Well, it happened yesterday . Resident nutcase and owner of looney central, Sara, threw a stone at Keyser. It didn't take long and Keyser buried her under a landslide of (verbal) rocks.
Sara - eager to explain Odysses to better educated people - made a few huge bloopers. So huge that Keyser felt the need to rebuke her.
And boy, that was funny! Enjoy:
For those whose required reading never included Homer's Odyssey, a google search will provide as little or as much background you will need. Written around 8 B.C., the Odyssey is a mythological adventure whose protagonist is Odysseus........
For those whose required reading never included Homer's Odyssey, a google search will provide as little or as much background you will need. Written around 8 B.C., the Odyssey is a mythological adventure whose protagonist is Odysseus........
Well, this just goes to show that a little Google does not in fact go a long way. Or at least not if you can't understand simple information. First off, the Odyssey is not a "mythological adventure" (whatever that may be), but an epic poem. It was not written around "8 B.C.," and only a person with absolutely no knowledge of the ancient world could say such errant nonsense. The Odyssey was written in a tradition of oral poetry that goes back to the Mycenean Age, but was apparently drawn up in its final form in something like 750 B.C., that is in the eighth century B.C. So, the Loon is off by only about eight hundred years. Certainly says something about the keen analytical skills of this arch-hunter of David Caruso stalkers...
BINGO....That is just too good to miss. I know, fellow alumni Jeannie and Cupcake will chuckle upon so much stupidity from Sara. Needless to say, dumb dr. dodo rushed to Sara's defense - to no avail. No use to to lock the stable door after the horse has bolted, sweet cheeksa.
Once again, Sara has proven that she not only is a complete loon but an ignorant one.
No wonder, that they call David Caruso Icon of Idiocy.
No wonder, that they call David Caruso Icon of Idiocy.
I visited Keyser a moment ago,visit him every day...don't they get it,Keyser don't give a shit about their cause of finding a fucking stalker.Sweetie I will tell you this ...they need to get their facts straight before going up against him...whats the problem...they can't get fucked...Keyser says he don.t give a shit about Dave...not even his co-workers...his few friends is waiting to say "BURN BABY BURN"(giggles)
ReplyDeleteYou know, what pissed Keyser off is that the Loon's post was based on a comment thread to a post on the Lair that had nothing to do with them. If they'd mind their own business, Keyser doesn't, as you say, give a shit about them. But if they're planning on shit in Keyser's direction, he's happy to fling an elephant turd back. What a pack of maroons!
ReplyDeleteWell, they won't rest until YOU agree with them. They won't accept a "I don't care".To say that everyone who doesn't agree with them is a fool is mind-boggling.
ReplyDeleteWell, today I made a comment about Amy Fisher. I'm just waiting for sara, dodo or anyone of the loons to "connect the dotts" and dream up up the next absurd story.
I never knew that my comments where THAT interesting.
Must be a slow news day.
Vix I told you all those fools was "GAY" they just want to boink you sweetie,I told them I don't do women....you didn't tune me that way (GIGGLES)
ReplyDeleteI know, but Sara's just too .....yucky. She must be a Samantha Ronson-type (Lindsay Lohans lover) . All used and washed up.
ReplyDeleteAnd dodo is a "I-want-to-be-someone-even-if-I-don't-have-a-clue-about-anything "
And tinker's just too submissive.
Not one of my types. Not one of them. They should get a hobby or get help or BOTH..
Jeannie ...Vix wasn't looking I got out...when over to Keyser's ..played with him awhile,back now..I am being so good,wondering what she did with that little man she gave me.
ReplyDeleteI bet when they seen the Vixen picture,I know their mouths was drooling.hahahaha
ReplyDeleteI told Jeannie, she could come out an play. Looks like, she isn't listening.
ReplyDeleteI'm playing by myself.Wait,that sounds bad.
ReplyDeleteI was playing with Brian.He's very frisky tonight.He was talking about boats .That always makes him sexy.
Don't get embroiled Keyser.It'll make you crazy.I withdrew from that cat fight.Beating my head against a brick wall just gave me a concussion.
ReplyDeleteBoats make your guy horny? Interesting.
ReplyDeleteAs you have seen Keyser can hold his own very well. Meoowww!
Oh, not to worry. Keyser has no intention of getting involved. But if they stay stupid and pointless things about Keyser, they shouldn't be surprised if they hear from him.
ReplyDeleteFor his own amusement, of course!
Why don't we rename the blog'Box O'Chocolates'?Honey,you never know what you're going to get.
ReplyDeleteThey are fools to take Keyser on in a battle of wits.He's a pistol.
ReplyDeleteTalking about buying another Jag makes him sexy too.It's a buyer's market right now.
ReplyDeleteHe loves Jags,trucks and boats.He can get horny looking at an engine.
ReplyDeleteFor his own amusement, of course!
ReplyDeleteAnd for ours...
Ops, do I hear frantic scratching at the door and meowing?
He can get horny looking at an engine.
ReplyDeleteHmm. Speaking as a male, Keyser can say this happens to him only from looking down a girl's hood, as it were. Cars, not so much.
I just visited Keyser's Lair.He certainly knows how to sum up the economic situation.Grim.
ReplyDeleteI asked him for some good news.
Don't forget Brian is in the car business.He used to build race cars.But,then,He can get horny looking at our local weather lady on TV.
ReplyDeleteHe can get horny looking at our local weather lady on TV.
ReplyDeleteThat's more like it!
Jeannie and her hubby - two funny people. That's for sure.
ReplyDeleteFunny weird or funny Ha Ha?
ReplyDeleteActually either way,I don't care.Weird can be good.In the art business weird is the norm.
Keyser,I noticed your love of the female form,on your blog.
ReplyDeleteHowever,the photographs have a certain artistic quality,as well as sexual.
Funny in the good way of course. Your stories are most amusing.
ReplyDeleteI find Keyser's pictures very appealing. Especially the black-and-white ones.
Well, the weather lady doesn't appeal to ME. Neither does the guy on KUSI wheater channel - too much make-up. YUCK.
I love black and white photography.
ReplyDeleteIn many ways much more revealing.
Most weather people are androids.Their skin is made of latex.
ReplyDeleteBesides, some of them have an annoying speech pattern.
ReplyDeleteKeysers erotic pictures are never smutty. Some of them remind me of the nude pictures of the twenties. A little bit suggestive but NEVER revealing. He obviously has an eye for great artistic pictures.
I don't have to look at anything...I stay Horny
ReplyDeleteOnly the young have innocent allure.When you over forty,you can't even fake it.
ReplyDelete"Sexual"? It's all art!
ReplyDeleteWell, okay, maybe a bit of sex, but the Lair is definitely PG-13 at worst!
In fact, Keyser finds lots of "edgier" images he'd like to post, but holds off for fear of getting anyone in trouble for NSFW pictures. Also, Keyser sometimes wonders what people will think if they happen to turn up on the Lair for the first time and find something a bit "risque"...
Nee, I believe you'll be waiting for Gil,naked,with a beer in your hand when you're eighty.
ReplyDeleteKeysers erotic pictures are never smutty.
ReplyDeleteExactly! Though perhaps certain people on other blogs might not agree...
Only the young have innocent allure.When you over forty,you can't even fake it.
And there Keyser was thinking he was doing quite a good job "faking it"!
"Risque" is good. As long as they are not too offensive in a perverted way, they are fine.. One should be left with a bit of imagination. Besides, private parts aren't that interesting. Everyone has got one..LOL
ReplyDeleteWell, that just shows me that you have still a well-oiled machine, CUPCAKE (if you excuse my French).
no beer just choochie
ReplyDeleteOh,be risque.You are certainly not afraid to SAY exactly what you think.
ReplyDeleteVixen is right,risque does not have to involve genitalia(much better left to the imagination)
ReplyDeleteOn'Fun to Be Bad'we enjoy saying the word penis and even show one on occaison,just to throw Dodo and her fan girls into a tizzy.
ReplyDeleteNo machine just chochie,,sometime my man thinks it is a very well oil...see if the loonies would make love not war,they wouldn't have to hang here to get their jollies.hahaha
ReplyDeleteExactly! Though perhaps certain people on other blogs might not agree...
ReplyDeleteWell, certain other people are already offended by the word "douchebag". However, they are not the norm. They are just old biddies with spiderwebs around their choochies..(stealing CUPCAKES term...but then..if CUPCAKE is me...I'm not exactly stealing anything, or?)
Once they start to get naked I always lose interest in certain movies. the art of undressing is more appealing.
Which has you earned the name "Queen of Porn" among the loonies.
ReplyDeleteDodo has a couple of children - I do wonder how she got them. The stork? or did Octomom the job for her?
If we don't talk nasty ..dodo won't have a post tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteMuch as I hate to abandon the subject of penises and choochies,have there been any offers on the $15,000 photo yet...HA!
ReplyDeleteI can't believe Dodo has kids.Where did she lay the eggs?
ReplyDeleteWhich has you earned the name "Queen of Porn" among the loonies.
ReplyDeleteYou're just trying to provoke Keyser! Anyway, his belated New Year's resolution is not to set foot on their stupid blogs. It's true that sometimes they provide material for an amusing post. But it's probably not fair to use bazookas to hunt turkeys.
I like going to Keyser's,I like his taste in art.it is like a bearth of fresh air.
ReplyDeleteDodo is only 37/38....maybe she laid them when the moon was full.(GIGGLES)
ReplyDelete"Queen of porn"? In the first place, what does "queen" mean? They can't be suggesting that Keyser's gay, can they? Mrs. S. would be surprised to learn that! Anyway, what sort of idiot would call the Lair pornographic? To paraphrase Justice Stewart, he knows pornography when he sees it, and that ain't it!
ReplyDeleteSorry Jeannie. No offers yet. Just be patient.
ReplyDeleteInside sources tell me that dodo has one of those rare birds in her home (the one we named her after) who does all the hatching and breeding...
Me too. Keyser is always good for a good laugh.
Say, why do you have moderation here? Surely, you can't be afraid of a visit from the Big Bad Loon?
ReplyDeleteRight Cupcake, that would explain a lot. Dodo only is able to function when there is a full moon rising...
ReplyDeleteSome one wanted to buy the picture to put in their out-house,but no one had change for $.05.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, what sort of idiot would call the Lair pornographic?
ReplyDeleteOnly those loons who fantasize about HSM freeing Fritzl and their Odysseusesque escape...those loons.
Outhouse is a good place for the picture...
I'm afraid,I'm the "Queen of Porn",Keyser.I sometimes draw cartoons for our blog and for fun I use David Caruso's face.It drives the fangirls mad,like a hive of outraged bees.
ReplyDeleteEveryone sleep here except Gilly he's looking at me popping his mouth.so I am going to say goodnite,talk to you tomorrow..
ReplyDeleteGoodnite to you also Keyser...come again we like shooting the s**t.(GIGGLES) NEE
The outhouse is a good place for the photo,Nee and a copy of the famous Caruso Art Portfolio.
ReplyDeleteNight Nee.
ReplyDeleteI'm afraid,I'm the "Queen of Porn",Keyser.I sometimes draw cartoons for our blog and for fun I use David Caruso's face.It drives the fangirls mad,like a hive of outraged bees.
ReplyDeleteOh, okay, Keyser's bad. It's sometimes hard to keep track of who "you" are in a thread like this. Guess Keyser will remain "Clueless." Or is it "KSleeze"?
..the famous Caruso Art Portfolio?
ReplyDeleteThe ONE PRINT Portfolio? The one he dedicated a whole website to? Laughable.
Guess Keyser will remain "Clueless." Or is it "KSleeze"?
Aren't those terms of endearment heart-warming? LOL.
Good night, Cupcake. Get some rest.
ReplyDeleteI wonder what they really call you Keyser,when they email each other.
ReplyDeleteWell, Jeanny it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Not that I would want to read them. Shudder...their apparent madness could be contagious.
ReplyDeletePerhaps they say, "He who must not be named."
ReplyDeleteOr "The one - you know who"..."the one I won't link to"
It is contagious.We have all been at least slightly contaminated
ReplyDeleteI understand,bathing in hydrogen peroxide and a coffee enema will cure it...Goodnight friends.
Well, loon sara thinks Keyser got castrated by me....Oh my. Nothing like a good laugh before going to bed.
ReplyDeleteKeyser says good night in his finest falsetto...
ReplyDeleteAnd your family jewels - the ones I wear around my neck just look fine....LOL