDeleteStay nice,don't get pissed things will get better soon..everything here is so wishy-washy,I sometime feel like throwing it in the air and see what come down.
ReplyDeleteI put some music links on the blog,just to do something different.I love music.I'll put some classical up next time.
ReplyDeleteI have some little ice rattlers I freeze and it seems to help...
ReplyDeleteI know you need some pictures,I will get you some soon...I have taken some of the kids..need to get them developed...all my stuff is in storage except some of our clothes...
I drove to the drug store to get my perscription.As I walked in the door I noticed my wallet was not in my purse.I drove home to get it and came back to the pharmacy.When I got to the pick-up counter and they said they had forgotten to order my drug.The day was full of things like that so my patience got stretched a bit.
ReplyDeleteI love music also..it's good for calming the soul...
ReplyDeleteWill your meds be in tomorrow?Look like when one thing go wrong...it just mess up your whole day..
ReplyDeleteMeds will be in tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteWho are some of your favorite artists?I mean musical artists.I know I'm your favorite picture artist.
I need to find some different stuff to put on here and how to do some things also,you are doing all the work...I put a follower up it was o.k. for a couple of days,then it said it had an error..I took it off...I guess I should try to put it back and see what happens..I don't know sometimes I just feel like giving up...I can't write well enough...no matter how hard I try.
ReplyDeleteYou can't miss me...I love all music...don't like Rap and that hillbilly crap...but I do love good country music...I love Opera and Classical music,,it has a calming affect on me.
ReplyDeleteDid you draw Susie?
I really enjoyed your last two posts.They were wonderful.I'm sorry I didn't leave a comment on the latest one .I will.I read it while I was cooking something and had to rush back to the stove.I usually comment on your work.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, you are so right about those old farts.Boy Sean is one huge asshole.
I did not draw Susie but I liked the painting.I just can't figure out why they put a little hat on her.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's supposed to represent a Scottish tam.She comes from a tiny Scotish village
Thank you for trying to make me feel better..I know I stink(GIGGLES)I will never be able to put it on paper ...I write the way I feel...I guess that is some of my problem...yep Sean is an ass-hole..just like DC..they are in the same soup...flirting in front of their women.
ReplyDeleteIf people would look at Susie with their hearts they will see how beautiful she is...some is saying how nervous she was..didn't do as well as before...hell she had a lot of pressure on her...they can always sit on their asses ..they should try it sometime...
ReplyDeleteYou HAVE to write the way you feel.All writers do.That's what it's all about.
ReplyDeleteAbout ten years ago,I was so dumb about computers that I hardly touched ours. I went to computer school to learn all the basics.I never would have learned otherwise.There are still so many things I don't understand and can't do.I've asked Justin and Jeremy some things but they go too fast for me.I don't have a technical bone in my body.
So,my point is,go to computer school or get private lessons.It only takes a few weeks.
ReplyDeleteI also believe it was the stress that affected Susie's performance. The whole word was waiting for her to be brilliant and there was a lot riding on it.
ReplyDeleteWhen she sang her first song ,nobody knew her and she had nothing to lose.
I will try that...But I still won't know how to put my post down correctly where it will interest someone to read it.hahaha
ReplyDeleteWell if they could do it why not try...Cowell and Webber is still in her corner...Susie is a great talent...there are always the ones that can't is the ones that jealous..
ReplyDeleteI have been writing all my life.It was a way a lonely child could express herself.I had no one to talk to.I learned to write the way I felt.It helped me.So I have had a lot more experience than you.
ReplyDeleteIt's never too late to learn something new but it doesn't come overnight.
Did you not see Katherine's comment about your post yesterday?Go back and read it.
Yes I see it yesterday and today...I always checks all the posts again in case I miss something...I guess thats why Gil write as well as he do..I just get so disgusted at times...
ReplyDeleteI imagine Gil has been writing for many years also. We didn't have so many distractions in our homes as you did.You had too many people to talk to.You are used to expressing yourself verbally.
ReplyDeleteI'm having a lot of fun with the blog.I have you to thank for it. And, it allowed me to become part of your life and you of mine.
ReplyDeleteDoes Gil approve of our little blog or does he think you waste too much time on it??
I should have stayed in that damn house,I could go to school..the ladies and I are still working on my project...waiting to here from Mr.Gore..Helen's husband know someone in his office..she says we will get the pilot here just take time...
ReplyDeleteOh Nee,that would be wonderful.You could get to work with a Nobel Prize winner.It seems my friend Nee believes in starting at the top.
ReplyDeleteGil thinks it is a great outlet for me...He says it a balance and I am not on the go all time..it is a positive thing..beside running the streets with the ladies..he also like the Bear project.He is a great writer...dad had the idea that's what he was going to do.
ReplyDeleteMr Gore really does care about the environment.I guess the goal is making other people care enough to change their way of living.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what turned Gil toward the law.He could still become a writer.
ReplyDeleteI have a lot of help...when the Lawyer Wives club went poof..They liked this better..a bunch of rich ladies with to much time on their hands...we are looking for volunteers...you don't have to be wealthy to make things happen.
ReplyDeleteDad needed someone to take care of his interest in the business..Gil still writes..he is putting my story together so we will have something to pass down to our kids..I think Jill is going to be smart like Gil,she loves to read.
ReplyDeleteAnyone can make things happen.I think it just takes perseverence.I'm very proud of you.You are a mover and a shaker.
ReplyDeleteI've talked online to other southern Americans and they seem to think that since the polar bears are up in my part of the world that it is our problem and we should fix it. I could never get them to understand the big picture.
Gilly is going to a little horny fellow...he likes to grab his worm...hahaha
ReplyDeleteSammy did a lot of that.We had to keep distracting him.
ReplyDeleteYou don't like to tell them to stop,in case you give them the idea that touching yourself is bad,so we used to hand him something else to play with or eat.
ReplyDeleteThat's what wrong with a lot of us,we sit on our ass and talk,but when it come to fixing it,NOooooo
ReplyDeleteit belongs to someone else..what affects you and any part of the world effects everyone..look at all the rain and the water is rising everywhere.
I still don't understand how Sean Penn could have two girls in his room with his wife next door.And then he didn't give a damn when his wife couldn't be found anywhere.He said, "Who cares?"
ReplyDeleteWho the hell does he think he is that he could treat human beings that way???
I believe your state is as low or lower than sealevel so it's possible that you could have floods.
ReplyDeleteThats what I do...you change his diaper and Jill is gone..he will never get her again...hahaha
ReplyDeletewe are suppose to be leaders...we can't lead ourselves to an outdoor toliet....Obama is going to get it now...he got a Latiano from N.Y to be judge..waiting to see if see will pass..
Do you think Sean Penn and DC is kin...Liza say DC did the same with the Miami wooman Gina.
ReplyDeleteNew Orleans is..they buried there dead above ground...I am in North Louisiana...close to the Ark/Olka/Tex.border...
ReplyDeleteDoes Liza mean that DC flaunted Gina in front of her while they were still together??
ReplyDeleteI think that DC and Sean came out of the same mold were cut from the same cloth and tarred with the same brush.
ReplyDeleteThey belong to a certain spieces of men we call dick-heads and arse-holes.
ReplyDeleteThe Latiano is a woman..if she can do the job give it to her..
ReplyDeletethe Red River divides Shhreveport and Bossier City...
I don't understand how they can be so full of themselves and disrespect women so much.I think that deep down they hate women.
ReplyDeleteYep,thats what Liza said ,right there in front of her...
ReplyDeleteWomen make good judges.We have the brains.We just never had the opportunities before.Mr Obama respects women.You can tell.
ReplyDeleteDC is one of the worst of the arseholes.In fact he may be the worst. I would like to give him a kick where the sun don't shine to knock some decency into him.
ReplyDeleteDC brought Gina to L.A. with him..Aunt Mae live in Sherman Oaks and I asked her if see him,she said no and she didn;t want to see the no-good ugly bastard...
ReplyDeleteI'd love to talk all night but aren't you sleepy?
ReplyDeleteI think that is a losing battle,nothing you do will make DC smell any better...Ron is an angel next to DC...
ReplyDeleteDC is a Catholic.I wonder if his conscience ever bothers him.
ReplyDeleteI don't know hahaha....I guess I need to lay down been up with my cranky little man..he didn't want no part of his daddy or Jill...
ReplyDeletePoor old Gilly.He doesn't know what's happening to him.
ReplyDeleteIt's nice that he wants his mama.I bet he melts your heart.
ReplyDeleteWhat do he care about being a Catholic...DC is a mess,Mel is one also...they don't practice what they preach.
ReplyDeleteDC will probably rot in hell, if indeed there is one.I would like to see him get cheated on by someone he loves and dumped unceremoniously, just so he knows how all those women felt that he treated like shit
ReplyDeleteHe do ...that little boy is going to keep me on my toes....Jill is such a little mama...she talks to him and the little bugger laughs out loud and she tells you what he say...
ReplyDeleteThats why DC gets week woman ,if they have jobs he makes them quit,you was on the money about DC and the burnette...he about to make his move.
ReplyDeleteThat is so precious.She is already his mouthpiece.The sign of a good lawyer.They are practising for when all those ex wives sue him.
ReplyDeleteI didn't quit work after Gil moved in with me..he wanted me to,I didn't..after Jill was born he wanted me to quit,I was working in the office and carried her to work with me.
ReplyDeleteIt certainly looked like DC was up to his old tricks.I thought so too.Also sounds like his taste has improved.
ReplyDeleteI checked out his myspace site.he leaves a sentence or two every day or two.That's about all you get.I don't think he actually talks to fans.
We included her when I was pregnant,we wanted her to know it belong to her also...let her listen to his heartbeat and when he moved..it tickled her..
ReplyDeleteIs it really him...if so he waited until Vix left...
ReplyDeleteI hear Gilly...I get I will say goodnite and see you tomorrow,sweet dreams...luv...luv..NEE
ReplyDeleteI hope tomorrow is a beautiful day in your neighborhood.Working in the garden is a lot nicer if it isn't raining.
ReplyDeleteDo you still think that hthing we emailed each other about is true??
Yes I think it is true .I like her.
ReplyDeleteGoodnight honey.