As I've often told my friend Vixen;sometimes,the finer points of certain computer programs elude me.Often times,she will patiently explain the correct way to do the task and I go away confident,only to screw it up again,and stare,befuddled, at my screen."BITE ME!!"She is something of a computer Wiz,which makes me feel like even more of a dummy.
I am reasonably intelligent,well educated,and do passably well at most things.So,why do I let it defeat me and make me want to throw it against the wall?Because it's inanimate,you can't reason with it.One tends to forget ;thinking the computer is all powerful and can anticipate our every wish and correct our mistakes.No!It just does exactly what one tells it to do.
Even when you make foolish mistakes and give bad commands,it does what you tell it.When it can't perform the task,it will politely tell you so and stop functioning.No amount of begging or threatening can make it change it's mind,and stubborness always irritates me.
Some people don't have a technological bone in their bodies.I'm one of them.I can do other things,but understanding technology is like looking at ancient Sanskrit;just a bunch of confusing symbols and gobbledy-gook.There are computer books for dummies.I have them.I've read them and didn't understand a lot of it.So there's no help for me.I'll just have to keep replacing the mouses I throw against the wall when I cuss.
At least the damn thing doesn't swear at me or throw stuff back.So,if this post is not square or the graphics are a bit lopsided...BITE ME!!!
Jeannie, I read those "PC for Dummies " too and I didn't understand a word what they were saying.
ReplyDeleteThe best practice is just keep on trying until you are satisfied with the result.
We like the way you post, lobsided or not...LOL.
Jeannie, I did something brazen and messed with your post. Just change it again, if you don't like it.
Jeannie...I feel the same way as you....Vix ix right we like it,I also listen at Vix,I will keep practicing,I love her help,Vix put avideo up on one of my posts,it was nice,if Vix notice I was good for a couple of days...I will keep trying,pecking away,seeing how they look...you will be surprise how many I throw into cysber space.(GIGGLES)
ReplyDeleteI am sure you are going to do a great job Cupcake..LOL
ReplyDeleteI HEAR THAT!
ReplyDeleteI've been through 3 PCs, now I own a Mac & PC laptop, soon to add more Macs (luv 'em).
The tech world is only growing more rapidly.
This is one more reason why you have children.
Get them crackin'.
GLUE them to those processors! Not only is there huge money in the tech industry. It is very creative in it's own right.
I wish I had offspring of my own to educate them with technology galore (not video games of course, well, a lil' gaming)
Let the kids do it!
Parents have paid their dues LOL
Mac Notebooks are most definitely the thing to have. And don't even bother with Windows Vista. Since I have deinstalled it and switched to XP my lappy never acted up even once. (As opposed to before)
ReplyDeleteForget handbooks and manuals. They just confuse you. Just switch it on and try things out.
I never work with a mouse. The touchpad is a great thing to work with.
No one to play with tonight.Just as well,I'm very busy with work and also I've got to get up very early tomorrow.So,love and best wishes to my Partners in Crime.
ReplyDeleteI am always there , sweetie..