beatings in the school yard.One of the school bullies did not like
my British accent.
The second time it happened,I was looking skyward from a prone
position,holding a bleeding nose,when a huge shadow blocked
out the sun.Everyone scattered except the one sitting on me.
A very large man,whom I couldn't see clearly against the sun, bodily lifted my tormenter off me and set him down and told him,in a gruff voice,to stay put.
Then,he set me on my feet and handed me a crumpled paper serviette to wipe my nose.He told me to go see the school nurse,then he turned to the bully.
I could see him now.He had dark red hair and freckles and blue eyes.His name was Mcgee.My dad knew him.(Everyone called him Red.)"Thankyou Mr.Mcgee."
He didn't answer.He was talking to my abuser.I heard him tell the boy,he'd be watching him.
A couple of days later,I spotted Mr Mcgee walking by the schoolyard.He stopped and waited till he got bully boy's attention. He pointed to his eye and then pointed at the boy and walked on.I saw him a few more times.He always did the same thing.I was never bothered again.
Perhaps you can understand why I came to believe that red haired men were my guardian angels,my lucky talismans.
I loved Red with the same passion as I loved my first rescuer.Only this time I determined to do something about it.I would marry him.I just had to grow up very fast.He already had a wife but that did not deter a nine year old.I still believed in magic and thought I could magic her away,or turn her into a
useful animal,like a pony.
I held on to my dream until I was nearly fourteen,although I didn't believe in magic any more.Red was the object of my fantasies.Then I noticed,that boys my age didn't smell as bad as they once did.I don't know if they bathed more or just used a lot of their dads' after shave lotions.The classroom reeked of English Leather and Aqua Velva.In any case they were much more attractive and Red retired to that place in my heart where my first hero lived.
I didn't see or hear from him for years.In truth,I kind of forgot him,then I read his obit in the local paper and wept my heart out for days.You never really forget your first love.
I remained attracted to red haired men,even though my first husband had jet black hair.That marriage was a complete disaster.I ran away as fast as I could.Where was a red haired hero when you needed him?.....
To be continued...
ReplyDeleteIt echoes in here.
Hi Jeannie...all red head men are not bad...just the ones that didn't get hugged.
ReplyDeletebeen all day..on the phone a lot..feel to bad to go out...I like you story very much.
Thats the way I felt yesterday when you were gone...I hope you had a nice evening.
ReplyDeleteInteresting story. I really liked it. It also explains a lot. Thank you for sharing. Like I said before, you have led a really interesting life so far.
I can hardly wait for part 3...I remember when you said I tell you tell...I like yours best...maybe my ex..got to think of the good times..there was quite a few...more good than bad...he was a nice man in the beginning.
ReplyDeleteOne thing I can't do is make a long story short...HA!
Don't want you to.
ReplyDeleteVery pretty picture in the logo..do she have a hint of peach fuzz. hahaha
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to tell you about my Aunt joan marrying a former Nazi.
ReplyDeleteFelt like crap all day..that fool man of mine ask me had I got myself pregnant again..as if I do it by myself.
ReplyDeleteAunt Joan...can't wait...I bet you know Wally Simpson .
ReplyDeleteI didn't notice if she did.I just want women to feel beautiful.They are all beautiful in one way or another.We're all sisters.
ReplyDeleteMen have this kind of brotherhood.I always thought women should be more like that,instead of always competing with each other.
Wally the lady the King gave up his throne for....there is a little royal blood in there somewhere.
ReplyDeleteAre you preggers or is it just a hangover from your meds?
ReplyDeleteI am glad we are coming out of the dark ages..she is beautiful.
ReplyDeletehang over from my meds...so many
ReplyDeleteThe Duke of Windsor's brother lived in Jersey in a kind of exile,because he had learning disabilities.My dad used to fly kites with him as a boy.
ReplyDeleteJeannie he is just full of it...
ReplyDeleteThe Bl lady name is Lois...she is running with the project,told me not to worry.
Wallace Simpson(may she rest in peace)was way older than my mother.
ReplyDeleteWe didn't belong to the same clubs.
You have great history...I have a lot of colorful characters in mine..My g/g/m was a madame had 3 houses of ill repute hahaha
ReplyDeleteI hope you feel better today Vix.
ReplyDeleteSome days are just like that.
Was Wally along with the Queen Mother around her age
ReplyDeleteA madame?Wow!YOu should look into her history.That would make a great series of articles.
ReplyDeleteVix...cross your fingers..she has been on line today..off now ..I will stay tune .
ReplyDeleteYes,wallace would have been just a tad younger than the queen mother.They were married to brothers.
ReplyDeleteWe have them all as far back as 4/5 gen. both sides..
ReplyDeleteHave you got through the protocols and actually got in the website?
ReplyDeleteWE started researching about 15/20 years ago..have something to give our kids ...know where they come from.
ReplyDeleteYou mean you have more madames in the family?
ReplyDeleteYes I have a blog ..have one friend...asked her at 12:41 pm on the 6th..no answer yet,today was the first time she was on line...will give it a little longer.
ReplyDeleteJust the one so far...great-grandmother...
ReplyDeleteShe was out over the weekend with her kids. She has 2.
ReplyDeleteI was just there a little while ago,will check back...maybe it takes awhile.
ReplyDeleteI feel great Jeannie..thank you. On a funny note: i would love to see how the crazy one explains your Canadian life-story...LOL
ReplyDeleteWhere's Vix?I hope she is okay.
ReplyDeleteWe had a very nice evening.Quality
time with each other.
O.k. maybe we will hear something tomorrow...hope so.you can sign up for dating also....I have one friend his name is Tom...I think it is his job to welcome you.
ReplyDeleteWell I guess you have a wild imagination Vix.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you hope to learn Jean'ne?
ReplyDeleteBrian loves spending quanity time with you,he likes to grab,and smile...after all he is the ever-ready man.
ReplyDeleteI have . I can come up with the best stories. I just went to the door. Food delivery.
ReplyDeleteI have no idea...it's been over a year,I doubt if she has anything to say.
ReplyDeleteWe really enjoy each other's company.Although he can drive me crazier than anyone else.
ReplyDeleteWe are just on the hunt for pictures.
ReplyDeleteCC - everybody gets Tom as friend. He will automatically pop up wen you register.
ReplyDeleteI get the impression you have a humungous appetite Vix.I wish I could eat anything I wanted.
ReplyDeleteMight be the reason she went private...no more news/pictures...her cousin lost her meal ticket.
ReplyDeleteSome family photos would be interesting.Maybe she doesn't do that sort of thing.
ReplyDeleteAww shit Vix I thought he wanted to fuck..(Giggles)
ReplyDeleteI have. Thankfully the friendly lady from next door always feeds me with dishes from her country. Delicious.
ReplyDeleteShe went private the moment her cousin dated Dave. I think, they told her to
She does, jeannie. I pulled two once.
Cupcake- no such luck.
I hope we get in soon I am going to hang in there....I figure that's what Tom was...there to help Vix what you eating? hey I went to Keyser and old tinker is linked to him..hahaha
ReplyDeleteLadies, please do me a favor. The nutcase posted that my article about the Tamales doesn't make sense and is full of mistakes. Could one of ytou take a look and render a verdict?
ReplyDeleteWell good luck on your fishing expedition.
ReplyDeleteI guess you hav acquired a taste for hot and spicy dishes by now.But can you cook them yourself?
I know, tinker did the whole song and dance how she understands blah, blah...however, I gues Keyser and Dodo and sara are never going to be friends...LOL
ReplyDeleteNO. I can't cook and I am not really interested in cooking. I use the microwaive or buy take out.
ReplyDeleteI am going back to check on her...if so I will be back...if not I will talt to everyone tomorrow..so goodnite my friends...Nee
ReplyDeleteGood night Cupcake. And thanks for the effort...LOL
ReplyDeleteHell everyone eats tamales..all different ways...we like them spicy my part of the country...whats the big deal...They say they don't come here..
ReplyDeleteThey do and they read EVERYTHING. They call my tamales-articles "brazen". Well, I guess I will never be able to understand crazy people like sara.
ReplyDeleteI ain't gone yet...Nan says Vix called me CC..now dojo is calling someone CC...Nan also says Vix call me NEE the other day...she wants to see how long it is going to take for her to pick it up...
ReplyDeleteThe article made perfect sense.You r syntax(grammatical arrangement) is getting better with each article.You rarely slip back into a Germanic syntax anymore.I admire your command of English.I know it isn't an easy language.
ReplyDeletedodo calls CorpusChristi CC, the nutcase from England
ReplyDeleteWell one damn thing ...we have I own thoughts,I don't go there ,but I know what I need to know from there...They pick up our words...
ReplyDeleteNEver had a tamale in my life,but now I want one.
ReplyDeleteThank you Jeannie. I guess sara was just whistling dixie again. I mean one must be really crazy to find anything suspicious in an article like that.
ReplyDeleteHell Vix ,there is different strokes for different folks...we just stroke better....
ReplyDeleteIt is like a cob of corn filled with meet or sweet stuff. I prefer the meat. Maybe they serve them in a Mexican restuarant in Canada. Try one when you get the chance. I did and I liked it.
ReplyDeleteWEll that's a compliment if they start imitating us.Eventually they'll give up on Dave,then where will they go?
ReplyDeleteHell Vix ,there is different strokes for different folks...we just stroke better....
ReplyDeleteThat we do. LOL
They better not come nosing around here.
ReplyDeleteI will take the "TAMALES" pictures anytime over those little kids..how can they call themselves moms..the bitches..there,hell they are getting my jucies going.
ReplyDeleteDave may have a sudden heart attack or a stroke,then their little world will come crashing down
ReplyDeleteKeyser called them crazy too. However dodo and her imbeciles are so far gone that they don't realize how stupid they look.
ReplyDeleteRight Jeannie. Or at least a liver-failure. LOL
ReplyDeleteThere should be a law preventing people from exploiting children like that.
ReplyDeleteSo,Heidi wrote some poison pen letters.Does anyone care?That's no reason to expose children like that.
Vix started calling me CC when I first commented,I am #1...
ReplyDeleteFangirls..say Nee ,thts Knee=Nee..got it .
Right. besides, those letter wasn't addressed to dojo/sara.
ReplyDeleteEqually silly is their reasoning: so Chris and Heidi rightfully ignored dojo and as revenge she publishes the picture of children, without knowing if those children are Schnitzers children at all. That is the sad thing. They just assume. They have no proof that the children are related or Schnitzers or the alleged stalkers.
You did not give them permission to use your Christian name.At least we gave them nice nicknames ...Tinkerbell,Nitwit,Nutcase.
ReplyDeleteI like action...I like the Polar Bears...I am going to raise money for them...If I wanted this stalker person so bad ,I would raise money..Sara/Lacy ..we would go and get her ....Worrying about someone else man...someone is fucking theirs.
ReplyDelete...which are very fitting. Keyser added dodo for dojo. (Dodo as in a silly ugly bird - priceless)
ReplyDeleteWho is "CHRIS" not my brother I hope...
ReplyDeleteCC. As always, you are right on the money.
ReplyDeleteBut as long as no one is willig to pay money to catch this women no one outside the law will lift a finger.
Si all dodo and sara have left is using the net as their verbal dump.
I don't know who is Chris. I don't know who is Heidi. That are the names dodo uses. I doubt they are real. Just a hunch.
ReplyDeleteYes I noticed the DODO.I loved it I think I'll call her that from now on.
ReplyDeleteTHey have got to find another hero.He's falling apart.I'm sure Monroe knows what she is talking about.I think they know too.They just won't admit it.
I can't beleive how stupid some people are....I am going to be like my sis...numbers go up...I will stay the same.
ReplyDeleteI like a lot of Keyser's articles.They are usually intelligent,inciteful and witty.
ReplyDeleteHe finds excellent quality photos too.
He had some color pics of Nazis a few weeks ago.It was like a window in time.You could almost put your hand through.
Now I'm getting weird.
Yes, fans are the last ones to admit that there is something wring with their idol. They hold on to their fantasy as long as possible. Poor mites.
ReplyDeleteYes, Keyser is a rare find. Intelligent and witty. He travels a lot and has great humor.
ReplyDeleteVix/Jeannie/Cupcake was this person,as much as we stay on the web...common sense will tell them where we are. Because we are one...sweetie I want to know how you comment at the same time.
ReplyDeleteYou won't go wrong if you grow to be like Sis.She sounds like she has a lot of wisdom and a great attitude.
ReplyDeleteMe too. But until knowe neither CarusoCrusader nor sara nor dodo were able to deliver a satisfactorily answer. Maybe they think I have 3 laptops and switch back and forth. Black magic. Who know?
ReplyDeleteYeah Vix,you talk to yourself a lot.Very clever.Does the term schitzophrenic ring a bell?
ReplyDeleteI bet "DODO" is going to give Tinker a going over for linking to Keyser.
ReplyDeleteIt does. sara uses it every other day. However, i do wonder why she sees the need to describe HER STATE OF MIND. Everybody knows anyways that she is a complete nutcase...LOL
ReplyDeleteNan says "DODO" writes her posts from Vix's posting...you read Vix's today,"DODO saying the same thing the next day.
ReplyDeleteI think the record for a multiple personality is twenty seven.
ReplyDeleteIT has changed since the book Sybil was written.
So,three is nothing to write home about.
The problem is dodo doesn't care about tinker. Only if she can put her down. Tinker is so desperate for attentuin that she willingly lets it happen. Just to have someone to talk to.
ReplyDeleteIf Vix went offline Dodo and all her cohorts would have nothing to write about.They don't write a lot about their hero anymore.Just about Vix.They couldn't exist without her.
ReplyDeleteI hear from people who are professionals that they are not sure if the MPS exists or not. Some say it is just a ruse to appear insane. Others disagree.
ReplyDeleteBut I do wonder how many splits sarakanne can offer, She often posts under several different names . I always recognize her through her wording. She always posts the same shit.
YUP. Jeannie. I hate to say it . But they totally dig me. What a sad little group of people.
ReplyDeleteSis says never take on a battle you know you can't win....as far this person goes ,she did what she wanted to do,now she is sitting back laughing at the fools...they should just let the shit die a slow /easy death.
ReplyDeleteTinker desperately needs a life.Someone should help her.She could be a danger to herself
ReplyDeleteTinker is. She has been hospitialized several times in the last two years. That's when she has her bad spells. Remember, bipolars are euphoric one day, depressed the other..
ReplyDeleteI think it has been sufficiently proven that ,in some people the psyche can split off several times in an attempt to protect the main personality.The problem is all the people who have tried to exploit the condition for various legal reasons.
ReplyDeleteHey girl you better not let them get us ...you know they want to fuck us...you made to like nice hard dicks that don't bend in the middle...so get us and run for the hills,ain't fucking no woman.(GIGGLES)
ReplyDeleteNOw they are exploiting the precedent setting case where a man killed his parents while walking in his sleep(snort)(oh yeah)
ReplyDeleteInstead of hounding Vix...DODO and her crowd should reach out to TInker...they once call her friend
ReplyDeleteCupcake...now they are going to think we are doing porn (giggle).
ReplyDeleteYou are right Jeannie. However, many courts don't accept it as defense.
You may want me fangirls,but you can't have me.I don't do women.Not young ones and certainly not old dried up biddies.So drool on.
ReplyDeleteThey did cupcake...until they got tired of her or until tinker dared to question dodo....
ReplyDeleteWonder have the crazies notice we talk about everything...don't mention them until they say something stupid about us,,we ignore tinker..see how quite she is,but it seems to me dodo needs her ass kicked....
ReplyDeleteI think I'll find an old Rubber Dave,just to light up your lives fangirls,complete with vibrating dangle.
ReplyDeleteBut,in return,I would want pictures of you and the Dave to put on our blog.Think it over fangirls.
Now that would be fun, Jeannie...
ReplyDeleteKeyser was real nice got his point accross...she tried to make a comeback..but she had no shit for him...don't know where her other ass-lickers was...just him and her.
ReplyDeleteI like it Vix when you want to make a rubber Dave....
ReplyDeletethey others don't dare to go against Keyser. They know they would lose. especially dodo and sara hate it when other people question them. They don't take critic too well.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what the fascination is for Keyser.Why did he get in volved with us and stay involved.
ReplyDeleteI have to go check on something...if anything I will be back....if not I will contuine this tomorrow...if Vix let me out.
ReplyDeleteGoodnite Nee
fangirls thats Knee
Get some rest, CC!
ReplyDeleteLike he said. : he stumbled upon "David Caruso and ME", menioned it on his blog in a positive way and before the day was over dodo, sara and the 3 imbeciles that read their blogs where all over attacking him. But Keyser hit back and that shut them up.
ReplyDeleteNight KNEE
ReplyDeleteI have to make my nightly visit to vix's
I appreciate that...LOL
ReplyDeleteI think Keyser saw the haterd in them and putting up the kids photo just pissed him off,I also think he did a little digging on his own and saw Vix were getting a raw deal for speaking her mind.
ReplyDeleteFact is Keyser has a lot of common sense and didn't shy away from telling them what he thinks about them.