[Mary Josephine Ray on the top ....Daisy Bailey below] Mary Josephine Ray, a certified by by the research group as the oldest person living in the U.S. and the second oldest in the world, died early Sunday at a nursing home in Westmoreland, N. H. She was 114 years and 294 days old.Hours later, Daisy Bailey, the oldest black person in the world, died 10:03 p.m. in Detroit, Young said. Born March 30,1896, in Tennessee,she was 113 years and 342 days old, Young said.The gerontology group certified her age using two Censuses, but her family believes she was born the same day one year earlier, he added.It's sad , Young said, Mary Josephine was loking forward to 115 and Baily had a 114th birthday party coming up.
Bailey, who suffered from dementia for the last 10 yeqrs, liked to garden and spend time with friends and family, said her granddaughter and caretaker Helen Arnold. She was a sweet person, Arnold said. She just enjoyed life and people. Bailey had four [4] children and out lived them all, she was like a mother to me, said Arnold , 73.
Although Mary Josephine hadn't been feeling well in recent weeks, she recently got dressed and got into her wheelchair to give an interview to a reporter. She loved all the attention, her daughter-in-law, Barbara Ray, told the New Hampshire Union Leader.
"She just enjoyed life", her granddaughter, Katherine Ray, told the Associated Press." She never thought of dying at all. She was planning for her birthday party."
" We are going to miss her, she was a big part of our day." Trisha Moore, a licensed nursing assistant at the Maplewood County Nursing Home , told the Union Leader. Moore said Ray was pleased when a girl wrote her to ask for her autograph, when she got mail from fans, she got really excited, Moore told the newspaper.
Mary Josephine was born in Canada's Prince Edward Island on May 17, 1895. She moved to the U.S. at age 3 and lived for 60 years in Maine, she moved to Westmoreland in 2002 to be near her children. With Ray's death, the oldest living American is Neva Morris of Ames, Iowa, at 114 years and 216 days, the world's oldest person is Japan's Kama Chinen. She is 114 years, 301 days, a week older than Ray was.
The gerontology group, which studies why the oldest people live as long as they do, now has 75 validated supercentenarians worldwide -- those age 110 or older. Seventy-two are women.
My take: Maybe we should stop and take a look at these supercentenarians, they seem to have a lot in common...love for their fellow man and a great sese of humor...we all should try it maybe we can come together and save our planet, it's worth a try.
Let's hope that in fifty years that'll be your picture and mine up there. I have an awful lot to do yet and not enough time to do it.
ReplyDelete'Don't take me yet lord. I ain't finished.'
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThankyou for fixing the photos for me.
ReplyDeleteHow is everything going? I know you had a busy and happy weekend.
I am watching CSI:M, it looks like DC has put on weight or maybe he is bloated again. missed them last week.
ReplyDeleteI deleted my comment that posted twice saying hiya...
ReplyDeleteHow is Brian after his busy weekend?
Brian is asleep. The nurse said today that he looks fairly good considering what he has been through.He compplained that none of the nurses are good looking.
ReplyDeleteVery busy weekend.Busy monday too .Gonna take it easy tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteHow about you??
Oh yes...Brian is well on the road to recovery...tell you will put on your nurse uniform and look pretty for him.
ReplyDeleteBusy, dad and sis will be back Wednesday, and if we don't get some nice weather soon, I'm going bonkers.
ReplyDeleteI would like to stay in bed for two days and just sleep or stare blankly at a wall.
ReplyDeleteI guess you are full of piss and vinegar (energy)
I have to tempt Brian's appetite somehow. He had nothing to eat or drink for over two weeks and he hardly eats a mouthful.
DC don't get any better looking. Does he look like Long Shank by any chance??Is there a slight family resemblance??
Sis will probably be glad to get home to her own house.I hope she had a great time. Did they just stay in Reno or did they do a bit of travelling??
ReplyDeleteIs he sleeping in jammies or just the top??
ReplyDeleteI am so happy for you,I can feel your engery. Kick back and relax tomorrow. Get a book about cars or boats and read it to the Rock, now that will be a hoot.
I'll make a nurse's hat and wear nothing else and take his temperature.I think that would make him laugh. I don't want him to bust any staples,laughing too hard.
ReplyDeleteHe seems to be his old self again except for a moment sometimes when I see a very sad look on his face. He thinks the cancer has spread and there is so much more he wanted to do.
ReplyDeleteI think he is going to be all right but I can't convince him just yet. I think his morale will improve with time.
DC and Gil looks nothing alike, DC don't look like his daddy other kids, they are all dark. DC's sister Joyce looks like him ,their photo is on DCR second post down I think. Dad say his mama is a redhead.
ReplyDeleteBrian has always slept in the raw.Now he has a big scar that starts in the middle of his stomach and wraps around him to his back. He is a bit self conscious about it.He'll probably always wear a Tee shirt this summer till he gets used to it.
ReplyDeleteSis just went to Reno , dad had to take care of some business.
ReplyDeleteI hope you can take it easy for a couple of days, just you, Brian and Nana, that would be nice.
We have more guests tomorrow evening so I better have some wine and goodies ready.I don't think I should let them stay too late. But it's Karen and family.After what she did for Jaye I can never say no to her.
ReplyDeleteThe scar will heal in time and it will fade a bit... tell him it's not quite a month and he's doing great.I'm with you, he will be fine, he haven't finished yet.
ReplyDeleteI know it seems like a long time to him and he will have a good check-up Thursday.
It's hard for Brian to accept to be waited on, he's so used to doing things for himself.
Karen understands her dad needs his rest, I am sure Steve has told them all not to tire Brian out.
ReplyDeleteThey can visit for a while with him and he can rest and they can talk and drink a little wine, it will do all of you good.
Steve has been a 'Rock'. We will have to call him Rock'Two'.
ReplyDeleteI have to thank Dale and Barb for their support and my neighbors have been wonderful.They even wrote a note to Max, asking him if he would like to take a walk with them every day.Isn't that cute??
ReplyDeleteBarb and Dale is good friends you all go way back.. I bet Maxy would love to go for a walk with them...how cute and sweet.
ReplyDeleteI bet Brian miss Maxy.
How's Nana?? Is she still bring Brian ice cream??
ReplyDeleteBrian thinks that we should leave Maxy with the twins. They have been having such a good time with him.HE seems happy there too.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what to do.
Maxy always hated being on the boat ,even though we made him captain.Brian would like to enjoy his remaining time on the boat without Maxy begging to get off all the time.But I miss Maxy.
Nana still brings ice-cream cones.And she still nags him if he has the TV on or if he walks around too much.He rolls his eyes when he sees her coming.
ReplyDeleteHope your weather is nice,raining here now, expecting thunderstorms later.Suppose to be bad all week.
ReplyDeleteI beat you can't help laughing at them. Nana finally have someone she can boss again, she know he can't get away from her.
ReplyDeleteI know you miss Maxy...but it's a wait and see situation...when it's time to go boating things may have changed, time will tell.
Our hyperactive grandson Jason came up to see Brian from his college on the Niagara Penninsula.
ReplyDeleteJason is like someone who has had forty cups of coffee or who has taken some speed.He talks at ninety miles a minute' but he is so funny and he is learning about women. He told me he had noticed that girls don't like the nice guys as much as they like the bad boys.So he decided to stop trying to be nicey nice and just be his bad old self.Apparently he is having great success.
Have you given up on the idea of a puppy for the kids??
ReplyDeleteThe weather man just said we will continue to have mild sunny weather.We have blue cloudless skies just like summer.I don't like it.
ReplyDeleteMore people will start coming up here for holidays.We get enough American tourists...HA!
Our vet is looking into the puppy thing for us...Shit , I hope Gilly don't eat him up,he told us he found some.
ReplyDeletejason is the grand that talks so fast, he gives brian a headache.
ReplyDeleteYes...tell him girls like bad boys as long as they are nice.
56'Farenheit in Toronto.People in shirtsleeves in March, the month of the big snow storms.WTF!
ReplyDeleteThe American tourists are coming up there because our weather is the pits..HA!! We want a little sunshine too. It's so strange how the weather is acting, it's very scary.
ReplyDeleteJason needs to refine his methods a bit more but he will learn the hard way.He has a really good heart like all our kids do,so some smart young thing will see through his tough guy act.
ReplyDeleteI know this time last year, you was digging out and had about a month to go. Is mother Earth telling us something and the people in charge has their heads so far up their asses they can't see or hear what she's saying.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about Jason,he's a lot tougher than you realize, didn't I tell you the nut don't fall far from the tree, he's going to break many a heart.
ReplyDeleteI guess I have to check on Brian now.I still get nervous and think I will find he has stopped breathing. He flatlined twice in the critical care ward and he still says he can't breath when he lays down.
ReplyDeleteYou know PIC, this is a guy who was never sick a single day in his life before he had the heart attack.
I will force that fucker to get well if it's the last thing I do...HA! Just see if I don't.
I just got him broke in good.Too much effort to train another one.
See you around the old ranch buddy..Keep those knickers on.. and don't let Gilly eat any pets...Love ya... PIC
I have a post about rediscovery of
ReplyDeletesome frogs they thought was extinct
P.S. I have a great picture of a guy with his head up his own ass. I will put it on the blog.
ReplyDeleteP.P.S. Do the frog post. I love it.
ReplyDeleteTake care of your man sweetie, you will get him weel.
ReplyDeleteYou got the Rock broke in, so you will have to get him well and keep him.
sweetie, all the real men is taken, and the ones that's left is not worth shit.
I will see you on the ranch by the old fishing hole.
Goodnite...sweetie.. Luv you too....PIC
P.S. you bet I will do the post and I will just love your post.
ReplyDelete[giggles] we are greaaaaat???/