I want to live,please help,I want to play and live life to the fullest,I want to be cuddle by my mama...play with my sisters/brothers....I have feeling...we are starving.
We are not the only endangered species facing extinction from starvation and "GLOBAL WARMING/GREENHOUSE GASES".
Wake up mankind you are also in danger....you can do a lot,really more than you realize.
You don't have to give money ,it would help...word of mouth,talk to people...you would be surprise to know how many people that don't know about the greenhouse gases/global warming. There are so much information out there.....
Come on people,join the club,reach out and touch someone.....it's easy..the web is full of information....the first place I looked was naturecanada.ca.....the site has a lot of information that will give you help.
Maybe the polar bears is not your thing....O.K. We can help each other to get the word out.....we are five(5) ladies that banned together to spread our wings on this project...oh boy we are growing...we have so many plans to put in motion...we are going to have bake sales/yard sales/ and cook-outs...we handed out flyer's...we have buttons made...hopeful they will be here soon....Mardi Gras has wined down here...the weather is getting better.....There are so many things we can start.....Come join us in this fight to save what's left...I don't think we can survice a water "WORLD"...but hey that's just me.
Jeannie...I love the mermaid,that is the way I feel most all times...free to the world..I missed you last nite...the last Gil/I both are happy it's over for us...I left you a comment in the post "A WILDERNESS ADVENTURE" I will be back....How is ever one..good I hope....NEE
ReplyDeleteI like your post Nee.I'll do one in a day or two.I like the picture too.
ReplyDeleteDid you say it was a friend or neighbor that turned Vix in??
Was it her friend in Baja??
Jaye thanks you very much for the recipe.She will try it for the twins birthday.She loves recipes
ReplyDeleteTell Jaye she is welcome more to come....I put it the post about you and the bear....I think it was her friend,
ReplyDeletehe say he gave her a place to stay...she had nowhere to stay...
ReplyDeleteTell Jaye I have a lot that was handed down....Nan told me this morning,I look ed it is under her picture...Anonymous is giving them hell about they are taking credit for it.
ReplyDeleteI took a look and couldn't find it.I went to Do do's.It would be such a terrible shame if it was her Baja friend
ReplyDeleteIt is posted under Vix's picture..it is anonymous....go to your post here that you posted about the bear.
ReplyDeleteWait I'll be right back and tell you where to look/
ReplyDeleteJeannie....it is the third(3) post down..title is...
it is in the comments....
ReplyDeleteO kay I'll check it later.Thankyou.
ReplyDeleteI just think Vix will be devestated if it was her Baja friend
you don't have to read her post it is in comments.
ReplyDeleteI hate it when I make spelling mistakes(devastated)
ReplyDeleteThe kids were great at karate to night.They are getting it.The whole philosophy.It has changed them
well he let her along...I have some in your post you /bear/when you was ten camping.
ReplyDeleteJill is not too young to start.
ReplyDeleteI read the post over there.
ReplyDeleteHow dare they gloat and take credit.
I want Jill to take karate,she will need it for Gilly,I have enrolled her in dance,
ReplyDeleteShe had nowhere to stay.She was hiding like a frightened animal.
ReplyDeleteDoes she like dancing?
ReplyDeleteThey are copying us...dodo say Vix was tired and wanted to be caught..the day after we talked about it...I guess she will copy us now.
ReplyDeleteDancing will help to make her graceful.
ReplyDeleteYes,she like dancing her kind.
ReplyDeleteI think they use some of our stuff.They follow our comments.
ReplyDeleteDodo doesn't believe we knew who Vix was.
My God,she practically said it outright to us.She wanted us to know.I used to tease her about being Austrian.She loved it.
ReplyDeleteshe loves to dance with her daddy..she says she is gettig down...I will have time now to finish unpacking my boxes to get their photos.
ReplyDeleteYou are a busy woman.Good thing you have a lot of energy.
ReplyDeleteI know you didnt want to go there,dodo wanted him to e-mail her,I didn't write it all.Sara is claiming all the glory....
ReplyDeleteI never liked Sara,a complete nut bar.
ReplyDeleteJeannie this is an outlet for me,I can't work anymore....The BL lady asked why I didn't have a housekeeper/nanny...I don't need one,it's just my family.
ReplyDeleteShe wants the guy who turned Vix in to email her???Bloody nerve.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if DC has thanked them yet for saving his life...HA!
I'm glad to know you're a hands on Mama.Your kids will grow up a lot happier than the nanny raised ones.
ReplyDeleteI think Tinker has more sense than all of them...the Red Kinght ,Vix was following her blog...she is one of dodo's buddies,,maybe she was keeping Vix up dated..hahaha now I will shart some shit in their camp.
ReplyDeleteIf I had to work Sis is there,I know they wouldn't be mistreated.
ReplyDeleteSis is like a grandmama to them..
Tinker had a bit more sense about it all really.
ReplyDeleteShe did not have a single minded,psycho fixation with catching one little scared woman.
You know old fart-ass is not going to thank them...if so it will be his PR to save face.
ReplyDeleteSis is family.A nanny is hired help and they often end up raising the kids themselves.
ReplyDeleteWhy couldn't Dodo and the brood set their sites on catching a serial killer,a child molester??
ReplyDeleteDo some good in the world.
Jeannie ...I have worked my butt-off in a lot of projects..I was happy just to see it through,like the bears it is a joint effort,I don't care if I am not seen,as long as the job gets done.
ReplyDeleteI have to wonder if DC even knows his so called stalker has been caught.
ReplyDeleteI feel the same about anonimity.I enjoy mine very much.WE had a lot of publicity when my dad won the sweepstakes.It wasn't very nice.
ReplyDeleteI don't think it bothered DC he was everywhere,not a care in the world.....I will make a different in this world,the things I can help change I will...to make it better for my babies.
ReplyDeleteI ssaw one time where he was in the paper saying something about her....
ReplyDeleteI've been in the newspaper and on TV,locally,for one reason or another and I have just hated it.No more.
ReplyDeleteJeannie I wonder is that what Monroe meant by watch the mags,it will be more interesting.
ReplyDeleteI never heard that Dave mentioned her.
ReplyDeleteYou're right.It never stopped him from galivanting all over the world.He didn't know she was alive.
Jeannie that was different than this...you was not drawing attention to yourself...papers/t.v. was just honoring you....now thats a good thing.
ReplyDeleteI don't think there will be anything in the mags.How important is he?
ReplyDeleteI don't think Monroe will come around anymore.shame,we could have had some fun.
ReplyDeleteWhat was happening to their families....I know Gil/Brian wouldn't stand for that shit....
ReplyDeleteExcuse me I have to let Max in.
ReplyDeleteI went back to Vix's monore really sound like a older lady,this ones writing style is differen...it just brother me.
ReplyDeleteMaxy was barking like crazy to come in.He loves to play in the snow.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to ask was she Melba hahaha.....she said someone else was talking...shit Abe is about 55/60
ReplyDeleteYeah you've mentioned you think it is a different woman before.Now why would someone do that?
ReplyDeleteYou know,she could be Melba.Melba just dropped out of sight.
ReplyDeleteWe will get our puppy soon..Maxy is so cute..I can't wait...hahaha Gilly will try to eat him.
ReplyDeleteA lot of people use different aliases in different places.Maybe you and I should use some other names too.What would you like to be called?
ReplyDeleteSex Goddess?Mermaid Queen?
Melba asked to many questions about Amina....I told Vix watch out it was a fox in the hen house.
ReplyDeleteGilly is going to be crawling around gnawing on table legs very soon.
ReplyDeleteI think i'd like to be call Renoir
Mermaid Queen
ReplyDeleteYeah,now I remember.You have a memory like an elephant.
ReplyDeleteMelba asked way too many questions.I thought at the time that she might be related to Liza.
lordy Jeannie I didn't know Gil was standing here...He say people would still know its me...which name you think I should have I like them both.
ReplyDeleteWe have been up only 4 months..we have over 20,000,pretty good ...huh
ReplyDeleteThat's because we're brilliant.
ReplyDeleteWe put a personal touch on this blog.Talk about family.People relate.
ReplyDeleteWe will find some human interest stuff...Our families is Human interest...
ReplyDeleteIs that the name for me do I say
ReplyDeleteChoochie Love or Choochilove...hahaha
There are interesting little human interest articles in the news too if we have a slow news day.The odd celeb aricle is good too.That was Vix's area.
ReplyDeleteOne word Choochiluv.
ReplyDeleteI kown the loonies come...We have a great following ,they may not comment..they enjoy the chats...I like that....Gil says they read our stuff at his office,I know they do at the Hotel...when Gil go to work grumpy...they know whats wrong...hahaha
ReplyDeleteGil is right however .Your accent comes out in your writing.I also have a recognizable writing style.
ReplyDeleteWe're too honest to try and be anyone but who we are.
Even I know what's wrong when Gil is Grumpy
ReplyDeleteI can always get some of those stories...the web and mags are full...I like choochiluv....I get all I have to do is go into profile I will look tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI know what's wrong with you too when you're grumpy.
ReplyDeleteWhen Brian is grumpy,he could be constipated..HA!
I like the names "JEANNIE/JEAN`NE
ReplyDeleteYes I would know you...He says he can't wait to see you talk to me in person..you are going to bust a gut....
WE'll probably both talk at the same time and gab for hours till we get sore throats.
ReplyDeleteit be something in the news on Aol every time you come on...at least we don't have to snoop around dodo sight to have something to say..
ReplyDeleteTell Jaye to make her cake ...try different icing...or maybe a plain bunt cake...make it her own.
ReplyDeleteNow that Vix is gone they have very empty lives.I wonder where she is right now and what they are going to do with her.She may get out on bail.
ReplyDeleteStop talking about cake I'm trying to lose weight.
ReplyDeleteThe picture is a angel food cake sliced with cool whip for icing and strawberries.
ReplyDeleteDodo said thats why she didn't close...she wanted to see the out come....the boy is Vix's also...her hubby is Chris.
ReplyDeleteI think they is waiting to ship her out...all hell has broke loose down there...Vix put up the picture of the Vixen .she was so proud of it...
ReplyDeleteVix never mentioned a boy.She said specifically that she had only one child.She talked about her daughter all the time.
ReplyDeleteShe must be separated or divorced.How could a marriage survive that obsession.
ReplyDeleteI guess she didn't want the loons to get that information,so she kept mum about the son.
ReplyDeleteShe used our conversations to feed little tidbits to the loons.Like how she lived in SanDiego.
Jeannie I will always believe Vix said goodbye...she gave those bitches a run for their money.. hell she was hiding in plain sight.
ReplyDeleteShe didn't deserve to be stalked like a dog..at least in England they give the fox a chance before letting the dogs out.
No I never heard Vix say any thing about a boy or hubby..just a friend...just dodo/loons.
ReplyDeleteShe did not deserve to be hunted like an animal and harassed and abused or have her family held up like bait.She didn't assassinate the president.
ReplyDeleteI don't condone writing threatening letters,but,they were just letters,after all.
ReplyDeleteIt's not in the same category as a bombing or a kidnapping.
The only danger out ther is Vix is sick...she needs help...she is only a danger to herself...If they want to say we was wrong...so be it.If she come back we will be glad to talk to her.
ReplyDeleteNow if they want to do some good for everyone...they could go and find the "CAVEMAN" now that would be a blast.
ReplyDeleteI always thought I was helping her a bit.There was nothing wrong in talking to Vix.Why would you think that?She needed human contact.SHe needed help.The loons tried to isolate and alienate her.
ReplyDeleteJeannie,I asked Gil was he going to boink me...he said nope...I broke it...he had it put in a cast...hahahaha
ReplyDeleteNo I meant if she return we would be glad to talk with her...I felt very close to Vix for some reason.
ReplyDeleteYou're right.If they were really good ciizens they would hunt down real criminals.They seem t o have developed some skills.
ReplyDeleteYou should get some sleep Luv.Those kids are going to be squalling for breakfast real early.
ReplyDeleteIf it's in a cast,he must be walking with a limp.
ReplyDeletelordy I had no idea it was this late...I will say goodnite...talk tomorrow....NEE