in the rearview mirror of your mind,you re-prioritize.You
mellow,you're not so serious about everything.You find
humor in things that used to upset you.You realize you
can't achieve all the impossible dreams you thought you
could.Turns out,you just don't have time and some
dreams,you just don't give a fuck about anymore.
You learn that the most important things in life are family,friends,a little security,being the best you can be and maybe doing a little good in the world.
You tend to take stock of yourself in a different way.If you have a little middle aged spread,you might say,"I am not over weight.I am a nutritional over achiever.I am in good shape.Round is a good shape."
I always say to my daughters,"brain cells come and brain cells go,but fat cells stay forever,so practice safe eating,girls,always use condiments."
You definitely get comfortable with your body,comfortable in your own skin,even if it sags a little.Life may begin at forty but it certainly starts to show at fifty.Time is a great healer,but it's a lousy beautician.Still,I don't get frantic over a little cellulite and a few grey hairs.You must accept me as I am or you
will bounce the needle on my,'Give-a-Fuck-O-Meter'.
You do get a little philosophical as you pass fifty and your conscience bothers you more,because somehow,you've picked up a few scruples and deeply ingrained principles along the way.Here's a bit of philosophy;'conscience is what hurts when everything else feels good.'
I've also learned,'there will always be death and taxes,however,unlike taxes,death doesn't get worse every year.'
Ah,yes,the wisdom I've acquired.It's frustrating when you know all the
answers,but nobody bothers to ask you the questions.
Youth is gone and middle age is humming along nicely.I plan on living forever.
So far,so good.If it turns out I don't,well,it's just a couple of blips on my,'Give-a-Fuck-O-Meter'.
Since I am not fifty yet I have to take your word for it. LOL. (Just kidding). I guess , once you have passed fifty some things become less important and you react more relaxter to certain things than years before..
ReplyDeleteI have mellowed a lot lately,I find humor in a lot of things that I ignored before..I will work on the things I can change...fuck the rest.
ReplyDeleteYou are right,the most important things in life is family/friends.
Yes life begins at forty(40)so I'm told...my "SIS"which is my "MENTOR"says it never stop getting better...you might get a pound here ,a gray hair there,age may go up in numbers,the trick is to always think positive with no malice toward others,my spirit will aways be free.SO I will keep my"BULLSHIT/DON'T GIVE-A-FUCK METER)hooked up,hey thats just me(GIGGLES)
That is good to hear Cupcake. Mellowed or not I just love your roughness that comes through from time to time. And I love to butt-head with you too. LOl
ReplyDeleteI love butting heads with you also from time to time...no one should agree all the time,it's not natural,some time I bite my tongue and want to bet my own ass,thats what family/friends do...really all jokes aside,mine would love to whip my ass sometime...I know sis/Gil ...(GIGGLES)
ReplyDeleteSis is a genius and a philosopher.
ReplyDeleteShe gives you some good advice.
Stay positive ,no malice.Anger is a waste of your precious time on earth and hurts you way more than anyone else.Gee,I wish I had put that in my post.
However disagreement or argument is healthy and good for your brain,stimulates the intellect.
ReplyDeleteWise words spoken by a wise person...LOL
ReplyDeleteYep..I left a comment on Valetine about what I am going to do later....don't tell Vix.(GIGGLES)
ReplyDeleteGil just told me I was full of myself.
You can use it in a future post.
ReplyDeleteI got a dozen yellow roses today.We had yellow roses at our wedding.The card said"sorry I don't have red hair",see ,he reads our stuff.
ReplyDeleteThat is so sweet,I for one is glad Brian don't have Red hair,He wouldn't be the same.he know you are all his...I got chocolates/one red ROSE.
ReplyDeleteThat was romantic,and seductive.Get buck naked with the rose behind your ear and some chocolate in the choochie and tell him to help himself.
ReplyDeleteI know Gil reads it also/also DCV.says Dave is a poor excuse for a man.But so true,he had it all.
ReplyDeleteWell we better be careful what we say.That's going to take the fun out of it.This is the only place I cuss.
ReplyDeleteA great idea..I will do a couple of belly rolls .
ReplyDeleteLadies behave. No NC-17 stuff. PLEASE. LOL
ReplyDeleteThe only place I don't cuss is in public...you see I am a good girl.
ReplyDeleteIf I did a belly roll I'd throw my back out.
ReplyDeleteI'd put a yellow rose in the choochie,but,you know,...thorns.
ReplyDeleteJeannie...Vix says no NC-17 stuff,how can we help it when sne is putting it there.Everyone know we are a figament of her mind.Hahaa
ReplyDeleteYeah Vix, stop putting this dirty stuff in my mind.
ReplyDeleteI just love when I get a chance to get out and hide ,boy this is fun.
ReplyDeleteWell, so it is ME again, huh? All that talk about choochies, roses and where to stick them. No wonder the dodo and her imbeciles call us PORN QUEENS...ops...I mean ME. LOL
ReplyDeleteYou should smarten up Vix,you have a very dirty mind.
ReplyDeleteJeannie she is looking in the closet,jump out and hide,what did Vix do with my man?
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to escape Nee.It's crowded in here,but she's got the whole place in lockdown mode.
ReplyDeleteWe don't care about what dodo and her crazies say....we like it /they do to just to big of a prude to say so.
ReplyDeleteShe put that filthy idea in our brains about the chocolates.I would never have come up with that on my own.I'm a good girl.
ReplyDeleteShht, silence! I am trying to come up with a new article! So, Jeannie, Cupcake, Monroe - back in your closet and shut the door!
ReplyDeleteJeannie - a very dirty drawing of Caruso doing what he does best would be very much appreciated ...LOL
Jeannie is the good one. Cupcake is the naughty one and Vixen is the analytical one - combined we are the terrible three! LOL
ReplyDeleteHow do they know?Hell I have some colorful characters in my family,Sis is getting it together for me...it will make the old heifiers drool..hahaha
ReplyDeleteHow about an article of how it would be if Dave were in the Whitehouse instead of Obama.
ReplyDeleteOr if fucking was an Olympic sport,Dave would be a medallist.
ReplyDeleteHow about 'finding the perfect woman for Dave,based on what we know'.
ReplyDeleteYou got that right...Monroe is the one that puts the icimg on the cake ...Yes Jeannie draw one with the crazy loons picking the freckles off his dangle.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHow about 'Rehab for Serial Womanizers'
ReplyDeleteI'll give the cartoon some thought.Working on a project at present.
ReplyDeleteAs long as the sport is not near water,the fool almost drowned once.hahahaaha
ReplyDeleteWoke up from a nap today with twins jumping on my bed,hollering in my ear.They're going skiing tomorrow and want me to come.(Yeah,that's going to happen...HA!)
ReplyDeleteOh,do tell about Dave nearly drowning.Or if that;s one of the family secrets,don't tell.
ReplyDeleteDo that Jeannie. After all, that's why I have invented an artsy person like you, remember?
ReplyDeleteRehab? Is there a cure?
I just heard Vix's antenna for Dave tidbits, turn on.
ReplyDeleteDavid Duchoveney should know about the rehab.I'll ask him next time I see him.
ReplyDeleteYUp....the fool went swimming one day in 2003 while in Miami and somehow he swam too far until he was exhausted. Some fisherman pulled him out of the water...bummer.
ReplyDeleteSince then the term "look what the cat dragged in" has got an entirely new meaning...LOL
I think the term "Doing a Caruso",fits this event also.
ReplyDeleteAlways getting in over his head.
ReplyDeleteAre you going sking??
ReplyDeleteI will give a word to the wise,if David Caruso do it..."DON'T
ReplyDeleteWhen Porky flies past my window.
ReplyDeleteI'll stay in the chalet by the fire with a cup of hot chocolate.
ReplyDeleteHahaha,you can sleep in,have to get Gilly fed..be back
ReplyDeleteDave is the poster boy of'what not to do'in every area of your life.
ReplyDeleteHe should give seminars.
Got to make dinner ,bye buddies.
ReplyDeleteI will give a word to the wise,if David Caruso do it..."DON'T
ReplyDeleteEXACTLY....now where did Cupcake...I mean I ...get so wise?? LOL
C u Jeannie...