Great news ladies! Intelligent women have more orgasms. You don't care for sex?? Maybe you ain't so bright.
Did you know that about one third of the female population has difficulty achieving orgasms? Neither did I. Turns out it's true.
A study of more than two thousand female twins showed that those with greater emotional intelligence had a larger number of orgasms. What is emotional intelligence you ask? It's the ability to monitor one's own feelings and emotions and also those of a partner. It makes a woman sensitive to any sexual situation and to her partners needs as well as her own. Emotional intelligence also includes having more than an average imagination which allows a woman to fantasize better and communicate better to her partner exactly what she desires and expects. It can also give a woman the feeling that she has some control over the sex act.
The study was conducted by King's College in London and the findings were published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine. All of the 2,035 participants completed questionnaires giving details of their sexual behavior and performance and also answered questions designed to test their emotional intelligence. The research found a very significant association between emotional intelligence and the frequency of orgasm during intercourse and masturbation.
Professor Tim Spector of King's College said,"this study will help enormously in the development of behavioral and cognitive therapies to improve women's sexual lives."
The conclusion of scientists? Emotional intelligence has direct impact on women's sexual functioning and can influence other aspects of their lives.
Gentlemen...Sex is not just about the right technique or environment. Bring a little intelligence and sensitivity to your performance and try to be as tuned in to your partner as she is to you.
At some point you will have sexual problems that are situational, for example, if either of you is tired or stressed or if you are having relationship problems. In that case ladies and guys, a little understanding and a cuddle goes a long way to proving your emotional intelligence.
Hi Jeannie,
ReplyDeleteShout out right back at you girl.I do think you have a point about women and sex.If that is true,Nee is very intelligence,I always get my dose of feel good after getting off work ,Nee was telling you how she tells Gil where to poke it,she is the love of his life,she was angry,he wanted her to finish with the house,he don't care if she go to school.Nee fuss a lot,it's when she don't say anything,you have to watch out,her bad ass baby is just like her,I am being extra careful at the casino,I was promoted to cage cashier manager last week,I will be in the office and not on the floor and works days.Oh yes Nee will always let you know what she likes,just ask my uncle.She is going to kick my butt,I don't care,I will have more time now to tell you about things to ask her.Hope to get back later.
(GIGGLES) I got choochie and brains to go with it..hahaha..When I was small I would think WTF,I am not going to let a boy poke me,wow that shit sure change...don't mind telling him when he hits it just right...Oh yeah,I am so naughty,Nan I am going to get you,My bad ass baby wants you,haha
ReplyDeleteHow is everyone I missed you last night,how is Nana?This weather is a bitch..Do that mean you won't be going to the lake Monday? It wasn't Jakey that got sick,I hope not,are was that just an excuse on his part to go racing.He better be careful,those boys are growing up and learning fast,they are old enough to know who are there for them.I had fun ...we had dinner/dance and went to a hotel for the night,it was fun,breakfast in bed and you know another round...hahaha I am so bad.HA!!
Jeannie you are so right ...you know something about everything,I can't imagine A woman not liking to do the nasty...maye she haven't found the right one ...hahaha
ReplyDeleteBiological dad's, wife's mother is very sick,so they spent the weekend at the hospital.
ReplyDeleteThis is a long holiday weekend here,Queen Victoria's birthday.
Sadly, we are having three days of rainy cold weather so J.,Peter and boys are at the lake freezing their asses off.We just bought Nana's flowers in the pouring rain.
I promised to barbecue some T bones tomorrow, but I ain't standing outside in this weather,freezing my choochie off.They can eat baloney.
You can cook the T-BONES in the stove..look in the market and get you a bottle of smoke...pour some in a pan of water and place in oven as you cook...it will give the meat flavor...I have a lot of little short-cuts.
ReplyDeleteGood tip.Thankyou.You could do a tip of the week.
ReplyDelete"Cupcake's Crumbs of Wisdom"
'Congratulations,' Nan on your promotion.
ReplyDeleteI am going to beat up for her promotion..talking about my baby,she made him bad.
ReplyDeleteMaybe your bad ass baby will grow into a bad ass man.A man of power who strikes fear into the hearts of his employees.
ReplyDeleteNan made him bad,he acts up and it tickles her.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed your date.I think it's a great idea to stay at a hotel for a night,so sexy.Like a mini honeymoon.Do you guys have a regular date night?
ReplyDeleteI'll be signing off a little early myself.I have a tap dancing lesson to go to.
ReplyDeleteNo...he just wanted to be alone and we talked.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry I know Gilly is a sweetheart of a guy.Guys who are nursed always are.
ReplyDeleteWell you have a full day tomorrow,I don't want you to miss your dancing lesson.hahaha
ReplyDeleteHe made sense..he don't me to wear myself to thin,this last year I have a lot happen to me...I guess he's right..He says if I am in school,how can I set up the office for my bears...
ReplyDeleteI do love my dancing lessons.We get to wear costumes this week.
ReplyDeleteHis concern for you is sweet.
ReplyDeleteHowever you are not a foolish woman.You know your own limits.
Are you finding it boring being at home?Missing the excitement of work?
Gilly is teething ,he is a cranky little bugger...dad says he was good last night,shit dad will say that if Gilly had torn the house down...I didn't know I has so smart...hahaha ..and I wanted to be a nun..hahaha
ReplyDeleteYou would have been a very sexually frustrated nun.
ReplyDeleteYes I am finding it boring not working..when I look at my babies I am glad I have the chance to stay with them...when it was just Jill,I was working in the office..I am enjoying being with them all day,I don't want a nanny.
ReplyDeleteTap dancing lessons...hell, I thought you was talking about getting poked...hahahasee where youput my mind..I am so smart.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy to hear you say that.So many people let nannies raise their kids.They don't know what the nannies are teaching them or if the nannies are showing them enough affection.For all they know the nannies could be locking the kids in a closet. your children will be better people because you and Gil are hands on parents.
ReplyDeleteI AM talking about getting poked. I'm dressing as a girl scout camping in the woods and Brian is dressing as a boy scout leader who sneaks into my tent at night and fucks me,even though I'm only twelve.He makes me promise I won't tell.If I'm real good he'll let me play with the big pink thing again.
ReplyDeleteTimes is tough now ,both parents have to work to make ends meet,I am one of the lucky ones that have a choice..Sis nurse her three and she is like you ,she has nice tits and 64 years old...I think we got them.we are fixing a hole...
ReplyDeleteAWwww shit ,that sounds like fun..I am going to try it...Gil had a big red bow on his for Xmas,and said that was my present..you are bad.
ReplyDeleteNice tits usually run in a family along with other assorted features.
ReplyDeleteWe have nice tits but weak eyes in our family.Its nice for our men.We don't see them coming.They can pinch a titty and run.
Brian is a horny fellow ,I bet when the big pink thing see you coming it stands up straight and tall...Honey we can sign off when you are ready...because you have the brains ...so you know you will get a lot of orgasms....(GIGGLES)
ReplyDeleteAll of us wear glasses,I have had laser surgery for a leak,It could be worse..Sis told Gil if he nursed They would snap back quicker...hahaha he said what are you saying..He wasn't going to nurse those things,I told sis to hush,when he go to sleep rhats when I nurse him..hahaha
ReplyDeleteHa!..I'll test that theory and let you know.
ReplyDeleteSince it's such a miserable long weekend we have to find ways to entertain ourselves.
I'm sure Quenn Victoria won't mind if we skip her fireworks to make some of our own.She was a pretty horny chick herself.I think she had nine children.
Most men like to nurse.Brian would have loved it.He's told me so.Sadly he never got the chance.I always produced a copious amount of milk.I used to donate half of it.
ReplyDeleteGil do...Sis told him to stop his bull-shitting...all men do...I ask her do dad and she told me shut mu little musty ass up..and Nan asked dad how was they...boy ...they turn red as a beet...hahaha
ReplyDeleteSweetie it is 12:05 am your time..
ReplyDeleteall English/French like to make whoopie...americans is the only ones still in the dark ages.
You'll catch those two some day.Or they'll just admit it to shut you and Nan up.
ReplyDeleteI meant Nan asked Dad how they were...
ReplyDeleteWhy shouldn't they have fun?They have earned it.It's not hurting anyone.
ReplyDeleteIf (God forbid)I should be widowed some day.I will miss that intimacy so much it will make me crazy.
Okay doll,I'll come back in an hour or two and write something.I'll be all nice and relaxed...HA!
ReplyDeleteSweet dreams..J
I told you this was the house I was raised in,it has 6 bedrooms..after daddy died ,sis wanted Nan and family to live with her.. Nan's daughter is married and has her own house..just Nan's hubby/baby girl,she's 6...Dad's bed wasn't slept in the other night,he said he made it up...hahaha
ReplyDeleteou go and get ready for your dancing lessons and I will see you tomorrow....Sweet dreams..
ReplyDeleteLove you....NEE...
I think those two are having a ball messing with your heads.
ReplyDeleteDo they? Or,don't they?They'll never tell.
Would you sneak in while they were at it and take a picture?
The door will belocked ..we are working on it..they are cute .
ReplyDeleteMite ...sweetie...NEE