Put the health-care bill in the "Ambulance" and run the bill on through the House and Senate and sign the darn thing and get on to something else like ending the "war" and working on a way to put a halt on "Global Warming."
After all they are suppose to be grow-ups. Maybe we should elect children to elected offices, at least we won't be surprise at what happens.
Rich , poor or in between, everyone needs health care.
The Health care saga continues...updates as they become available:
Kicking back and keeping it real:
My sentiments exactly.Way to go.
ReplyDeleteHow's everything going?
was doing a little surfing before coming on, made a stop by D***, I hadn't been there in a while. She has a post up about Elephant in the room,it's secnd post down, take a look and tell me what you Think.
ReplyDeleteHow's the "Rock: feeling?
He's not too good.Keeps having halucinations.Too much mophine.
ReplyDeleteHe keeps hearing bagpipes and he wants to follow the Highlanders into battle.
ReplyDeleteHe can't comprehend where he is or what has happened to him.They say it is a temporary state of mind.
ReplyDeleteAt least he's safe here with us and we can reassure him that everything is all right.
We are buried here under a ton of snow and now it is raining. This will form an ice crust on the snow that is pretty treacherous.
The mophine is helping to keep the pain down, right?
ReplyDeleteThe nurse was here and she checked him all over and said he is in quite a bit of pain. He should have stayed in hospital but he begged to go home.
ReplyDeleteHe is improving a bit every day.And he does have lucid periods where he knows us all.
I can understand why he don't unstand, the poor man been through hell..I'm glad he's at home.
ReplyDeleteI think he will heal better and quicker at home, he would have worried himself in the hosiptal.
ReplyDeleteIt's better for him to have piece of mind.
They have stopped giving him morphine because it is doing a number on his mental faculties. Now we have to wait for it to clear from his system.It could take weeks for his mind to be normal again. He took quite a bad reaction to the morphine so they put him to sleep with the same anasthetic that killed MJ.But they knew how to administer it correctly.
ReplyDeleteSweetie I was so surprised to hear the "Rock" was at home and was real glad for you.
ReplyDeleteI hope the nurse is able to get through the snow to check on him .
They are real doctors...not quacks like Murray...in it just for the money.
ReplyDeleteHim mental state and health will improve as hiis body heals. I told you girl you are the glue that keeps everything together.
It's nice to speak to you again.How's your life going these days? Brilliantly I hope.
ReplyDeleteThe nurse is very nice and she is so dedicated. I really like her.She was good at calming Brian down and reassuring him.
ReplyDeleteThe Rock should never have come home. It's too soon and he is frightening me. I don't know how to handle halucinations.At least I have the nurse to rely on now.
ReplyDeleteDoes hallucinations have two LL'S?I think it does.
ReplyDeleteThat earthquake in Chile is causing tsunamis all over the world.I think I might do a post on it.
ReplyDeleteYes it has 2LL's. [giggles]
ReplyDeleteI have missed you.
ReplyDeleteWe have had a tremendous amount of snow.I had to get Steve to shovel the snow off our raised deck because the weight of it would have collapsed the deck.The neighbors have very kindly ploughed our drive and our walkways.
Maybe it's a little too soon, you know when he's hallucinations, and will be there to whole his hand.
ReplyDeleteI missed you too, but I knew you you would be back.
ReplyDeleteTelling me some nonsense about I could do this by myself...I wouldn't be here without you, and that's no joke.
One nice thing about living here is if your car gets stuck in the snow or you can't get out of your driveway ten Canadians show up out of nowhere to help you.
ReplyDeleteI have been at my best, I haven't cursed Dan's family out, I told him they had enough kids to take care of Sally.
ReplyDeleteSweetie, you have nice neighbors,
The Rock would do the same for them.
Hell if it happens here maybe some one will help, most would peek out their windows. It sounds like a wonderful place to live, maybe that's why all I've met is so friendly.
ReplyDeleteDid you know that six grams of vitamin c a day will stop your arteries from clogging up and prevent heart attacks. And it's good for your skin too and helps prevent cancer because it is an anti oxidant.
ReplyDeleteIt also helps healing and the nurse recommended I give it to Brian to heal his incision which is huge.
Do a post on the earthquake, it has a bunch of photos, a man jumped 13 stories with his daughter in his arms and lived.
ReplyDeleteAll your other posts is still in drafts.
How is Sally? Did her family take the hint? And did you keep your temper??
ReplyDeleteAnd is Sis back from her holiday in Reno?? Is she feeling better??
How are the kids?? Is Gilly saying any new words??I bet those two girls are growing like weeds.
ReplyDeleteNo I didn't know that about vitamin c but I drink a lot of orange juice.
ReplyDeleteFor some stupid reason Nana moved the snowblower right behind my SUV in the garage. I could not see it out of the rear window when I backed out of the garage so I backed into it and pushed it halfway down the drive. I got out to see what was making so much noise behind the car and found the blower stuck under the bumper.
ReplyDeleteCost of blower $1000 dollars
Cost of bumper $1000 dollars
Thanks Nana. Maybe she wanted me to run over it and is sitting in her room rubbing her little hands together and cackling with joy.
Sis is still in Reno, Dad has a large house there with caretakers living on the grounds.
ReplyDeleteSally is doing okay and their family is seeing about her.
The girls is growing and getting into every thing, I will be glad when they can go outside.
Gilly don't say shit now he says oh baby, the little bugger is a laugh a minute.He can do some funny shit.
Nana has been very good with Brian since we brought him home. She brings him things and she has sat with him when I have to go out.
ReplyDeleteI think she misses their fighting and arguing.
Nana is a strong little lady. Maybe she didn't know she was putting it in the wrong place, maybe if you tell her she will have them repaired. I hope so.
ReplyDeleteKids need to be running outside and having fun and freedom. They get cranky being in the house all the time.
ReplyDeleteI think I would lose my heart to Gilly.
Nana wants Brian to get well, she enjoyed her fights with him, she knows you just ignores her and won't fuss, so you are no fun to fight with.
ReplyDeleteNana love Brian .
Jakey was sick recently and had to stay home from school so he spent hours and hours writing a book for his Guppa with pictures and puzzles in it and a story starring Guppa as a Ninja hero.He is a darling.
ReplyDeleteMaxy has been living with the twins since Brian was in hospital. He sleeps with one then the other. He loves Jakey the most and likes to chew up his stuffed toys.Sammy has invented a board game that is quite brilliant.Sammy looks so much like the major.
Alan's daughter called me to see how Brian was and she went up to visit him. I was touched by that.
Gilly like ladies. He tells you pee and you put him on the potty and the next thing you know, he's up and running his naked butt and grinning.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Sis is better. About time someone took care of her and pampered her.
ReplyDeleteI hope Nan and family are all enjoying good health.
That is happy news , she went to sit with Brian, maybe dear friend this will bring everyone together, I think the day will be soon,sometime it takes something drastic to bring everyone together.
ReplyDeleteI know you are right proud of Jakey he is a thinker and both twins are handsome, Sammy has a clift in his chin, I like them on the post with the snowman.
Gilly sounds like a darling and lots of fun.He will keep you young.
ReplyDeleteAnd your girls are beautiful, each in a different way.
Nan and family is doing fine, I haven't seen her since she been back, I left her a note that Brian was home.
ReplyDeleteI bet that was a good story Jakey wrote, that boy has writing and drawing in his blood.
Now we have to figure out what Sammy going to do.I think Sammy's going to be in sports. What you think?
Sha is pretty in a miss prim way,she likes dresses.
ReplyDeleteMy little angel is all tom-boy with a devil may care . Jill do look like you with those mischievous eyes. Just give her a pair pants and she ready for whatever. Jill's hair is curly. your hair is curly too...huh?
D*** says Friday will be her last day, she has a post up ahbot "Elephant in the room, it's the second one down, I also read her comments on that post, take a look and tell me what you think.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad we are not a one trick pony....if we were, when you had to see about Brian, I wouldn't know what to write about,I am so gald we write about wharever that strikes our fancy.
My hair has a little kink.I was all tomboy too.The more daring the better.Jill is my kind of kid.
ReplyDeleteI have to go Sweetie I have to check Brian and give him some meds.
I'll see you on the other side of the snowbank around the corner....Love PIC
Keep beating that Gator.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I'll check D***'s
ReplyDeleteSee you later sweetie..
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed you....but Brian comes first...I am so happy for you and he will be himself real soon, just keep the faith..
Goodnite...sweet dreams...PIC
I am beating the shit out of the gator..Nite...Love and haugs...