I would really like for you to help us spread the word about "GLOBAL WARMING"it is affecting us all,some ladies and I are forming a club...Save the Polar Bears,if we don't start now,our children/grandchildren...maybe some with great-grandchildren...like my older sister has.
We are just getting started,we shall learn as we go...
The ice is melting...the Bears are moving to higher ground,every little bit helps...
We are starting out with nine(9)ladies...we have a lot of things to try,some is going to work better than others...come join us,I am asking for help from other "BLOGGER",don't have to be a post..just mention our project from time to time..."The Partners In Crime" thanks you so very,very much,let us hear from you.
I have a 4 year old daughter/4 month old son ..I would love for them to see the real animals/birds...not just pictures in books.
But hey that's just me....Just a mention every once in awhile..again we think you.
Sweet....is it already Easter? LOL. Time flies..
ReplyDeleteNot really...I will have to get something more fitting...but the people I am trying to reach will get the idea....I am not going to sign in at Yvonne's,taken a look...if you have to sing up ,it's not worth the effort...I have not been at this as long as you...I am learning...don't sit at my PC all day...I like do things.But hey rhats just me.
ReplyDeleteEaster means spring.What a wonderful thought.The warmth of the sun on my face.Green shoots coming up through the soil.Birds singing.
ReplyDeleteAlso taxes,roof repairs,house painting,spring cleaning,car insurance,boat insurance,land-
scaping.Maybe we could put it off for a while
Cupcake...it was just a joke. Actually, I think your rabbit is so cute...LOL
ReplyDeleteYvonne is Liza's cousin. I just put it up there out of curiosity. You have to ask her to be added.
Jakey was the best student of the day at karate,so he got to wear the sensei's black belt(a great honour).Sammy was the best in combat(he's our tough guy)
ReplyDeleteWe always take them to 7/11 for hot chocolate and treats after their class.It's our ritual.
Vix...lately your Jokes are hurtful..I for one will not stand for it...period
ReplyDeleteHey, congrats! You must be proud!
ReplyDeleteLadies, do you think Yvonne looks a bit like Liza. Or not?
ReplyDeleteI know you are prod and glad they are home...I get your mother missed them also.
ReplyDeleteAll Latinos look alike after babies...
ReplyDeleteWhever..you don't know how right you are.
Mom was worried sick about them driving around Washington in the bad weather they were having.
ReplyDeleteBut the twins loved the Smithsonian and got to sit in a real space capsule,which they thought was cool.
Yvonne has a nice face but looks a bit bloated.
ReplyDeleteJeannie. Your mom is like all old people - they worry themselves sick when someone is travelling. Was the same with my grandmother.
Boys will be boys,your mom loves the twins..all of you...she just want to pretend she is tough.
ReplyDeleteMy grandaughter has been dropping by.She saw the Penis cage and a couple of my dirty jokes.I warned her.She's nineteen today,I hope it's alright.
ReplyDeleteOps, dirty Grandma! She must have the time of her life with your Internet-forays.
ReplyDeleteVix, why do people want private blogs?I only want to see the comments before they are posted...unless you have something to hide.
ReplyDeleteI think, she put it onto private/members only because she put private pictures of Caruso and Liza up there. However, she adds people if they ask without prejudice.
ReplyDeleteYou know it is O.K> grandsons say you are cool...we all was 19 once.
ReplyDeleteI'm younger than her friends' grandmothers.Her dad is my stepson,older than my kids.Plus I've always been very liberal in my thinking,not a fake prude like others.She knows this and always thought it was cool to have a hippy artist for a grandmother,but I don't want to offend her.
ReplyDeleteI think you are a cool grandma. I doubt she will be offended. Just a hunch.
ReplyDeleteYou know she is not going to add me.I keep my private shit to myself...what I say hear is public .
ReplyDeleteI think she would . She is open and friendly as long as you don't ask her about Caruso.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to hear some of your private shit someday Jean'ne.Tell me some of yours and i'll tell you some of mine.
ReplyDeleteJuicy stuff?
ReplyDeleteJeannie sis is much older than you...she is real cool,not a prude,she enjoys Our blog....Sis gets a real kick out of Vix's blog kicking Dave's arse.She checks it daily.
ReplyDeleteI could make your eyeballs drop out Vix.
ReplyDeleteAnd I enjoy all your company...it is just so much fun. Especially since Y'ALL are supposed to be my alter egos. LOL
ReplyDeleteVix,Why else would anyone want to go....I think I will give it a try..been kicked on better places than her's...(GIGGLES)
ReplyDeleteI'd like to meet Sis.She sounds great and I'd like to meet Nan.She sounds very cool also.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'll try also.
ReplyDeleteCC: If so, please drop me a short message. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteWell that's the most fun...you never have to be bored,can always invent another.hahaha
ReplyDeleteI will try tomorrow...I know how to get you....If I learned anything I will drop you a line,I like digging for gold.
ReplyDeleteJeannie..Nan is Sis daughter..1 girl/2 boys..Nan is 44 has a grand son..we was raised together.she is a hoot.
ReplyDeleteYes Vix you can depend on me...May I ask you a question.Why did you make me such a hell raiser?hahaha
ReplyDeleteTHANKS SWEET HEART. I KNOW Ican always count on you. Copy and paste.
ReplyDeleteI think he feels a bit better now .He just came in and kissed me and grabbed a hunk of me.
ReplyDeleteHe's a very grabby guy.
ReplyDeleteBecause I like HORNY PEOPLE who have a temper.LOL. You and Jeannie are my masterpieces.
ReplyDeleteMy comment went astray.I said Brian is quite upset because he had to fire a man for lying to him.
ReplyDeleteOps. What happened?
ReplyDeleteIt's neat being a figment of your imagination Vix.I don't have to take responsibility for anything I say or do.
ReplyDeleteTrue. And so does Cupcake and Monroe...the possibilities are endless.
ReplyDeleteHe didn't tell brian he had been arrested for drunk driving and causing bodily harm.He also neglected to mention his driving licence had been taken away.Driving was a big part of his job.He was driving customers home.
ReplyDeletebrian could have been sued if there was an accident.
Wow. That is bad. Would your hubby have hired him had he known?
ReplyDeleteHe had no reason to lie...tell Brian It's tough...this day and age you have to do what's best for his family/workers...if he lied ..wonder what else he's done,and just getting caught.
ReplyDeleteHe couldn't have hired him legally anyway.A technician has to have a driver's licence.
ReplyDeleteI wondered the same thing,Nee.What else has he done and gotten away with.?
ReplyDeleteWould it surprise you if I tell you that I too lied when I applied for a job (a job that I got in the end?) However, it was just about a minor thing. Nothing big like that. But for me the end justified the mean.
ReplyDeleteSome people lie because they think the truth would hurt their chances to get the job.
Shit I am glad Brian fired him...times are tough,the man has no one to blame but himself...
ReplyDeleteJeannie tell Brian,something happen he would really be naked...He did the only thing possible.
Not that I condone him lying to your hubby. Just to tell you that many people do. Maybe he lied because he was ashamed and needed the job. Vixen, Esq.
ReplyDeleteVix ..people pad their resumes..I wouldn't call them lies..I would say stretching the truth....
ReplyDeleteMost people bum up their resume a little bit.Just a little exaggeration.
ReplyDeleteBut if you have badly hurt someone with your car and you have no driver's licence.You shouldn't lie to get a job that involves a lot of driving and road testing.
Brian made the right decision but he feels bad that he can't give the guy a recommendation to get another job.
ReplyDeleteI understand. Of course, you are right. That was tough but necessary.
ReplyDeleteIf you know you can do a job..no harm done...but lying like he did would have everyone in the streets,Brian has work to long and hard for that shit...also Brian don't need the stress.
ReplyDeleteJobs are hard to find.All our auto plants are shutting down.Tens of thousands of people out of work.
ReplyDeleteDo you guys feel any difference in peoples attitudes down there or see any evidencce that people are hurting?
ReplyDeleteBrian need dad to do his firing,dad would asked him if he worked there,yhe man said yes,dad would say not anymre get your hat and coat and let the door knob hit you.
ReplyDeleteYou had a huge stockmarket crash in 1929.People losing fortunes and committing suicide.Followed by a terrible depression that became worlwide.History often repeats itself.Panic spreads.The depression lasted for years.
ReplyDeleteDad sounds like a tough guy.Sometimes that's just what you need.I bet he has a heart of gold though.
ReplyDeleteThink I'll mosey over to vix's blog,or should I say,my other blog.
Think I'll mosey over to vix's blog,or should I say,my other blog.
reesay your other blog..pull the mouse out...nite
ReplyDeleteGilly got his foot hung in the mouse...hahaha
ReplyDeleteTime for identity-change! LOL.