Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Life At The Edge

On The frontier of a frozen ocean,rising temperatures imperil wildlife whose survival depend on ice.
Lagoons of melted water cover ice on "Canada's Beaufort Sea'.Over the past thirty(30) years,Arctic Sea Ice has thinned as much as 40%.
The possibility of an ice free arctic,as least during the summer,creeps closer each day.Not only the "POLAR BEARS" is in danger,all wild life that depends on the ice.
Ice is a part of the biology of every creature that lives in this frozen vastness.
Have you watched the movie starring" Kevin Costner"? The name is "Water World"...we need to get the word out.Is that the world you want your children/grandchildren to look forward too?
It's not to late...we can't do it over night..we can start,I know everyone is worried about the economy...It don't take a lot of money,just tell your family/friends....we have a goal here to tell at least two(2) different people a day.
Come on join us in this fight to save the Polar Bears,they are not the only endangered species out there .
Mankind is also in danger of Global Warming.There are things you can do...write letters to your leaders in your community...City/State level.,your congressmen...there are so many places you can go.So join me


  1. Excellent,well done,Nee.
    Americans are shamefully ignorant of global warming and the ones who know aren't really interested.They don't think it's their problem.

    You and your ladies are examples of enlightened,caring people.If you can enlighten two people a day.You are doing a great service on behalf of the polar bears and all endangered spieces.
    Bravo to all of you.I hold you all close to my heart and so does Ian.

  2. Anonymous8:39:00 PM

    Good post. Not only Americans. Most of the worlds population are. It just hasn't the same importance like economical matters or starvation.

  3. Anonymous8:56:00 PM

    Thank you both means a great deal coming from you both....we are waiting on some materials,and other stuff,we are learning together....trying to let people know you don't just need money...we need their voice most of all.

  4. Long warming will gradually eliminate most of the species on the planet as it affects the ecology and the food chain.This will have more impact than a little glitch in the economy.
    Fortunately,most countries are on board with saving the planet.North America,Russia and China are slow to come to the party and they are the biggest greenhouse emission offenders.We are making headway though.China is changing policies.Canada is very concerned.

  5. Anonymous9:06:00 PM

    I am learning a lot about the economical/starvation situation,we need to be aware of global warming,we went to hear Daniel Holbrook speak warming affects everything in our daily lives....we just need to stop and take a moment.

  6. Anonymous9:09:00 PM

    Abe is looking into some information to get someone from AL Gore's office here this spring/summer.hope he can make it happen.

  7. Anonymous9:10:00 PM

    The problem is, third world countries have more pressing problems than global warming etc. Whenever I visit Baja I see the way they treat the enviroment. They are just too busy staying alive that they don't care. Many products you get in the local shops have a lot of propellant - simply because it is cheaper to produce.
    One has to give those countries an alternative they can afford.

  8. Mr Obama has stated his deep concern about greenhouse gases.He says global warming is high on his list of priorities.He will make it one of the cornerstones of his administration.
    America will really get with the program now.Mr Bush was useless and too stupid to have any foresight.

  9. Anonymous9:14:00 PM

    It is like that all over...we have had that problem for years...but if we try and take a stand now,everyone will benefit in the long run...maybe not in our time,but our children.

  10. Anonymous9:18:00 PM

    Bush that is funny,the bastard fell off the toliet and almost choke to death..
    I heard Obama say he was really concern...I hope he can give us a hand.Wish we knew someone that know Michelle B.

  11. Anonymous9:19:00 PM

    Lets hope Mr. Obama keeps his promises...ony time will tell.

  12. WE first of all need to find an alternative to fossil fuels.WHen we stop burning petroleum,a lot of the problems will be solved.Third world countries are not the big producers of greenhouse gases.It's the big industrial countries.they also pour tons of industrial effluvium into the oceans like there's no tomorrow.There soon won't be.

  13. Anonymous9:24:00 PM

    One of the ladies husband's know some lobbist in D.C...we will put our heads together I bet we know a lot of people....I am going to talk with dad .Hell he know everyone..or someone that do.

  14. Anonymous9:27:00 PM

    Well he can do any worst than Bush...Bill Clinton left his seat intne black....Obama has a hard/long row ahead...the chips are stacked against him,he said it wouldn't be overnite.

  15. I saw a film of the dying bears.I had to pull back for a day or two.I got so upset.
    I'll start crusading again in a day or two.It was just too sad.
    Keep up the good work Nee.

    Mr Gore is your man.He is so knowledgable about the problems.

  16. Anonymous9:37:00 PM

    WE first of all need to find an alternative to fossil fuels..

    Good luck with this one. Too many countries earn a fortune with oil and gases.

  17. Polar Bears International, is an organization that I believe was started in America.They are also very smart people.They have a website.

    So anyway how are your babies? Growing like weeds??

  18. There are several alternatives in prototype right now.But as you say Vix,oil producing countries wield a lot of power,and try to buy up all the patents.

  19. Anonymous9:41:00 PM

    I have a Mother/Daughter day with Jill tomorrow so I will say goodnite....NEE

  20. Have fun,night Nee.I'm going to see what mischief Vix has been up to.

  21. Anonymous9:46:00 PM

    We will check out the website...yes they are growing...Jill is so grown up ,I am so proud.

  22. Anonymous9:51:00 PM

    Good night, Cupcake.


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