Her attitude towards sex seemed to be,that it was just another service to be performed for one's husband.You closed your eyes and recited the lord's prayer or perhaps,made out your shopping list.There are guys who would definitely like those days to return.The men I know personally,are a little more enlightened and enjoy the views women hold today(although occaisonally,they wouldn't mind a little taste of the past).
That was my dad's mother.My mom's mother was a whole different animal.I'll tell her story another time.My mom's major influence,however, was her grandmother who was also very old school.Mom was a very successful career woman,who tried to shake off the moral and social shackles and outdated notions of the previous generation.She tried too hard to be liberal.In spite of that,the old influence left a few echoes that even I could hear sometimes.
She wanted me to follow my dreams and have a successful career,but also get married.She felt that women should be married.There was that residual feeling that she couldn't completely make it on her own merit.She was struggling to do a man's job in a man's world,and not getting equal pay for it.Being married seemed to be her armour against unwanted sexual advances in the business world and insurance in case she failed.
By the time I grew up,marriage and kids was a personal choice.The first priority was trying to decide what to do with your life.The next priority was dating with marriage as a possible option.When we did marry ,we shared responsibility.
My daughter's generation took it a bit further.They much prefer to live together to see how that works out.Marriage is a much bigger step than it used to be.Everyone works.They have more money than we used to and advance in life more quickly.They buy a house sooner(present economy notwithstanding).They have children when they are older.They feel that they are complete equals and so far,no one's tits have fallen off.
Thank goodness they have change..I think for the better...I love to know we are coming into our own..to be treated as equals,as it should be...
ReplyDeleteDo you think they secretly enjoyed doing the nasty? If the man knew how to work the dangle..I think so,it just wasn't kosker to say so.
Me I let him know put it there honey...thats it,(GIGGLES)
See what you made me do...I was going to be good to day.hahahaha
You were good yesterday,so it's okay to be bad today.Have your tits fallen off yet?
ReplyDeleteI don't think my great grandmother enjoyed nookie according to what I've heard,but she had seven children.
someone love getting/giving the nookie....Josie had seven kids also..6 boys/1 girl...so we know she like it...she open a whore house.....(GIGGLES)