Thursday, January 24, 2019

Trump floats ending shutdown with a 'down payment' on wall, but Pelosi doesn't blink

Yahoo News          DAVID KNOWLES              Jan 24th 2019 
After the Senate failed Thursday to pass either of two bills that would have reopened the federal government, President Trump floated a compromise of sorts on his demand for $5.7 billion to build a barrier on the border with Mexico.

It didn’t win over the person it was intended to appeal to, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“One of the ideas suggested is they open it, they pay a sort of prorated down payment for the wall which, I think, people agree that you need. You need the wall. In fact, I see a lot of the Democrats, almost all of them are breaking saying, ‘Look, walls are good. Walls are good.'”

Trump’s remarks came as Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., huddled on Capitol Hill seeking a deal to end the longest government shutdown in U.S. history. Neither a Republican bill containing money for a wall nor a Democratic one that did not received the 60 votes needed for passage, although the Democratic bill, which attracted support from a handful of Republicans, came closer.

Hours earlier, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said that a short-term spending bill to reopen government “would only work if there is a large down payment on the wall.”

Neither Sanders nor the president offered any details about  how much money constituted a “large down payment.” In December, Trump scuttled a continuing resolution to fund the federal government through February because it didn’t have an appropriation for the wall.

When asked by reporters about Trump’s proposal for a large “prorated down payment,” Pelosi responded, “That is not a reasonable agreement.”

Trump also told White House reporters he would support a “reasonable agreement” between McConnell and Schumer, but was mum on specifics.

“If they come to a reasonable agreement, I would support it, yes,” Trump said.

Pelosi, however, made clear that she wasn’t interested in giving the president more money for a wall.

“The president just said that if they come to a reasonable agreement he would support it. I hope that that doesn’t mean some big down payment for the wall,” Pelosi said. Asked by reporters if she knew what Trump meant by a “large prorated down payment,” she said she didn’t. “I don’t know if he knows what he’s talking about,” she said. “Do you?”

The president has often referred to congressional funding for border security as a “down payment” for a border wall, his signature campaign promise. The $5.7 billion he is seeking now would pay for a wall extending only a fraction of the entire 2,000-mile border, or even the 1,000 miles he has said in the past would suffice.

Donald J. Trump   
@realDonaldTrump Much can be done with the $1.6 Billion given to building and fixing the border wall. It is just a down payment. Work will start immediately. The rest of the money will come - and remember DACA, the Democrats abandoned you (but we will not)!

Trump has also gone back and forth on the construction of the wall, variously concrete or steel slats, and how he would fulfill his campaign promise that Mexico would pay for it. The Mexican government has refused even to discuss the idea, and most recently Trump has said the funds would come indirectly from Mexico as a side effect of the new trade agreement he has negotiated to replace NAFTA. He has also claimed the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill he signed on March 23 included “an initial downpayment” for his wall, but Pelosi had a different take.

“Democrats won explicit language restricting border construction to the same see-through fencing that was already authorized under current law,” Pelosi said.
Thanx Yahoo

Stay tuned   "As The Stomach Turns"

Wanna Wall  WITCHY :
Wall or no wall.  Trump needs the wall to save face and for his ego, no matter how many people he hurt. he only cares about his base and they are the ones who think a wall would be effective.   Down payment? This isn't a car payment. This is about You Opening Up the Government so that millions of Americans can get payed.   Trump  does not care about 800,000 American federal workers nor millions of Americans border security - he wants his useless wall as a monument to his useless presidency before he gets perp walked from office and locked up!!!  Trump's begging Nancy  Pelosi  for some kind of help to save him from abject humiliation....and she ain't budging...   How did we go from Mexico paying for the Wall to laying off 800,000 Americans until Americans pay for the Wall? Oh yea that makes sense.That's what Republicans do.  Get the middle class to cover the bill, ignoring the wishes of the majority of Americans, who want border security -for all areas of the country- but not a continuous wall. Certainly barriers are needed at strategic points, but Trump's wall is not the answer. We need a comprehensive immigration policy and sensible security, including ports of entry, visa over-stays, etc.      

If you give into Whiney Li'l  Trump , he'll shut down the government every time he wants a new toy.   5 People Shot And Killed Going To The Bank On A Wednesday Morning In Florida...... Just Going To The Bank

And Not A Word From Delusional  Trump  .What to know  why ?    Because they weren't shot by an illegal alien! That is all he cares about, fuel for the fire he likes to spread.    Pelosi is beating up Trump so bad he is almost unrecognizable  This shutdown is all about  Trump's ego.  He was moments away from signing a bill that had the support of both GOP houses when he got called out by his favorite TV show.  He's double-downed himself into a corner.  And before you kids start blaming the "obstructionist Dems", remember  Trump  took ownership of the shutdown weeks's on him.   Pelosi has offered $5.7 billion for 'BORDER SECURITY' which would cover the 'ENTIRE' border. Trump wants to waste it on a wall that would only cover 200 miles of that 1400 mile border.  His 'Vanity' wall would end up costing US $125 billion and would be useless. Trump has met his match and he doesn't know what to do!   Pelosi has Trump's  shriveled nuts in a vice grip!   People still do not understand that Trump promised the wall to a construction company that gave millions of dollars for his campaign. So simple!

What we have here is a president who refuses to accept anything short of that which is acceptable. Moreover, he also refuses to acknowledge that he no longer has control of congress. Couple that with never having to answer to a woman, especially one who's holding an empty sack where his balls used to be, and you've got a total disgrace trying to save face. He will NEVER win again if he doesn't get this thing resolved. No more babbling, 'Short of the Deal,' do it or die politically.
   Nancy Pelosi  got him where it Hurts and she is not letting go No Wall for you Trump.    She's got her stilettos on his balls. I love it.   

Support   Orange  Monkey's wall  Arnold  ???

NUFF SAID   HeHe                  

1 comment:

  1. hahahahaha! Great editorial!
    You are right, he does not acknowledge that he is not the boss of congress any more. Where did this down payment idea come from?? Must have come from his poor, moldy excuse for a brain. No one else said anything about the one and a half billion offer being a down payment. 'Vanity wall' is exactly what it is. I hope Nancy does a little tap dance on his balls or what's left of them. Great spit-balling Witchy.
    Your biggest fan
    Love Shadow


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