Genes are the blueprints for every organism.Genetic engineering is the process of artificially modifying these blueprints by cutting and splicing DNA.Genetic engineers can transfer genes from one species to another.
Why do it?They do it to transfer desirable qualities from one organism to another.For example;to enhance food values,to increase size of produce,to create resistance to disease.
Is it necessary?It sounds very appealing,but there is too little regard for long term effects on humans,on the ecology of the planet,on the food chain.We don't need to take these risks.We can feed the world ,using present methods.
Dangers?The foods could contain unknown toxins or allergens.An unnatural food could affect human health in many negative ways.Could it alter us genetically and therefore,alter our children and grandchildren?
Will it contaminate soil or water?Will it spread diseases across
species barriers?
Once released,genetic changes cannot be recalled.We haven't had enough time to calculate consequences.
As usual,we plunge on,heedlessly,to an unknown future.Genetically altered foods are available,like: tomatoes,squash,yeast,corn,potatoes and soybeans.
In turn,these foods are added to other foods .The government does not require labelling and will not require it in the known future.A survey revealed that 85%to 90% of people want labelling.
Genetic engineering poses the greatest threat of any technology introduced,so far.An avalanche of these foods will hit the market soon--no labelling--no way to tell--no choice.What the hell are we eating????
If the man is not careful that damn rooster will eat him,Jeannie you find the cutest jokes....you will have to bring me up to date on my twins and the rest of the crew...did Justin get your trunck back on time?How did Jemery's tests go,boy I have a lot of catching up to do..we are getting it together here slowly,when we do,we are going to soar like an eagle.
ReplyDeleteEveryone should be afraid of "GENETICALLY ENGINEERED"foods..I think that is one of the reasons there are so many different illness..in the end it affects us all...whats wrong with rasing food the old fashoin way,there is plenty of room/space?
ReplyDeleteWell, while you are right - the sad fact is we need more in a shorter time. Thus, we all have to "help nature" to grow it faster.
ReplyDeleteChemical fertilizers make it grow faster.In animals,steroids and growth hormones make it grow faster.That's a whole other problem.Don't get me started on that.
ReplyDeleteHowever,Gene splicing may mutate you grandchildren,and give you diseases we have no cure for.
Those we already have...have tou notice how sickly everyone is /there are many diseases they don't have names for.
ReplyDeleteWe're poisoning ourselves.When they autopsied some of the dead polar bears they've been finding.They found high levels of lead,mercury and industrial chemicals,and that's at the north pole.See how far the poison has spread.
ReplyDeleteIt's lowering our immune systems.
Lois has some flyers she picked up today about Global Warming...it is said that is some of the cause of losing so many of I animals/us also.
ReplyDeleteThere is a lot of vacant land...times are hard,we can do better,I was raised on a farm.
ReplyDeleteI as well as a lot of people know that "MONEY talks,big "Government" will not use it for the best purposes...we as concern citizena,regardless of the country we live in have to take action,for the benefit of our children...it affects us all.
ReplyDeleteYou are right Jeannie...but there is an old saying. Where there is evil there is good also...and gene manipulation can help cure one or the other disease.
ReplyDeleteWhy i can understand Jeannies concerns - we shouldn't get ourselves crazy. We just have to live with the fact that our food may be tempered with to produce more in less time.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I don't want to know whats in the comfort foods I eat. Because, nothing is going to change anyway. So, I enjoy my burgers, french fries, chocolate, salads, cakes, meats.
Analyzing anything just spoils the fun of eating.
I agree genetic manipulation when applied to disease in humans has possibilities.
ReplyDeleteI just don't want them genetically altering my food.They are putting in DNA from viruses and insects to make plants hardier,They don't have sufficient research into what that can do to us.It could alter us genetically.You are what you eat.
Thats one reason we are so many meds,food screw us up and the drug companys are gettig rich.
ReplyDeleteTrue. But still...I decline to think everytime I buy groceries I can't eat this and that because...
ReplyDeleteIt takes away all the fun.
Nothing you do will change the way they process/alter our food. So lets pretend everything is okay and enjoy. Life is too short to worry about things we can't change anyway.
I just had to help move some furniture out of a room.Carpet people are coming tomorrow morning.
ReplyDeleteI think I broke something,Maybe my spine.Oh well,It's worth it for a new carpet.
Ops, you should have left the guys do all the work.
ReplyDeleteMom's in a better mood today.She may be 85 but she is still able to make me feel bad when she gets bitchy.I couldn't do anything about it as a child but I don't take any of her crap now.I tell her to smarten up.
ReplyDeleteYour mom know how to get to you..
ReplyDeleteYou are handling it well. I that the room you painted?
It is just because she feels helpless. She just needs to vent/a target and you are the one who was available. It is nothing personal...
ReplyDeleteYou have a point Vix,she hates being helpless.we've always had a strained relationship.Now,she needs me.
ReplyDeleteYes Nee it's the pea green room.
Justin is doing great in his new job.he has a long commute to work.It's just outside Toronto.He'll have to move there.I'll miss seeing his ass sticking out of my fridge.
ReplyDeleteIt made me laugh yesterday.Justin's younger brother was here and I saw his ass sticking out of the fridge.He didn't know why I was laughing.
ReplyDeleteShe nags because she loves you. It is the only ways she's capable of showing her emotions. ...I know I sound preachy...
ReplyDeleteI wish they could all have jobs close by,but just maybe in time.
ReplyDeleteThey all love being around yheir cool gran
ReplyDeleteI think she cares for me Vix,she's never known how to show it.
ReplyDeleteI think the kids are going to spread far and wide Nee.It's a big country and there aren't too many people in it.
ReplyDeleteTrue words Vix,Jeannie mom just want to go things on her own,but she has to depend on Jeannie,she has a lot of love for her little girl,just hard showing it after so many years.....There I go again,letting you see a little of my deeper side.
ReplyDeleteYou will have a holiday place to go,Maybe close to a lake,you can take the boat.
ReplyDeleteWell, no matter what they say they all need you, love you and always will come back to you - no matter where they are. That is quite an achievment, Jeannie...
ReplyDeleteShe's always been a very controlling woman and now her body is betraying her and she can't do anything for herself,she's losing control.She hates it.I understand
ReplyDeleteWe've been very blessed with great kids.
ReplyDeleteI just asked Brian if he bought me a valentine.He said 'no'.He said to come and help him bath the dog.
ReplyDeleteHe's so romantic....SIGH
I got one of them,I have looked asked..he said Gillynwas my valentine present,he will try to gie me one for next year.
ReplyDeleteBe back in a bit.Got to help with the dog.
ReplyDeleteWell, guys.....maybe he thinks bathing the dog together is romantic. You have to be lenient towards them...
ReplyDeleteI'd say if he doesn't buy me valentines during the year I don't need one on Valentines day either.
ReplyDeleteThis one day doesn't make or break a relationship...if I don't get anything tomorrow I won't be sad. It is what you do for each other throughout the year that really counts.
We have to put in appearance at this ball...I will be glad when this weekend is over...So I will say goodnite.
ReplyDeleteHappy Valentine you two Partners in Crime.
You got that right Vix.
ReplyDeleteHappy Valentines Day to you too Cupcake....Good night.