Elin is a very proud woman, and can't be bought, says a source. Elin married Tiger because she loved him and believed he loved her, but his cheating and betrayed any love she thought he had for her. Tiger humiliated and hurt her very,very deeply, she says he can pay her a billion dallors and it won't influence her final decision whether to stay or not. Elin's taking her time, making sure he's really changed, as he keeps claiming he has.
Elin's staggering "loyalty bonus" was reportly negotiated by her twin sister Josefin Lonnborg, a high-powered corporate lawyer. The stunning financial pact calls for Elin to pocket $150 million now - another $150 million if she sticks with the love cheat until 2012 ! Sources say even the promise of a staggering $300 million payoff can't pay off the betrayed blonde. She's angry, hurt and sick at heart - and she's going to keep the threat of divorce hanging over Tiger's head.
Elin, 30, and Tiger, 34, are reporteding living under the same roof in their Windermere, Fla. mansion since he completed a six week stint at a Mississippi sex-rehab clinic where Elin spent five(5) days particioating in his therapy.While Elin isn't wearing her wedding ring, the big freeze she put on Tiger after the scandal broke last Thanksgiving has thawed a bit says sources. Tiger and Elin was spotted kissing on March8. They were hugging and kissing out in the open, an eyewitness in their neighborhood tells RadarOnline.com, they've come a long way, there was a time when she wouldn't even look at him.
A source says Elin agreed to move back in to "help restart his life" and for the sake of their children, but she knows he has issues and is afraid to go near him romantically. Woods 5 year marriage and billion-dallor career exploded four months ago with the revelation he'd been having an affair with New York party girl "Rachel Uchitel . In the weeks following a bizarre early-morning episode where Tiger smashed his car into a tree, at least 19 women have revealed they, too, had affairs with the golf great. The scandal caused some of Tiger's sponsors to cancel multimillion-dallor endorsement deals and he went into a self-imposed 5-month exile from golf.
Elin's first reactin was to dump the skirt-chaser, but her sister Josefin talked her out of doing anything rash, partly out of corcern for the children. Now, even as Tiger reportly prepares to restart his golfing career, making his PGA return at the Masters on April 5, his focus is on trying to prove to Elin that he's changed his stripes, says a source. The Saga continues: updates as they become available.
My spin on the cheater: Tiger can throw all the money he wants at Elin - but the proof is in the pudding....Tiger has to earn Elin's trust again, if that's possible...Tiger has to devote himself totally to her and the kids welfare. But with 19 women .... it's going to be a long hard rocky road. I waiting to see how long he will be on tour before the scandals break out again with some more women. But hey, that's just me.
Kicking back and having fun and keeping it real.
Have you read that post on on how fat people are fat because they have different bacteria? Very interesting possibilities.
ReplyDeleteTiger will be faithful for a couple of months if Elin is real lucky. There is no way a tiger can change his stripes.
Hey PIC how is the choochie?? Humming a happy song??
Hi sweetie
ReplyDeleteHi and hello. What's new??
ReplyDeleteJust finished reading the fat post,it's amazing what make people different.
ReplyDeleteI wish you had put it on top.
The choochie is humming along with a happy song.
I woke up this morning thinking about sex and it stayed with me all day, you want to hear it?
I believe my little man has been selling his family jewels. Hahaha
ReplyDeleteYou just thought about it??You didn't do anything??
ReplyDeleteI am glad Elin is taking it slow about having sex with him, it's like putting a gun to her head..19 women.
ReplyDeleteGilly is starting a bit young isn't he??
ReplyDeleteAlthough they do like to play with their tiddles when they are his age.All my boys did.
ReplyDeleteI was trying to get a handle on why B was so moody.
ReplyDeleteThere is no way tiger can stick to one partner. It takes years of therapy and even then it's dicy.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how well he performs in bed. I don't think he's any good ,too greedy. The women don't care. They have an orgasm thinking about his money.
Gilly came home with a pocket full of change that the ladies gave him, they got in about 4pm my time.
ReplyDeleteB thinks he is going to die.
ReplyDeleteWell, there is the little blue pill,her sister is her lawyer and she will get all she can for Elin, they're twins.
ReplyDeleteOur old friend Vera is now in a coma and that doesn't help his frame of mind.She was kind to me when I was a little girl.I will grieve for her.Good kind people shouldn't have to die. They are so precious.
ReplyDeletePIC, what do you think? he will see improvement soon.
ReplyDeleteMaybe when he go for the next check-up the doctor will have good news for him.
ReplyDeleteIf Gilly just got pocket change, he is selling himself too cheap.Tell him to hold out for a couple of bucks.
ReplyDeleteI can tell he will be very handsome when he is older.Right now he is just too cute.
He is seeing the doctor tomorrow because the headache he has had for five weeks is getting much worse. I am of the opinion that the headache is due to the fact the doctor took him off his blood pressure pills while he is healing. The trouble is that has put his heart at risk and makes it possible for him to have a stroke.
ReplyDeletePoor guy is between a rock and a hard place.
I did what you told me about Gilly and put somethng in his hands. the ladies gave him change.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking about the the guy flirting I think that's why I had it on my mind all day.
It made me happy to see Brian get a little jealous. It's a sign of life.
ReplyDeleteI wish I knew something that would cheer him up, But our prayers will help in the healing process, maybe the doctors will give him some heart pills in a lower dose. I know you are afriad to give him anything.
ReplyDeleteHe know you are a highly sexual woman and he want to make you happy and can't but tell him it will happen...I know when Gil couldn't get it up, he was moody and hard to get along with.
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping that tomorrow the doctor will put him back on the blood pressure pills.If that isn't the problem then I want him to have a head xray.
ReplyDeleteThe prayers are much appreciated and I know they help.
Can you put the fat post on top when we log off?
ReplyDeleteI hope that will solve the problem...I think it will, even if it make the healing process a little slower, at least he can get some rest without the headaches.
ReplyDeleteDo men get headaches like women about sex, I know I will get one?
I can put it on top. I was going to do another post also.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what to write about, maybe something from NASA.I haven't written about the stars for a while or maybe we need another video.Something funny.
ReplyDeleteBelieve it or not it's hard to find a new joke these days. I've seen them all before.
ReplyDeletePut the fat on top of tiger and your other on the top of the fat post. I want everyone to see it I think it's very helpful.
ReplyDeleteI think men can get a headache when they are sexually frustrated.
ReplyDeleteWomen just pretend to have a headache.
You had a lot of good ones when we first started, we have new viewers and I think they will like to see them , I know I would.
ReplyDeleteHave you heard of Anthony Caruso?
Didn't you almost meet Steve McQueen in Canada?
Well you know how the "R" enjoyed using his poker.
ReplyDeleteI hope the doctor can find something to help him .
I read some of the posts women wrote to D*** when she shut her blog down. One of them said I guess there is nothing left to say about Mr Caruso. We have discussed everything,his acting style his show and everyone on it.She also said that he keeps a very low profile so there is not much gossip about him.
ReplyDeleteI also think they ran out of things to say.There is not that much to say about DC. Especially since no one was allowed to say anything bad. There was tons of bad stuff to talk about.
The valley of the penis and the choochie valley there are so many you can recycle, because they are are good.
ReplyDeleteI don't know Anthony Caruso but I did come very close to meeting Steve.
ReplyDeleteI will look through our files and see what we have.
ReplyDeleteI would read D*** comments and it seem to me they was fed up with DC.
ReplyDeleteAnthony Caruso was an western actor he's dead now, I asked dad was he related to DC and dad said maybe, it's a bunch of those Carusos.
The R's poker will recover. I have no doubt about that.Nothing keeps it down for long.
ReplyDeleteI thought his heart attack aged him fifteen years, This experience has aged him another twenty. He looks so old and haggard. It breaks my heart.But that poker will spring back to life, I'm sure.I guess it's the last thing to go.
I would love to find something on Jack , boy he's got fat.
ReplyDeleteI keep looking and I will find something soon.
Seen Abe today and he says DC has fell of the Radar and still with Amina.
Was Caruso his mother's name?
ReplyDeleteKeep the faith my friend as long as you can look into his eyes you can see his soul and how handsome a man he still is.
ReplyDeleteIt has not been 2 months yet, dad says it will take him awhile to get his strength back, it's almost like a woman going through menopause.
Caruso is his dad's name...Dad's father and Charles mama was sister and brother.
ReplyDeleteI will keep the faith and thankyou for your kind wishees.
ReplyDeleteI have to hand it to old DC. He has stayed with Amina much longer than any of us thought he would.He will dump her eventually.
Dad and Charles Caruso is first cousins, Charles was a reporter for New York Times...Tried to find him .
ReplyDeleteAbe says he will leave her in a New York minute ...he will drop her as soon as CSI:M leave the air, it might last another year.
ReplyDeleteDC has the best of both worlds, he getting everything free.
ReplyDeleteWell sweetie it's about time for you to see about the ROCK and let Maxy out for his nightly RP. hahaha
ReplyDeleteI will Google him.He might be an interesting man, a writer.
ReplyDeleteYes it's time to check on my boys. The doc has given Brian something to help him sleep.I hope he can get a good night's rest.
ReplyDeleteIt's been a blast sweetie. Make sure that boy of yours doesn't get some girl into trouble...HA!
If you see someone down the road thumbing a ride, that'll be me...See ya.. Night Toots...PIC
Don't know what I did, anyway it's all good.
ReplyDeleteHope the Rock get a goodnight's rest...sweetie it's going to get better, just takes a little time, tell him things will get better.
Goodnite and may all your dreams come true. NITE....PIC
Have a good nite lots of hugs and kisses......PIC