Tsunami waves of up to 1.5 meters (5 feet) hit far-flung Pacific regions from the Russian far east and Japan to New Zealand's Chatham Islands on Sunday after a powerful earthquake struck Chile, but there were no reports of injuries or serious damage.
Hundreds of thousands of residents in Japan, New Zealand, the Philippines and Russia's Kamchatka were told to evacuate after one of the world's strongest quakes in a century hit Chile on Saturday, killing more than 300 people. Japanese officials had warned that tsunami waves of 3 meters or more could strike the country's Pacific coast and ordered or advised around 630,000 households to evacuate.
A tsunami hit beaches in eastern Australia but there were no initial reports of damage. Officials issued an alert for most of the east coast and eastern parts of the island state of Tasmania, but said there were no concerns about major inundation. The Philippines canceled a tsunami alert on the eastern seaboard after the threat dissipated.
Hawaii dodged serious damage on Saturday when a tsunami merely lapped ashore, although residents were warned to stay away from coastal areas because the ocean could remain unsettled for several more hours.
Hundreds of thousands of residents in Japan, New Zealand, the Philippines and Russia's Kamchatka were told to evacuate after one of the world's strongest quakes in a century hit Chile on Saturday, killing more than 300 people. Japanese officials had warned that tsunami waves of 3 meters or more could strike the country's Pacific coast and ordered or advised around 630,000 households to evacuate.
"I feel the power of nature. The tsunami is coming from thousands of kilometers away," said Akio Yone, a 70-year-old retired fisherman, as he watched from high ground on a chilly, windy evening on the outskirts of Sendai, northern Japan.
The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) put the country's highest tsunami at 1.2 meters in the port of Kuji, northeast Japan. Smaller waves hit a swathe of the country from the small island of Minamitori 1,950 km (1,200 miles) south of Tokyo to Hokkaido island in the north.
The JMA later downgraded its warning of a "major tsunami" to a tsunami of around 2 meters.
The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) put the country's highest tsunami at 1.2 meters in the port of Kuji, northeast Japan. Smaller waves hit a swathe of the country from the small island of Minamitori 1,950 km (1,200 miles) south of Tokyo to Hokkaido island in the north.
The JMA later downgraded its warning of a "major tsunami" to a tsunami of around 2 meters.
Japan is no stranger to tsunamis. In 1896, a magnitude 8.5 earthquake and tsunami left more than 22,000 dead in northeastern Japan. Another of magnitude 8.1 hit the same region in 1933, killing 3,064. In May 1960, a tsunami struck the coasts of Hokkaido and other northern Pacific coastal areas after an earthquake in Chile, killing around 140 people. Since then, many harbors have had sea gates installed to try to protect from tsunami and storms. Tadao Saito, 77, recalled the 1960 tsunami as he pointed to the sea from high ground in a coastal town near Sendai.
"At that time we could see the bottom of the sea," he said. "A lighthouse was pushed over, and lumber and barrels were washed away, and the wave was very fast. But compared with that, it is a small wave today."
"At that time we could see the bottom of the sea," he said. "A lighthouse was pushed over, and lumber and barrels were washed away, and the wave was very fast. But compared with that, it is a small wave today."
The first waves to hit New Zealand were reported at the remote Chatham Islands, around 800 kilometers (500 miles) east of New Zealand, with surges of up to 1.5 meters measured, the Civil Defense Ministry said. A resident on one of the smaller islands in the group, Pitt, said the surges were continuing and getting bigger.
"The bay empties right out. It takes about a minute and a half and then it surges back in, in about the same amount of time," Bernadette Malinson told Radio New Zealand. "The surges have been getting bigger -- at least 2 meters at present."
Authorities in Russia's far eastern Kamchatka region lifted a tsunami alert after a series of small waves appeared to cause no damage, a spokeswoman for the Emergencies Ministry said.
"The bay empties right out. It takes about a minute and a half and then it surges back in, in about the same amount of time," Bernadette Malinson told Radio New Zealand. "The surges have been getting bigger -- at least 2 meters at present."
Authorities in Russia's far eastern Kamchatka region lifted a tsunami alert after a series of small waves appeared to cause no damage, a spokeswoman for the Emergencies Ministry said.
A tsunami hit beaches in eastern Australia but there were no initial reports of damage. Officials issued an alert for most of the east coast and eastern parts of the island state of Tasmania, but said there were no concerns about major inundation. The Philippines canceled a tsunami alert on the eastern seaboard after the threat dissipated.
Hawaii dodged serious damage on Saturday when a tsunami merely lapped ashore, although residents were warned to stay away from coastal areas because the ocean could remain unsettled for several more hours.
It was an earthquake that sent shockwaves around the world. It seems that the planet is trying to shake itself apart. Is it something we're doing?? Or maybe it's something we're not doing.
Sorry, didn't know where to post this. DoJo is finally closing down her ridiculous blog. For more info, see http://tinyurl.com/yaxb9vv
ReplyDeleteThanks Anonymous
ReplyDeleteYou posted it in the right place.
DoJo blog was a one trick pony, as you see we talk about everything.
The good the bad and the ugly.
We will be looking to hear more from you.
As you see we never stay on subject, we have a sense of humor and you are welcome to join us whenever you want to.
Thanks again for the update,looking to hear more from you.
ReplyDeleteHope the Rock is feeling a little better. Nana is a great babysitter for you and a big help to you.
ReplyDeleteNana comes to see Brian a couple of times a day and brings him a frozen yogurt cone, which he loves.
The last one had a Hershey's kiss on the top. That is as close to a kiss as he will ever get from Nana, who doesn't admit that she likes anyone. The Rock is better today.He's talking and has lost that chalky complexion he had. He remembers very little of his experience since he was kept pretty much unconscious most of the time.
People have been bugging me all week to come and see him. The phone got so bad I turned it off.We decided to have an open house on Saturday so everyone could come at once and get it over with.When Brian gets tired we will just put him to bed and they can stay or go, whatever.
Max is happy at J's house and the boys love him so he will stay there a while. They spent their allowance on toys for him so he is having fun.
How about that D***? Why is she closing ? Is she disenchanted with her hero?? Is he too old and decrepid for her taste now?? Maybe she has a new hero now.
See ya ,past the corn field and left of the pasture...PIC
ReplyDeleteI was so glad to hear from you. Just to know everything is going well.
Nana loves taking care of Brian and she's doing a darn good job...she knows what he likes and she is being so sweet to him. She misses him and want's him to get well.
What good news,his color is coming back, I know you are so happy.
Yes' it would be a good idea to let them all visit at once, I know they all wants to see him and he would like to see them to.But in small doses my dear, it hasn't been a month since he had major surgery and he don't have his full strength back yet,don't worry, he will get it back ,but slowly. I know they wouldn't tire him out because you won't let them, but it will be good for all concern for everyone to see him because he's much loved.
Maxy is having the time of his life, he has the twins and a big dog to see to his every need.
Remember you told me : your Brian was a tough guy and sweetie the "ROCK" is showing everyone just how tough he is, I am truly happy for you and your family.
I am also happy for Nana, she will have her buddy back fussing with her very soon.
Thankyou for the update ...
I am in the pea patch right now but I will see you around the bend.....Hugs&kisses...PIC
[giggles] What about that one trick pony D***.
ReplyDeleteShe couldn't get a rise out of us or Sharon to keep her blog going, you can't keep things going with a D-List actor that's flys under the radar, and is a farty-shit-head.
I went to the blog that anonymous left us and it had D*** pegged just right.
I think she's a little crazy too.We knew Heidi was sick from the very beginning...what's D*** excuse.
I know one thing our men wouldn't put up with that shit 2 weeks, let along 2 years.
What I got from D*** she rather live in a fairy land than in her own life,she is a sad and confused person.
I like our blog, when you come here you never know what you will find.
Sweetie when you have a little time check out the blog anonymous left us.
See you soon...oh damn here comes that damn gator.
Have a good one and enjoy the "ROCK"........PIC