Sunday, May 31, 2009
"Jen Betrayed By Best Friend" WTF
When Brad Pitt split up with Jennifer Aniston and started dating his Mr. & Smith co-star Angelina Jolie in early 2005,no one was more loyal to Jen than Counrteney Cox.She comforted her pal as any best friend would and shunned the man who broke Jen's heart.Even though Jen and Brad claim to have made peace,the tenison the exes was obvious at this years Oscars,where a visiably nervous Jen stood only a few feet in front of Brad and Angie while presenting an award---where she carefully avoided a direct run-in.Even Courteney's husband,actor David Arquette,took Jen's side and bad-mouthed Brad,telling Howard Stern in a radio interview " that Brad did some stuff that hurt our friend,David also implied that Brad and Jen would never have divorIt's got to be hurtfulced had it not been for Brads romance with Angelina Jolie. But Courteney and David's attitude toward Brad seem to have softened recently,May 3rd, the couple got chummy with Brad at a dinner party of a mutual friend before meeting up backstage at a Chris Cornell concert at LA's Wiltern theater where the group reportly spent time laughing about the old days."it's got to be hurtful"notes psychologist Jean Cirillo,(who dosen't treat Jen)So she's understandably crushed that Courteney is getting friendly with Brad again,Jen seems like a sensitive person,and Courteney should know that, an insider says they believes Jen is freaking out over this.Also adding to the strain,jealously over new friendships .Recently Courteney has started spending more of her time with other Hollywood moms(including Isla Fisher) who can bond with her in a way that Jen can't,the insided says Jen has every right to feel left out....Question? Can their friendship be saved....I will keep you updated...saty tuned: to be continue: http://Exclusive Cover Story LIFEAND STYLEMAG.COM
Oh how sad. I feel for Jen, she seems like such a sweet girl, and I know how painful betrayal by a best friend can be.
I guess that is one problem with divorces...friends tend to take sides or whatever and one person is always left out, regardless of whether it is done on purpose or not.
Hang tough Jen, I am sure there is much more to come out and I personally am rooting for ya!
I am a sucker for happy endings so I have not given up yet!
Jen is a nice person,met her once when she was on friends,I would like to see her get past Brad,to just be a friends,it's time for her to move on,I think Brad just want a shoulder to cry on,I could be wrong.
I agree with you Nee.It seems like Brad needs a little comfort and support. He probably doesn't have many close friends. I don't think Courtney set out to betray Jen.
Yes it would be nice for her if she could, but if Brad is texting her and things, it would make it hard for her, depending on what he is saying to her of course.
He does not belong with Angie...that woman is odd to say the least, that much I do know.
I wish some one these idiot men would get it together already and just figure it out! Hehe
Angie is a genuine nut bar.As my partner would say,Brad was thinking with the little head.When the novelty wore off, he realized the mother of his children was weird, spoiled, demanding and completely 'koo koo'. Now what's he to do? Imagine the custody battle.
We just topped thirty thousand partner. 'Congratulations!'I have enjoyed our partnership immensely. And they said it wouldn't last. Let'd drink a mutual toast to our future blogging...CHEERS!
We hit 30,000 at 9:54p:m my time,7 months and I haven't got sarted on all the choochies in my family. My advice to Jen is once a cheater is always a cheater and mid-life crisis have nothing to do with it.
Fantastic day. A little chilly and windy,but still fun.Boy, how I love all those guys. It seems to get stronger as time goes by, or do I imagine that? Brian is wiped out, but he is the only one who understands boat engines.He's built them from the ground up.So, he has to do all the driving and fine tuning.He fell asleep at nine. Jaye fell asleep at ten past nine.Too much fresh air.
Glad everyone had a great time,you will have to get some rest also,tomorrow you will have to read all the notes I left you,hell these people started parting last night and most are still here,dad made punch...I visit dodo ,DC blog was off line ,beleived someone was hacking or some shit,hinting it might be Heidi and a hacker she may Have made friends with..
Jen seems like a very sensitive person. She doesn't need someone to trample all over her feelings again. If Jen and Brad got back together, he might stay for a year or two but as you said,"once a cheater,always a cheater."The next time Jen might not recover from it.
Dodo jumped on the band wagon,she don't know shit abot DC,she talked about us ,shit we don't care,we like having fun> Ask Jeannie I talk about everything,myself included,my famiily is the funny and horny.. Jeannie, now I am thinking about the first one,we don't.
Oh CC...I did visit on occasion and left some comments. The most recent one I left there, before she was caught was regarding his trip to Paris last December. Remember that one? Where he went alone?
I commented that it wasn't Amina he wanted to take but another woman.
We know that Vix is getting help. You know how my mind thinks. REmember when you pulled the older post and Keyser throught it was Vix because the comments was still there,I bet dodo read it and thinks she can get viewers that way..What we post is truth,if someone disagrees with me,I will listen,because a lot of people sees things different.
That guy will never quit his alley-cat ways.His relationship with Amina was still new at that time.
Caring in any way for him is the road to heartbreak and misery. Amina must be aware of his habits. If she's there for the money, maybe she doesn't care.
I remember that comment very well. Vix had another person that visit that would tell her things,she haven't visit in awhile,we wish she would.She worked with DC.
Maybe old DC wanted to take the burnette..If Amina is there for the money she is a fool,no decent man is going to want her sorry ass after she finish polishing DC's knob,money can't keep you warm in your later years.
He treats women like that because a woman hurt him in his past, and quite badly.
This kind of behavior is learned, it does not come naturally generally speaking. Then of course he chooses women who do what he wants and puts up with his verbal insults and such. They are easy to control. Amina is no exception to that...:)
Dad and Charles is cousins, DC would stop at the casino on his way back to L.A. Dad's sister aunt Mae lives in Sherman,Oaks.About 3/4 blocks from DC,but she never sees him.I don't think any of his family sees him.
Katherine I have heard that before,some say it was Rachel,don't know,but that is not an excuse to treat woman badly.She was the only one to leave him,Marg held on as long as she could,I think she would still be there If LIza hadn't got pregnant.
There is no way to make amends for all the pain he has caused.He may just as well have beaten them physically.He has left a path of human destruction behind him. It is like trying to redeem a child abuser.There are not enough redeeming virtues to make it worth while.
But I will say that DC makes for an interesting conversation.He's unpleasant to work with too.An aquaintance of mine watched them blocking(I'm not sure if that's the term)a scene and saw him throw a screaming tantrum at some poor crew member.
My ex is a good man,he just made to much money to soon,booze/drugs/women got to be his thing,I was hut badly,after I cried/cursed,I got my skillet and torn his ass up,I didn't let him sour me on men,if I had,I wouldn't have the man I have now.
It is easy to get cynical and bitter when someone hurts us isnt it? Goodness knows I have been hurt alot, but I still manage to try. I guess that is why I am a glutton for
I really envy you, all those brothers and sisters,Nee. I always wished for a sister or brother.
Is Gilly on your lap? Please give him a kiss from me. No one in the family wants to have babies right now. I miss them. I'll have to go back to volunteer work to be with little ones.
Hell yes,DC is interesting,you always know what he is going to do,I love bashing his old ass,there is no hate in it just clean fun.. what I don't understand ,where in hell do he find such stupid bimbos.
No ,I carried him to his daddy. Jeannie you are going to have so many grands,you will try to sell some...It was almost like I didn't have any ,all their kids are older ,except Chris kids,Nan seems like more of a sister.Chris was 10 years old when I born,the olderest was 30.
My daughter-in-law took a picture of Maxy in his captain's hat today.I'll try to get a copy for the blog.
Remember I told you, when Justin was living with us,all I saw was his butte sticking out of the fridge? Boy, has he put on weight.We took him to a buffet restaurant last week.I know he ate seven or eight platefuls.His mom wanted to tell him in a diplomatic way to lose a few pounds but his brother kept calling him lard ass(no finesse there)so I think he got the message..HA!
I forgot about the age difference between you and your siblings.It was a more unconventional family.They would have been more like aunts and uncles to you. Well, you had Nan to get into trouble with.
Oh please put Maxy up,he is so cute,I know he was posing. Well one thing I can say,good food and good fucking will agree with you,Justin will have to start working out.Just think one of your grandson's is opena restaurant.
If Josh opens his restaurant,Justin will be a regular customer.He's just enjoying his bachelor life in the big city. He has a nice new apartment with his friend and has met some pretty girls so I think he's having a ball. His job is going well, but he is at a desk for eight hours straight.He used to be involved in sports in university.
Gil is right there with Emily/Susan.Nan and I still get in shit,I just when there and asked Gil how's it hanging,he said heavy..hahaha I told that fool he better go piss. Katherine Jeannie has a good man,when I get angry I come to her or sis,they listen,I feel better.
I can hear my good man snoring at the moment,although he denies it.It resonates through the house. Jaye is still here.I have enjoyed three days with my daughter. She is a jewel. Peter comes home to morrow and so do the twins.She and I don't get a lot of time together alone. We went shopping and gossiped all we wanted.We both had fun.
Justin has no way to work it off,sitting all day,that's o.k. he's deserves it,the kid has worked hard. Matter of fact,they all has,I told you the nuts don't fall far the tree.
Dad put everything in it,he won't tell,I taste it once,it goes down easy,I drink some mixed drinks sometime.It relaxs me,a little wine is good fot the heart.
Yes they do seem more relaxed,He still go to his room ,we know he don't stay,I called her mama-sis,she said she was going to spank my musky butt,Gil told her remember I don't wear panties anymore unless I am going out.
It feels good for the choochie to catch air,Jeannie you started this when I was pregnant with Gilly,I toly you I laughs so hard at you I wets my panties..Hahaha
You're a stay at home mama now. Pretty soon you'll be leaving off other pieces of apparel. Just remember to put them on before you go out..Ha! I remember Britney Speares getting out of a car without panties...ugh.
Paris is growing a little stale.Britney is old news and Nicole has become a model citizen and pregnant mama and she has become one with nature.She grows her own vegetables and herbs and no longer eats meat.
I love Farrah,there was some mixed feeling about her special,I look for something on her to do like Patrick,I admired them both,Farrah was married to Lee Majors,Ryan O`Neal took her away from him,I heard they was best friends.
This is pretty late for you honey.You'll be all groggy and bleary eyed tomorrow.The kids will make mince meat out of you.You'll look like that cartoon you put up...HA!
I have a lot of Star/NE mags,from way back, I have the one with DC on the cover ,he looks rough,long shaggy hair,it says washed up NYPD BLUE star was into booze,women and drugs.Thats about the time Marg was going to AA meeting.I am going to have a ball when I can unpacked my stuff.
I will say goodnite,I am so glad you had a great time and got to do girly things with Jaye,I know when you look at her your heart swells and you are so thankful..Tell Jaye she has a wonderful and loving Mom.Hope Nana made it o.k.. I got my Jeannie fix.. Goodnite sweetie and happy dreams.LUV...LUV.....NEE
Oh how sad. I feel for Jen, she seems like such a sweet girl, and I know how painful betrayal by a best friend can be.
ReplyDeleteI guess that is one problem with divorces...friends tend to take sides or whatever and one person is always left out, regardless of whether it is done on purpose or not.
Hang tough Jen, I am sure there is much more to come out and I personally am rooting for ya!
I am a sucker for happy endings so I have not given up yet!
Jen is a nice person,met her once when she was on friends,I would like to see her get past Brad,to just be a friends,it's time for her to move on,I think Brad just want a shoulder to cry on,I could be wrong.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you Nee.It seems like Brad needs a little comfort and support. He probably doesn't have many close friends. I don't think Courtney set out to betray Jen.
ReplyDeleteYes it would be nice for her if she could, but if Brad is texting her and things, it would make it hard for her, depending on what he is saying to her of course.
ReplyDeleteHe does not belong with Angie...that woman is odd to say the least, that much I do know.
I wish some one these idiot men would get it together already and just figure it out! Hehe
Angie is a genuine nut bar.As my partner would say,Brad was thinking with the little head.When the novelty wore off, he realized the mother of his children was weird, spoiled, demanding and completely 'koo koo'.
ReplyDeleteNow what's he to do? Imagine the custody battle.
Hey Partner was your day.
ReplyDeleteWe just topped thirty thousand partner. 'Congratulations!'I have enjoyed our partnership immensely. And they said it wouldn't last. Let'd drink a mutual toast to our future blogging...CHEERS!
ReplyDeleteWe hit 30,000 at 9:54p:m my time,7 months and I haven't got sarted on all the choochies in my family.
ReplyDeleteMy advice to Jen is once a cheater is always a cheater and mid-life crisis have nothing to do with it.
Fantastic day. A little chilly and windy,but still fun.Boy, how I love all those guys. It seems to get stronger as time goes by, or do I imagine that? Brian is wiped out, but he is the only one who understands boat engines.He's built them from the ground up.So, he has to do all the driving and fine tuning.He fell asleep at nine. Jaye fell asleep at ten past nine.Too much fresh air.
ReplyDeleteI have it right here...Cheers,shit we really do think alike.
ReplyDeleteAre you still partying? I hope you didn't get zonked and make a fool of yourself.
ReplyDeleteGlad everyone had a great time,you will have to get some rest also,tomorrow you will have to read all the notes I left you,hell these people started parting last night and most are still here,dad made punch...I visit dodo ,DC blog was off line ,beleived someone was hacking or some shit,hinting it might be Heidi and a hacker she may Have made friends with..
ReplyDeleteJen seems like a very sensitive person. She doesn't need someone to trample all over her feelings again. If Jen and Brad got back together, he might stay for a year or two but as you said,"once a cheater,always a cheater."The next time Jen might not recover from it.
ReplyDeleteI doubt it was a hacker that made that fool go
ReplyDeleteShe is just having a hissy fit would be my guess. Once she gets over it, her blog will be back up...:)
Dodo is full of shit.Vix has been neutralized.
ReplyDeleteI have been thinking about what we emailed each other about and now I am confused.
I am back,I got disconnected some way.hahaha
ReplyDeleteKatherine, Dodo enjoyed her thirty seconds of fame and would like to keep it going.Unfortunately her repertoire is limited to one subject.
ReplyDeletehow true Jeannie...too bad she knows nothing about her
ReplyDeleteThat must suck for her...hehe
No it was DC's MYSPACE blog,no one said anything,she wants people to think it is Vix.
ReplyDeleteVix is probably taking her meds and walking in the garden with her keeper. She may come back at some point but not while she's incarcerated.
ReplyDeleteDodo jumped on the band wagon,she don't know shit abot DC,she talked about us ,shit we don't care,we like having fun> Ask Jeannie I talk about everything,myself included,my famiily is the funny and horny..
ReplyDeleteJeannie, now I am thinking about the first one,we don't.
Katherine,did you ever visit Vixen's blog? You would have loved to comment on her blog and kicked some loons asses.hahaha
ReplyDeleteYes, Nee, I am thinking it was the first one, just like you said right at the start.
ReplyDeleteThe my space site was pretty disorganized and not very interesting. Maybe it did not take.
Oh CC...I did visit on occasion and left some comments. The most recent one I left there, before she was caught was regarding his trip to Paris last December. Remember that one? Where he went alone?
ReplyDeleteI commented that it wasn't Amina he wanted to take but another woman.
We know that Vix is getting help.
ReplyDeleteYou know how my mind thinks.
REmember when you pulled the older post and Keyser throught it was Vix because the comments was still there,I bet dodo read it and thinks she can get viewers that way..What we post is truth,if someone disagrees with me,I will listen,because a lot of people sees things different.
That guy will never quit his alley-cat ways.His relationship with Amina was still new at that time.
ReplyDeleteCaring in any way for him is the road to heartbreak and misery.
Amina must be aware of his habits. If she's there for the money, maybe she doesn't care.
I agree...caring for him is not a job for the meek. It is where even Angels fear to tread!
ReplyDeleteThat Amina chick is all about money, nothing more and nothing less.
I remember that comment very well.
ReplyDeleteVix had another person that visit that would tell her things,she haven't visit in awhile,we wish she would.She worked with DC.
Maybe old DC wanted to take the burnette..If Amina is there for the money she is a fool,no decent man is going to want her sorry ass after she finish polishing DC's knob,money can't keep you warm in your later years.
ReplyDeleteHe treats women like a sub species.I wonder why he has no respect for them. Something to do with his parents perhaps??Something shaped him that way.
ReplyDeleteIn spite of his experience on NYPD, His arrogance seems quite intact.
You have to play the cards you are dealt,but you should have enough sense to know when to fold..
ReplyDeleteNee,Amina will stay until she is kicked out by the next girlfriend.
ReplyDeleteI don't think she's sensitive or very bright,just avaricious.
He treats women like that because a woman hurt him in his past, and quite badly.
ReplyDeleteThis kind of behavior is learned, it does not come naturally generally speaking. Then of course he chooses women who do what he wants and puts up with his verbal insults and such. They are easy to control. Amina is no exception to that...:)
Dad and Charles is cousins, DC would stop at the casino on his way back to L.A. Dad's sister aunt Mae lives in Sherman,Oaks.About 3/4 blocks from DC,but she never sees him.I don't think any of his family sees him.
ReplyDeleteThat's true Katherine.He reverts to type every time.He's a serial womanizer. They have to be amenable to manipulation.
ReplyDeleteHe is pretty much on his own which to me is a shame. Family, as you all know, is very important, the most important thing one can have.
ReplyDeleteThey are the only ones who will stand by you, even if you act like a complete idiot...:)
Katherine I have heard that before,some say it was Rachel,don't know,but that is not an excuse to treat woman badly.She was the only one to leave him,Marg held on as long as she could,I think she would still be there If LIza hadn't got pregnant.
ReplyDeleteTHe only way he will ever be happy is if he breaks out of this pattern of behavior; it is destructive and nothing good will come of it at the end.
ReplyDeleteNo truer words was ever said,but you know a true family is not always related but blood.
ReplyDeleteIt truly is a matter of the heart.
Very true...families are really about the heart. With that, a person can do anything and you gals sure have strong families!
Gilly is typing to,I meant,I meant,
ReplyDeleteA true family is not always related by blood.It's a matter of the heart..
There is no way to make amends for all the pain he has caused.He may just as well have beaten them physically.He has left a path of human destruction behind him.
ReplyDeleteIt is like trying to redeem a child abuser.There are not enough redeeming virtues to make it worth while.
Shit I have 5 brothers and 3 sisters,I was the last pea in the pod.I had to stay on the run when sis was away.
ReplyDeleteBut I will say that DC makes for an interesting conversation.He's unpleasant to work with too.An aquaintance of mine watched them blocking(I'm not sure if that's the term)a scene and saw him throw a screaming tantrum at some poor crew member.
ReplyDeleteMy ex is a good man,he just made to much money to soon,booze/drugs/women got to be his thing,I was hut badly,after I cried/cursed,I got my skillet and torn his ass up,I didn't let him sour me on men,if I had,I wouldn't have the man I have now.
ReplyDeleteIt is easy to get cynical and bitter when someone hurts us isnt it? Goodness knows I have been hurt alot, but I still manage to try. I guess that is why I am a glutton for
ReplyDeleteSo hang on to your man CC and enjoy the ride!
I really envy you, all those brothers and sisters,Nee. I always wished for a sister or brother.
ReplyDeleteIs Gilly on your lap? Please give him a kiss from me. No one in the family wants to have babies right now. I miss them. I'll have to go back to volunteer work to be with little ones.
Hell yes,DC is interesting,you always know what he is going to do,I love bashing his old ass,there is no hate in it just clean fun..
ReplyDeletewhat I don't understand ,where in hell do he find such stupid bimbos.
Oh CC, dont ya know? LA is full of the standard bimbo...can't swing a dead cat without hitting a bimbo
No ,I carried him to his daddy.
ReplyDeleteJeannie you are going to have so many grands,you will try to sell some...It was almost like I didn't have any ,all their kids are older ,except Chris kids,Nan seems like more of a sister.Chris was 10 years old when I born,the olderest was 30.
My daughter-in-law took a picture of Maxy in his captain's hat today.I'll try to get a copy for the blog.
ReplyDeleteRemember I told you, when Justin was living with us,all I saw was his butte sticking out of the fridge? Boy, has he put on weight.We took him to a buffet restaurant last week.I know he ate seven or eight platefuls.His mom wanted to tell him in a diplomatic way to lose a few pounds but his brother kept calling him lard ass(no finesse there)so I think he got the message..HA!
Do you think I got the f^^king thing from my daddy.hahaha
ReplyDeleteI forgot about the age difference between you and your siblings.It was a more unconventional family.They would have been more like aunts and uncles to you.
ReplyDeleteWell, you had Nan to get into trouble with.
Oh please put Maxy up,he is so cute,I know he was posing.
ReplyDeleteWell one thing I can say,good food and good fucking will agree with you,Justin will have to start working out.Just think one of your grandson's is opena restaurant.
Where is my trusty informant (Nan)?I haven't heard from her in a few days.She's a lot of fun.
ReplyDeleteIf Josh opens his restaurant,Justin will be a regular customer.He's just enjoying his bachelor life in the big city. He has a nice new apartment with his friend and has met some pretty girls so I think he's having a ball. His job is going well, but he is at a desk for eight hours straight.He used to be involved in sports in university.
ReplyDeleteGil is right there with Emily/Susan.Nan and I still get in shit,I just when there and asked Gil how's it hanging,he said heavy..hahaha I told that fool he better go piss.
ReplyDeleteKatherine Jeannie has a good man,when I get angry I come to her or sis,they listen,I feel better.
Nan asked about you,I told her you was at the lake,you know her family stay with sis,she was drinking dad's punch,I think she in bed...poor baby.
ReplyDeleteI can hear my good man snoring at the moment,although he denies it.It resonates through the house.
ReplyDeleteJaye is still here.I have enjoyed three days with my daughter. She is a jewel. Peter comes home to morrow and so do the twins.She and I don't get a lot of time together alone. We went shopping and gossiped all we wanted.We both had fun.
Justin has no way to work it off,sitting all day,that's o.k. he's deserves it,the kid has worked hard.
ReplyDeleteMatter of fact,they all has,I told you the nuts don't fall far the tree.
You know,Dad's punch sounds pretty lethal.I wonder what he puts init.
ReplyDeleteHow long is Jaye going to bewith you? Are the twins still visiting the crazy person?
ReplyDeleteKatherine,Jeannie drew my cupcake.
Do Dad and Sis seem more relaxed now that their secret is out?
ReplyDeleteAt least he doesn't have to sneak into her room any more.
ReplyDeleteDad put everything in it,he won't tell,I taste it once,it goes down easy,I drink some mixed drinks sometime.It relaxs me,a little wine is good fot the heart.
ReplyDeleteYes they do seem more relaxed,He still go to his room ,we know he don't stay,I called her mama-sis,she said she was going to spank my musky butt,Gil told her remember I don't wear panties anymore unless I am going out.
ReplyDeleteIt feels good for the choochie to catch air,Jeannie you started this when I was pregnant with Gilly,I toly you I laughs so hard at you I wets my panties..Hahaha
ReplyDeleteYou're a stay at home mama now. Pretty soon you'll be leaving off other pieces of apparel. Just remember to put them on before you go out..Ha! I remember Britney Speares getting out of a car without panties...ugh.
ReplyDeleteKatherine,my man better hang on to me,I am sure no woman wants a man with no penis.
ReplyDeleteI remember that one.Wonder what happen to Paris/Britney/Nicole,they are not making the covers of the mags.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how Farrah Fawcett is getting along. Did you see her special?I'd like an update on her.I feel so bad for her.
ReplyDeleteThere were mixed feelings about that special if I'm not mistaken.
I think Lynn pushed her girls to hard to make the big time,the movie business is a big thing here.
ReplyDeleteParis is growing a little stale.Britney is old news and Nicole has become a model citizen and pregnant mama and she has become one with nature.She grows her own vegetables and herbs and no longer eats meat.
ReplyDeleteMaybe lynn pushed them so hard she hurt them. I think Britney had a serious breakdown did she not?
ReplyDeleteI love Farrah,there was some mixed feeling about her special,I look for something on her to do like Patrick,I admired them both,Farrah was married to Lee Majors,Ryan O`Neal took her away from him,I heard they was best friends.
ReplyDeleteThat's a true story.Lee and Ryan were best friends.
ReplyDeleteWhat a way to treat a buddy.I understand Lee was devastated and was never the same after that.
It's kind of ironic that Ryan left Farrah and devastated her.
yep,she had a breakdown and shaved her head,Lynn home is here She has a farm about 100 miles from us.
ReplyDeleteRyan is an idiot,even his daughter Tatum don't fool with him,I hear the son Ryan and Farrah has somethins is wrong with him,drugs and all .
ReplyDeleteLMAO I bet no woman wants a man with no I love it...too funny
ReplyDeleteRyan and his son Redmond were doing drugs together.
ReplyDeleteThis is pretty late for you honey.You'll be all groggy and bleary eyed tomorrow.The kids will make mince meat out of you.You'll look like that cartoon you put up...HA!
ReplyDeleteI have a lot of Star/NE mags,from way back, I have the one with DC on the cover ,he looks rough,long shaggy hair,it says washed up NYPD BLUE star was into booze,women and drugs.Thats about the time Marg was going to AA meeting.I am going to have a ball when I can unpacked my stuff.
ReplyDeleteDidn't you tell me once that he married Marg because somenoe else turned him down?
ReplyDeleteWas it you or vix who said he smacked Marg around.
I will say goodnite,I am so glad you had a great time and got to do girly things with Jaye,I know when you look at her your heart swells and you are so thankful..Tell Jaye she has a wonderful and loving Mom.Hope Nana made it o.k..
ReplyDeleteI got my Jeannie fix..
Goodnite sweetie and happy dreams.LUV...LUV.....NEE
Yes I did,He met Marg.on a flight from N.Y. to L.A, it was the producer of Jade.
ReplyDeleteGoodnight Toots..luv and hugs..J
ReplyDeleteI seen Marg. at the AA meeting and she had a black eye.
ReplyDeleteI believe he married Marg as a rebound...this other woman, if I am correct on this CC, is who he wanted, and for whatever reason, she said no...
ReplyDeleteI wonder if she is the mystery woman rumor that has been going around? He has known that lady for many years now.
Goodnight Gals! See ya Monday!