Cameron pleaded guilty to dealing crystal meth. last year while under house arrest after selling several pounds of the stuff to an informant, his girlfriend tried to smuggle in 19 bags of herion to him in an electric toothbrush. It seems safe to say the guy is in a mess. In court this week , lawyers attempted to blame Cameron's dope habits on "notoriety that is not due to any acts of his own but by dint of birth and a differcult upbring, according to a report in the New York Daily News.
According to his lawyers, Cameron "didn't benefit from his celebrity. He was hurt by it in a variety of ways, including ways in this case. The judge didn't buy it, and order that he remain in jail until he is sentence in april.
Blaming mmom and dad is a cornerstone of many psychological theories.Sigmund Freud created the notion of the Oedipus complex, a theory that states all children want to process the parent of the sex and eliminate the parent of the same sex. "GOOGLE" the phrase "blaming parents" and you get more than two billion matches, with many of the articles arguring against admonishing Mom and Dad for their foibles. Usually, the devil is in the details. Not all bad parents are created equal. Chuildren who are abused by their parents can carry psychological scars with them for the rest of their lives, especially if that abuse was of a sexual nature.
When poor people get arrested for dealing drugs, they might try to blame their circumstances. Coming from poverty isn't an excuse either, but in all fairness, it's easier to understand why someone who has no money or prospects might see the risky, yet lucrative business of selling drugs as an attractive option. Dealing drugs is a serious crime that affects people beyond the buyer and seller. No matter what's one's circumstances happens to be, slinging crack rock is a very bad idea or any try of drug for that matter. That said, which childhood do you think is the blame for a life of crime - growing up in the projects with no money or father, growing up in Beverly Hills with very famous parents?
The reason people become addicted to drugs are numerous, and often very sad. Camerson Douglas took the next step and started dealing. His attorneys are trying to defend him any way they can, but blaming his family's fame is a bad way to go. Does some of the fault lie with Michael Douglas and his ex-wife Diandra Morrell Douglas? Perhaps. But in a court of law, that shouldn't make any difference.
My spin on this mess: I guess when you're facing ten (10) years behind bars and trying to cut down to house arrest, you'll try anything. But if mom and dad didn't beat you? What if they are just....famous? Saying you are so famous that you need to sell "meth," is more than a leap. Do the crime, do the time -- no matter how many movies your father was in. But hey, that's just me.
Kicking back and keeping it real:
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