I came so close to losing you my love, my heart, my life,
I knew not how I'd grieve for you when I became your wife.
I felt as if the sun was gone completely from the sky,
I felt as if my world would end when I believed you'd die.
A miracle somehow occurred; the spark of life survived.
The strength of your bright spirit brought you back to me, alive.
I rejoice at your recovery; my gratitude knows no bounds.
I will never take for granted the gift of time we've found.
May we never have regrets.
May we never waste a day.
May we find joy till our sun sets
And our souls are called away.
From Jeannie, with love.
ReplyDeleteThat's so beautiful and I know it's from the heart.
Have you showed it to Brian [your Rock]?
I can't help but cry , but it's tears from happiness.
Is Nee in the 'hood???
ReplyDeleteI guess Nee has left the building.
Thankyou very much folks,
and Goodnight.
Oh Hi!I thought I was mistaken and you had gone on your holiday already.
ReplyDeleteBrian saw my poem and he cried.
I am hear
ReplyDeleteBeautiful beautiful. Brian isn't the only one crying.
Your tough PIC is crying .
You are so very talented we are so happy for you.
PIC, we are so very lucky to have found true love and Brian is a hunk.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you guys like my poem.
ReplyDeleteIt's how I feel right now.
We will leave on holiday early in the morning, the weather is kinda nice, at least it's not raining.
ReplyDeleteI told Brian you think he is a hunk PIC. Did he ever grin.You made his day.
ReplyDeleteYou have always felt that way about the Rock...
ReplyDeleteBut it do make you feel so helpless to see them sick/hurt and not able to help.
Whats so nice about it , Brian feels the same about you.
Tell him I got me an older man on the my second time around, they know how to treat a good woman.
ReplyDeleteYes PIC.It's the feeling helpless that is the hardest part.
ReplyDeleteI sure hope you have nice weather for your holiday. Our nice weather ended in a rainy day but they say it will be nice again by Sunday.
I think we have more company tomorrow. I wish they would stay away and give us one quiet day alone. Even today we had company between appointments and shopping.
I hope they don't stay to long.
ReplyDeleteBrian is healing nicely, what he need is peace and quiet.
I know they mean well and happy he's better. But he needs rest.
Those older men sure do know how to treat women. They have all that experience and practice. And I find they have more respect for women than younger men.They are also stronger and have deeper feelings.
ReplyDeleteYou chose well.So did I.
I guess Nan has been with her man so long that he is older and wiser by now.She just got him broke in really good. Make sure no one steals him Nan.
ReplyDeleteI don't think people understands how hard it is on you also.
You need time to heal mentally for all you have endured while worrying about Brian. You still have the worry and pain of taking care of him until he's able to do it by himself.
If someone stole James they would bring him back so fast it would make your head spin. He's worst then gilly spoiled rotten.
ReplyDeleteI will check on you next week while Nee is away.
I think Gil would hide under the bed. He will be good or I will whip his musty butt.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteIf James is spoiled Nan,It's all your doing.You must love him a lot.
ReplyDeleteYou are right, it has been very stressful and it is also stressful to entertain and feed people every day when you are nursing a very sick person.
Brian has had a very good day, the best yet. He is stronger and he has some healthy color in his face.
ReplyDeleteThings are definitely looking up.And it's almost spring, the most beautiful time in Canada. Lots to be happy about.
You keep him in line Nee. He knows all about the iron skillet.He wouldn't like history to repeat itself.
ReplyDeleteI do love James. It may sound corny but he is my first and only lover or should I say he got my cherry.
ReplyDeleteThat's what Brian need is peace and quiet and so do you.
He is so devilish I have to buck at him every once in a while, he forgets who I am and try to get bossy and that won't work here.
ReplyDeleteNot corny, very romantic.
ReplyDeleteOh yes NAN, we wanted to get our cherry busted, but was scared,Sis would have beat the shit out of us.[giggles]
ReplyDeleteYou can hold your own PIC. Don't let anyone boss you. You can be a tough cookie when you have to be.I've been around you long enough to know that.
ReplyDeleteTo give Shank credit, he always feels he is doing it for your own good.
You went ahead and got cherry-busted, beating or not. As I recall, that put an end to your thoughts of a religious calling.
ReplyDeleteThe first time around, my friend and I thought sex was not all it was cracked up to be. It was sore and messy.
ReplyDeleteI have no idea why I tried it again.
I went ahead and married my first lover and frankly the sex did not improve a heck of a lot.
ReplyDeleteLater( after the divorce) I found out it could be very nice.
ReplyDeleteI am so happy to hear Brian is doing better each day. I saw where you said the doctors was pleased.
I will check on you next week.
Just leave me a message when and what time. I check each evening.
I will say goodnight now.
Goodnight Nan. I hope to chat with you soon.
ReplyDeleteYes I did try it and it hurt, didn't know why all the fuss about it.
ReplyDeleteMy first was so, so and after 5/6 months in L.A. it was far to none.
I better do my nursing duty for the last time tonight.And let Maxy chase the little doe out of my back yard. While Maxy was away the deer came every day and every evening. One night two little does slept under the evergreen in the back yard.It was so sweet.They won't do that now that the brat is back.
ReplyDeleteIf Brian get tired with all the compay, put him to bed and hope they take a hint.
ReplyDeleteAs Nan says you need some rest too.
Maxy lets them know he's the boss.
ReplyDeleteTake care of your men and Maxy will always be a brat.
I will see you when I get back, take care and tell the Rock to take it easy.
Goodnite...See you later...PIC
hug your hunk sweetie. ..Nite
I guess I won't see you until next week honey. I hope you have a wonderful holiday and come home safe and sound. Seize the day and enjoy every moment. Drive safe....God Bless... lots of love ...PIC