Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Step Right Up ...Get Your Free Mammogram

The fellow above offers a painless and free mammogram and a good laugh, but it won't do you much good in the long run. I would opt for the new technology.
I know a mammogram hurts and it's an affront to your dignity, but ladies,the consequences of avoiding the unpleasant can be very harsh. Self examination is also extremely important. Any abnormality, lump, swelling, discoloration or discharge must be reported to your doctor immediately.
Breast cancer starts in the breast tissue cells of both men and women. It is the second most common type of cancer after lung cancer and the fifth most common cause of cancer death. In 2004, breast cancer caused 519,000 deaths worldwide. Breast cancer is 100 times more frequent among women, but survival rates are equal in both sexes.
There are four different types of breast cancer. All cancers are primarily identified by a lump. In fact more than 80% of breast cancer cases are discovered when the woman feels a lump. According to the American Cancer Society, the first medical sign, or objective indication of breast cancer as detected by a physician, is discovered by mammogram. Lumps found in the lymph nodes, located in the armpits and/or collarbone, can also indicate breast cancer. Other signs can be dimpling of skin, nipple inversion, or spontaneous, single nipple discharge. A change in the size or shape of the breast may be a warning sign also. Pain is an unreliable tool in identifying cancer. In it's early stages there is usually no pain associated with breast cancer. Pain may indicate other breast health issues like mastodynia. A discoloration or inflammation of the skin can also be an indicator of cancer.
Although you may understand that breast cancer happens in the breast, it can metastasize or spread to other parts of the body, via the blood or lymphatic system. It can spread to the lungs ,liver,brain and most commonly to the bones. It eats away bones making them weak and easy to break. Seventy percent of the time breast cancer metastisizes, it goes to the bones.
Breast cancer is the outcome of multiple environmental and hereditary factors.The inherent factor can be very important. Smoking can be a cause of breast cancer. Hormone replacement was long suspected of contributing to the disease. Some breast cancers are very estrogen sensitive. Some are caused by the immune system's failure to recognize and eliminate possible trouble causing cells.
The causes are legion. You can't avoid them all. You can only protect yourself by eating healthy, exercising and getting enough rest, so your body is in peak conditon and your immune system is functioning well.
Above all, my friends and sisters, conduct frequent self examinations and get a mammogram once a year. Grit your teeth and lay that booby on the cold, hard tray. It only hurts for a minute, and please wear a pink ribbon next October.(Breast Cancer Month)
A friend who cares....Jeannie
Reference:World Health Organization Interntional Agency for Research on Cancer


  1. Anonymous10:08:00 AM

    Good and sound advice,yes mammograms hurts,if it is caught in time it can be cured...a little hunt instead of a life being cut short..I always joined in the walk,races,etc. last year I had to set on the sidelines and root my team on...My little boy was born on the 6th of October..I was there leaning my support,because it is a very worthy cause....

  2. Anonymous10:13:00 AM

    Jeannie....good job as usual..very important is nerver to late to start taking care of your health.
    Hope you are feeling better sweetie. Lot's of kisses and love coming your way.....NEE

  3. Anonymous10:20:00 AM

    Did you take the partners in crime off? The two little angels....
    I know you have a good one to put up...I can hardly wait to see it..


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