Friday, March 05, 2010

Replacement Organs

( Click to enlarge)
If you want it done right....Do it yourself


  1. Hi PIC
    What a busy day.I am (as Brian would say) 'knackered'.He keeps waking up in a panic attack.I think it's because they had him tied to the bed to stop him from ripping out his tubes, especially his breathing tube.He still has trouble breathing and that would make anyone panic.
    I may have to cancel our open house tomorrow.He had a very bad day.

    On a lighter note, I think you have done a fabulous job on the blog.The articles have been lively and interesting.
    We are having a strange warm spell here.I don't know what that means but it has put everyone in a spring like mood.We usually have another month of snow storms.I don't trust this weather. If it isn't global warming, then some alien life form is playing a cruel joke on us by controlling our weather.Just when we get in our shorts and halter tops they'll drop some snow on us...HA!

    I hope you and your brood are well and full of pepper and I will see you soon,if not sooner.
    I went to D***'s blog and wished her farewell and good luck.What the hell;she has provided us with a lot of fun and frolic.I don't wish her any harm just because I don't like her hero.I don't like D*** either for that matter.
    As for Heidi, I don't like D's tactics in hounding that poor sick woman but it did get her the help she needed. And I think Heidi knew it would happen sooner or later.

    Sorry I didn't know I would have time to be online tonight or I would have given you notice....Lots of love..PIC

  2. Anonymous10:59:00 PM

    I went to D*** today to read her fair well message.
    I didn't wish her anything but I hope she find peace and maybe she needs help like Heidi.
    I never understood how a woman could have a man and stay up all night for a man she didn't know.
    Her posts would be as late or later than are a night owl...
    I knew I wanted a blog , had no idea whatit was going to be but I knew it wasn't going to be about DC. All I wanted was somewhere to talk, shit on staying on subject.
    Thankyou, maybe I am not a lost cause after all.[giggles]

    It haven't been a month sice Brian's surgery, so I'm sure they will understand if you postpone it for a while.
    It's not like he had his appendix out, his was major surgery.
    Goodnnite again and have a great weekend...Love and Hugs...PIC


Through this ever open gate
None come too early
None too late
Thanks for dropping in ... the PICs