The noise was so loud and strange, even over the telephone, that police in Bochum in western Germany decided to send a patrol car around to investigate.
The officers traced the noise to her bedroom. It sounded like someone was trying to drill through the wall at the back of her wardrobe. They appoached cautiously, then daringly, and with the homeowners permission, one of the officers opened the wardrobe. He then gently eased open a drawer, where the noise seemed loudest. He carefully poked around in her lingerie and pulled out a very personal, battery operated object, her vibrator, which had somehow turned itself on and was rattling against the side of the drawer.
The officer handed the very red faced lady her property, politely wished her a nice evening, winked at her and left.
Jeez Louise, it'll take a while for her to live that down. She'll be the town joke for a week or two. I hope she wasn't the town librarian or Sunday school teacher.
ReplyDeleteJust dropped in to say have a great weekend and I know the party will go well .
Don't keep him up to long, tell them to enjoy themselves and Brian will be back kicking up his heels with them.
I know you have a lot to do getting ready for tomorrow, and getting the "ROCK" his meds.
I bet the lady was red-faced and might not go out for a month or so, I know I wouldn't show my face for a while, after they found my dangerous toy in a draw. Boy, I wouldn't want to be her.
ReplyDeleteHow are you honey?
I was glad to hear Brian was at home I know it may be hard for a while but you have him at home and don't have to travel in the bad weather.
You have our prayers Brian hads a speedy recover your friend.
Sorry I missed you PIC. I was busy writing you a letter under the top post.
ReplyDeleteI was glad to Brian is at home. that's a good thing you don't have to travel in this bad weather.
I am continuing to pray he has a speedy recover. Your friend.
I am still here.
ReplyDeleteThankyou Nan.
ReplyDeleteWe are taking one day at a time. Some days are good and some are bad.He can still crack a good joke now and then so I know he's trying to come back to us.
The nurse is fairly pleased with Brian's progress.
I'll see you around the old blog.Your auntie is doing such a great job...Hugs...J.
Hey PIC.
ReplyDeleteHow's the weather in that swampy,gator ridden place??
ReplyDeleteJeannie and Nee
ReplyDeleteWhat happen I rewrote my comment and it didn't appear so I wrote another one and lo and behold both showed up now that's a hoot.
Hi sweetie, nothing going on right now.
ReplyDeleteSo glad to know Brian is doing better.
ReplyDeleteA lot of weird cyber things happen on the blog sometimes Nan. There is no explanation.
ReplyDeleteAWwwwww shit, I just trying to do what you tell me, I may never be a writer, but thanks to you I am doing the best I can, and that's what matters.
ReplyDeleteIf you get too bored PIC, there's too much happening up here for me to handle. I could use an able assistant.
ReplyDeleteBecause of our new 'Privacy act'I have been having a devil of a time handling Brian's financial matters.Even a spouse does not have complete access without a written consent. Brian couldn't give me a written consent to act in his behalf because he was unconscious. They never thought of that.So I have been tangled in red tape all week.
Jakey goes to the hemotologist on Monday and we will find out if he can be a test subject for the new cure. We were told not to get our hopes up but we are anyway.It would be so exciting to see that little boy with rosy cheeks and a sparkle of good health in his eyes.
ReplyDeleteThat gator will not bother me again I got my skillet and he hauled ass.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteI know you can;t stay on long you have to get The Rock his meds and you need some rest for the party tomorrow.
How's Nana doing? I know she still taking care of Brian. Nana will be lad when he get up so she can have someone to fuss with.
Maxy has settled in at J's and keeps stealing the kids snacks when they leave them on the floor. He ate a huge peanut butter sandwich of Sammy's and had a swollen belly all day and had peanut butter all over his face.He thinks all food on the floor must be his.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know when Jakey would go but we have been praying for him before Brian got sick. Jakey just has to be accepted in the program, he has so much to give the world.
ReplyDeleteI do beleive he will be accepted, think positive and have faith, it's got to happen, your family needs to have something good happen for you.
Nana is okay. She had dizzy spells today so I did her shopping for her. She goes in Brains room and turns his TV off all the time telling him it isn't good for him. He turns it on as soon as she leaves. She brings him ice cream cones all the time.
ReplyDeleteMaxy is just like a child, I know you miss him a lot. Did he take his new bed? Maxy will miss his "RPP" this spring and the rabbits will miss him.
ReplyDeleteNana's hobby is complaining. If it isn't about the gocery packers squashing her bread then it's about the strawberries being too mushy or any number of things . If she never said a word when I brought her groceries in, I would know something was wrong with her.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Brian is going to get well real soon just so he can hide from Nana. She is a sweetheart.
ReplyDeleteYou don't want Nee's musty butt up there, she's to bossy, but she will get the job done.You don't need two Nanas.
Maxy took his new bachelor pad with him and is always cosy in it.He likes to arrange his own blanket.
ReplyDeleteRabbit poop season is always a treat.
I will miss Nana when she leaves us.She is a lady who will leave a big impression on everyone who knew her.
Maybe real soon Brian will be able to get 8 hours sleep, but you know he is doing good, it haven't been a month since his surgery.
ReplyDeleteJeez Louise, if there were two Nanas I'd shoot myself.
ReplyDeleteGirl, you are a lot like Nana, she taught you well, Just think what a strong little Jeannie she raised.
ReplyDeleteJust say when you have to see about Brian and give him his meds, it's great to hear he's joking.
I have to wake the poor guy up now to give him his heart meds and something for his pain.
ReplyDeleteSo,ladies it was very nice to be in your company for a while .I sure have missed it and I hope to have more time to chat in the future. Bless you both for caring about us. See you soon; be well and happy....PIC
Nan I'm not bossy, I just tell people where to get off and if they don't like it hot-shit. You see I didn't have any trouble out of Dan's kids.
ReplyDeleteTake care of your man... get him well and we can hang anytime.
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend and a great party see you soon.
Love and hugs.....Goodnite....PIC
Goodnight Jeannie
ReplyDeleteYour friend Nan