Huh? We had to look twice.
We had to read twice.
Finally, when we stopped laughing, we read again.
If you pair faulty conclusions with confabulations and mix a bit of fantasy to it you may come up with the bullshit one reads on Red Knight's Blog. This is by far the funniest article we have come across in a very long time:
....The profiles of JEANNIE and Cupcake, share quite a bit of similarities...
....The profiles of JEANNIE and Cupcake, share quite a bit of similarities...
Do they?...
....They also created/joined, on the same dates.
OMG - Jeannie, Cupcake WHAT do you have to say in your defense...?
....There is a third member, MONROE, of this "tribe". However, it appears she/he does not have a profile...
How unusual. How dare she?
I often wonder if people smoke weed/drink too much before they sit down in front of their computers and start writing bullshit like that. Or is it watching too many shitty David Caruso movies that has irreparably messed up that little brain? Or all things combined?
Looks like we have a new jester in our midst: Redknight aka CarusoCrusader.
If "CarusoCrusader" would write in a more intelligent/interesting manner people actually would read her diatribes. Until now, with the exception of todays hilarious entry, it has been a real snooze-fest..
CUPCAKE, Jeannie are we having fun yet?
Oh yeah I am having fun...the fool just jumped almost drowned(GIGGLES)If the fool had a lick of sense or knew what she was talkihg about,the idea came about in September...you guys was waiting for me to have my baby,Red Knight is just like the rest....Do you think she do women?All the freaks come after us...I guess they know we got good choochie,hahaha
ReplyDeleteI am not sure of she does anyone at all. She sounds pretty old to me. Nowe Cupcake, tell me HOW COULD you register at the same day like Jeannie? Sacrilege! Don't you know how that makes you look?
ReplyDeleteROFLMAO...do you think she is just as nutso as Tinker or even more?
How could I register the same time as Jeannie...hell I was throwing myself into space...I alwalys tell people to research before you talk shit...she is a lot more nutso than tinker...at least Tink know she is ill...this fool is crazy as hell...she wants some love none here.Maybe they are coming after us ,as to look good to dojo.
ReplyDeleteLadies you know their rating is dropping,looking for a fight...they won't get it here ,we are having to much fun making fun/laughing at the old farting sneaks.Call us what you please,we have a saying here....."STICKS AND STONES MAY BREAK OUR BONES...BUT WORDS NEVER HURT US.
ReplyDeleteAnd even if you did WHAT exactly proves that? The reasoning is so ridiculous that I am at loss for words (which happens not very often).
ReplyDeleteWho left the doort open and let the crazies out? Caruso really has a bunch of nutso fans.
They are confused...found out about the man ...they are trying to save face....hell just admit when you are wrong and move on,you can't win beating a dead horse.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if CarusoCrusader - LOL - has ever ben in psychiatric care, or if she had an accident where she hit her head. Her ramblings make no sense and are completely off the mark.
ReplyDeleteThey'll never admit to the fact that David Caruso is a complete loser. They rather make complete fools of themselves and keep drolling over the old fucktard.
So we are figments of your imagination,Vix?Wow,I've never felt so insignificant.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry, Jeannie. Further proof that the only kind of fans Caruso attracts are the CRAZY ONES...
ReplyDeletePlease help me out here: the only similarity between Jeannies and CUPCAKES profile that I can detect is that both work in the "art" branch.
ReplyDeleteBig deal. How anyone can conclude from a minor fact like that that those people are one and the same person is beyond me. LOL
Well since I am your alias,I better start wearing a dirndl and eating weiner-schnitzel.
ReplyDeleteLoonies are kind of harmless.just be afraid of
ReplyDeleteparanoid schitzophrenics.
I told you they were stupid,I do think I am in the entertainment field..let me spell it out for thr old goat.
Graphic Artist-----Jeannie
I know CUPCAKE...looks like CarusoCrusader hasn't brains/education enough to see the difference.
ReplyDeleteJeannie - my sweet Canadian alter ego. (How do they explain your extended family? And Cupcakes two kids?)Dirndl is fine. Schweinsbraten and dumplings and Warsteiner-beer are the dishes du jour.