A psychology student in New York,rented out her spare room to a carpenter,in order to study his reactions to constant nagging.After weeks of needling he beat her repeatedly with an axe and left her brain damaged for life.I guess her experiment worked.
Two animal rights activists were protesting and picketing outside a slaughter house in Bonn,against the cruelty of the methods of slaughtering pigs.Suddenly two thousand panicked pigs broke through a fence and trampled the two protesters to death.That's gratitude for you.
The average cost of rehabilitating a seal,after the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska was about $80,000.At a special ceremony,two of the seals were released back into the wild,amid cheers and applause.Moments later they were both eaten by a killer whale.Truth.
Swedish business consultant Ulf af Trolle labored for 13 years on a book about Swedish economic solutions.He took the only manuscript to have it copied,only to have it reduced to 50,000 shreds in a few seconds,when a worker mistook a paper shredder for a copier.Poor Ulf.
Iraqui terrorist Khay Rahnajet didn't pay enough postage on a letter bomb.It came back with"return to sender"stamped on it.Apparently,forgetting it was a bomb,he opened it and blew himself to bits.True story.
According to the British Sunday Express,John Bloor mistook a tube of super glue for hemorroid cream and glued his buttocks together.I can foresee a particular problem Mr Bloor.
Also a Brit;Henry Smith was arrested a few minutes after returning home with a stolen stereo.I guess he had forgotten he had his name proudly tatooed on his forehead.
Mike Robinson,according to the British Sunday Express,called the police to deliver a bomb threat and got so agitated at the mounting cost of the call,he screamed,"Call me back,"and then gave them his number.
As her tearful family gathered around her coffin,in a New York funeral parlor,Julia Carson sat bolt upright and asked,what the hell was going on.Celebrations were short lived ,as her daughter dropped dead from shock.
Fire investigators in Maue determined the cause of a blaze that destroyed a beautiful home last month was a short in the home owner's newly installed fire prevention and alarm system."This is even worse than last year",said the distraught home owner,"when someone broke in and stole my new security system."
These are all true stories.So you see,your day wasn't so bad.
(GIGGLES) I have never had a day that bad...hahahaha....I would call those people...dumb and dumber,Lordy that is funny.
ReplyDeleteJeannie you have so many funny jokes...I love them.
Those stories are all true.Shows you how dumb some suckers are.
ReplyDeleteJaye says thankyou very much for the recipe.She can't wait to try it.She loves recipes with shortcuts.
ReplyDeleteJaye says thankyou very much for the recipe.She can't wait to try it.She loves recipes with shortcuts.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteJaye is like me want's good food,little time to fix,tell not to worry old NEE is here.
ReplyDeleteVix must feel terribly betrayed if it was her friend from Baja
ReplyDeleteHey Nee stop jumping around or I'll have to tackle you.
ReplyDeleteI want your recipe for shrimp gumbo.I love it.I like spicy food.I love east Indian food also.
Jakey is producing his own newspaper now.His jokes are great.