The Arkansas Democrat Gazette has reported that AT&T provided more than thirty cell phones, as well as instructions on "power texting" (sending in 10,000 votes at once) during a party at the Peabody Little Rock Hotel on the night of 'Idol's' final performance. The company also made 50 text ready phones available at Conway's Estes Stadium.
Unbelievably, fan Bobby Kierna actually voted for Kris 10,840 times on a phone provided by AT&T,the only cellular network on which American Idol viewers can vote.
Fox is , of course is denying these allegations as nonsense. The network released the following statement.
" Fox and the producers of American Idol are absolutely certain that the results of this competition are fair, accurate and verified. Kris Allen is, without a doubt,the 'American Idol'.
AT&T also, denied responsibility.
" A few local AT&T employees, who were invited to attend 2 local watch parties, organized by the commnity, caught up in the enthusiasm of rooting for their hometown contestant, brought a small number of demo phones with them, providing texting tutorials to those who were interested."
But if one person managed to vote 10,000 times, others could also. How many 10,000 vote texters would it take to swing the results ?You be the judge.
Was Kris Allen really shocked or just a pretending to be amazed that he won.It is strange that 10,000 votes would be casted at once.WE have not heard the last of these allegations,why would they need to make text ready phones available to the public,everyone has their own now.but hey that's just me.
ReplyDeleteKatherine,sorry to have missed you again last nite.I know you know Dave,don't know for how long,it was obvious you knew more abot him than what you were saying,My problem is why the loons dislike you unless you are a reporter,and they are scared of what you will write.I know they talked about Monroe,she worked with Dave and would tell us things.
ReplyDeleteI have followed the loons for a long time,even before DOJO came on the scene,Rachel/Lacy started the hunt for DC's stalker.In other words Katherine,be you friend or for of DC's,you are welcome,I to know a lot of DC's family.But hey thats just me.
Katherine I meant friend or foe,damn I am going to have to get a new keyboard. When we talked with DC last year in Miami with his girlfriend Amina,he looked tired and bloated..he looked like a shrimp beside my man,Amina needs some meat on her bones.
ReplyDeleteHey Cupcake! Jeannie! Happy Saturday. I tell ya, I am not reporter, but one day I was at the CBS boards reading various comments. I entered that whole FanFic site and began to read it and because I was on the bored side, I realized I could write a heck of alot better then most stuff on there. Writing is my hobby so I figured what the heck.
ReplyDeleteSo I wrote one story, and from there on it got really weird and fast. I got a lot of Private messages asking some very odd questions and getting some fairly creepy stuff. That is how it got started. More Later...:)
Yes Cupcake I remember seeing those vacation pictures of them on the beach on Miami. I am naturally a pushy kind of girl so out of concern I tried to kind of gently push him into a different direction in life...not so easy but I am not one who gives up easy...
ReplyDeleteI cannot help myself but when I see someone drowning I tend to throw them a life preserver if you know what I mean...:)
Katherine,glad your day is going good,I think you are fighting a losing battle with Dave,three ex.wives and a slew of girlfriends/lovers, he seems to get worse as he age,my man stopped to talk with him and Amina,Dave invited us for dinner and drinks,my man had to declined,we had a previous engagement,Amina was mad as a hornet the way DC was looking at my friend,you should have stayed on the fan-site,it would have been more fun than trying to save DC old sorry ass.I don't join fan-sites,you get a lot of unwanted advice,you must have said some unkind things about DC,if they were nice they would have loved you.I am glad you have a kind heart towards DC.Me I would give the old disrespecting fart toward woman a kick in the ass,but if you can help him go for it,maybe you can do what so many other ladies have tried and failed.
ReplyDeleteKatherine,I tend to read between the lines of things.Are you family?My friend,her name is Julia,I like to call people by a name,so you will know of whom I am speaking,DC did get in touch with her later,invited her out,she says she didn't go,but who knows,she may have to see what's to him,Julia says he called and said he will be in Miami early June.If she go out with him,I hope it's just for fun and games,because DC is not a keeper.
ReplyDeleteCupcake, DC and I met many years ago by accident and just hit it off, friends wise I guess you would call it.
ReplyDeleteI doubt he sees me in THAT kind of way if you know what I mean because I am not at all like the tarts he hangs around with at all.
I just probably am a sucker, but I am no fool; I just have a soft spot for lost souls I guess...:)
Julia, well, I hope that is all she wants is a good time, I dont see anything else there.
There is nothing wrong in being someone's friend,when people told Paris DC was seeing the New York producer,she said DC had many lady friends,I guess it is better to have DC as a friend,beause god knows he is not a keeper,it has been rumored that their is a mystery lady out there,maybe don't know,as for Julia,she would have to much to lose fooling with DC.My man and DC is related,Dc was born in Queens,my man was born in Las Vegas,their dads are cousins.But I am sure Charles know less about DC than you,you sound mighty young to have known DC such a long time.But hey,thats just me,I am also nosey.
ReplyDeleteP.S. if you wall like some of his tarts,you wouldn't want to talk with us..we do get some of his tarts from time to time,we just play along,we have a stat meter to tell us where they are from.
ReplyDeleteAww thanks for the compliment Cupcake! I am glad I sound young at least....LOL
ReplyDeleteI am 14 years younger then DC so I will let you do the math on that and you can figure out my age...:)
Yes there has been alot about a mystery woman and yup there is one out there. Not sure where she is from though or what the status is there offhand...:)
Happy Day Gals!
Hi Nee .I can't chat tonight.I have a little post to put up,then I have some work to finish.I have to be up early to make a picnic.
ReplyDeleteI'll really miss you.Wish you were here.Have a great Sunday.I'll check to see if you're online Sunday night.Try to be a good girl.I know it's hard for you.Be sweet to Gil and maybe he'll get hard for you...HA!Luv ya...J