Be sure to have a "salmon Fillets for each person
4oz.salmon fillets,thawed if frozen
1 tbsp olive oil..
1/2 cup sour cream...(your choice)
1 tbsp chopped fresh dill weed
1 tsp fresh lemon juice
fresh dill weed sprigs
1. Coat grill rack with nonstick cooking spray...pre-heat grill to medium heat(300^ F to 350^ F)
2. Brush fillets with oil,and season with salt and pepper to taste.
3, Grill fillets 6/7 minutes per side or until fish flakes easily with a folk,turning once
4.For dill sauce....mix sour cream,dill and lemon juice.Season to taste with salt and pepper
5. top each grilled fillet with tablespoon of dill cream and fresh dill sprigs...
....Make a large bowl of salad...lettuce ...tomatoes.....cucumbers....bell peppers and anything else that strikes your fancy......if you have more than 4 fillets,make more dill sauce...
my family and I fishing and camping out....I have a portable coleman stove and barbeque grill that is just perfect.....I have one that the kids of all ages in your family will love....coming soon ....Tex-Mex Fajitas.......stay tune...more to come for the summer...
That sounds delish.I love your recipes.The gumbo was great.
ReplyDeleteOur numbers went up a bit with the addition of the music,so I'll change it from time to time.You know you can make money if you allow Google to put ads on the blog.
Yes ..Google willay you...try it and see what they will do...I like the music...it plays real well since it got loaded...I am glad you like the Gumbo..the ones I will be putting up.you can do them while camping...I have a portable coleman stove nad barbeque..you need different recipes when camping and fishing...How is everyone?
ReplyDeleteLet goggle pay you and you can give it to the twins for their poems and drawing...I bet they will like that...
ReplyDeleteRead the comment I left about Brian under The professor and give me some advice on men.
ReplyDeleteI just did and left you one...hahaha
ReplyDeleteI'll go read it.
ReplyDeleteMen is from mars ..they think you are suppose to know what ails them just by looking...they are such big babies.hahaha
ReplyDeleteI do not feel like giving that man any sugar.I'd probably snap it off.
ReplyDeleteNOooooooo...you will need it later on...hahaha
ReplyDeleteI don't think men can handles their feeling as well as we can..I am mad at mine now...well he'll get over it or sleep along.
ReplyDeleteI haven't visited Keyser in quite a while.The last time I went he said he was so bored he didn't have anyhting to write about.We'll have to draw him into another fight with the loons.That got him turned on.I wonder if he drops in.
ReplyDeleteI can't access our stats.I've tried many times.
ReplyDeleteThe monetize ad thing for google has been on the dashboard for a while now...go for it ..you do that and I will try to learn to write better...you can give it to the twins for working for us...hahaha
ReplyDeletePoor Gil.Does he know what he did?
ReplyDeleteSometimes they are so dumb,or is that just an act?
That's a good incentive to get the twins to work for us and it would teach them a good lesson about the work ethic.I don't think it would pay very much.Only when they get hits on the ads.
ReplyDeleteI can only tell about our stats from the side bar...I never understood the thing...I go in can't tell where they are coming from...we have more than a lot og blogs that was up before us..maybe we need the thing like Keyser.
ReplyDeleteIt still would be good for them,they will learn how to take care of their money.
ReplyDeleteI like that gadget that Keyser has.His blog has been up longer than ours but we have higher stats.
ReplyDeleteYes that fool know what he said,he just pissed me off,he had the nerve to tell me he didn't care how angry I got,and that was the end of it..
ReplyDeleteKeyser's stats went up when he was fighting the loons...after Vix left,,we three pulled together and his stats jumped...he really need to come back.
ReplyDeleteThat show about the exterminators that live in Louisiana,close to where you are, is on right now.I love this show and it shows a lot of the countryside there and the people.
ReplyDeleteI think he looks in on us...looks like he has lost interest in his blog since he moved...
ReplyDeleteOh,Gil,that was not a smart thing to say to a woman.We know lots of little tricks to pay back.
ReplyDeleteI just put it on.I am going to see if I know where they are.
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize that you had so many black widow and brown widow spiders there.This guy has a house that's infested with them.They can kill you.
ReplyDeleteThe only dangerous things where I live are the mosquitos.They can carry West Nile disease.
ReplyDeleteI told him I wanted to go to school to learn how to write better,he said I had enough to do..when I finish ..I could go to school but not before.I am going to kick his long ass...don't I wish..hahaha
ReplyDeleteThats why I didn't want to live where we are...thats out near Caddo Lake...
ReplyDeleteEveryone is looking at the program...Gil just told sis he is moving back to Reno...
ReplyDeleteHe can't tell you what to do.He ain't your master.He's entitled to his opinion,and he's entitled to give you advice,but he can't dictate to you.
ReplyDeleteI need that gator tail I woulg cook you something good...did you see that snake..
ReplyDeleteNow he's removing a gator.'Holy smoke'!I'm glad I don't live there.
ReplyDeleteEverything is either trying to eat you or kill you.
Tell me you have some nice animals.
ReplyDeleteI don't worry about his ass..Like I told him I am the boss in this family..I think he wants me to say we will stay where we are..I don't know what he thinks ..non do I care.
ReplyDeleteI know where Mr.Lucky's Farm is.
ReplyDeleteI heard that gator meat can make you sterile.
ReplyDeleteNow,I have a nice recipe for eels.English people like them.
ReplyDeleteYes we have some nice animals..where I live we don't see them...that's mostly close to the swamp area.
ReplyDeletePut the eel recipe up..dad likes eel...
ReplyDeleteJeannie, Gil thinks dad and I are one of his kids...I have put my babies to bed and I am going to let his ass have it...I understand I have to finish what I started,but to tell me thats the end of it..hell it's on.
ReplyDeleteI think that man loves his work.I just don't like his hair.The two stringy pieces hanging at the sides.
ReplyDeleteOkay ,Honey ,if you want to call it a night,I'll understand.
ReplyDeleteThis problem was not as bad..all the animals is coming to high ground...don't care how clean you are,they are coming.
ReplyDeleteOh I am find...He probaly has his earplugs in...I am o.k. just blowing off steam.
ReplyDeleteOkay Sweetie.You can blow off steam with me anytime.That's what friends are for.
ReplyDeleteNow he should go bald...it do look funny...I am sorry honey...but he just makes me mad...I just wanted to know what he thinks...
ReplyDeleteYou know since watching this I think I might want to live in town..hahaha
ReplyDeleteI'll find the eel recipe.I haven't used it in years.Brian doesn't like them.
ReplyDeleteWhen I watch that show ,I'm happy I don't do that for a living.
Do you raise a lot of llamas there?
We raise emus here,and some ostriches.
Dad laughs his ass off..he says this is a match made in heaven..I don't have to worry about him being mean to me.
ReplyDeletePut the eel recipe up...dad loves eel..I told you we eat everything.
Do you like Dthe Bounty Hunter?
ReplyDeleteI don't think we raise llamas..we do have a petting Zoo that's nice to carry the kids to.
ReplyDeleteI have watched it a few times.Brian won't let me.It's always the same thing from what I can tell.I read a lot of bad things about Dog in the Enquirer
ReplyDeleteI never liked him...the NE just put the icing on the cake...
ReplyDeleteI don't have a clue what to write about tonight.I'll have to roam the internet and look for something interesting.I always find something.
ReplyDeleteLove is where you find it..people get so hung up on color..there are some I wouldn't want to come in my yard...and color has nothing to do with it.
ReplyDeleteI guess thats what I need to do..I don't know where to start...when I come on the web...AOL has news on there I can click on,I guess I will start there...
ReplyDeleteI get a lot of funny emails from my friend Barb and Marianne and from Jaye or Peter.We all exchange jokes and videos.
ReplyDeleteWe've known Barb and Dale for thirty years.I should tell the story about the night before I had to have an operation.I was scared and Barb,Dale and Brian and I got drunk(A 46oz bottle of rye)Barb and Dale had to put us to bed.
How about when you was little watchiing the gays at the nude beach..hahaha
ReplyDeleteWhen some Americans rant about race,they seem so full of hate.
ReplyDeleteI don't get that.
I've met good and bad in all colors.
Now that is a great one...tell it..I bet you had a lot of fun...these fools just know how to work..eat..drink and make babies..hahaha
ReplyDeleteThat gay beach story would get us flagged for sure.No little kid should see what I saw.It puzzled me as to why they would do that.When I was sixteen,it finally made sense.
ReplyDeleteYou know I have..being in La and here working in the Casinos..I think they are a little scared of having some black in them..I have caucasian on my birth certificate,it's no telling what I am...I told you my mama's great-grand daddy was a big black buck so they have told me.
ReplyDeleteWe don't want to be flagged,but if we do I will go and undo it.Do you know how...now all that shit I have learned.
ReplyDeleteI have seen stuff so bad..and they wasn't flag...Keyser could have taken it off.. all he had to do was go to setting ...
ReplyDeleteIs a mulatto a half white, half black person?
ReplyDeleteAnyway.I have met many people of mixed race and I have always been struck by their beauty.They seem to take the best features of both races.
One day the world won't have different races. We will all be a nice cafe au lait color wth dark hair and eyes and we'll speak a kind of English-Chinese.I'm speaking the truth.If we continue inter-marrying, it will eventually happen.Won't that be nice?
Yes mulatto is whte/black..Josie's hubby had a bunch of them...
ReplyDeleteI agree with you.Keyser's blog was so tame.
ReplyDeleteHe couldn't remove the flagging because the Blogger Co. put it on him.If you flag your blog yourself,then you can remove it.
But he just had to contact Blogger and ask for it to be removed because it was done out of spite,not because of content.
Thats one reasno I got so Angry with Angela..saying her folks had slaves...mine did too...thats wwhere they come from the masters..my mama was cherokee,and god knows what else...hell I am glad to be here...
ReplyDeleteMy family is inter-marrying...my nephew married a black girl she is very pretty...she has the nappyest hair you ever seen,she is a darling..they have 3 beautiful children.
ReplyDeleteI'm bad for keeping you up again and you got up at six o'clock today.You'll be a Zombie tomorrow.I really enjoy talking to you.We understand each other.
ReplyDeleteGo to bed and don't try to stay on the farthest side of the bed.You'll get lonely.My dad always said" Don't go to bed angry".
Unfortunately that's hard to do sometimes.
Sleep well ...luv Jeannie
My first husband was Dutch Indonesian.He had the greenest eyes.Neither of my kids got those eyes.
ReplyDeleteI got pregnant by Brian when we were first married but I lost the baby between the fourth and fifth month.It was a boy.I wonder who he would have looked like.
I wish Keyser would contact them...his pictures is not as pretty,and he don't talk as bad..I think he hated he moved..He have 7 followers ..we can't follow him over there...he was getting comments from them...now not many .
ReplyDeleteI am up every day early...I always take a nap when I put Gilly down...
ReplyDeleteGil is in here trying to put his hand up my shorts...I am not mad now...
He may have looked like Brian..mine look like their daddy.
ReplyDeleteGo enjoy each other. Life is too short to waste the opportunity.Make up sex is the best....HA!
ReplyDeleteLuv to you both...J
I will say goodnite .
ReplyDeleteJeannie I really and truly love talking to you...look into Google for the twins...I know you can put adds on the side bar..I believe you can have the under your posts also..it's on your dashboard ...
Monetize...do it.
So goodnite dear heart ,I will see you tomorrow...sweet dreams..NEE