Putting a new twist on "HOMEMADE CAKE"
1 pkg.(2 layer size)cake mix,any flavor
1 envelope of "DREAM WHIP"...whipped topping mix
4 eggs
1 1/3 cup cold water
1/3 cup of oil
(prep: 10 minutes......bake :30/40 minutes/until done)
Heat oven to 350'f.....2 (round in.cake pans.....bunt pan...cupcake pans/etc.)
put all ingredients a bowl,mix on low speed with electric mixer until moisted.beat on high speed for 3 minutes at high speed...pour into prepared pans...cool completely...frost cake with your favorite icing......ENJOY...
The "Dream Whip" is found in the "Jello" section of your market/grocery store,if you can't find it ..."ask"........
I found this recipe years ago,I have a lot of them that I will share with you....we are so busy these days....I love giving my family homemade foods...(GIGGLES) I think they know...
You are going to get to know my Canadian friend and myself very well...we are full of surprises...stick around....if there is anything special you want to know...advice/recipes ,don't be afraid to ask......until next time.....Cupcake...give me a holler.
Jaye bake this cake ...the twins will love it...Yellow cake mix I use "butter flavor" we have to use every short-cut we can...still make them lick their lips.(GIGGLES)
I will tell Jaye right away.It sounds so yummy.Thankyou Nee.
ReplyDeleteyou are welcome....be sure to tell her whipped cream with the jello
ReplyDeleteNan Says it came over the wire,that a fan turn Vix in,he know because she was at his apt.
ReplyDeleteI wonder was that her frieng.
It's the last of Mardi Gras,last parade/parties tonight I am so glad it's over...now I can get down to business.
ReplyDeleteboxed whipped cream on the Jello shelf.
ReplyDeleteWhat's the source for that?
The back off the box of dream whip...I added a little more...the recope have been out about 15/20 years.
ReplyDeletekeyser ..Did you mean about Vix? if so my neice found it on dodo site..she is still up.
ReplyDeleteYes. "Tainted" source. Keyser doesn't want to set foot over there.
ReplyDeleteShe was turn in on a tip...someone is giving them heel for taking the credit....I am tempted to go look...
ReplyDeleteNan says the Globe mags.hads it...the tabs are going to be full
ReplyDeleteJust seems to be the worthless Austrian article that she posted here and at the Lair (presumably Dr. Dodo is the anonymous coward from TX; her bitterness would seem to indicate that she took Keyser's comments about her a lot more seriously that Keyser did!). Anyway, it just says that "fans" tracked her down, reporting it in this way:
ReplyDeleteNow fans from the show have snared her after tracking down her laptop computer to Tijuana through her internet service provider.
A blog called The Stalker Chronicles unravelled hundreds of layers of security Schnitzer had put in place to protect her location and CSI fan Sara Kane finally cracked the trail last week and informed Austria's Justice Minister, Dr. Maria Berger.
What a joke! "Unravelled hundreds of layers of security" indeed. Any idiot looking at the widget has known she was there for months, and it's not as if she made any secret of it.
I can wait...we may never know the truth...We all wish her well and hope for the best.
ReplyDeleteYes, that's true. But it would be nice to know what's going on now.
ReplyDeleteKeyser ..I don't condone what she did ..she was my friend...Vix gave those one hellva run..(GIGGLES) she was hiding in plain sight.hahaha
ReplyDeleteSara is getting a lot of attention...Nothing much ..if so Nan will call me....
ReplyDeleteWell, the real question is, what exactly did she do? Saying something stupid in a letter is one thing, and going through with it another. The term "stalker" suggests someone one actively harasses the victim. There seems to be no indication of her actually doing anything for a long, long time. Writing nasty things, sure, but lots of people do that.
ReplyDeleteMardi Gras is winding down here..I will have to talk tomorrow...told my neice to keep her eyes open...Jeannie will be on a little later...and thinks again for mentioning the bears...when you have time ..read the boy with no throat...it's in 3 parts...you will understand.
ReplyDeleteSo true all you have to do is read my posts...Hahahaha
ReplyDeleteHi Nee.Sara K is having her time in the spotlight for nabbing that dangerous international criminal.Everyone and his uncle knew Vix was in Tijuana.That's not even one layer of security.
ReplyDeleteYou see what just writing a nasty letter can get you.
ReplyDeleteHow can it be stalking when she was hundreds of miles away from him?I thought stalking was following someone or trying to get into their home.
It is odd she chose Tijuana in that it's somewhat close to LA, but seemingly DC spends his time in FL, so how threatening could she be. Maybe they do have a strict law against stalking in Austria, but the period of her being a fugitive may actually do her good. Unless there was something going on that we don't know about, all she did was write uncomplimentary things about him (and his girlfriends) on the internet. And did she even say anything threatening? She certainly said rude things (though even "sperm receptacle" is more offensive than threatening), but lots of people say rude things without being stalkers.
ReplyDeleteI heard that her flight from justice may cost her a few more years jail time.
ReplyDeleteOf course I heard that from SaraKanne,not a reliable source.
ReplyDeleteSurely,all the harassment and stress shoud be time served.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Vix was trying to wait out the statute of limitations on stalking,if there is such.
ReplyDeleteNee your governor is speaking now,making comments on the speech.I did not know he was of East Indian extraction.
ReplyDeleteIt would seem to be pretty clear that she had "problems," so one would hope that they'll try to sort things out rather than throw her in jail. The loons are all atwitter at the prospect of her being locked up, but one suspects that giving them a run for their money isn't considered grounds for incarceration!
ReplyDeleteI thought the term "sperm receptacle"was quite creative.
ReplyDeleteI was mistaken he's making the Republican response.Bobby Jindal seems to be a genuine guy.
They are lusting for her blood.It's become so personal.
ReplyDeleteIn their minds it's no longer about DC.Vixen fought back,had the temerity to trade insults with them.
ReplyDeleteOh,it's very personal.They want her beheaded.
Yeah, Jindal was the first governor of subcontinental Indian extraction, as they say.
ReplyDeleteAs for those other two, they do seem to have gotten all wound up in it. Do you know how they first came into contact with Vixen and how the feud started?
The Republicans are dead set against Obama's stimulus package.
ReplyDeleteIt's my understanding,first contact came about through her many blogs.They left pretty scathing comments.
ReplyDeleteThe loons are dedicated fans.They banded together,connected the dots and started their campaign to have as many blogs as Vix.
ReplyDeleteDid they always make the Vixen=HMS connection?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, did Vixen ever explain why she had such a "fixation" on DC?
Ah, you answered before Keyser asked!
ReplyDeleteLook how easily you figured it out.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you have against polar bears?
Keyser's got nothing against polar bears.
ReplyDeleteHer fixation?No flippin idea how she got so involved.
ReplyDeleteOn second thought Keyser,her marriage seems to have gone south.Maybe DC was an interim substitute.
ReplyDeleteWell, in terms of the legal issue, the nature of her "fixation" will certainly be an issue. It certainly seems unhealthy to spend so much time on such a topic, and they'll have to figure out for themselves whether there was anything more sinister to the obsession. That letter doesn't help (though it doesn't really prove much, either).
ReplyDeleteWell, lots of people have marriage problems without fixating on second-rate television performers!
ReplyDeleteThe fact that he's a THIRD rate actor makes it harder to understand.No accounting...
ReplyDeleteMaybe it was the freckles,speaking of connecting the dots.
ReplyDeleteWell, if the whole thing started out with a positive infatuation, all the hostility about his looks etc. were a bit creepy.
ReplyDeleteYou know, Mrs. S. is red-haired, so Keyser likes red-haired women, but men with red-hair are sort of funny looking, IKHO.
I've heard it said,if you connect the freckles on his back,it's a map of Ireland.
ReplyDeleteThat's where her unstable personality comes in.A thwarted love can turn to hate.
ReplyDeleteLOL But how would anyone know that?!
ReplyDeleteThe initial problem was,he refused to give her an autograph.Don't know why.
ReplyDeleteYes, indeed. That would seem to be the case. And it's a bit odd to become infatuated with someone you don't even know. So something's got to be wrong there.
ReplyDeleteAnd that's where this whole situation becomes so weird. She seemed so competent and reasonable otherwise, yet had this apparent "craziness." This is the point where one needs a real expert (rather than the pseudo-doctors/inquisitors).
Apparently he's slept with a legion of women.They talk.He has a birth mark in an intimate spot.
ReplyDeleteYeah, there's a story about the autograph making the rounds. But there's also one that she threw herself at him. Is that true, or perhaps it was just made up on the basis of the other story?
ReplyDeleteOh, well, who cares about DC? His life's his own affair. Whether he treats other people well or not is between them.
ReplyDeletedojodabbles have a link to the article.
Nee is out the parade party
I am keeping an eye on dojodabbles
hear anything I will be back
That's the Jekyll Hyde thing I was talking about.She was as sane as you or I ,very logical,very wise,intelligent.
ReplyDeleteActually I am a little of kilter.
Thanks Nan.Keep us updated luv.
ReplyDeleteBarak's a good speaker,better than your Mr bush but not on a par with JFK.