Singer-actress Vanessa Paradis , 37, was fuming when she discovered her man was going to kiss and embrace a naked Angie, say sources. The 34-year-old screen siren is notorious for snaring her leading men, like current lover Brad Pitt, who was married to sitcom superstar Jennifer Aniston when they met on the set of Mr. & Mrs. Smith.
The mom of Johnny's two children was reportedly so upset she told him he had to pull out of the multimillion-dallor movie, "The Tourist." Vanessa was apparently incandescent with rage, says a set insider, it appears she didn't know a love scence was involved until the final stages of preparation. I've no idea if Johnny had tried to hide this part of the plotline from her, or how she found out, but when she realized what was going on, Vanessa hit the roof.
It's no wonder Vanessa was spooked . In the thriller , Johnny plays an American visitor to Italy who's seduced by sexy interpool agent Angie when he catches her naked in the shower. According to the script , Johnny lifts Angie and kisses her passionately as she wraps her legs around him .
But Johnny was,46, was reportedly so shaken by Vanessa's anger, he begged the producers to let him out of the movie, says a source. The bigwigs were so convinced that Johnny was going to leave, they began considering replacing him with Brad Pitt or Leonardo DiCaprio, says sources.
The Pirates of the Caribbean star was finally talked into staying and filming began at the end of last month. He and Angie were recently spotted laughing and joking on set at the Palazzo Moretta in Venice. Johnny's pals believe Angie's reputation for twisting her co-stars around her finger had Vanessa in a tizzy.
The Lara Croft beauty hooked up with - later married - Billy Bob Thornton after shooting scenes with him when he was still engaged to actress Laura Dern. She later found love with co-star Brad Pitt, who is the father of her children. In 1997, Lolie Jolie hooked up with Jerry hall's hubby Mick Jagger when she appeared in the video "Anybody Seen My Baby," according to a new book on the screen vixen.
A Jolie source insists Angie and Johnny's relationship is a purely professional one. I'm sure that neither of them will allow themselves to be distracted from focusing on this very important project...to be continued as updates become available.
My spin : Well Angie is up to her old tricks...we all know Angie is a maneater. But don't think she will have an easy time with Depp..# Johnny loves his family # Vanessa is no Jennifer Aniston, Vanessa is no pushover and she will not give up her man without a fight and just hand him over to Angie like Jen did Brad...Where's Brad you ask, why he's at home playing Mr. Mom.
Kicking back and keeping it real:
I don't trust Angie any farther than I could throw her. She has to prove to herself over and over that she can get any man.Maneater is the correct term honey.
ReplyDeleteHi PIC
ReplyDeleteHope you're feeling better and getting a little rest.
How is Brian and Nana? Did you go to the birthday party?
Beautiful weather ,Gilly and I stayed outside and watch the men put up their swing and gym sets.
Made all the pies, one pie just last a day here, don't have many leftovers.
I think she has met her match with Vanessa, I hear she will mix it up.
ReplyDeleteYou and I both know... you don't have to throw yourself at a man.
ReplyDeleteI think Johnny really loves Vanessa. You know Angie rocks both ways.
Brian having a bad day. Nana is having a good day. I went to the birthday party and had a good time. Glad I went.
ReplyDeleteI'm so pleased your weather ha picked up. Ours is turning cold. The kids will love the swing set.You'll be out there all the time pushing Gilly on the baby swing.
Angie is a little disgusting.Can't keep her choochie in her pants with men or women.I would not trust her if I was Brad.
ReplyDeleteShe will make a play for Johnny.
The party was like a dose of meds for you, Brian's surgery is a heavey load on you too, and to get out once in a while is good for you.
ReplyDeleteI will have my little man pushing me on the swing, dad says he will get him another sand box here.
If she makes a play for Johnny, it won't be like with Brad, Vanessa ism't going to just hand him over.
ReplyDeleteBrad may be glad if Johnny take her off his hands.
My headache is better but Brian's headache is worse.
ReplyDeleteMine was caused by the trees budding.It doesn't usually happen this early in the season.
We don't know why Brian still has a headache.He's had it since he got home.I think I'll call the doctor tomorrow.
He's doing poorly.
The party did me a lot of good even though it was for a couple of hours only.It was nice to get out of the house and go to a nice restaurant.
Little boys love sand boxes. Dad will have it so full of toys ou won't see the baby.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately with the twins, they always threw sand in each other's eyes and they ended up screaming their heads off.
Gilly will spend tomorrow with his daddy at his office, Gil says he may as well start learning the ropes, shit that man is crazy as hell.
ReplyDeleteYou were right about that party and having some girl time. I've been stuck in the house nursing Brian and Nana or entertaining his visitors for a month.It was so great to have a little freedom I felt guilty.
ReplyDeleteDo you think Brian left the hosiptal to soon?
ReplyDeleteYes, you should call the doctor,they will be able to give him something.
You and Steve will have to do whats best for him.
He is in such a negative mood all the time.He thought he would bounce back. Now he thinks the cancer has started in other places. I have watched quite a few of my loved ones suffer with cancer.I dread the thought. But I think his worst enemy is his heart.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I didn't mean to be such a whiner.
One of Brian's guys from work was giving me the eye the other day and Brian was getting annoyed. I thought that was a good sign. If you were dying you wouldn't give a damn.
He was a cute guy though...Mmmm.
You don't have to wear panties to our garden party. One of the house rules is 'no panties allowed'.
ReplyDeleteBackless, see through dresses are okay.Topless is okay.
Men can go without pants but they must wear shirts and ties.And of course wear bells on their dangles.
PIC...I don't want to hear the guilty talk...you have to get away from your problems a little while, in that way you will draw strength from others.
ReplyDeleteHaven't you heard the old saying....when you are down in the dumps..go shopping and buy something pretty?
ReplyDeleteGirl you still got it, tell Brian he has no worries.
ReplyDeleteThat's what I think is his heart worse enemy also.Brian has always been a robust man...just bear with him, he's feeling helpless and sorry for himself.
As a matter of fact I have to do a little shopping for the twins' birthday.They want technical things.
ReplyDeleteWhatever happened to them? They used to loves airplanes and dump trucks.At least Jakey still likes books.
Jakey wrote three books all stapled neatly together and with lots of pictures to entertain his Guppa while he has to stay in bed.
ReplyDeleteThe twins came home from Bio's sick and exhausted. Sammy caught Jakey's cold and they were both coughing their lungs out.Bio was annoyed that they were sick because it spoiled their holiday together.
I hope Sis is in good health and Nan is good also.Do Nan's kids live close by??
ReplyDeleteI bet you don't want your kids moving far away from you.If they do they better keep their guest room ready because you or Gil will be visiting often.
Holiday my ass... if Bio had any sense about beening a parent they wouldn't be sick.
ReplyDeleteThat was so sweet of Jakey, I bet Guppa really enjoyed it.
The twins are growing up...and soon old Bio will be left behind, and then the bastard will really be along.
Jordan is doing well at university. She has never been away from home before but she picked a school far from Hamilton.
ReplyDeleteHer mom wanted her to go to McMaster in Hamilton. That's where she went to school.It's a great university and teaching hospital.
Jordan was going to a formal dance Sunday night and she borrowed a scarf and a fur stole from me. I hope she had fun.
Yes nan's daughter lves around the corner on the backside of Sis and her son is in Iraq.
ReplyDeleteSis is doing good.
That's one reason I told Gil I wasn't moving away, because my family is here and all he has out there is cousins and dad's house..if I was in Reno and got sick there's no one to see about my babies and Nan will not let me take Sha to Reno to live.
I think you are right PIC. Bio will become less important as the twins get older. I sense it happening right now.He is taking a back seat as they become more involved with their friends and their sports. Jakey is in the chess club and apparently he is a whizz at it. He is becoming a typical geek.He is immature for his age though.
ReplyDeleteI can just hear it in your voice how proud you are of all your kids.
ReplyDeleteThe twins will be 12 this year and Bio may be in for a rude awaking, they will start to wonder about girls and have little time for him, I think Sammy is getting fed up with him.
I wonder if you are right and Brad would be pleased if someone would take Angie off his hands.He doesn't want to appear as the bad guy leaving a wife and six kids but if she left him, all the public sympathy would be for him. He would be the nice guy and she would be the bitch.
ReplyDeleteOh happy day...hooray for the twins..let Jakey be a geek and Sammy in sports.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry Jakey may be a little slow in maturing but when his poker starts to rise he will know what to do with it.[giggles]
I hope the twins summer be so full with activities when he want them they will tell BIO they have other plans, Sammy has already pulled away.
ReplyDeleteThe boys will only be eleven on April the fifth. They are learning about the reproductive system and Sam doesn't like the whole process.
ReplyDeleteJakey is finding it sort of interesting.
You are right. If you move to Reno you are cutting yourself and the kids off from family. And I don't think that Jill would take well to giving up Sha.The kids are settled and happy with their present situation and I know they love having lots of family around.
Brad don't have to worry...she will leave him one way or the other that's one woman incapable of true love,Angie always do the leaving. No matter how the bricks fall Brad will come out smelling like a rose, he's always been a gentleman and Angie a slut.
ReplyDeleteYour kids just have to get through highschool and then they can go out of state for university.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to believe your school system is bad.
However I have an article in drafts about a town which is having budget cuts at a highschool. So they are cutting back on the art and music courses so that they don't have to cut back on football. WTF?
I told him I wasn't leaving my family and he says he wants his kids to grow up with a lot of love.
ReplyDeleteDidn't Sammy say the little girl worm fell off and it was disgusting.
Now Jakey on the other hand just may be a horny little devil.[giggles]
We had a good school system until Katrina and some of the schools are still o.k. but education is far down the line.
ReplyDeleteThe Casinos was voted in and their tax money was to go to police/fireman/education. It's all over the U.S.
I think you will win this one hands down. Your hubby will see the light.The kids'happiness is all that matters at the end of the day.
ReplyDeleteYes, Sam thinks girls look like mutants without dangles. Jakey on the other hand is curious and would like to know more.He asked me a couple of years ago what boobies were for. He did not see any good reason for having them.He thought they would get in the way all the time.
Well sweetie, it's about time for you to see about the ROCK and let maxy out for his nightly RP.
ReplyDeleteYes, I've been leaving Brian sleep a bit longer the last few days because he seems to wake up by himself around 12 o'clock for a drink and I 've been giving him his meds then.
ReplyDeleteSo I must leave you until we meet again. I enjoy a good girl talk with you. It's a pleasure for me.....We'll meet again in the meadow full of daisies....Goodnight..luv PIC
Post Script: The daffodils are pushing up green shoots already.
ReplyDeleteI know the twins are a joy to you and Brian.
ReplyDeleteI learn something new each day with my babies...they can say some amazing things. I asked sis if I said things like they do and she said Jill is just like me, only look like her daddy.
PPS: I hope Gilly has a great time with his dad at work tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteLet me know if there's a white "Daffodils" in the bunch and if so tell the "MAJOR" hello for me.
ReplyDeleteGoodnite sweetie and I enjoy you as always...
Hugs...kisses and may all your dreams come true.