4 (6oz) fish fillets...or the catch of the day,or meat of choice
2 green bell peppers,halved and seeded
2 medium onions,peeled and sliced
2 tbsp.olive oil
1 (14.67-oz) pkg. fajita dinner kit(10 tortillas,salsa,seasoning mix)
Shedded cheese,chopped tomatoes,guacamole,sour cream(optional)
1.)Coat grill rake with non-stick cooking spray..pre-heat grill to medium high direct heat350 F to 450 F)
2.) Brush fillets ,bell peppers and onions with oil,lightly rub with 1 teaspoon of seaning mix from fajita mix
3.)If using grill basket, coat with non-stick cooking spray,place fillets in basket .Grill over direct heat for 10 minutes or until fish flakes easily with a folk, turning once halfway through cooking.
4.)Meanwhile,place bell peppers and onions on grill rack,grill until solf and slightly charred,remove and season to taste with additional fajita seasoning.
5.) Wrap tortillas from fajitas kit in foil,warm on grill 5 minutes,turning once
6.)To assemble,flake fillets into chunks,cot peppers into strips,separate onions into rings:Spoon fish,peppers and onions into tortillas,top with salsa from kit...serve with cheese ....tomatoes...guacamole and sour cream ...if desired..
We do a lot of camping and fishing...I decided to scale some recipes down for camping out...they are gone to prepare any time...kids and adults alike love them..you can use any meat you have on hand...I find it great for left over meats that I want to give a different taste to and to be enjoyable....so lets go camping.
stay tune...to be continued....
Wow those look good! I love the recipes you have posted on here, thanks so very much for that!
ReplyDeleteI hope you gals are having a wonderful day today, a long weekend coming up, I hope you all have some fun in store...:)
Thanks...I love to cook..I love making recipes my own...there are more to come...have great plans in store..hope you have a great holiday.
ReplyDeleteSounds yummy,I'll try them.Do you have plans for the weekend Nee?
ReplyDeleteNo plans...just hanging out here..weatherman says it going to rain this week end...Jeannie uou are still going to the lake right?
ReplyDeleteWhen fishing ..eat what you catch..summer time we eat light..salads/fruits and I had to think of something easy and quick...hahaha what you doing?
ReplyDeleteDid you get my commentunder "Flying" I think the post is sooooooo cute.(GIGGLES)
ReplyDeleteThanks I thought 'Flying was a cute post. This weekend may not be a boat weekend after all. The man who was supposed to fix some boat things for us had a fatal heart attack.He was 46 yrs old.
ReplyDeleteIs all the family going to be there?I know the twins will have a great time...sweetie you can watch the sunset while snuggling with the "ROCK"..
ReplyDeletePoor Guy,in perfect health one minute dead the next .He had an unknown anurism in his heart,it just burst.That tells me to enjoy every minute.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness,so sorry to heat that and so young...is the lake still on?
ReplyDeleteYou never know by looking at people..I am learning to be thankful for each day and live it to the fullest...Did he have kids?
ReplyDeleteSo enjoy every minute, Nee. It could be your last.sometimes life isn't fair.He had a wife and kids.
ReplyDeleteNo, we can't go boating.It's okay we have a dinner to go to on Saturday. s\Sunday we'll just hang out. Why don't you drop by?....HA!
ReplyDeleteThe twins are with biological Dad.His wife's mother died and he wants them there at the funeral.I don't think kids should go to funerals unless they are very close to the person.Why make them more miserable than you have to?
The twins are no relation to her...I dod't think kids should go to funerals either...do he have any more...Furnerals are depressing...
ReplyDeleteNow I can't spell...hahahaha
ReplyDeleteI really think "J" is a very good person to let them go...The twins should be out enjoying the holiday outside..."S" playing hockey..."J" drawing and writing his stories.
ReplyDeleteI have a funny post for tonight.Things you shouldn't say when you're having sex.
ReplyDeleteThe recipes are a nice feature. Also the celebrity posts.
ReplyDeleteDid you know Al Gore won the 'Nobel Prize' for his work on global warming?
I really want to hear them.I will try not to say them.hahaha
ReplyDeleteYes I did know he won the Nobel Prize ..that's the reason why I don't understand why more people is not aware of the problem.
ReplyDeleteI've just been talking to Keyser about the trouble California is in.It's completely broke.It's the most highly populated and the richest state in the US.That will have negative impact on your economy.They have asked Obama for a bailout and he is going to do it.Keyser is mad about that.
ReplyDeleteMy pants are too tight.I'm going to get in my jammies.Be back in a minute or two.
ReplyDeleteI guess a recipe about twice a month is o.k. celebrities are always into some shit..it's that are my crazy ass family...I wish I knew how to snark old DC..I wouldn't post hate crap...just the truth..I know the loons would have a fit,but I would just ignore them..the more they yell.the more visitors.
ReplyDeleteI have not been to Keyser's in a couple of days...he don't seem to happy or friendly,we have to help each other now,I don't think he like it over there..we all have lost our asses off...Califorina made mistakes ..what about these big companies and Wall Street..we fucked up ,now we have dig ourselves out of this hole...
ReplyDeleteI'm back.I feel much more comfy now.My new pants shrunk or I gained a few pounds.I can't eat very much so I guess the pants shrunk.I don't need them so tight that the choochie is outlined.
ReplyDeleteDad would have lost more ,he set up a trust fund for my babies..Gil told him it was time to get out,it was time to fold them...dad say there is a cycle ,we think it's hard now..it was tough during the depression and some other times..it's just more easy to hear about it now with TV and radio.
ReplyDeleteYes keyser is not so friendly.I noticed that,but he patiently answered the questions I asked him. He is very knowledgable about the economy.And,he makes so much sense.
ReplyDeleteNo you don't need the choochie aoulined..(GIGGLES)Didn't Vix call that the "Camel Toe"post.hahaha
ReplyDeleteKeyser make more sense than a lot of them...I go to see what he's up to and look at the pictures..his is not the same,you would go back just to look at them.
ReplyDeleteIt's so lovely now that the warm weather is here and you can smell the lilacs everywhere.The daffodils are dying now their time is over for a year.The white one always dies a couple of weeks before the yellow,But it's the first to bloom.Maxy chases all the widlife out of our yard.He doesn't like intruders like birds chipmunks squirrels and rabbits.To day he even chased a gaggle of Canada geese away from our stream.He runs away from the deer though.
ReplyDeleteI think we can talk about DC if we hear something interesting.Why not? I don't think too many people are interested in him though.
ReplyDeleteGil is kinda nerdy..I guess thats why he gets on my nerves sometime. HA!!...he went to Harvard and somewhere in England..
ReplyDeleteI like to do something serious then funny then serious.Now and then I throw in something sexy.
ReplyDeleteGil went to Oxford or Cambridge?
ReplyDeleteYou have to be very intelligent to go there or to Harvard.It helps to have a rich family too.
There is not much interest in him since Vix left..I see Paris/Britney/Nicole is not hogging the front pages anymore..I guess I will learn how to write about my bad boys...at least no one say a lot of bad things about them.
ReplyDeleteSorry ,I had to go ask,he went to Cambridge
ReplyDeleteHe's very intelligent..but a little on the crazy side..hahaha he married me...Is it the choochie?
ReplyDeleteA very prestigious school.He must be a very clever man.Has he been back to England since?
ReplyDeleteI will be glad when we get our puppy..Maxy protects everyone..they say small dogs are good watch dogs..
ReplyDeleteHas he ever sang the Harvard school song to you?
ReplyDeleteHe was going each year...last time I went ..Jill was about 3 years old...
ReplyDeleteYes he has,he has a great bartione voice...
ReplyDeleteMaxy is my friend and protector and Brian's sleep buddy.
ReplyDeleteDad say Gil always said he wanted a loving woman like his mom...He was different than the rest of them ..I guess because he wasn't in the caniso business...just look after dad's interests.
ReplyDeleteJeannie ...when do you sleep? i know you say you are a night owl...during the day.
ReplyDeleteI am trying to find the article where Angie catch Jen and Brad together...Brad's mom likes Jen,not Angie.
ReplyDeleteEnglish people would love you guys with your accents and being so tall and American.WHat did you think of England,Nee ?Did you like it.I know the food sucks.
ReplyDeleteGil wanted you because you were unique.You were open, honest,loving and you were not impressed by money or fancy education.You are exactly what you appear to be.No trickery, no guile.
ReplyDeleteI know Brad's mother is still friends with Jen.I don't blame her.She knows her son done her wrong.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I don't sleep much.But ,I sleep in a bit in the morning.I'm trying to change my habits for the summer.It's nice to be up with the birds when it's nice outside.
ReplyDeleteI love England..haha I was taller than all the ladies...
ReplyDeleteJeannie I in what you see is what you get...money can't buy love/happiness ...if so I would be with my ex....haha ..I don't pretend about stuff...the people in England is very nice...He has taken me to quite a few places,we lived out of suitcases until I got preggie with my little man..we was on the go about 4/5 months a year.
ReplyDeleteWell maybe you can take a little nap during the day..I was on the go all the time until I started having shit go wrong with me..I don't have but one project now and thats my bears...
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you like England.Never change who you are.Even when you become a famous writer just be the same Nee.
ReplyDeleteThe last time we went anywhere was Miami last year and that was a business trip...
ReplyDeleteYour health suffers when you have too much on your plate.Now you go to bed like a good girl and get lots of rest.Don't forget to stop by on Sunday.
ReplyDeleteWas that the trip when you saw Dave?
ReplyDeleteI wongder if Dave has changed since you saw him.
ReplyDeleteAWwwwwwwww shit...now you are givig the big head..hahaha but I love every bit ...Gil says Jill is going to public schools...and a good college..I know he would love for her to follow in his footsteps,he wants her to be with the people she'll have to connect with in everyday life.
ReplyDeleteSounds like Gil has settled down a lot.That's good for all of you.
ReplyDeleteYes that was the trip I saw Dave/Amina...he was really looking Julia over...Amina was smoking..
ReplyDeleteGil has the right idea.She should be a woman of the people.She will have a greater understanding of the people she deals with in her professional life, whatever that may be.
ReplyDeleteI doubt if Dave will ever change..he sure looked bloated monday night...Gil has settle down a lot...I think it's the kids,he really enjoy them...Jeannie did I tell you Gil is a jealous old fart...
ReplyDeleteI can't believe he's jealous.
ReplyDeleteWonder will we ever hear from Monroe again...hahaha ..I am sending you a e-mail...you don't have to answer until I am sure..ok.
ReplyDeleteYou are being very mysterious.When are you emailing me?
ReplyDeleteMonroe is history but I think she checks in from time to time to see what we're up to. I liked her
ReplyDeleteAll he don't show it,but I can tell..he's not worried.
ReplyDeleteI wish she stop and tell us if Dave is going to thank those people...haha
ReplyDeleteI sent you an email too.
ReplyDeleteGirl we are on the same page..haha
ReplyDeleteDo you honestly think DC will thank anyone? They were devoted to him. He owes them big.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it odd how we think the same way?
ReplyDeleteI got it...wait and see..i am on my best behavior...he was mention that's what made me think.
ReplyDeleteYes it is odd..but nice..
ReplyDeleteExactly,That's what made me think so too.
ReplyDeleteAbout that jealousy thing.Has Gil ever made a fuss if you talk to a guy?
ReplyDeleteWell I think we are loving spirits,without haterd in us..we both have been through so much..I just did't have kids..and we both are the better for it...
ReplyDeleteI believe you are right.Tragedy and hardship do make better people of us.All the spoiled rotten kids I meet out in the world haven't suffered enough yet to make them appreciate life and the people who love them.
ReplyDeleteNo Gil has never made a fuss,or acted stupid...if a man talks to long he just say he need to talk or some kinda crap...I asked him once..he said he trusted me ,but not men...
ReplyDeleteI don't believe you're the kind of woman who would ever be unfaithful or disloyal to Gil.Not just because you love him but you are conscious of the example you are setting you children.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to be responsible for your bloodshot eyes tomorrow or your headache,so go to bed and may an angel watch over you and your babies.....luv...luv...J
ReplyDeleteThey never will...there is no one guiging them in thee right direction..have you notice that welfare breeds beggers...
ReplyDeleteThere are poor peole that riase above are make something of themselves...people struggle to make their kids life better that what they have...then the ass-holes just think we owe them..HA!!
PS...That's what keeps the world moving forward, always trying to make our children's lives better than ours.That's progress.
ReplyDeleteI could have been a spoil brat,my daddy was having noe of that..we wasn't rich..I guess you would say we were upper middle class..we was taught values and respect not only other people but each other.
ReplyDeleteSweetie time flys when we get together...
ReplyDeleteI will say goodnite and try to find that article...I will also have my eyes and ears open (giggles) I know you get my drift.Luv...Luv....Nee
It sounds like you had a great dad.You'll pass those values along to your kids.Your parents did a great job with such a large family
ReplyDeleteNight Sweetie.
ReplyDeleteHey gals! Happy Friday to you!
ReplyDeleteAmina smokes? Not my kind of thing, and for some reason I am somewhat surprised, (don't ask me why I am surprised, cuz I don't really know) that DC would even want to date a smoker. Hmmm
Anyway, this brunette I had heard of late is not in the acting business at all and she appears to be one who has brains and knows how to use em!
Hope you all have a restful long weekend enjoying yourselves