I've missed Seinfeld.From 1989 to about 1997 or 98,
his,was the primo,the mainstay comedy show on TV.Loosely based on his own life,the show
was observational comedy,his forte.It was
innovative and had a great cast.
It set the bar for all who followed.
Who could forget the' Soup Nazi'?
His standup comedy since then,has been based on his nine year marriage and three kids,again drawn from observations from his own experiences.It's a rich source of material;so says Jerry,"A veritable gold mine".It seems Jerry has lately,caught the reality bug.He has a new show lined up for next season,called 'The Marriage Refs',on NBC.
The premise came from an argument he was having with his wife.Their friend, who was a guest in their home,at the time,got rather uncomfortable and suggested he should leave.Jerry said,"Don't go,stay and be a referee and decide who is right."From that single event,a show was born.
Cameras will be placed in the homes of as many young couples as will allow the intrusion.Every show will have a theme.The couples will argue about the same thing(e.g.He watches too much sports on TV)The couples will then be brought to the set,where a panel of moderators or refs will judge the spats,humorously,of course,and pick a winner.Said winners will receive a prize and the couple will be sent out to dinner,compliments of the show.Jerry says,he is not so much interested in the reality aspect as the comedy.
It'll have to be good to beat the' Soup Nazi'.Good luck Jerry.
I just love Jerry....his show was always a pick me up....I missed you last night....I didn't know his show was based on his real life experience,we catch reruns here....I can watch a good show over and over...it is so few of them now that you can watch with your family...(GIGGLES) hope everyone is well.