Thursday, April 08, 2010

Nike Brings Back the Voice of Tiger's Dad Earl Woods in New Tiger Ad...WTF??

Nike brings back the voice of Earl Woods in new Tiger ad
and the Tiger Woods controversy train keeps rolling on. Nike is running a new ad that uses the voice of Tiger Woods' late father Earl over an image of a remorseful, nearly broken Tiger.

"I want to find out what your thinking was. I want to find out what your feelings are. Did you learn anything?" Earl asks.
Powerful stuff, that, especially given how significant a role Earl Woods played in Tiger's life.
Now, there's an argument to be made that the ad is over the line, using Earl Woods' words in a way that he obviously didn't have approval over. On the other hand, this ad was made with Tiger's consent and participation. And really, who better to pass judgment on Tiger than Earl?
Nike, of course, has a history of provocative Woods ads; they crafted the classic
"Hello World" and "I am Tiger Woods" spots. And they're one of the few companies to stick with him through his recent troubles. So it's appropriate that they'd be the ones to set about shaping his new public commercial image.

Clearly, they're not taking the safe, conservative route. But is this good marketing strategy?? Does it sell sports equipment?? Is it an ad or a comment on Tiger's adultery and sex addiction??And folks, do you think it's in good taste?


  1. Anonymous2:56:00 PM

    Weird to say the least,Earl Woods cannot save Tiger this time. Tiger put himself in this pile of shit and no matter how hard Nike try it won't save Tiger's ass.

    On a more brighter note....Nike may or may not be trying to save Tiger...they may have jumped on the "cash-cow" to squeeze it for all it's worth.
    To use Earl Woods voice is wrong and down-right disrespectable and Tiger is a low-life skunk to let Nike use it.
    Nike is is in the game to make money and when they get all they can, they will drop Tiger like a hot bag of smelly shit .

  2. Anonymous3:08:00 PM

    I got Jakey photo and he's just adorable, he has beautiful eyes and coloring....don't see anything wrong with the photo. Give him a hug, what a beautiful smile.I will show it to Jill after school.
    Jean Harlow always used beauty marks on her face in different places, so I don't think anything in wrong with your printer or camera.

    I put the Tiger post in drafts. You know what to do with it, edit it and make any changing you want to.

  3. Anonymous9:30:00 PM

    Hiya doing PIC.
    Brian's cough any better?
    Is Nana on her job bossing everyone?

  4. Hi, I added some pictures to the Jakey one in drafts.

  5. Nana made Brian some hot lemon but she didn't put enough sugar in it.She made him drink it and you should have seen his face, all screwed up and puckered.Then she ordered him to go to sleep.He had just finished taking a three hour nap but he pretended to go to sleep so she would go away.

  6. Anonymous9:41:00 PM

    Thankyou...I showed Jill Jakey picture and she said he was handsome like her daddy, I told her he was a big boy like Jimmy who is 10 and she says that's okay she can train him[giggles]

  7. I put in some pictures of my son Alan's kids.They are lpvely kids.

  8. Anonymous9:45:00 PM

    With Nana on your side, Brian will be well in no time, so he can hide from her. Maybe you should turn her lose on the friends from work when they visit to long. hahaha

  9. What did you do on Jill's birthday?
    Did she get what she wished for?

    Did you ever picture yourself with a six year old daughter and a two year old son?

    Some woman has to train Jakey. It might as well be Jill.When he loves it will be with all his heart.

  10. Anonymous9:49:00 PM

    I know they are beautiful like their Gunny.Wasn't it alan's daughter that visit Brian in the hosiptal?

  11. Yes,Kim visitd Brian. They woudn't let her in because he was in critical care. She called me later for an update.She confuses me.

  12. Anonymous9:57:00 PM

    She got what she wanted, a bicycle with training wheels and a basket on it, she wants the wheels taken off, she will have her BD party Sunday, we will have it in the barn, so rain or shine she will have it.
    No, I never expected to have kids at all, Jill 6 and Gilly was 18 months on the 6th. I am a blessed woman.

  13. Anonymous10:01:00 PM

    Kim wants to know her grandparents, I think that's a good sign,I have a strong feeling everyone will be reunited soon.
    Her mama's parents don't sound like much fun.

  14. Anonymous10:04:00 PM

    PIC, what you have been hoping and praying for seems to be close at hand, I really hope so because it couldn't happen to a nicer person.

  15. The boys are having their BD party on Sunday also.I'll start making the food tomorrow.I hope we both have a beautiful day for our festivities.
    Is Jill having any friends from school?

  16. They are showing that crazy Tiger commercial on the news.

  17. Anonymous10:07:00 PM

    All your grands think you are a cool grandmother, if given the chance Kim will know too. I think her dad is a little ashamed and Kim will bring everyone together, I'm sure her parents know she was there.

  18. Those people that the American helicopter fired upon were just international journalists who were trying to help an injured friend.
    They killed them all.

  19. Anonymous10:13:00 PM

    Yes she's having a bunch and some of the parents offered their help.The barn is large and we have a kitchen and indoor plumbling.

    Tiger is an asshole, he should be ashamed to let Nike make thet commerical, I know they had to run it by him, they are just milking the cash-cow for all it's worth. When their products stop selling, they will drop him like hot shit.

  20. That barn sounds like such a great place for a party. When we lived in the country, there was a little community centre with a nice big party room right across our field so we used to hold all our bigger parties there. Anyone who got married in the neighborhood had their reception there, even Alan.

  21. Anonymous10:20:00 PM

    I heard/seen it on TV, but didn't get it all. I'm so glad you posted it, there a lot of people that get a lot of their news from the web. Nan says a lot of people like the way you report the news, you make it interesting and to the point and you always have follow-ups.
    A lot of people say a lot of our soldiers are being killed by friendly fire.
    Canada gave notice they was pulling their soldiers out, I forgot when, but I hope we follow suit.

  22. Tiger is playing golf today. He did not do so well. He seems to have lost his game.

  23. Anonymous10:23:00 PM

    PIC...don't you feel in your heart you will hear from Alan soon? I think he realize what a mistake he made and all Old shit head has now is is mean old mama and doting old granny.

  24. They just found the missing link between humans and monkeys.Two skeletons in a cave in Africa.
    They are 2 million years old.

    They only stood 4 feet high.Guess what my next post will be about.

  25. Anonymous10:31:00 PM

    I don't think he will win another game, in the post he make most of his money fron endorsements. And if this gay thing is true or false, his career is over. I bet his dad is turning over in his grave.
    I bet Tiger did a lot of shit before Earl died, he just covered it up. Maybe that's the reason Earl encourage Tiger to marry Elin so he would look like a mentor to kids.

  26. Our Daughter Jane told Al that his dad was in critical care and was not expected to live, but Alan did not come or call so I don't think this will come to a head until either Nana or Brian dies.

  27. Anonymous10:36:00 PM

    Was it discovered by Professor Lee Berger of the University of the Witwatersrand?
    Did I read your mind Hmmmmmmm?
    Go for it, I can't wait to read it.

  28. What are you, a fucking witch???Or are you watching the same news program that I am???

  29. I found a Website where independent artists can post cartoons or carictures or portraits.I found some neat caricatures of Obama. I'll post a couple. Different people see him differently.

  30. Anonymous10:41:00 PM

    I pray that will be a long time to come, anyway it's Al lost, hell he don't know what he's missing.
    Pic...I feel very sad for Al, sis was good to me, but I still missed not having a mama, I still cry sometime but not as much as before.

  31. Anonymous10:45:00 PM

    Yes I am a witch. HA!!
    No Gil is into all that stuff also and he has an article and a small picture of the cave, he's had it for about 2/3 days, he likes showing the girls stuff like that.

  32. Anonymous10:49:00 PM

    I also get all the stuff you post and put it in a folder for them. I have the animals from the valley, the man with big rat and the others.They like looking at the pictures.

  33. Well at least Al had me until he was grown up.He hasn't called anyone in the family for ten years. It's my fault too. If I wanted to see him bad enough, I would have found a way. I accept the responsibility for that.We all disliked his wife intensly.He took offense to that.I respect that he sticks up for his wife.

    She is a gold digger of the worst kind. She hung around Nana and the major, hoping they would leave her something.She flirted shamelessly with the major and even tried showing her boobs and bending to show her ass to Brian.Brian sent her home one Christmas and told her not to come back until she changed to a longer dress, The dress was practically up to her crotch.He was disgusted.

  34. Anonymous10:54:00 PM

    Do the human and monkey post and I would love to see Obama cartoons.

  35. Anonymous11:01:00 PM

    Brian is my kind of man,all men are not dogs.
    Yes it's nice he sticks up for his wife, but I do wonder who she's bonking, hell she tried to bonk her in-laws, so that don't say much for her.

  36. Took the boys to karate tonight. They are swinging those numchucks(sp?) around. They look lethal. They could do some damage to a guy.Those guys are good at it.
    Their Sensei is a cute guy.I think he likes me.

  37. He's too young for me. I like an older man.Older men turn me on.

  38. Anonymous11:06:00 PM

    She is a no good hussy, look where her mama is, she ran out of money so she has no more use for her.
    J was sick with 2 babies, what else could you do, she needed you more, she had noe one but the Major,Nana, Brian and you, you did the right thing.

  39. I don't think she wanted to actually boink the major or Brian.She was just using her sexiness to get them to desire her so they would do anything for her.

    When she and Al separated for a while she got this married man to give her all kinds of gifts and money but I don't think she slept with him.

  40. Anonymous11:11:00 PM

    I like older men too,the first old one was a fool, I guess he wasn't old enough.
    One man at the meeting told me I was hot, I told him I knew I was but he wasn't man enough to handle the choochie.

  41. Anonymous11:14:00 PM

    I am so glad the boys is doing good in Karate, I know you are proud.
    Young men fuck to fast and finished to quick and it takes to long for them to get it up again.I guess our old men got us spoiled.
    But they can rise to the occasion.

  42. Anonymous11:17:00 PM

    You have nice men in Canada, here, they would have fucked her brains out.
    But they was still family and she's a slut.

  43. Anonymous11:18:00 PM

    You are going to do the post about the people they found in the cave? I hope so.

  44. I believe that you told the guy he couldn't handle the choochie...HA!Someday I'd like to follow you around and watch how you handle guys.

    I don't get too many passes made at me any more. I'm practically an old woman so I really appreciate if a man gives me the eye.

  45. Anonymous11:23:00 PM

    I got Tiger's mistress on the post about the gay thing and she was once a Playboy playmate. She's writing a book akout seeing him and guys together, and there are a lotof videos on YouTube, I put the names on the post, Tiger is all washed up.

  46. I'll do the cave post.I want good pictures so I'll have to go to my overseas sources.

    I miss Vipix. Boy they were fantastic photographers. Frenchmen take good pictures.Almost half of Canada is French. They are pretty good lovers (or so I've heard...HA!)

  47. Anonymous11:29:00 PM

    Sweetie you still got it and a lttle flirting is good for the soul.
    I took offence at this guy becase he was suppose to be a friend of Gil's and I told him if he ever say anything to me again I would cut his nuts off and plant them to see what will grow.
    So if they flirt enjoy it, you know you are a lady.

  48. What is in the videos?? Have you seen them?I want to see them.

  49. Anonymous11:35:00 PM

    [giggles] The lady I told you about from Canada that asked about your painting said a Canadian could boink you in a igloo and melt it down it would be so hot.

  50. Let's call it a night Toots. I don't want to be responsible for the bags under your eyes.I hope Jill's party is a resounding success.I know you are proud as punch of her.

    When you look at Zach and Sam you see me and the major. They look like us more than any of the others.
    We'll all be playing ball hockey like a good Canadian family so I hope it doesn't rain. Canada is lovely in spring.

    See you at the spring fair.I'll be the one screaming her head off on the roller coaster and throwing up....HA!..Have fun..luv PIC

  51. Anonymous11:39:00 PM

    No I haven't seen them yet,The namesare on the post, one guy says Tiger is very,very good.
    YouTube has a bunch of them, after I did the post I had to go out.

  52. Anonymous11:45:00 PM

    Have a goodnight sweetie and I'll see you at the dance.

    Will you post tiger for me, thanks.
    Jill wants a rope to tie Gilly's red wagon to her bike so she can take him with her.

    Goodnite ...happiness, hugs and give Brian a kiss.


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